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某工业厂房在使用过程中出现安全问题,考虑到该建筑物的重要性,需要对其进行加固改造处理。通过对结构现状进行现场调查、检测,利用“三维扫描+BIM+GIS”的多维信息技术快速获取建筑信息数据,经过数据处理,详细地对构件及结构系统、鉴定单元进行可靠性鉴定分析,提供了可靠性鉴定结论及建议。  相似文献   

当被研究的问题出现多种可能的情况时,我们往往按可能出现的所有情况分别进行讨论,得出每种情况下相应的结论.这种思想方法,人们常称为类分法.我们认为,对“类分法”进行深入探讨确有必要.首先,“类分法”是数学中基本的思想方法之一,中学数学中有大量可资运用这种方法的内容和习题;其次,这种方法是中学生学习的重要方法之一,用它可以整  相似文献   

“除法的初步认识”备课札记江苏沈长生义务教育小学数学教科书第三册“除法的初步认识”,教科书引人两种分法,逐步揭示除法的两种含义。传统教材把两种分法分开进行教学,即使在同册中也相离较远,新教材把两种分法集中编排,教学了第一种分法后,接着就教学第二种分法...  相似文献   

义务教育六年制小学数学第三册第32页《两种分法的对比》这节教材,为使学生初步掌握“等分”与“包含”两种分法的区别与联系,初步从整体上理解除法的意义,对长期以来两种分法分散出现、相隔甚远的编写方法进行了改进,把两种分法集中安排,教学之后再进行对照比较。适应教材的这一编写特点,本节课应注重学生动手实际操作,培养学  相似文献   

为了避免“信息孤岛”的出现,我校采用基于SOA架构方案,在不破坏原有数据和系统地基础上,利用流程管理器实现对数据访问控制、操作控制、以及交换控制.学生、教师、管理员等不同角色通过信息服务、流程服务、数据交换服务对各个业务系统进行访问.这种松耦合、灵活的架构,满足学校已有业务和新业务的发展的需要,同时方便系统的升级与改造.  相似文献   

《历史教学》2008年2月上半月刊“命题研究”栏目,刊载了聂幼犁教授的文章《“方寸”中的试题及其设计》。聂教授对2007年上海市初三历史一道简释与问答题进行分析评价后,对其进行了另行设计,除适合初三测试的正式稿外,又将其改造成高三测试题,其中方案一“在保持原来考查目标的前提下,提高了试题的‘门槛’、加大了难度的阶梯和提升了整体难度”,方案二又另辟角度以邮票反映的政治倾向和国际关系理念为核心进行了设问,这样,在对邮票有效信息的不断深入挖掘中,又“开发了汲取信息的深度和利用信息的综合度”,  相似文献   

对路桥(新桥)方言的声母和声调系统进行了以下三种不同的处理:甲方案依照吴语学界常用的“以有帮滂显、端透定、见溪群三级分法为吴语特征”的定理为指导整理出路桥音系;乙方案在甲方案的基础上将鼻音和边音分为“浊”与“更浊”两套,并根据路桥方言声母浊音“清音浊流”的实质对浊音的标音符号作了调整,即在相应清音的后面加上浊流6;丙方案将浊音声母归入与其相对应的清音,是最简的方案,适于单纯为方言标音。  相似文献   

用微机监控系统取代常规控制屏的自动化改造是变电所创造国际一流供电企业的必然要求.在重点探讨监控系统构架、二次回路、组屏方案及保护信息接入方案的基础上,以期对220kV变电所的自动化改造提出可资借鉴的模式.  相似文献   

落实教学“三维目标”,是新课程标准的要求.教师在教学中必须正确理解、把握“三维”目标之间的关系,选择和优化教学行为,从而提高教学质量和效益. 一、正确认识“三维目标的关系 “三维”目标,即知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观.“三维目标”是一个不可分割的有机整体,它们既有各自的内涵,又相辅相成.简单地说,“三维目标”的关系可表述为“知识与技能”是实现“过程与方法”和“情感态度及价值观”的载体,“过程与方法”是链接“知识与技能”和“情感态度及价值观”的桥梁,“情感态度及价值观”是“知识与技能”和“过程与方法”的升华.  相似文献   

一、案例:“平均分的意义”教学 1.把6张扑克分给两个学生,有几种分法? 2.平均分的概念。 (1)比较上面几种分法,哪一种分法比较特殊?为什么说它特殊? (2)像这样的分法我们给他取一个名字,你能吗? (3)什么叫平均分? 3.判断平均分,并说明理由。 (另补充把一个圆平均分成2份、不平均分两种情况。) 4.平均分的分法。 (1)平均分需要知道哪两个条件?  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a pattern design method for a 3D triangular garment surface. Firstly, some definitions of 3D style lines are proposed for designing the boundaries of patterns as drawing straight lines or splines on the triangular surface. Additionally some commonly used style lines are automatically generated to enhance design efficiency. Secondly, after style lines are preprocessed, a searching method is presented for quickly obtaining the boundaries and patches of a pattern on the 3D trian- gular surface. Finally a new pattern design reuse method is introduced by encoding/decoding the style line information. After style lines are encoded, the pattern design information can be saved in a pattern template and when decoding this template on a new garment surface, it automates the pattern generation for made-to-measure apparel products.  相似文献   

