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近年来,作为国家文化发展的新兴战略,中国文化"走出去"已成为国家树立国际形象、提升中国文化国际影响力的重要窗口。而翻译作为交流文化、沟通思想的桥梁,对中国文化"走出去"战略的实现无疑发挥了至关重要的直接作用(即内部路径)。除此之外,与翻译工作相关的间接因素(即外部路径)对文化战略的实现起着不容忽视的影响,也是值得探讨的议题。文章从文化传播与译介规律入手,提出了文化"走出去"的五种外部路径:遴选译介作品与跨界对话;厘清翻译模式与人才培养学者化;讲好中国故事,超越"中国威胁论";建立版权代理制度,扩大作品的海外传播力;树立"和而不同"的国家形象,提升中国文化国际影响力。  相似文献   

本文简要综述了中国文化"走出去"背景下,海外汉学家、医史学家文树德先生《黄帝内经》的英译历程及相关国内外研究评述,并进一步探讨了汪榕培先生"传神达意"翻译思想与"丰厚翻译"理论之间的体系建构与融合,以此为研究视角,分析和评价文树德《黄帝内经》英译本的翻译策略、特色与译文质量,旨在为中医典籍英译的探索及中医典籍的海外汉学研究路径提供借鉴与启示,进一步推动中国文化"走进去"。  相似文献   

中国古典戏剧是中华民族历史文化的重要代表,对推动中国文化"走出去"至关重要。然而,在戏剧中占有相当比例的文化负载词有其民族特有性和异域性,为翻译带来了一定的困难。本文基于许渊冲所译的《西厢记》,依据奈达对文化元素的五种分类,从中国文化走出去的角度,分析其中文化负载词的翻译技巧,以期得到通过翻译推动中国文化对外传播的启示。  相似文献   

中国文化"走出去"是中国文化在国际社会中与其他文化间的接触与交流,本质上是文化的对外传播。翻译是中国文化"走出去"的必然途径。传播活动必须依赖一定的环境才能成功。因此,中国文化"走出去"的翻译选材需要以传播环境作为参照,才能有助于文化的对外传播。为适应传播环境,翻译选材要秉承平等、交流、互助及共享的原则,以造福于人类为目标。翻译选材的内容要避免在意识形态领域中与目标语社会的冲突,辩证处理文化内容、受众和市场需求之间的关系,密切关注中外文化态势的变化,确保中国文化顺利地对外交流与传播。  相似文献   

<正>推动中华文化"走出去"是一项复杂的系统工程。中央《关于进一步加强和改进中华文化走出去工作的指导意见》指出,中华文化"走出去"工作要加强顶层设计,向世界推介更多具有中国特色的优秀文化。我们要向世界传播哪些文化价值观、如何以对方易接受的方式传播、如何评估"走出去"的效果,都是有待探讨的课题,而其中关键的一环就是中国文化的对外翻译。提升我国整体翻译水平,关键在于培养一支跨语言、跨文化、跨领域的高素  相似文献   

正《文汇报》2013年9月11日头版"文汇深呼吸"专栏刊登了"中国文化如何更好地‘走出去’"系列报道之七《"抠字眼"的翻译理念该更新了》。文章表示,"莫言热"带给翻译界的启示应该是"好的翻译可‘连译带改’",并强调"一部作品的最终译文不仅取决于原文,还取决于它的‘服务对象’,以及译作接受地人们的语言习惯、审美口味、公众心理等非语言层面的因素。或许,只有从根本上认识这一点,卡在中国文化‘走出去’途中的障碍  相似文献   

翻译是国际文化交流的重要桥梁,中国文化"走出去"离不开翻译。当前,翻译如何适应新时期的要求,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音,增大中国文化的吸引力,从而提升中国软实力,是翻译界新的课题。通过构建中国翻译话语体系,提高中国翻译话语在世界文化话语体系中的影响力和感召力,是中国文化通过翻译这一途径"走向世界"的重要办法,也是提高中国软实力的必经之路,而习近平总书记"讲好中国故事"思想恰好为这提供了价值指导和方法指导。  相似文献   

享有"东方芝加哥"的武汉交通便利,九省通衢,其美食种类繁多、风味独特,深受国内外友人的喜爱。为了让武汉特色美食"走出去",走向世界,本文以武汉特色美食为研究对象,探讨了武汉特色菜名的文化内涵、英译原则和技巧,进而建构武汉特色菜肴的英译规范,促进武汉美食文化走向世界。  相似文献   

