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张有德同志是河南文坛颇有影响的作家.他立足于时代需求,扎根于农村现实,致力于儿童文学和中短篇小说创作,在这两方面都取得了丰硕的成就.  相似文献   

Although some researchers have examined students' literary understandings of and responses to books with metafictive characteristics, few have explored how elementary students incorporate metafictive devices into their writing. In this article I analyse the stories and books created by a class of Grade 5 students and discuss the metafictive devices evident in their work. In addition to considering how the literature students read and how the classroom interpretive community influenced the students' stories/books, I discuss some broader issues about the significance of students reading and writing metafictive texts.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中,适当适时的文学导入对激发学生的学习热情、提高其文化素养和跨文化交际能力以及消除其焦虑感以利于语言习得等方面都起到了极其重要的作用且切实哥行。基于此,在大英语教学中,可从短语、习语和典故来源、著名人物的趣味故事或文学常识、名言、警句、人物光辉的思想内容等方面进行文学导入,还可通过建议学生闼读其它名篇进行课外文学导入。  相似文献   

语文文学启蒙活动的对话既有一般教学活动中的对话,如师生对话、生生对话,又有文学活动的特殊对话,包括文本自身内部的对话、文本之间的对话(文本间性)、文本与教师的对话、文本与学生的对话等.教学主体与文本的对话是文学阅读、鉴赏得以最终形成的关键.教育者必须研究这种特殊对话,在教学活动中正确、恰当地利用它.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of self-questioning on EFL students’ literary reading engagement. Two interventions were tested: (1) students generating questions while reading short stories, and then exploring their questions in small-groups; and (2) students generating questions while reading, and then reflecting through a free writing activity. Participants were 59 Vietnamese undergraduate students enrolled in an English as a foreign language course. A pre-test post-test control group design with switching replications was used, with a control condition in which the teacher (instead of the students) posed the questions. Students’ reading engagement was measured by a written response to a short story and a questionnaire. Results showed that both self-questioning interventions positively influenced students’ reading engagement compared to the control condition. A maintenance of effects was also observed. We conclude that self-questioning combined with group discussions or free writing promotes students’ reading engagement.  相似文献   

The most innovative reading practices currently rely on the paradigm of dialogic reading. Book clubs, literary gatherings and study circles are emerging in different social spaces to promote reading and literary discussion amongst adults, and libraries, bookshops, cultural centres, etc. are increasingly developing strategies in this direction. Despite the vast development of reading clubs throughout Spain, empirical research on this phenomenon is still at the embryonic stage. This paper queries the ability of this practice to encourage the pleasure of reading, as well as civic and literary education. The results, obtained from an ethnographic study of nine book club meetings and six key informant interviews, show that the discussions contribute to: (1) developing a taste for reading, literature and reading habits; (2) fostering debate about values and learning about personal experiences related to the stories covered in the various readings; and (3) learning academic skills that go beyond the scope of an informal literary analysis. The main conclusion of our study is that book club meetings generate a very favourable context for literary analysis, as they foster reading innovation and the cultivation of literature, as well as promoting values education and adult learning from a dialogic perspective.  相似文献   

Factors such as weak early literacy skills and living in poverty may put young students at risk for reading disabilities. While home literacy activities and access to literacy materials have been associated with positive reading outcomes for urban and suburban students, little is known about home literacy environments of rural early elementary school students living in poverty and their relationship to foundational reading skills for struggling and nonstruggling readers. This study examined how home literacy environments might relate to rural kindergarten and first grade students’ reading performance. Parents of 1,108 kindergarten and first grade students in the rural Southeast completed questionnaires on the frequency of home literacy activities and access to literacy materials. Multilevel model analyses revealed that home literacy activities and access to literacy materials were positively related to basic word reading skills, passage comprehension, and spelling. Implications for families and educators are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生的文学生活包括日常写作、阅读以及参与校内文学社团活动等。海南师范大学桂林洋校区的大学生文学生活具有较好的样本性。经调查,我们发现,当下大学生的文学生活呈现出浏览式阅读盛行、自主性缺失等情况。这些情况的出现说明,当下大学生文学生活受到现有僵化的教育体制和网络文化的深刻塑造。  相似文献   

英语专业综合英语教学基本注重语言技能的培养,轻视文学、文化知识的传授。英美文学作品是了解西方文化的重要途径。通过英美文学与综合英语的有机整合,借助综合英语课时相对较多、开设时间相对较长的优势,最大限度提高学生的英语语言应用能力、人文素质,增强文学文化素养,提升文学鉴赏力。  相似文献   

从提高学生的语感能力和构筑学生精神世界来看,文学阅读教学应是感性实践活动。文学阅读教学首先要给学生时间从整体上感知文本的言语形式,这是与文学大师对话的过程,是提高语感能力必不可少的环节;其次,文学作品的阅读过程是一个变文字为形象的过程,教师要采取多种方式激发学生的想象,发掘作品的形象性;最后,文学是情感的艺术,教学过程是一个丰富师生情感的过程,教师不仅要善于体验作品中的情感,而且要恰当引发学生的情感。  相似文献   

