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The objective of the study is to provide empirical evidence on the value of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Taiwan, which is a critical factor when considering the provision of more public funding. Being based on a nationwide telephone survey in Taiwan, this study uses the contingent valuation method to elicit citizens' willingness to pay (WTP) for maintaining the current PSB in Taiwan. The results show that household average WTP per year for PSB is estimated to be NT$982 (US$29.89), which is equal to 0.18% of GDP per capita in 2007. Such WTP estimate is much higher than the current government subsidy for PSB per household, which implies respondents' high appreciation on PSB as well as the potential benefit that Taiwan PSB could bring to the family. Our estimates of WTP provide important information for government authorities and policy-makers when making funding decisions. Furthermore, our survey results also point to some prioritized functions as potential niches on which the Taiwan PSB could focus in the future.  相似文献   

A television channel's identity is shaped by its output: not just the relative share of different programme genres but equally so the relative position programmes take up in the schedule. This paper refutes the notion that the development of scheduling strategies and tactics – to make the programme schedules as interesting as possible for viewers – are a product of a commercial and competitive television environment. It will be demonstrated that, from its inception, public service television paid considerable attention to the way in which the actual programme schedules could help establish its cultural–educational broadcasting goals. Taking Flemish public service television between 1953 and 1974 as a case in point, the paper analyses how, first, European public service broadcasting (PSB) created its own annual, seasonal, weekly and daily rhythm and, second, how contemporary scheduling strategies and tactics (compatibility, hammocking, etc.) can be identified in the monopolistic past, albeit interpreted along historically dominant PSB policy objectives.  相似文献   

美国“图书馆作为公众科学社区中心”项目旨在通过公共图书馆社区锚点的身份扩大公众科学的实践范围、提升公众科学素养,在全美范围内产生了广泛影响,值得我国学习借鉴。本文利用网络调查法对该项目进行研究,分析其实践举措,为我国公共图书馆推动公众科学的发展提供有益借鉴。具体来说,可通过吸引民众参与公众科学项目、开展公众科学项目科研数据管理与共享服务、提升图书馆馆员公众科学服务能力和构建以公共图书馆为枢纽的全国公众科学协作网络等措施,将公共图书馆打造成为公众科学的社区中心,支持公众科学的普及和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the 1950 introduction of the commercial radio station, Springbok Radio, into the South African Broadcasting Corporation, a Commonwealth inspired public service broadcaster (PSB) resulting from the Schoch Commission (1948). The paper argues that the introduction of Springbok Radio was prompted by the financial crisis faced by the Corporation; the broadcaster’s attempt to broaden its appeal beyond elite audiences serviced by PSB; and the national imperative to centralise and control the broadcast sector by dominating it completely. Thus, the study examines the motifs of PSB versus commercialisation; high culture versus popular culture; and nationalism versus internationalisation.  相似文献   

With music being one of the key elements of radio, and plurality one of the most important principles of public service, this article’s central argument is that one of the missions of public radio is to foster musical elements produced in the country’s national language. Focusing on traditional musical genres of the Portuguese-speaking countries, we will analyze the role of music in public radio by selecting specific musical shows focused on the Lusophone world. In order to determine the presence and impact of Lusophony in national stations, music will be the common thread for a reflection on how multicultural their programming strategies are able to be.  相似文献   

Domestically produced children’s television is frequently highlighted as both an area of market failure, and also as an area where children’s changing consumption habits necessitate new and different ways of thinking about funding children’s content across a range of platforms. In the light of a recent U.K. proposal to set up a Public Service Content Fund to support “genres” under threat, including children’s programming, this article considers how you fund diverse high-quality children’s content in a more challenging media environment where children’s content is arguably still a market failure “genre.” The first part of the article provides context by outlining the market failure characteristics of children’s content as a framework for analyzing the validity of market failure arguments across a range of platforms. It then investigates the causes of perceived market failure in the U.K. children’s television production market. The final part examines the implications of recent U.K. policy responses to provision for children that seek to address market failure through (1) the possible introduction of a contestable fund for public service content; (2) more stringent obligations on the British Broadcasting Corporation; and (3) the re-imposition of quotas on commercially funded public service broadcastings (ITV, Channel 4, Five). Drawing on regulatory and stakeholder responses, it concludes that attempts to overcome market failure in U.K. children’s television appear unsuited for funding the longer-term curation, distribution, and discovery of new types of content on platforms other than broadcasting.  相似文献   

