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本文以系统功能语言学的文化语境思想为理论基础,试图从语言系统的角度来探讨文化语境的系统预设意义和语篇预设意义。文化语境的系统预设意义体现在语篇预设意义中,在语言背后以隐含的或潜势的方式预设了言语交际的语篇策略、语篇类型及语篇模式、语篇交际的方式和语篇内容,从而实现语篇的连贯,对阐释和组织语篇有着一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

语篇语言学又称话语语言学,兴起于20世纪70年代,是现代语言学的重要分支之一,它的诞生与发展,使语言学的研究脱离了形式一逻辑的固有模式,从语言的本质出发去研究语言的基本规律。语言学的这个进步,反映了语言学家们从哲学层面对语言的重新审视,不再把语言看作是一成不变的形式化的内容,而是从语言作为人类的交际手段这一基本属性的角度来研究语言本身。从马克思主义哲学的视角来审视语篇语言学的诞生、研究对象和研究方法,无疑能够更好地探究语篇语言学的哲学基础。  相似文献   

语篇分析理论视角下的高校阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外语专业的学生而言,提高其阅读理解能力,在很大程度上是提高其运用外语的能力。高校阅读教学应更多地从语篇的角度来开展,语篇教学对提升学生的语言能力具有重要意义。基于语篇分析研究成果在外语阅读教学中的运用,从系统功能语言学的角度探讨了语篇分析理论在高校阅读教学中的运用,以期与同行切磋。  相似文献   

近几十年来,全球生态环境的恶化使得人们对和谐生态环境的渴望超过了以往任何时候。上世纪90年代,各国语言学家开始关注语言在解决环境问题上所起的作用和影响,生态语言学应运而生。本文对生态语言学的发展状况、研究内容、研究方法等方面作一概述,并选取中国和美国报刊中针对日本福岛核污染事件相关报道为语料,对其进行对比分析,以期使读者能自主识别环境语篇中操纵、隐匿施事等行为,提升读者对生态语篇的认知能力。  相似文献   

文化语言学将认知语言学的核心概念"图式"和"意象"应用到语篇分析上构建语篇情节,更新了认知、语言和文化的理论框架。本文以文化语言学为理论基础,从构建语篇能力的视角探索大学英语文化教学模式,以求构筑一个能有效地提高学生跨文化交际能力的语言与文化教学的平台。  相似文献   

盛琳 《考试周刊》2011,(22):37-37
广告语篇是一种特殊的语篇体裁,在广告语篇中经常出现中英文混杂或普通话与某地方言混杂的现象,这种现象属于语码转换现象。语言学家们对此语言现象从社会语言学、心理学和语用学等角度进行了不同程度的分析和研究。本文将主要从语篇分析的角度对广告语篇中出现的语码转换现象及其产生的效果进行分析。  相似文献   

批评语篇分析认为语言是一种社会实践,一种社会符号,展示了看待外部世界的新视角;语言为表达意识形态和意义提供各种各样手段,而这些手段也正是批评语篇语言学分析的方法和手段。文章论述了批评语篇分析的理论来源,指出了批评语篇分析的发展背景和现状,列举了批评语篇分析的具体实例。  相似文献   

众多语言学家从不同角度为语篇研究,特别是语篇连贯性研究做出卓越贡献。由加利·帕尔默创建的文化语言学以认知语言学为框架,将语言、文化和认知整合以语篇研究为主要内容,将图式理论运用其中,构建语篇情节,挖掘其中的认知性和文化因素,为语篇研究提供了全新视角。  相似文献   

从功能语言学来看两种语言之间的翻译活动,主要就是从意义和功能的角度来考察两个语义系统之间的转换。对于不同语篇的分析,也是从整个语篇的语义出发,确定其中具体部分的意义和功能,从而找出两种语言之间存在的语言和文化方面的差异,更好地在翻译过程中对不同语言的语篇进行磨合。  相似文献   

领导人演讲是官方人物在公开场合使用的语言,所以在其语篇分析中不仅要考虑到抽象的语言系统,更要把重点转向实际的语言环境中。本文从语言学的角度对中美领导人的演讲语篇进行对比分析,揭示演讲在语言形式上的表现,并比较两者的异同。  相似文献   

The language used in environmental education texts has linguistic features that affect students' comprehension of concepts and their ability to envision solutions to environmental education problems. This paper shows what 143 middle school students focused on and what they failed to focus on when reading texts about biodiversity issues and identifies linguistic features of the texts that can account for this. Since much evaluation of students' knowledge of academic subjects, including environmental education, is done through reading and writing assignments, it is important to examine how environmental education texts present issues to students and what students write after reading environmental education texts. We suggest that features of texts such as abstract nouns and lack of explicit agents impede students' full comprehension of complex issues and obscure the causes and solutions to environmental problems. We present guidelines for teachers and materials writers to make abstract concepts more accessible to middle school students.  相似文献   