This article explores theoretical and pedagogical frameworks for re-evaluating literary curricula and reading practices in contemporary school classrooms. Data from a study of students' responses to reading international literature in a multi-ethnic urban Canadian high school and conversations with South African high school students on their reading preferences ground this discussion of how students and teachers can cross borders constructed within discourses of race, gender, and ethnicity. Drawing on postcolonial literary theory, critical theory, and reader response theories, the article considers the questions, concerns, and dilemmas that emerge when students begin to deconstruct misrepresentations of "others" in literary texts and acknowledge challenges to their perceptions of self.  相似文献   

王邦采是清初重要的楚辞研究者,由于相关记载较少,目前对他的生平事迹和著述情况仍然缺乏了解。结合文献记载,考证王邦采的生平事迹主要有刊刻古籍和书画活动。除了楚辞研究之外,王邦采的著述成果还包括前人诗集笺注三种、读书笔记三卷以及诗二十一首。  相似文献   

随着"读图时代"的到来,文学的疆界、文学创作、文学传播和文学接受等一系列基本理论问题都发生了深刻的变化,人们的阅读方式、阅读内容、思维模式等也发生了很大变化。在这种情况下,文学理论教学必须结合当下文学语境和学生的接受习惯做出相应的改革。教师应该树立多元的文学观念,根据学生的兴趣调整和补充教学内容,灵活组织课堂教学,培养学生的"读图"能力,启发学生思维,调动学生的学习积极性,创设生动的学习情境,使学生在轻松愉悦的过程中获取知识,从而达到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

在"云时代"下大学英语课外阅读材料应该如何选择?笔者通过问卷调查发现以下结论:(1)注重趣味性,小说、影视受到追棒,诗歌也颇受青睐;(2)杂志兼具时效性和故事性,最受欢迎;(3)传统纸媒依然是主流,电子媒介的使用日益广泛;(4)学生阅读能力提高,材料的篇幅可以适当地长一些;(4)在互联网上的阅读活动,学生更注重互动性、实用性。通过半年多阅读实践的开展,我们检验并反思以上这些结论,发现好的阅读材料应该不仅适合阅读,还适合检查和反馈。  相似文献   

使用自编问卷对河南省6所高师院校1953名学生进行调查,结果表明四个年级的学生回答问题是有差异的。随着年级的上升,学生爱好文学的程度、认为阅读的重要性、阅读文学作品的数量、主要阅读中国古典文学、中国现当代文学和外国文学的比例、阅读文学作品后思考和评论的比例、认为文学素养对自己未来发展的影响程度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

This article uses the findings from an empirical study on Hong Kong students’ reading practices as collected through face-to-face interviews on major university campuses in Hong Kong to argue for the importance of affective and imaginative engagement with literary texts if students are to develop an interest in reading. Until now, few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate the actual interaction between the text and student readers, especially in situations that go beyond the usual classroom contexts. This student-centred narrative inquiry, which is grounded in literary and language research, demonstrates that while the notion of relevance, in terms of students’ socio-cultural background and their own life experiences, has long been considered as a key factor in the choice of texts used in a literature classroom, it is important to recognize the creativity that is embedded in students’ reading processes.  相似文献   

在文学作品阅读教学中,学生和作品中的人物形象、抒情主体作为不同的社会角色,他们之间存在的差异是一种角色距离,这种距离会影响阅读交流,但细致分析影响的多样性,引导学生进行角色体验,又可促进阅读交流走向深入,使角色间距离成为文学作品阅读教学设计的切入点。  相似文献   

中国古典文学涵盖了中国三千年历史,是一个取之不尽的宝藏,高职生在校学习期间,应认真学习古典文学作品。阅读是学习古典文学作品的重要方法。阅读古典文学作品可以取得思想启迪、道德熏陶、文学修养、审美陶冶、写作借鉴等多方面的效用。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,汉语言文学教育专业的人才培养应更加注重应用性.所谓应用性人才,就是要求培养品质高尚、举止得体、技能掌握卓越超群、文学底蕴深厚的社会工作者和祖国建设者.为此,对高校汉语言文学教育专业教学中学生的教学实践能力、阅读鉴赏能力、写作功底以及语言表达能力都提出了很高的要求.  相似文献   

“读图时代”文学理论教学还存在多方面的问题:教材内容陈旧、观念滞后,理论性过强、实践性偏弱;学生爱好“读图”,讨厌“读文字”,长于视像思维而弱于诗意体验;教师教学观念落后、教学模式封闭、教学手段单一。要解决这些问题,需要多方共同努力:文学理论教材要适应时代发展需求,改编与修订工作刻不容缓;学生应该拓宽阅读面,做到既会“读图”,也不排斥“读文字”,在“读图”与“读文字”的过程中提高自己的思考能力;教师应该更新教学观念,不断自我学习,根据学生的知识储备和思维习惯讲授课程内容,利用多样化的教学方式引导学生进行有效阅读。  相似文献   

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