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跳板跳水起跳技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言跳板跳水从技术上讲可以划分为走板、跨跳、起跳、空中动作和入水等几个阶段。其与跳台跳水的主要区别就在于,动作的成败很大程度上取决于运动员利用跳板的能力如何。因此,对跳板运动员说,走板、跨跳和起跳技术的好坏是非常重要的。而在这几个阶段中起跳是最关键的一环。尽管不应过分强调起跳在整个跳水动  相似文献   

"合板"是指在跳板跳水时,运动员从走板到起跳过程中每一个动作与跳板自身震动之间的关系。正确的"合板"必须建立在运动员的"走板一起跳"动作与板运动协调一致的基础上, 通过动作节奏与跳板振动频率的高度一致,使运动员最充分地利用跳板挠曲产生的弹性势能,获得高的起跳高度和快的旋转速度。"合板"是决定跳板运动成绩的关键因素之一,也是跳板技术训练的主要内容。以往国内外的研究方法主要是将跳板进行单行约束简化, 运用静态负重测试手段对跳板的力学特性进行研究,通过理论推导建立"人一板"模拟模型。该模型在给定运动规律的情况  相似文献   

陈莉 《游泳》2011,(6):52-53
走板起跳技术是跳板跳水中最难掌握和最关键的技术环节,技术和节奏上的失误影响起跳后动作技术的完成,甚至使动作失败。  相似文献   

前言 我国跳水项目已进入国际先进行列。但跳台和跳板两项发展并不平衡,跳台水平明显高于跳板的水平,跳板项目水平落后的关键因素之一,在于走板技术不符合我国运动员的特点。80年代初国内对走板技术的研究,主要是以世界著名跳水选手洛加尼斯的走板技术为楷模,学习他的技术,追求走板慢节奏、软支点,最后一走,即跨跳步的步幅大,动作平稳。这是一种以平稳为主要技术特征的走板起跳技术。  相似文献   

走板起跳技术是跳板跳水很重要的一部分,它决定动作的质量与稳定,动作毛病大部份是由于走板起跳不准确所造成。通过国际交往,图片对比,我们和先进国家相比,在走板起跳的技术上,尚有一定的差距。为此,必须加强研究,迎头赶上。  相似文献   

以我国优秀男子跳板跳水运动员王峰为研究对象,对其一、三组中不同难度动作的走板步法结构进行了运动学分析。结果表明:跨步动作是产生步点偏差的主要环节;跨跳步对身体的控制调整是减小起跳步点偏差的关键技术;走板加速主要集中在有腾空的跨步;提高助跑速度常常以加大步长为主要手段;王峰是采用短跨跳的长距走板。  相似文献   

刘犇 《游泳》2010,(2):54-56
在跳水运动中,走板起跳技术是跳板跳水中最基本的技术,同时也是跳板跳水中难以掌握的技术。走板起跳技术正确与否,直接影响空中动作和入水效果,影响动作完成的质量和比赛得分。随着当今跳水运动的飞速发展,一大批少年选手脱颖而出。  相似文献   

本文主要对国内优秀运动员和省级运动员的起跳动作进行录像采集,比较分析省级运动员在起跳动作技术上与国家级运动员的差距,为省级运动员技术动作水平的提高提供数据支持和参考依据,为后期训练手段的改进提供建议。  相似文献   

高峰 《游泳》2013,(2):52-53
跳板跳水比赛有一米和三米跳板两个项目,要在这一米或三米的跳板上完成多周和转体动作,起跳高度是保证高质量完成动作的重要因素之一,因此必须提高运动员的压板能力,把运动员弹得更高,使之有充分的时间去完成动作。如何提高运动员的压板能力?可以从三个方面进行:1.掌握正确合理的压板技术;2.提高专项身体素质;3.改进运动训练器械。1正确合理的压板技术最理想的压板技术是运动员通过身体各部分的协调配合,给予跳板  相似文献   

成功的跳板跳水,在很大程度上取决于运动员能否合理地运用自己的身体和跳板。助跳和起跳的功能,从本质上看,在于获得最佳的蹬离效果,跳达最大可能的高度,完成各种复杂的空中动作。本文从功能的角度着重研究跳板跳水的功跳和起跳,旨在揭示合理的起跳技术;数理分析则力求简洁,以期能为运动员、教练员所理解和接受并对运动训练有所帮助。  相似文献   

跳板跳水的生物力学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对跳板跳水技术性强的助跑、起跳技术进行分析,介绍国内外不同时期有关跳板跳水运动技术研究方法的进展和研究成果,并对人板系统的一些力和能量问题进行初步的理论探讨。  相似文献   

利用德国Dartfish视频分析软件,结合有关文献资料,对2010年世界女排大奖赛决赛中国VS与意大利队比赛中王一梅与皮切尼尼的前、后排的扣球中的助跑起跳动作环节及空中击球的技术进行对比与分析。研究表明王一梅前、后排扣球技术中,前排助跑速度低于后排,都有充分利用助跑速度前冲起跳的特征;后排扣球重心移动距离较长,动作幅度较大。皮切尼尼的后排扣球动作的数据都明显小于王一梅,但是击球后的球速却略小于王一梅,其中躯干的前屈动作最为明显。  相似文献   

