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高等学历继续教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其在提供学历补偿教育、缓解社会教育供给矛盾、促进教育平等等方面发挥着重要作用。但是高等学历继续教育对我国教育平等的影响究竟如何,还缺乏从实证视角给予科学论证。采用教育基尼系数来衡量高等学历继续教育对教育平等的影响,是一个新颖且值得深入探索的研究视角。为此,以近20年我国高等学历继续教育的各类数据为基础,采用教育基尼系数作为教育平等的刻画指标进行的多维测算表明:截至2020年,高等学历继续教育使得我国6岁以上人口平均受教育年限提高了0.2274年;同时为86.56%的高考落榜生提供了接受高等教育的机会;截至2020年,高等学历继续教育使教育基尼系数增加了0.013。长期来看,我国高等学历继续教育带来的教育基尼系数的变化值随时间呈“倒U”型,随着我国平均受教育年限的不断提高,其带来的教育基尼系数的变化值在达到“倒U”型的顶峰之后将不断变小。这表明高等学历继续教育长期有助于降低我国的教育基尼系数,并促进教育平等。  相似文献   

目前对继续教育功能,意义定位的探讨,科技,经济话语密集,人文话语薄弱。从“人文的科学精神”的角度审视,我国继续教育既在科技提速,经济腾飞中发挥职能,同时也有深层的人文意义;继续教育使人需要受教育的生命本质进一步得到了满足,继续教育通过最新科技信息传播和科学教育,还会激活,强化和重铸生存意义的科学价值观。认识这种人文功能,对继续教育的发展完善有重要意义。  相似文献   

山东省高青县地处沿黄地区,经济落后。虽实现了九年义务教育,但是受经济水平特别是教师素质的制约,教育水平仍然偏低。高青县教委对此作了认真分析,认为没有教师素质的提高,就没有教育质量的提高。因而及时地提出了把工作重点转移到落实“两全”上来,实现继续教育以学历达标为主转移到以岗位合格为主的轨道上来;制定了《关于进一步加强教师队伍建设的意见》,决定自1996年起,利用3—5年时间,在全县进一步加强教师队伍建设;要求全县广大教育干部和教师,大力开展岗位练兵,努力提高自身素质,为全县教育质量的提高做出更大的贡献。…  相似文献   

丁晓明 《职教通讯》2019,(13):51-56
当下,国农村成年女性继续教育参与率不高是源于教育资源分配不均、内在学习动机不强、教育机会受限、传统观念制约等原因。基于“性别红利”视角,从国家角度对农村成年女性接受继续教育的发展提出以下建议:加强男女平等文化宣传,促进人民意识觉醒;发挥妇女组织力量,增加农村成年女性受教育机会;基层组织发挥号召力量,激发农村成年女性学习动机;另外,家庭的支持也是农村成年女性继续接受教育的原因之一。  相似文献   

一、继续教育市场调查与分析 继续教育机构在竞争的环境中要得到生存和发展,必须对市场环境进行分析,及的调整市场营销战略,才能产生显著的社会效益和经济效益。 (一)继续教育营销环境分析与市场规模的估计 1.继续教育营销环境分析。通过对继续教育营销环境分析,采取相应的营销策略才能进一步寻求营销机会,避免环境威胁,从而得以生存和发展继续教育的宏观环境包括人口环境、经济环境、自然环境和技术环境等,科学技术发展水平对继续教育的需求规模、需求层次、需求专业和人们接受继续教育的频率的影响尤为明显;微观环境包括继续…  相似文献   

浅谈农村学校体育发展的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村学校体育教育观念陈旧.场地器材缺乏。教师文化素质偏低.体育经费不足等现状都严重制约着农村学校体育工作的开展.制约着农村学生体质和健康水平的提高。针对这种现状应加强对农村学校体育教育各项工作的支持力度;增加体育经费的投入.提高体育教师的待遇;为体育教师提供接受继续教育的机会。从而改善农村学校体育教育工作的水平。  相似文献   

推行学分制有利于高职院校办成开放性高校;有利于贯彻和体现终身教育、继续教育的现代教育理论和思想;有利于提高教师的素质,为学生开拓和提供广阔的发展空间和尽可能多的发展机会。  相似文献   

