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20世纪下半叶中国战争小说的母亲形象,经历了革命母亲、本色母亲和妻性失衡式母亲的嬗变过程;经历了精神特质由革命化向人性化、世俗化下移的转变过程。作家们以母性原型为本色,凸显出母性中的共性,感人至深地写出人人心中对母性的美与善,将母亲的本性作为人道与文明的宝塔,照射与重构人类精神家园的灵魂栖所,点亮了人们心中所有的母爱之光,并在艺术之林中占有一席之地。革命母亲形象的光泽也在于此。将妻性失衡式母亲形象作为叩询历史、拷辨人性的艺术载体,也不失为一种成功的艺术选择,它使母亲的形象闪现出前所未有的理性光泽,预示出母亲形象塑造的新方向。  相似文献   

在传统话语中,母亲已成为被异化的女性形象,体现并传承着男性的霸权意志。当代女性学逐步揭示出母亲的异化状态,书写来自女儿的批判与反叛,并寻求母性的真实本质和新型母女关系的建立。  相似文献   

"五四"女性作家从女性的角度出发,以母亲的名义进行书写,讴歌母爱,抒发母女之间的真挚情感,同时也反思母性的缺陷,来拆解传统母性价值,解构母性神话,重新认识母亲的地位。她们对父权社会中神圣母性的解构,一方面体现在对父权话语强加于母亲身上的虚构神话的清除,重塑一个新的母亲形象,另一方面,也是建构女性自身的性别文化价值,建构女性自身传统的开始。  相似文献   

母性是母亲所具有的特性,也指成为母亲的才能。幼儿师范学校的母性教育不是把学生培养成"乳媪和保姆",而是让她们学会承担自己的社会责任,为做一名"最好父母"般的幼儿教师做准备。母性是由母爱、母艺和母德三部分组成,所以母性是可教的。在对学生进行母性教育时必须遵循的原则是:教师教育,主体性教育,生活教育和全面教育。  相似文献   

关于母性不良行为引发未成年人犯罪的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母性(或母亲)不良行为在思想、心理状态、行为方面误导未成年人走上犯罪道路。母性追求享乐,只要金钱、不要情操,缺乏理智,把对子女的教育当成感情发泄,缺乏管教、放任自流等,是未成年人变坏的不良外部因素。重视和加强对母性的教育,使她们树立高尚的理想、正确的人生价值观,增强文化素质、法律观念和家庭道德观念,营造一个良好的家庭氛围和社会环境,对防止未成年人犯罪有重要作用。  相似文献   

在东西方的传统文化中,母亲的社会人格都已被固定化和模式化了,母性即意味着"无私奉献"、"忘我牺牲"和"仁慈宽厚",正如爱男人更甚于爱女人自己早已成为男权文化中心对理想女性的人格定位一样,爱子女甚于爱自己也早巳成为父权社会对理想母亲的人格定位.但奥尼尔和曹禺却在他们的悲剧中向世人展示了母性中的另一面,它颠覆了传统文化中关于母性的神话.  相似文献   

普遍意识形态认为的伟大、崇高、博爱的母性爱 ,在另一方面就隐藏着牢固母性社会性角色分担的父权制意图。母性在父权制的母性主义 (motherism )旗帜下 ,很大程度上隐瞒了她的实际状况 ,诸如丧失主体、性奴隶化、孤独、无力等等。在女性主义领域里重新研究的“母性” ,区别于以往的普遍“母性”概念 ,女性主义首先解剖母性实体 ,而后重构新的母性概念。文章以孤独、无力的母性实体为中心研究四位中国现代女作家探讨母性的文本  相似文献   

张爱玲是中国现代文学史上占有相当重要地位的女性作家,她从小失去母爱,有着不同于常人的情感体验。她以这种极端的体验,书写了一群非常态的母性形象。在这些形象身上更多的是冷漠、自私,有的甚至是畸形变态。张爱玲在作品中毅然撕去了贴在母亲身上的天使般神圣的标签,对高尚善良.无私奉献的传统母亲形象产生质疑,打破了母性讴歌的传统模式。这些母性形象折射出作者对母性的价值和本质的更深层思考,开拓了母性题材的新主题,为文坛留下了不可多得的宝贵财富。  相似文献   