Mutual information (MI)-based image registration is effective in registering medical images, but it is computationally expensive. This paper accelerates MI-based image registration by dividing computation of mutual information into spatial transformation and histogram-based calculation, and performing 3D spatial transformation and trilinear interpolation on graphic processing unit (GPU). The 3D floating image is downloaded to GPU as flat 3D texture, and then fetched and interpolated for each new voxel location in fragment shader. The transformed results are rendered to textures by using frame buffer object (FBO) extension, and then read to the main memory used for the remaining computation on CPU. Experimental results show that GPU-accelerated method can achieve speedup about an order of magnitude with better registration result compared with the software implementation on a single-core CPU.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomy is difficult for psychology students because of spatial visualization and the relationship among brain structures. Some technologies have been implemented to facilitate the learning of anatomy using three-dimensional (3D) visualization of anatomy contents. Augmented reality (AR) is a promising technology in this field. A mobile AR application to provide the visualization of morphological and functional information of the brain was developed. A sample of 67 students of neuropsychology completed tests for visuospatial ability, anatomical knowledge, learning goals, and experience with technologies. Subsequently, they performed a learning activity using one of the visualization methods considered: a 3D method using the AR application and a two-dimensional (2D) method using a textbook to color, followed by questions concerning their satisfaction and knowledge. After using the alternative method, the students expressed their preference. The two methods improved knowledge equally, but the 3D method obtained higher satisfaction scores and was more preferred by students. The 3D method was also more preferred by the students who used this method during the activity. After controlling for the method used in the activity, associations were found between the preference of the 3D method because of its usability and experience with technologies. These results found that the AR application was highly valued by students to learn and was as effective as the textbook for this purpose.  相似文献   

简单介绍了3DS文件格式,给出了3DS文件读取算法,并详细描述了3DS文件中三维模型主要顶点信息和三角面片信息的读取算法,从而得到文件中存储的三维模型的顶点和面信息,在此基础上利用OpenGL实现了读取得到的三维模型的显示和控制,实现三维模型的旋转、缩放、平移等操作。  相似文献   

人体切片数据的三维重建系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了利用人体切片数据,从二维图像中提取三维信息,并采用OpenGL开发工具进行三维重建的方法。根据不同点云绘制方法与计算消耗时间的关系,重点提出如何结合点云绘制与网格绘制,有效、快速的实现了人体切片数据的三维重建。  相似文献   

To describe the spatial tendency and complex relationship of geological structures, a digital modeling based on geographic information system and the visualization of hydroelectric engineering geology information are presented. The functions of information visual query, spatial cutting, section drawing, and coupled analysis with hydraulic structures are realized. The geologic model can match the attribute data with the shape data of geological structures, and organize the information for spatial query and analysis of the 3D model. With an application in Laxiwa hydroelectric project on the upriver of Huanghe River, the method provides a 3D parallel section view and query results of geoinformation, and 3D section views of geoinformation along axis of spillway tunnel,and along the 5th axis with underground structures, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation of different variables with information retention in guided 3D virtual learning environments by employing three experimental designs. In each experiments, different participants were included in the same population and different variables were considered. Information retention test, flow, presence, engagement scales were used as data collection tools. Namely measures of flow, presence and engagement were examined to see their correlation with retention in experiment 1, 2 and 3. As a result, not the total score of flow but focused attention, enjoyment and skill dimensions has a weak but significant correlation with information retention, while the challenge has a moderate and significant negative correlation. In the second experiment, retention had a significant, low-level relationship with teaching presence and cognitive presence, but it did not have a similar relationship with social presence. In the third experiment, information retention significantly correlated with affective and cognitive engagement, but not with behavioral engagement. Although the three studies’ participants were from the same population, It was seen that the differences in the level of relationship between information retention and the variables studied in each study. Nevertheless, it was found that the levels of flow, presence and engagement of students are important for information retention in a guided 3D virtual learning environment. The study is thought to guide researchers to design 3D virtual learning environments for different purposes, considering these variables.  相似文献   

研究了基于CityGML的多层次细节3D城市模型快速建模方法,并将其结合到3DUGIS中用于数字城市建设。建模过程中考虑空间关系、拓扑关系和语义信息。建模过程自动化程度高,能够在三维空间直接进行空间分析,方便海量数据的交换与数据挖掘。并给出了上海世博园区三维信息系统结合具体应用案例。  相似文献   

Students’ engagement with two-dimensional (2D) representations as opposed to three-dimensional (3D) representations of anatomy such as in dissection, is significant in terms of the depth of their comprehension. This qualitative study aimed to understand how students learned anatomy using observational and drawing activities that included touch, called haptics. Five volunteer second year medical students at the University of Cape Town participated in a six-day educational intervention in which a novel “haptico-visual observation and drawing” (HVOD) method was employed. Data were collected through individual interviews as well as a focus group discussion. The HVOD method was successfully applied by all the participants, who reported an improvement of their cognitive understanding and memorization of the 3D form of the anatomical part. All the five participants described the development of a “mental picture” of the object as being central to “deep learning.” The use of the haptic senses coupled with the simultaneous act of drawing enrolled sources of information that were reported by the participants to have enabled better memorization. We postulate that the more sources of information about an object, the greater degree of complexity could be appreciated, and therefore the more clearly it could be captured and memorized. The inclusion of haptics has implications for cadaveric dissection versus non-cadaveric forms of learning. This study was limited by its sample size as well as the bias and position of the researchers, but the sample of five produced a sufficient amount of data to generate a conceptual model and hypothesis.  相似文献   

基于Google SketchUp的虚拟城市三维景观构建技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟城市是现代城市信息化发展的产物,越来越广泛地应用于城市规划、建设和管理之中。如何高效、快速地构建三维景观是建立虚拟城市的关键技术。基于Google SketchUp的虚拟城市三维景观构建方法,其操作简单,效率高,大大降低构建大规模三维景观所花费的时间和精力,从而可以降低工程的成本,加快城市三维景观技术的推广。这种方法可以广泛应用于各高校校园景观建设,住宅小区的整体效果三维演示,中小城市的三维景观建设以及各种城市规划工作中。  相似文献   

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