正一、引言"一带一路"倡议为中国文化"走出去"提供了良好的契机,中国文学作品对外译介也迎来了一个小高潮。但在翻译研究领域,学者更多关注的是成人文学的对外翻译研究,对中国儿童文学的翻译特别是对外翻译研究很少。想要通过中国成人文学的对外译介,改变外国人对中国的固定思维和既有看法不是一件容易的事情。相反,儿童具有很强的可塑性,他们偏见更少,接受能力更强,因  相似文献   

正当前综合国力的竞争已经从传统的资源、军事、科技等要素,转向非物化要素构成的实力范畴。文化建设和文化"走出去"之于国家的重要性不言而喻。中国文化"走出去"效果研究大致形成了基于中国文化落地情况和受众态度认知倾向两条传播效果研究路径,基本遵循了文化传播中由浅及深的接触、选择与融合过程。但是,针对目标对象的传播效果测量和评估难以为实践提供指导。一、基于文化落地情况的传播效果研究传播的渠道主要是传统媒体如电视和网络媒体,传  相似文献   

The economic literature on the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) establishes empirical evidence for culturally biased voting, more precisely also biases based on geographical closeness, political relations, ethnical and linguistic affinity. The Bundesvision Song Contest (BSC), a similar contest with principally the same rules but organized on the national level in Germany, offers a unique opportunity to compare international voting bias patterns to national voting bias patterns. Thus, this paper presents an innovative analysis by comparatively analyzing the ESC’s historical data from 1998 to 2014 and the BSC’s data from its beginning in 2005 until 2014 with the same econometric methodology. Our results show that voting biases do not only matter in international contests but also occur in similarly organized national contests with roughly similar magnitude and quality—despite the cultural background of participants and voters being much more homogenous.  相似文献   

国家图书馆藏有一部清刻本《陶渊明集》,内有墨批160余条。经考证,批点者为晚清士人贺寿慈。批点内容涉及对前人评陶之论的评价与阐发,陶诗异文、疑作,陶诗炼字炼句、立意构思,陶渊明作品间思想、意趣相通之处,陶诗与他人作品的关系,陶渊明的隐逸品格,陶渊明尚"真"的人格及审美追求,陶诗诗意、主旨的阐释等诸多方面。本文是对贺寿慈批点内容的首发性介绍,旨在揭示其对陶渊明相关问题研究的文献价值。  相似文献   

The Dutch Top 2000 pop song ranking has been broadcast each year since 1999 between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. As a nationwide event, it receives cult status in the Netherlands. In this paper, it is argued that rankings are coordination games. To demonstrate this, statistical methods are applied, first to analyze the extent to which competition prevails between pop songs. While conventional charts collect pop song rankings on a commercial basis, the Top 2000 ranking is voted on once a year. Moreover, a very wide range of songs is allocated to 2000 positions. The ranking displays tremendous stability among the top five songs over the years and demonstrates the importance of superstardom. Moreover, a detailed statistical analysis provides evidence that there is hardly any competition among the most liked 100–150 songs. The empirical distribution of these songs follows a Pareto distribution, whereas the songs up to rank 1500 are exponentially distributed. These different distributions may be explained by two different voting strategies, namely voting for the individually most liked songs and voting to maximize the social value of the Top 2000 by taking account of the assumed preferences of other voters. In this manner, superstardom acts as a coordination device in a large-scale coordination game.  相似文献   

习近平总书记在《在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上的讲话》(2016年5月17日)中首次把宗教学列为11个需要"加快完善对哲学社会科学具有支撑作用的学科"之一。宗教学在"国家学科分类"里早已是"一级学科",但在"高校学位授予和人才培养学科目录"里却迟迟难以升格,这显然与我国教育界对宗教学的学科建设、特别是高校宗教学教育的认识程度有关。鉴此,在充分论证高校宗教学建设的必要性与重要性的基础上,笔者着重阐发了加强我国高校宗教学建设的"三大着力点",即坚持与发展马克思主义宗教观、扎根并弘扬中国文化传统以及宗教学建设的国际学术视野。本文最后一部分论及的北京大学宗教学专业探索经验,或许也对推进我国高校的宗教学建设有借鉴意义。  相似文献   


