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本文依据生理学和心理学的规律,阐述了女子足球运动员选材应采用经验选材与科学选材相结合的方法。女子足球运动员选材的主要内容包括:1.年龄因素。根据足球运动的特点(即一名运动员技术水平达到较为成熟的阶段需10年左右的时间),我们认  相似文献   

多年来,血型与体育运动的关系这个问题一直为国内外体育科研人员的关注,通过大量的调查研究,发现血型不但与人的体质、气质和运动能力都有密切的关系,而且和运动项目有一定的关系。我们知道人类的遗传因素对运动员选材有至关重要的意义,而血型的遗传度是100%,且遗传特征稳定。所以我们对一部分足球运动员进行了调查,以探讨足球运动员及各位置的血型分布,为足球运动员的选材和定向发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着女子足球运动在世界范围的再度兴起,当代女子足球运动正朝着“速度越来越快,对抗越来越激烈”的趋势发展,因而对女子足球运动员的要求更高了,更全面了。象其它体育项目一样,现在要想在世界女足大赛中夺取桂冠,除了靠良好的训练条件和多年系统科学方法训练外,还要靠训练对象的身体条件。实践证明,注重科学选材是十分必要的。应该挑选那些最富有体育天才,热爱足球运动,意志品质好,头脑清醒,又有一定足球技术基础,确有培养前途的女少年作后备力量培养。笔者根据本人多年从事足球运动实践和足球教学与训练工作实践,结合襄阳、武汉、荆州、沙市等地市少年女子足球运动员选材资料,针对足球运动对抗性强,竞争激烈,强度大和持续时间长等特点,对少年女子足球运动员的选材,谈点粗浅之见,供参改。  相似文献   

根据女子足球运动员的生理特征和现代女子足球运动发展趋势,对女子足球运动员的主要身体素质进行了研究,为教练员指导训练和研究进行研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对女子足球运动员体能水平构成因素的分析及比赛中体能表现的研究,探讨符合足球运动规律的女子足球运动员体能训练方法,为女子足球体能训与练监控提供依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法等,对参加2010年南非足球世界杯所有运动员的年龄分布进行分析,旨在揭示世界高水平足球运动员年龄分布的一般规律,为足球运动训练和运动员的选材提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

优秀女子足球运动员专项速度耐力水平的评价方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以我国优秀女子足球运动员专项速度耐力综合测试模型和影响因素教学模型为基础,提出了一套女子足球运动员专项速度耐力多因素综合评价方法体系,为优秀女子足球运动员的选材、有效地控制训练过程及检测训练效果提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

中、美高校女子足球队发展的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用问卷调查、专家访谈、文献资料调研、数理统计以及比较分析等方法,对中、美高校 女子足球运动队的选材、运动员上大学前文化水平及足球技术水平、参加比赛的情况、教练员情 况以及训练等方面进行对比研究。结果表明,中国高校受选材的形式和录取资格等因素的限制 很难招到高水平的女子足球运动员;中国高校女子足球队伍每年参加的比赛比美国少得多;中 国高校女子足球教练员兼职的较多,教练员的待遇比较差,而美国高校女子足球教练员大多是 专职的,待遇很高;中国高校女子足球缺乏训练安排系统性和针对性,而美国高校女子足球训练 安排非常科学、有针对性。就此提出中国高校女子足球队快速、健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

为发展我国女子足球运动,提高女子足球运动员身体素质整体水平,笔者对全国女子足球运动进行了多年系统的跟踪调查,对女子足球运动员主要身体素质指标进行了测试与评价,并制定出我国女子足球运动员身体素质等级评价标准;综合发展水平评定标准;身体素质发展均衡程度评定标准和我国女子足球运动员综合身体素质模式。以期为各级决策部门提供信息,使之更有效地组织训练,控制训练全过程  相似文献   

对女子足球运动员选材问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
依据生理学和心理学的规律,阐述了女子足球运动员选材应采用经验选材与科学选材相结合的方法。女子足球运动员选材的主要内容包括:年龄因素、身体形态因素、遗传因素、运动机能能力因素、心理和智力因素等。  相似文献   