This article examines the promotion of civil defence or ‘national service’ in interwar Britain. Analysing a recruitment campaign organised by the Chamberlain government in 1938–1939, it explores how civil defence was promoted in newspapers, posters, leaflets, guides, radio broadcasts, speeches and rallies, and how recruiters planned and executed the campaign. Existing literature has tended to focus on the role of national servicemen and servicewomen in wartime, but little is known about how these individuals were persuaded to join up before the war began or how national service was itself presented in the media. Through an analysis of official files, correspondence, advertisements and public relations, this article argues that the campaign for national service was not simply intended to attract new recruits, but to cement in Britain the notion that any future conflict would represent a ‘people’s war’ in which each citizen would contribute an equal share towards victory.  相似文献   

基于ClimateQUAL~(TM)的高校图书馆评价实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ClimateQUALTM是美国研究图书馆协会最新推出的图书馆服务质量评价体系,该体系力求从馆员的角度对图书馆的服务质量进行评价。此文概要介绍了ClimateQUALTM的宗旨和指标体系,运用德尔菲法对原有指标体系进行了适应性改造,构建了适合我国高校图书馆服务质量评价的体系,并选取三所不同层次的高校图书馆进行实证研究。根据实证结果,提出了立足于馆员角度改善图书馆氛围与文化、提升服务质量的相关举措,如健全图书馆公正公平环境、树立以馆员为主导的管理理念、创建科学有效的激励制度及构建和谐图书馆等。  相似文献   

Jessie Lymn is a PhD Candidate at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and a casual academic in the Information Studies programs at both UTS and Charles Sturt University. Her doctoral research focuses on the archival practices of subcultural communities and how this furthers temporal and spatial understandings of archives.

Building on Eichhorn’s concept of ‘archival genres’, this article considers the recent spate of zine anthologies published in Australia and the United States as examples of these genres. It proposes that the anthologies are archives of content, form and practice, given that they commonly reproduce entire zines as visual material, not just text, and are produced by members of zine communities. This article argues that the anthologies’ narratives, presentation and distribution preserve ideologies of zine culture and that archival genres create spaces for the preservation of practices.  相似文献   

信息障碍成为影响农转城新市民城市融入的一个重要因素.论文从社会权利的视角分析了新市民的信息障碍成因在于:土地权利贫困和社会保障权利贫困,社会公共基础设施建设不足引起的公共渠道贫乏,社会关系网络的贫困等.论文通过对这些障碍成因的分析,旨在为农转城过程中新市民的融入问题提供破解途径,使新市民共享主流社会信息资源及社会服务.  相似文献   

电子公共服务公众满意度测评模型及实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子公共服务是信息社会中政府向公众传递公共服务的核心模式.公众是电子公共服务的接受者,应该成为电子公共服务的评价主体.公众满意度已成为当前电子政务绩效评价的重要指标之一.本文在对电子公共服务公众满意度内涵进行分析的基础上,结合美国顾客满意度模型ACSI,提出了电子公共服务公众满意度的概念模型,并采用结构方程模型方法,从政府网站、政府服务等方面入手,给出了概念模型中各个潜在变量的观测变量,设计了相应的调查方案收集数据,利用实证数据对模型进行验证研究,得到了电子公共服务公众满意度路径图,最后对实证结果进行分析和讨论.  相似文献   

新媒体时代,图书馆“短视频+”服务可以满足读者碎片化学习需求,对其现状及发展策略的研究有利于提升图书馆服务推广效果。论文以抖音、B站、微博视频号、微信视频号为研究对象,调查我国省级公共图书馆和高校图书馆“短视频+”服务的现状,通过对比粉丝数、获赞量、作品数量及内容特点,揭示“短视频+”服务的不足之处,提出了从管理规范、功能定位、平台特色、营销理论、服务模式五个方面提升图书馆“短视频+”服务的发展策略。  相似文献   

本文通过分析档案公共服务政策执行效果的关键影响因素,为优化档案公共服务政策的执行效果及提升档案公共服务水平提供参考建议。基于史密斯模型理论推导出档案公共服务政策执行效果的影响因素模型,并根据专家意见明确影响因素的内涵及范畴;基于DEMATEL方法对专家评分矩阵进行转换和计算,识别影响档案公共服务政策执行效果的关键因素。得出档案公共服务政策执行效果影响因素分为政策本身、政策执行主体、目标群体和政策执行环境4个维度;政策连贯性、政策实用性、政策主体对利益需求的关注、政策认知、知识素养、目标群体受教育程度、政策认同、主体认同、政策资金支持、社会文化氛围是影响档案公共服务政策执行效果的关键因素。  相似文献   