正确认识我国教育中的性别差距   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国教育事业的发展和男女平等国策的实施,女性受教育机会明显增多,受教育程度显著提高,教育上的性别差距大大缩小。在义务教育阶段,我国基本实现了教育的性别公平;在非义务教育阶段,男女两性平均受教育程度日益接近,但农村和贫困地区的教育性别差距仍然存在,它将伴随经济和社会的发展以及城乡、地区差距的缩小而从根本上得到解决。缩小教育上的性别差距是必要的,但是,试图消除教育中的性别差异则是徒劳的。加快发展妇女教育,进一步促进教育公平,提高农村和贫困地区妇女的受教育水平,是教育界、妇女界乃至全社会面临的共同难题。  相似文献   

关于新疆少数民族汉语教育中存在的问题及对策探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前,在新疆少数民族汉语教育教学的实践中,存在着贯彻执行政策搞一刀切的倾向。套用HSK标准衡量汉语教师水平;普九不能完全落实,制约了汉语覆盖面的扩大;汉语教育缺乏汉化基础,南疆三地州少数民族学生缺乏学习汉语的大环境;学习汉语缺乏积极性,汉语教育教学质量提高受到制约。因此,要切实加强中小学汉语教育工作,进一步增强教学组织工作的针对性;加强新疆汉语教育教学法的研究力量;努力推进汉语教育的现代化;重视在汉语教育教学中加大汉字、化教学的力度;进一步建立和完善适合各民族特点的汉语教育评价标准;加快建设适合目前师生汉语水平状况的教材;建立合理的汉语师资继续教育课程体系;加快汉语教育教学信息化进程,积极营造有利于学习汉语的大环境。  相似文献   

制造业农民工进入城市以前在受教育年限和质量上与城市同龄人存在差距.同时制造业所在的城市郊区缺乏继续学习的教育资源,这造成了制造业农民工受教育机会和结果的不平等。为了弥补不平等,需要向农民工提供补偿教育、发展性跟进教育、平等的继续教育机会和通过教育发展和实现人生幸福的机会,使人人都获得发展的目标最终得以实现。  相似文献   


Much still needs to be done to transform schooling in South Africa and provide education of equal quality to all learners. The notion of encouraging close collaboration between schools is widely accepted as a possible strategy to improve the quality of schooling in a particular geographical area. In this article, we discuss research conducted on the implementation of the Better Schools Programme cluster in Zimbabwe (BSPZ), a system of inter-school collaboration aiming at improving the quality of teaching and learning at the member schools. One of the primary objectives was to enhance teachers’ professional development by means of the establishment of professional infrastructure. Despite the shortcomings highlighted, our exploratory study brought to the fore potential advantages of school clusters as a type of formalised school collaboration which can indeed promote quality and equality in the South African schooling system.  相似文献   

中国现有民办高校和高等教育机构1200余所,其中,学历教育的民办高校167所(含8所本科院校)。其发展的主要特点是经费自筹,办学自立,贴近市场,滚动发展,竞争激烈,优胜劣汰。今后,民办高等教育发展的大趋势是:思想进一步解放,政策更加宽松;办学资金多渠道,领导体制多样化;职业教育有优势,贴近市场求发展;内部管理更加规范,办学水平进一步提高;学历教育与非学历教育共同发展,学历教育比重不断加大。  相似文献   

Bunwaree S 《Compare》1997,27(3):297-317
This paper describes the history and geography of Mauritius and its elitist colonial educational system; presents a literature review of female education, development, and position in the labor market; discusses the economy in the post-GATT era and wasted potential; and calls for a new educational order. Mauritius has a multiplicity of cultures and a complex cultural, socioeconomic, and political context. French colonialism is characterized as limiting expansion of education on the island. Education was expanded under British colonial rule; mass education was promoted, but not much changed in the nature and role of schooling. The elites of today are those descendants of diverse ethnic people who managed to become educated. Mauritians are marginalized today due to the lack of implementation of its official policy of equal opportunity. About 6% of primary school children leave the system illiterate. About 20% are functionally illiterate. Many leave primary schools without passing the Certificate of Primary Education tests. A 1994 survey indicated that female labor force participation rates were higher among persons with lower levels of education. Women have a subordinate role in the labor market due to a long history of a subordinate role, gender inequity, a large concentration of women in the clothing sector of the Export Processing Zone, and gender segregation in managerial and professional occupations and advancement. Some associate development with marginalization of women. Teachers and textbooks reinforce gender roles. Mauritius needs to retain students, gender sensitize the educational system, and eliminate job discrimination.  相似文献   