池莉小说中的母性意识与文化立场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
池莉近作《生活秀》中来双扬的形象母性意识的又一次强化。来双扬没有任何母亲角色,却充分地展示了母性的生存关爱,并牢固地树立起她在家庭的中心地位,这个形象与中国女性的原始意象(女神意明)有着深刻的联系,作品以母性意识肯定了市民生活对社会各阶层的哺育特性,由此而成长起来的大富新贵和精英化都与它有着割不断的联系。  相似文献   

中国现代文学中出现了不少反面母亲形象。因母亲的愚昧粗俗、自私自利、欲望膨胀等缺点牺牲儿女的幸福,成为"母亲"中的反面教材。从对辣辣、曹七巧、周繁漪和司绮纹等反面母亲形象的分析,得出母性由善变恶归咎于个人、家庭、社会等深层原因,对其细致剖析,为良好母性价值的回归提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Dr. Spock’s, The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, one of the best-selling self-help texts of all-time, “second only to the Bible in popularity” (Meakin & Tattersall, 2004) was one of the most influential childcare books in American culture. The author has been both heralded and disparaged as instrumental in the shaping of untold generations. In the present study, we address the rhetorical construction of the Spockian Mother as she is developed during Spock’s tenure from 1946–1992. We employ a feminist rhetorical perspective to examine the progression of Spock’s texts in order to understand how patriarchal images of motherhood are constructed and maintained through Spock’s lifetime and the first 46 years of its publication. We argue that Spock both reinforced and challenged the institution of motherhood; he challenged institutionalized motherhood by encouraging mothers to “trust themselves” while simultaneously conforming to a patriarchal model of motherhood which is at odds with empowered mothering.  相似文献   

教科书作为一种合法性知识文本,是主流意识形态的承载物。母亲角色是女性重要的身份,分析教科书中的母职图像,可以呈现教科书所建构的理想母职观念及其背后的社会权力关系。本研究运用文本分析法对我国X版小学语文教科书的选文和插图进行分析,以探究教科书对理想母职的再现策略及其背后所建构的母职意识形态。笔者发现:第一,X版小学语文教科书中的母亲形象呈现出“家庭化”和“弱势化”两大特征。第二,X版小学语文教科书通过女性刻板印象、母职的社会公共角色缺失以及母职符号化等叙事方式建构了当前理想的母职观念。第三,X版小学语文教科书通过“惩戒凝视”和“自我标准化”这两种策略实现了理想母职的再生产。最后,根据研究发现对小学语文教科书的母职呈现提出建议,以期能够对小学语文教科书的编写提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper we ask: How is motherhood being represented in the British media, especially in relation to choice, age and fertility? Do media discourses reflect a redefinition or transformation of ‘motherhood’ in the twenty‐first century, and what implications do they have for feminist research into maternal identity and motherhood? As three Ph.D. students from The Open University, all working on different aspects of motherhood, we examine and discuss the significant debates around motherhood, fertility and choice taking place recently in the British media. In the context of increasing divergence from traditional family forms, advances in medical technology such as assisted reproductive techniques, and changing attitudes to sexual behaviour and marriage over the past few decades, motherhood and parenting remain contested sites in the public domain. The availability of contraception and of abortion has given rise to increased choice, and yet women’s fertility choices are increasingly subject to scrutiny and criticism. In particular, media debate in the UK has focused on challenges to traditional motherhood and the implication that the family is ‘in crisis’. This is particularly evident in the coverage of teenage mothers, older mothers and women who delay motherhood. Such media representations of older and younger mothers and those women who ‘leave it too late’ reveal significant insights into the social construction of motherhood.  相似文献   

文学文本的主题是一种审美特质的社会意识形态,存在的路径有其自身的特殊性.文学文本的主题蕴蓄于外在的具体可感的表意之象即具象中;文学文本的主题渗透着理性的元素,依托理性而存在;文学文本的主题蕴含着情感,借助于情感来抒发.  相似文献   