竞争情报在企业开展国际服务外包业务中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在近几年全球兴起服务外包转移大潮的背景下,我国于2006年开始实施服务外包“千百十工程”,国内大批企业将进入国际服务外包市场参与国际竞争。在竞争异常激烈的国际服务外包市场上,依靠竞争情报获取竞争优势是我国企业的必然选择。在企业开展国际服务外包业务过程中怎样发挥竞争情报的作用,是既有理论意义又有实践意义的研究课题。研究表明,企业开展国际服务外包业务过程中,竞争情报至少可以在以下6个方面发挥作用:(1)帮助企业制定竞争战略;(2)帮助企业赢得订单;(3)帮助企业开展客户关系管理;(4)帮助企业提高市场开拓能力;(5)帮助企业进行风险管理;(6)帮助企业提高创新能力。  相似文献   

Governments across the world are experimenting with smart city technologies but recent studies suggest that not all citizens support this development. However, a comprehensive understanding of citizen discontent with the smart city is missing. This study systematically reviews academic research addressing citizen discontent with the smart city. Based on a set of 58 articles, two perspectives on citizens' discontent are identified. One perspective focuses on active discontent: citizens are dissatisfied with the technology, democratic process, and societal impact of the smart city and show different types of behavior to express their discontentment. The other perspective emphasizes passive discontent: citizen discontent does not manifest itself due to citizens' lack of awareness and skills and the absence of channels to express their discontentment. Both perspectives on discontent suggest different government responses respectively to overcome citizen discontent through ‘the right technologies’, ‘the right rules’, and ‘the right information’, or to stimulate critical citizenship through ‘the right to smart city education and empowerment’ and the ‘right to participate and challenge’. Based on our findings, a fine-grained understanding of attitudes and behavior, and government actions to address citizen discontent is developed.  相似文献   

图书馆实行免费服务是贯彻"十二五"国家公共文化发展战略重要措施之一,对少年儿童图书馆来说,是机遇也是挑战。只有确立自己的发展定位,才能更好地承担起自己的使命。本文针对免费服务,提出了少儿图书馆的四个定位,即"教育性"、"公益性"、"休闲性"、"研究性"定位,并对少年儿童图书馆的创新发展进行了思考。  相似文献   

随着网络技术和多媒体技术的发展,用户利用多媒体信息资源的需求和行为习惯都发生了很大变化,多媒体服务呈现多元化发展趋势。高校图书馆顺应时代发展需要,不断拓展服务内容,优化服务手段,完善服务方式,为用户提供多形式、多层次、多途径的多媒体服务,并使现代多媒体服务逐渐成为图书馆服务创新的增长点。  相似文献   

Altruism is recognized as a significant component of willingness to pay (WTP) estimates when using contingent valuation method (CVM). The argument of whether all values that are motivated by altruism can be considered as real value has been discussed in various fields. In order to derive the real WTP value for public library valuation, an attempt was made to decompose an individual's total WTP into two categories: local versus global and paternalistic versus nonpaternalistic. A contingent valuation survey was conducted to demonstrate how altruistic motivations affect WTP estimates for public libraries. Approximately 22% of the WTP value was found to be excluded from the total WTP value, because of motivation by local and nonpaternalistic altruistic attitudes. The results suggest that in a WTP study using the contingent valuation method, one must design a survey questionnaire with a comprehensive view that takes into account two different aspects of altruistic motivation.  相似文献   

高校图书馆出版服务是学术交流的创新模式,研究国外高校图书馆的出版实践,有助于促进我国高校图书馆更好地开展出版服务。以国外高校图书馆的出版途径为基础,对近五年《图书馆出版名录》涉及的各项出版物类型进行数量对比和趋势分析。鉴于国内外出版物管理制度的不同,结合我国出版机制的现实情况和基本国情,探析适合我国高校图书馆出版服务的出版途径和出版物类型,并提出对我国高校图书馆开展出版服务的启示。  相似文献   

Public service producers are heavily investing in the development and implementation of more efficient new digital channels to engage users in citizen sourcing efforts, such as the reporting of public service-related issues. Nevertheless, user-reporters have continued to favor earlier implemented channels including traditional (e.g., phone, office) and e-government channels (e.g., web, email) over new digital channels such as m-government channels (e.g., mobile applications). Drawing on channel choice literature and theories, this study aims at explaining users' reporting behavior by examining the role of users' personal factors, including digital divide determinants, users' service experience, and channel satisfaction. We use a combination of survey and log data on actual reporting behavior among smart bike-sharing users to explain users' channel choice. Using a multinomial logistic regression, we found that the digital divide predicts user-reporters' channel choice. Moreover, user-reporters with a longer service membership favor traditional and e-government channels, over the newly implemented m-government channels. Finally, user-reporters' satisfaction with the mobile application is negatively associated with the user-reporters' choice of traditional and e-government channels. Our results expand and update the empirical evidence on channel choice at the user level, and provide insights for public service producers who aim at enhancing public service delivery through digital users' engagement.  相似文献   

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