职业培训在职业教育体系中的定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,职业教育发展必须突破正规学历教育制度的局限,大力开展职业培训,认清和正确确立职业培训在职业教育体系中的定位;制定长短并行的学制模式,面向社会举办优势专业的非学历教育,积极争取职业培训和继续教育的市场份额;重新界定学校职业教育"学生"的概念,坚持学历教育与长、短期培训并重,把举办各种形式的职业培训作为开拓职业教育发展新空间的重要举措并放到重要位置上来,以促进职业教育健康、高效、快速地可持续发展.  相似文献   

By being holistic, inclusion implies the involvement of a wide variety of professionals coming from very diverse professional and institutional backgrounds. It will only find its unity in a common focus on the individual project and in the coherence of all participants' contributions, interactions and interrelationships. Because such coherent functioning is far from being spontaneous, the proposed analysis aims to identify some features contributing to the coherence of mainstream schooling situations and to the quality of the guidance of the assistant. It reveals that this coherence lies in the ability to define clearly what is expected by a mainstream education process, so that the different actors can combine an integrative perspective based on schools' needs and a participative approach based on children's needs. Secondly, it appears that guidance is likely to be appropriate to the child's needs if it is based in the coinvolvement of interindividual and organizational contractual relationships. Finally, the analysis reveals that the coherence of a mainstream education process presupposes strategies through which equal cooperation systems, taking into account inter-individual dynamics as well as organisational logics, can be created.  相似文献   

本研究通过对上海市青浦区 1 89名担任随班就读工作教师进行的《随班就读学生在学校范围内获得社会支持现状的调查》问卷调查 ,旨在探讨现有的社会支持系统是否满足有效的随班就读工作的需要 ,以帮助这些孩子回归主流社会。本研究从学校行政领导、教师以及同伴等方面来调查随班就读学生学校范围内获得社会支持的现状。问卷结果表明 ,学校行政、教师以及同伴所提供的社会支持仍旧非常有限 ,还有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

Canadian adult education is predominantly institutionalized and professionalized, oriented more towards individual rather than societal needs, and marked by competition rather than cooperation among its providers.

Since the 1960s there has been a definite thrust towards motivation and education of underprivileged groups in society, among these those with low schooling, the poor, and ethnic minorities. Considerable strides have been made in the education of women. Retired people are another population group which made an impact on adult education in Canada. The use of broadcast television in adult education thus far is not widespread, but there is a growing use of tele‐conferencing for professional development. Most recently there is a growing interest among adult educators in non‐traditional clientele and forms of adult education, but very little show of interest and support by the governments. The two major competing thrusts in Canadian adult education are the further vocationalization and institutionalization of adult education, and the shift from adult education to adult learning which could lead to further individualization of adult education. It is too early to tell yet whether either one of these opposing thrusts will become dominant in the future and, if so, which one.  相似文献   

Tang  Fun Hei  Joan  Keith Morrison 《Compare》1998,28(3):245-262
For centuries Macau has experienced extended market principles for schooling, with very limited state intervention in education, and only a recent history of regarding schooling as a public good. This paper suggests that laissez‐faire market principles have failed to provide high quality schooling in Macau and that considerable state intervention is required to ensure that education develops as a public good in Macau. The case is made for a ‘mixed economy’ of public and private providers of schooling as a public good in Macau, thereby building on the existing extensive private provision that exists there, with attention still needing to be given to quality control and increased governmental support. A state‐regulated market might be more effective than a genuinely open market. The case of Macau is used to demonstrate that public goods and private services are neither polar opposites nor mutually exclusive. The greater involvement of the state in education in Macau, with the impending handback of Macau to China in 1999, might be problematic if it becomes too intrusive and repressive, although there are indications from Macau's immediate neighbours in China's regions that China itself is moving towards marketisation, diversification of providers of education, decentralisation of administration, and increasing privatisation. This may facilitate integration and harmonisation. Macau's situation of a small state in transition to re‐incorporation is compared to the situation of other former colonies, and an agenda for reform is suggested.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来和发展,知识的重要性越来越被人们所认识.对高校图书馆员进行继续教育是图书馆实际工作、图书馆事业发展及馆员个人进步的需要.馆员的继续教育内容应包括职业道德和专业知识教育,继续教育可以通过自学、组织培训或学历教育等多种途径来完成,各馆可以根据自己的实际来选择.  相似文献   

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