对我国优秀女排队员跳发球技术助跑起跳的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对我国优秀女排队员跳发球技术动作的拍摄、测试、解析,找出了跳发球助跑、起跳动作的结构特点,以及女排队员助跑、抛球、起跳的技术特征。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (-1.6% of body height compared with -1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (-0.4 m x s(-1)). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m x s(-1) at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (-2.3% of body height compared with -1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (-0.6 m x s(-1)). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m x s(-1) at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   

中国和古巴男排运动员双人拦网技术的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李毅钧  赵歌 《体育学刊》2003,10(5):121-123
通过三维高速录像对中国和古巴两国男排运动员双人拦网技术动作的分析表明:当对方4号位强攻扣球时,2号位队员面对球网并步移动起跳拦网,3号位队员左肩斜对网跑步移动起跳空中转体拦网。古巴运动员拦网时重心腾空高,手臂与网垂直面夹角小,两臂主动用力前伸下压两手压腕罩球,躯干收腹呈"<"型,拦网攻击性强。  相似文献   

中外优秀男排选手前排扣球技术的三维运动学比较研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
通过三维高速录像研究表明 ,中国选手具有起跳时间短 ,两脚同时蹬地的起跳特征 ;外国选手具有起跳时间长 ,两脚依次蹬地的起跳特征。扣球是以转体、伸肩和收腹带动挥臂击球的三维动作 ,转体和伸肩动作占有重要作用。击球瞬间肘关节呈 15 0 (°)左右略屈肘击球能充分发挥前臂旋内加速功能。  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (?1.6% of body height compared with ?1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (?0.4 m · s?1). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m · s?1 at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (?2.3% of body height compared with ?1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (?0.6 m · s?1). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m · s?1 at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   

The long jump has been widely studied in recent years. Two models exist in the literature which define the relationship between selected variables that affect performance. Both models suggest that the critical phase of the long jump event is the touch-down to take-off phase, as it is in this phase that the necessary vertical velocity is generated. Many three dimensional studies of the long jump exist, but the only studies to have reported detailed data on this phase were two-dimensional in nature. In these, the poor relationships obtained between key variables and performance led to the suggestion that there may be some relevant information in data in the third dimension. The aims of this study were to conduct a three-dimensional analysis of the touch-down to take-off phase in the long jump and to explore the interrelationships between key variables. Fourteen male long jumpers were filmed using three-dimensional methods during the finals of the 1994 (n = 8) and 1995 (n = 6) UK National Championships. Various key variables for the long jump were used in a series of correlational and multiple regression analyses. The relationships between key variables when correlated directly one-to-one were generally poor. However, when analysed using a multiple regression approach, a series of variables was identified which supported the general principles outlined in the two models. These variables could be interpreted in terms of speed, technique and strength. We concluded that in the long jump, variables that are important to performance are interdependent and can only be identified by using appropriate statistical techniques. This has implications for a better understanding of the long jump event and it is likely that this finding can be generalized to other technical sports skills.  相似文献   


Two distinctly separate training facilities (dry-land and aquatic) are routinely used in springboard diving and pose an interesting problem for learning, given the inherent differences in landing (head first vs. feet first) imposed by the different task constraints. Although divers may practise the same preparation phase, take-off and initial aerial rotation in both environments, there is no evidence to suggest that the tasks completed in the dry-land training environment are representative of those performed in the aquatic competition environment. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematics of the preparation phase of reverse dives routinely practised in each environment. Despite their high skill level, it was predicted that individual analyses of elite springboard divers would reveal differences in the joint coordination and board-work between take-offs. The two-dimensional kinematic characteristics were recorded during normal training sessions and used for intra-individual analysis. Kinematic characteristics of the preparatory take-off phase revealed differences in board-work (step lengths, jump height, board depression angles) for all participants at key events. However, the presence of scaled global topological characteristics suggested that all participants adopted similar joint coordination patterns in both environments. These findings suggest that the task constraints of wet and dry training environments are not similar, and highlight the need for coaches to consider representative learning designs in high performance diving programmes.  相似文献   

对我国5.60m水平以上3名优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员的助跑起跳技术进行分析.研究认为,现阶段我国运动员的助跑速度同世界级运动员差距不大,但助跑节奏存在问题,倒三步重心速度变化不合理;倒一步步长受限于起跳点,刘飞亮和杨雁盛助跑阶段最后两步步长变化不合理;刘飞亮采用“自由起跳”的起跳方式,“自由起跳”属于“跳插同时”型,主要技术特征表现为握竿高度高,翻竿时机早,起跳距离远,插穴时间充分,撑竿表现为“反弓”弧度明显,在起跳离地瞬间“正弓”才开始出现;建议杨泉和杨雁盛增加起跳距离,改进翻竿时机,刘飞亮提高最后两步节奏的稳定性.  相似文献   

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