This article argues that most contemporary children’s environmental picture books and easy readers published in the United States focus overwhelmingly on individual environmentalist acts and lifestyle changes, overlook the connections between environmental degradation and systemic social problems such as class disparities, and ultimately over-simplify environmental crisis. They typically encourage children to adopt environmentalist behaviors such as recycling that can be performed by individuals or families in the home, school, and local community, but do little to encourage civic engagement that would call into attention the intertwined ideological, economic, and political factors preventing profound environmental change. The analysis then examines several books that notably do inform readers about the larger political and economic issues and place a strong emphasis on environmental justice, a type of environmentalism deeply concerned with issues of race, class, gender, and economic inequality. Such texts are more likely to encourage an environmentalism that combines lifestyle and consumer choices with political activism. We need more books like this, as children’s texts that resign environmental action almost completely to individual choices and behaviors and disassociate environmental crises from their larger constitutive contexts do little to prepare young people for the socio-environmental challenges we face now and in the future.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative methodologies that integrate verbal and non-verbal texts, this study investigated novice teachers’ attributions of their experiences of internship, as conveyed through a visual text. Novices were invited to design a visual text that represented their experience during internship, as part of a national call entitled ‘Novices in Poster.’ The posters submitted yielded the publication of 127 published posters, which constituted the data for our study. The visual data were analyzed using a multilayered approach to the analysis of visual texts, drawing on Lemke’s analysis of visual and verbal data as complementary channels for obtaining an integrative interpretation of the expressed experience. Findings indicate that novices expose critical stances in relation to activism, collegiality, and leverage, making public their unique potential to improve the educational system. The visual texts underscored novices’ strong social–professional stances towards teaching, positioning them as delegates and agents striving for professional justice.  相似文献   

历史本在很大程度上可以看作是一个产生的过程。在本所产生的社会历史脉络中,如果研究能够尽量在了解社会生活的同时分析地方献,通史对历史献产生的社会意义给予更多的关注,就可以看到献表面上所不能了解的问题。因此,对历史献的利用与人类学田野工作的结合,也是理解地方社会化的一种有效方式。  相似文献   

Discourse analysis is the examination of language use by members of a speech community. It involves looking at both language form and language functions and includes the study of both spoken interaction and written texts. It i-dentifies linguistic features that characterize different genres as well as social and cultural factors that aid in our inter-pretation and understanding of different texts and types of talk. A discourse analysis of written texts might include a study of topic development and cohesion across the sentences, while an analysis of spoken language might focus on these aspects plus turn-taking practices, opening and closing sequences of social encounters, or narrative structure.  相似文献   


This article introduces the core concepts that emerged from five environmental education action research studies conducted by a group called Learning Communities in Environmental Education, Science and Mathematics (CEAMECIM) from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) in the south of Brazil. The studies focus on teacher education processes in learning communities involving teachers, researchers and environmental educators, and the critical writing and reading texts of classroom recordings to problematise participants’ teaching practices. CEAMECIM used action research cycles to examine narratives of educational action, narratives from teachers concerning their development as environmental educators, and narratives of their development of a sense of belonging, with a particular focus on critiquing social models that are based on hierarchies and individuality. From this analysis, we propose a new perspective on being and learning how to become a learning community, crystallised by the belief that ‘we are more when we are together’.  相似文献   

分析大量的非结构化文本数据已经成为各类研究及数据分析中的重要任务。本文借助Hadoop分布式计算平台,搭建了一个基于IKAnalyzer开源工具的文本分析应用系统框架,系统基于Spring Boot架构进行了Web应用平台搭建,结合node.js技术构建了数据驱动的Web前端UI呈现。研究实践了从文档收集、文档预处理、分布式计算、中文分词及词频分析、可视化呈现的初步流程。借助该系统平台,研究分别以金庸小说文本数据及采集的贵州省极贫乡镇教育基础数据作为语料数据进行了相关文本统计分析实践。  相似文献   

This textbook survey analyzes the construction and use of analogies in social science texts and compares the results to an earlier analysis of physical science texts. Although the results indicate that the categories in the Curtis and Reigeluth classification system for analogy construction were consistent across disciplines, several differences were revealed related to how and when the analogy is used as an instructional design strategy.  相似文献   


The following paper explores the conceptual models of thought which have recently emerged to confront the conventional approaches to analysis and solution of complex problems. Beginning with a critical attack on the tradition of specialization and reductionism, the author then summarizes several models which have originated from ecology, cybernetics, and systems theory. Throughout the paper is an emphasis on the potential contribution that such models can make to complex areas of policy and management, particularly within the environmental professions. Equally stressed is the fundamental importance of social learning and collective problem solving, particularly as engendered in the environmental professions as learning facilitators. The substance of the paper therefore promises a dual significance to environmental education—first, in the preparation of successive generations of individuals who are prepared to interpret, analyze, and respond adaptively to changing issues of great complexity; and second, to help develop the environmental professions as catalytic agents within society through which the public gains increasing awareness of and participation in critical policy debate. Through the evolving enhancement of the models exemplified by those described, the author asserts that both those working directly in environmental issues as well as society at large will benefit.  相似文献   

As proposed by social constructive theorists, meaningful learning and individual development were achieved through social interaction. To foster social interaction among students, this study formed an online learning community in which they played multiple roles as writers, editors and commentators. In playing different roles, they read peers' texts, edited peers' errors, evaluated peer editors' corrections and finally reconstructed their own texts. Results of this study showed that the multiple roles they played allowed them to have opportunities to view their own texts from others' perspectives. Based on these perspectives, they were more willing to acquire information from and contribute information to peers. All of this extensive information acquisition and contribution resulted in meaning construction of texts as active students improved their final drafts in both local revision (grammatical correction) and global revision (the style, organisation and development of a text) after receiving and evaluating feedback from peer editors. Their final drafts were very different from those of passive students whose first and final drafts were almost the same despite some grammatical revisions. This study suggests that, rather than relying only on an examination of students' final drafts, there may be benefits in teachers encouraging students to actively participate in social interaction by reading peers' texts, editing peers' errors and evaluating peer editors' corrections during text revisions.  相似文献   

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