It is a generally accepted finding in the sociological literature as well as in public discourse that adolescent mothers are less likely than their non-parenting counterparts to graduate high school and to attend college. For several decades, however, researchers have pointed out that the implied causal process from teen motherhood to academic failure has been largely unsupported by empirical research. In fact, scholars have recently argued that motherhood may actually serve as a positive turning point in the lives of young women. Using a sample of young African-American women, this study assesses the degree to which teen motherhood not only affects college aspirations but also expectations. Further, it tests the ability of these effects to explain the well-known educational attainment gap between teen mothers and their non-childbearing peers. Results indicate that, in general, young mothers’ college aspirations are similar to those of non-mothers, but that their generally high aspirations for academic success appear to be effectively countered by their decreased educational expectations.  相似文献   

The following paper examines the emergence of a wish for a child among women in general, and the socio-psychological pressure awaiting unwed women who are over 30 years old. Though there has been some consensus among researchers that it is the institution of motherhood that perpetuates women's oppression, and not the experience itself, there have been very few studies on the experience of motherhood as a choice. The study of a wish for a child in mature age may clarify concepts such as femininity, womanhood, female sexuality, and motherhood. The paper suggests that the experience of unwed mothers is a unique framework for such an examination, and present a case study from a longitudinal research on unwed mothers in Israel.  相似文献   

The levels of support which faculty provide to students have been linked to a number of positive effects on students such as lower rates of attrition, greater satisfaction with college life, enhanced self-concept, improved academic performance and more likelihood of remaining enrolled in college through stressful life periods. There are surely fewer periods of life that are busier than new motherhood. This paper presents research carried out at a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates. We look at the ways in which faculty interact with new student mothers and employ interviews to explore ways in which faculty acknowledge and offer academic and pastoral support to the new mothers. Their perceptions of students’ coping strategies when they combine motherhood and college studies are reported, and the ways in which faculty navigate college policy which relates to the student mothers. Faculty saw themselves as being extremely supportive and flexible towards new mothers. Whilst undergraduate student motherhood was uncommon in their home countries, it was generally felt that the increased organization, efficiency, time management and resilience witnessed in student mothers were assets to the college community. This study also has wider applicability to faculty support of non-traditional students in other settings.  相似文献   

程建山 《海外英语》2012,(6):224-225
作为生态学与语言学的一门交叉学科,生态语言学旨在打破观念、语言、文化及研究上的界限以开放一个创新的平台从而能够将传统意义上分离的文化同自然领域在观点和理论方面结合起来。语言是一种社会秩序的永恒介入力量,它从各个角度反映现实,并通过再现意识形态来影响社会进程。该文主要从批评性语篇分析的角度来探讨和批评环境语篇中用于弱化施事责任的语法手段,重点涉及对名词化、被动语态等手段的分析。希望借此使读者对环境语篇中操纵、隐藏施事的行为能自主识别。  相似文献   

近三十年文艺意识形态问题一直是中国研究者争论的热点。通过对意识形态内涵就文学本性与意识形态的关系方面进行重点梳理.归纳出四种类型:一是文学的本性是意识形态或特殊的意识形态;二是文学的本性不是意识形态,而是社会意识形式;三是文学的本性不是意识形态,但与意识形态相关;四是跳出文学本性与意识形态的直接关系,提倡对意识形态内涵作泛化的理解。文艺的意识形态应从学理入手,以哲学为支撑点,以马克思文艺理论为根基,以具体文本为阵地,在与社会意识相契合下来理解。文艺的意识形态使得文艺思想观念与物质条件的关系转变成一种自然的普遍状态。不仅仅是文学思想观念中对现实社会的反映.更被赋予了一种积极的文艺政治力量。  相似文献   

作为跨文化交际主要方式的翻译从一开始就打上了意识形态的烙印,意识形态不仅仅在语言和概念层面影响着翻译策略,还体现在对翻译的选材上。从佛经翻译选材及其翻译策略角度探究社会意识形态对佛经翻译的影响,并试图说明佛经的翻译其实就是汉文化在特定历史时期的一种意识形态选择,是一种异域意识形态向本土意识形态渗透、交流、融合的过程。  相似文献   

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