The frequency of one-legged stance and two-legged stance differs considerably among sports. We therefore expect the balance ability of athletes from different sports to vary. This study compared the sway characteristics during a static one-legged stance of soccer players, basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. The centre of pressure sway during one-legged stance of ten male participants representing each of the four groups was measured using a stabilometer. Centre of pressure sway was assessed by four sway factors: sway velocity, anterior-posterior sway, horizontal sway, and high-frequency sway. None of the four groups of participants showed significant differences in body sway between standing on the dominant leg and standing on the non-dominant leg. The soccer players had more high-frequency sway and less anterior-posterior sway and horizontal sway than the basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. These results suggest that soccer players have superior ability to maintain a stable one-legged stance. Further study is required to determine how much of the superior balance ability in soccer players is innate and how much is developed through training, as well as to determine the relationship between balance ability and playing performance.  相似文献   


The frequency of one-legged stance and two-legged stance differs considerably among sports. We therefore expect the balance ability of athletes from different sports to vary. This study compared the sway characteristics during a static one-legged stance of soccer players, basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. The centre of pressure sway during one-legged stance of ten male participants representing each of the four groups was measured using a stabilometer. Centre of pressure sway was assessed by four sway factors: sway velocity, anterior-posterior sway, horizontal sway, and high-frequency sway. None of the four groups of participants showed significant differences in body sway between standing on the dominant leg and standing on the non-dominant leg. The soccer players had more high-frequency sway and less anterior-posterior sway and horizontal sway than the basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. These results suggest that soccer players have superior ability to maintain a stable one-legged stance. Further study is required to determine how much of the superior balance ability in soccer players is innate and how much is developed through training, as well as to determine the relationship between balance ability and playing performance.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize patterns of play is fundamental to performance in team sports. While typically assumed to be domain-specific, pattern recognition skills may transfer from one sport to another if similarities exist in the perceptual features and their relations and/or the strategies used to encode and retrieve relevant information. A transfer paradigm was employed to compare skilled and less skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players' pattern recognition skills. Participants viewed structured and unstructured action sequences from each sport, half of which were randomly represented with clips not previously seen. The task was to identify previously viewed action sequences quickly and accurately. Transfer of pattern recognition skill was dependent on the participant's skill, sport practised, nature of the task and degree of structure. The skilled soccer and hockey players were quicker than the skilled volleyball players at recognizing structured soccer and hockey action sequences. Performance differences were not observed on the structured volleyball trials between the skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players. The skilled field hockey and soccer players were able to transfer perceptual information or strategies between their respective sports. The less skilled participants' results were less clear. Implications for domain-specific expertise, transfer and diversity across domains are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize patterns of play is fundamental to performance in team sports. While typically assumed to be domain-specific, pattern recognition skills may transfer from one sport to another if similarities exist in the perceptual features and their relations and/or the strategies used to encode and retrieve relevant information. A transfer paradigm was employed to compare skilled and less skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players' pattern recognition skills. Participants viewed structured and unstructured action sequences from each sport, half of which were randomly represented with clips not previously seen. The task was to identify previously viewed action sequences quickly and accurately. Transfer of pattern recognition skill was dependent on the participant's skill, sport practised, nature of the task and degree of structure. The skilled soccer and hockey players were quicker than the skilled volleyball players at recognizing structured soccer and hockey action sequences. Performance differences were not observed on the structured volleyball trials between the skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players. The skilled field hockey and soccer players were able to transfer perceptual information or strategies between their respective sports. The less skilled participants' results were less clear. Implications for domain-specific expertise, transfer and diversity across domains are discussed.  相似文献   


We study the developmental and professional activities engaged in by 86 female adult soccer players from the senior national teams of Australia, Canada, England, Sweden, and the United States of America. Players completed the Participation History Questionnaire (PHQ) to elicit the amount and type of activities engaged in across their developmental and professional years, including milestones, soccer-specific activity and engagement in other sport activity. Greater specialisation than diversification characterised their childhood developmental activities, including all players starting in soccer in childhood and accumulating more hours in soccer activity than other sports during this period. However, interindividual variation further characterised these childhood activities, with a proportion of players diversifying into other sports and/or soccer play to a greater or lesser degree during childhood when compared to the other players. The amount of coach-led soccer practice increased for all players across their development culminating in an average of 15–16 h/wk across a 40-week season in early adulthood. In contrast, the amount of engagement in other sports and soccer peer-led play varied between players but generally decreased across adolescence to negligible amounts in late adolescence. Findings are commensurate with the deliberate practice framework and early engagement.  相似文献   