This paper takes a meta‐perspective on the theoretical grounding of cultural studies since the late 1970s. It suggests a realisation of the possibilities of both classic phenomenological thought for the field and cultural studies’ continued connections to traditional cultural concepts such as Bildung and Kultur. Of particular importance are relations among cultural studies’ semiotic‐political and economic engagement with culture, phenomenological concepts of Umwelt and historical conceptions of Bildung and Kultur. While arguing that thinking through these relations provides an intellectual route forward for cultural studies, the paper recognises that such intellectual configurations also resonate with earlier models of cultural studies from the 1950s and ’60s.  相似文献   

传统对外观念对晚清外交产生了重要的作用和影响。中国古代没有近代外交观念,实施的是所谓羁縻之道,其"羁縻勿绝"观念成了清政府议抚求和的直接理由,并融入到条约关系之中。历代王朝的"怀柔远人"和"一视同仁"观念,将与他国交往视为单向赐予,在晚清便利了列强向中国进行勒索,且得以均沾他国所攫取的各种特权。"因俗而治"和"不治治之"的观念和方针,对清政府让弃主权产生了深刻影响,且在涉及朝贡关系的交涉中也处于被动,但其中蕴有尊重他国主权的要素。春秋时期产生的"要盟无质"或"要盟不信"观念,在列强以武力强迫中国订立不平等约的背景下,自然而然地转为本能的抵拒,并留下了具有某种价值的思想资源。其他如天朝观念等亦产生重要影响。传统对外观念虽有消极的一面,但含有构建和谐国际社会的积极因素。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes China’s attempt at maintaining and stabilizing the market framing of wind power development as ‘sustainable.’ Drawing on mixed data and new directions in the social studies of marketization, the analysis focuses on the Chinese government’s responses to the ‘quality crisis’ in the wind turbine industry. Employing five types of framing – goods, marketizing agencies, market encounters, price-setting, and market design and maintenance – the paper sheds light on flexible government interventions to steer the socio-technical assemblage around wind power towards a ‘turn to quality.’ In essence, this is a study of market construction in the context of Chinese wind power experiments. The paper contributes to new directions in market studies by (1) demonstrating the importance of attending to the contested algorithmic transformation of wind resources to wind power; (2) taking market studies to a transitional and developmental context, which renders marketization prone to constant overflowing; and (3) elucidating a particular Chinese model of experimental market construction ‘through embracing overflowing.’ The paper proposes new trajectories for future market studies with a focus on non-Western contexts, to reveal the wide variety of how marketization unfolds.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the underlying principle of ‘economy’ in the Greek Orthodox monastery of Vatopaidi, Mount Athos, in complementary relation to the monastic ideal of ‘virginity’ as the means of separating monastic from secular life. In this context, ‘economy’ represents an internal and external dichotomy: an economy within the spiritual self (‘economy of passions’) and the monastery (‘law of the house’), expressed in traditional practices, such as prayer, confession, psalmody, and painting; and an economy of relations between the monastery and the materialist ‘cosmopolitan’ world outside Athos, which is manifested by Vatopaidi's strong financial and political status in the Orthodox world. The material reveals the overlapping connection between the notions of the ‘self’, the ‘monastery’, and the ‘world’, in order to critically evaluate the cultural economy of Vatopaidi in relation to its historical past, and in connection to its present political and economic status within and against the Greek state.  相似文献   

The paper examines whether intellectual property rights in art should be extended to the entire world. In earlier papers, the economics of patent rights have been examined and the argument made that world welfare is likely to fall if patent rights are extended to the entire world. This argument is recapitulated here with special attention to the assumptions that are needed for its validity. These assumptions are then reexamined in the context of markets for art to see whether the argument carries over. It is found that while most of the assumptions do carry over well enough to justify the argument, there are also certain circumstances that may require greater geographic extension of intellectual property rights in some cases.Paper prepared for a conference on The Economics of Intellectual Property Rights, International Center for Art Economics, University of Venice, October 6–8, 1994.  相似文献   


This essay engages the possibilities and pitfalls of UNESCO’s Memory of the World program for fostering “global archival memory.” Archives function as rhetorical weapons for both political control and social justice within national and regional contexts. The constitution of global archival memory shifts archives’ borders beyond nation-bound contexts, creating space for contention, deliberation, and debate within a presentist transnational arena. Approaching archives as symbols capable of marshaling cross-cultural identifications furthers memory scholars’ conceptions of transnational memories and communities. It responds to rhetorical scholars’ calls to further engage archives, while drawing on archival studies, memory studies, and rhetorical theories of memory.  相似文献   

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