通过对2007年女足世界杯中国球员与世界优秀球员的身高、体重、年龄的对比分析,结果发现:中国球员3项指标处于亚洲领先地位,但与世界欧、美优秀球员相比在体重和年龄方面还有明显的差距;其中守门员3项指标都达到或超过了世界优秀女子守门员的平均水平;后卫球员身高处于世界领先地位,但体重过轻,年龄显示其处在竞技最佳形成阶段;中场球员的身高和年龄指标都达到世界先进水平,体重指标上还与同位置欧、美球员存在差距;前锋球员其平均身高处于世界领先地位且身高较统一,体重和年龄指标方面特征同后卫球员反映一致。  相似文献   

运用访问调查、问卷调查研究方法对我国青少年足球运动员竞赛状态焦虑、运动动机和应对方式的关系进行了研究。结果表明:进入梯队年限短的青少年足球运动员在认知状态焦虑和躯体状态焦虑平均分低于年长的运动员,在状态自信心上相反;运动动机的认同调节和内投调节维度上存在非常显著性差异和显著性差异;在应对方式的集中解决问题的应对维度上存在显著性差异。3个年龄段竞赛状态焦虑上没有显著性差异;在运动动机的认同调节和内投调节两个维度上存在显著性差异;在应对方式上无显著性差异。不同运动等级青少年足球运动员的竞赛状态焦虑、运动动机、应对方式均无显著性差异。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine differences in hamstrings-to-quadriceps (H/Q) peak torque ratios evaluated at different angular velocities between men and women who participate in judo, handball or soccer. A total of 166 athletes, including 58 judokas (26 females and 32 males), 39 handball players (22 females and 17 males), and 69 soccer players (17 females and 52 males), were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer. The H/Q isokinetic peak torque ratios were calculated at angular velocities of 1.05 rad · s?1 and 5.23 rad · s?1. In the analysis by gender, female soccer players produced lower H/Q peak torque ratios at 1.05 rad · s?1 than males involved in the same sport. However, when H/Q peak torque ratio was assessed at 5.23 rad · s?1, there were no significant differences between the sexes. In the analysis by sport, there were no differences among females at 1.05 rad · s?1. In contrast, male soccer players had significantly higher H/Q peak torque ratios than judokas (66 ± 12% vs. 57 ± 14%, respectively). Female handball players produced significantly lower peak torque ratios at 5.23 rad · s?1 than judokas or soccer players, whereas males presented no ratio differences among sports At 5.23 rad · s?1. In the analysis by velocity, women's muscular ratios assessed at 1.05 rad · s?1 were significantly lower than at 5.23 rad · s?1 for all sports; among men, only judokas presented lower ratios at 1.05 rad · s?1 than at 5.23 rad · s?1. The present results suggest that sport modality and angular velocity influence the isokinetic strength profiles of men and women.  相似文献   

中外优秀足球运动员年龄特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过查阅第17届世界杯足球赛参赛队员资料,运用文献法和数理统计法,在综合分析的基础上,对中国国家队参赛队员与17届世界杯足球赛8强球队以及韩国、日本国家队参赛队员从运动员平均年龄、位置年龄、主力运动员平均年龄的结构特征及足球运动员中各位置运动员高水平竞技能力持续的大致年龄范围等方面进行比较分析,寻求我国足球运动员与世界足球强国之间的差距所在。  相似文献   

Understanding the surface hardness of soccer fields is essential to evaluate the risk of injury and also its influence on the playing behavior of soccer players. In this context, newly developed hybrid turf systems have to be tested for their surface hardness with regard to the increased risk of injury on hard sports surfaces. The hardness of a soccer field can be quantitatively measured using an apparatus with a cylindrical weight that is dropped from a defined height. Since this procedure was first used for road construction, there are few studies investigating its use on sports grounds. This has led to inconsistencies in methodology and the absence of evaluation guidelines for classifying the hardness of soccer fields. This paper considers how turf systems (natural turf and hybrid turf) differ in their hardness and how this method can be used for different soccer turf systems. Natural turf systems, stitched turf systems, hybrid turf-bearing layer systems and woven mat systems were investigated. The assessment results from a comparative representation of hardness values of different soccer fields. By comparison, natural turf systems were found to be the softest, while woven mat systems were the hardest. Furthermore, the parameters that might affect the hardness were investigated. The influence of the measured soil parameters decreases with an increasing number of measurements per measuring point. Turf system-specific correlations make it possible to reduce the amount of measurement effort.  相似文献   

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