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郑彩玲 《天津教育》2021,(5):174-175,178
在幼儿的相关生活习惯和饮食习惯培养的黄金阶段对幼儿进行教育促进,能够使幼儿的健康饮食行为的重要性让教师和家长思想上真正开始进行重视起来,这对幼儿进行幼儿健康饮食行为的培养具有十分重要的意义,能够培养幼儿养成正确的饮食习惯以及饮食礼仪。本文以相关研究为参考,对食育课程的基本内涵进行了解读,就食育课程为培养幼儿健康饮食行为的重要性做出了相关解析。在现实的教学实践上,提出了一些培养幼儿健康饮食习惯的具体策略,期望能够提供一些参考。  相似文献   

我园通过对已有食育课题“家园营养卡:幼儿食育课程实施策略的研究”的结题总结,认为食育课题还可以继续挖掘研究,因此确立了“基于二十四节气幼儿食育课程信息化的实践研究”,继续探寻食育课程对幼儿的影响。借助我国传统的二十四节气,把文化与饮食融为一体,挖掘适合幼儿学习和操作的实施策略,并通过信息化手段给予支持,构架家园共育桥梁...  相似文献   

<正>食育指与饮食行为有关的教育,包括饮食文化、饮食营养知识及制作方法等内容。幼儿处于成长早期阶段,开展食育可以促进幼儿身心健康发展,助力关键经验的积累。在传统节日中往往有享用美食的习惯,节日美食有着特定的文化内涵,承载着积极的生活观念和情感。教师在开展教育实践时,要注重将食育与传统节日结合起来,依托传统节日元素,传播食育文化。  相似文献   

冯晓洁 《动漫界》2022,(20):78-79
食育,即以食物为载体开展一系列教育活动的过程.幼儿园是幼儿教育的启蒙基地,是教会幼儿识别各种食物,养成良好、健康饮食习惯的第一站,因此在幼儿园开展食育课程非常重要.我园一直努力通过食育课程对幼儿开展启蒙教育,培养幼儿良好的饮食行为习惯和生活技能,促进幼儿的人格养成、兴趣及情感提升.  相似文献   

食育是饮食行为教育,是对孩子进行包括饮食观念、膳食营养知识和饮食卫生安全等一系列营养学的教育。食育的开展是一项利国利民,值得大力推广的事情。食育应当成为全民的教育,且越早开始越好。目前我国食育还处于萌芽阶段,幼儿食育的推进更是任重而道远,需要幼儿园、家庭、政府、社区乃至全社会的共同参与。  相似文献   

黄瑂  兰一心 《教师》2023,(29):111-113
饮食文化作为本土文化的重要组成部分,体现着地方的风土人情、饮食与生活习惯。食育是幼儿园健康教育与文化教育的重要形式,将地方饮食文化融入幼儿园健康食育课程,不仅有利于幼儿养成科学健康的饮食习惯,还能促进幼儿对本土饮食文化的了解,激发幼儿对本土文化的热爱,涵养幼儿的文化品格。文章基于本土文化与幼儿园课程融合的视野,探讨将木兰溪饮食文化融入以福建省莆田市城厢区第一实验幼儿园为代表的木兰溪流域“生命体验”教育科研项目基地园健康食育课程的价值与途径,提出通过开设木兰溪美食小论坛、建立木兰溪美食坊、举办木兰溪美食节,来构建特色化健康食育课程,促进家乡饮食文化的传播与传承。  相似文献   

卢秋萍 《上海教育》2024,(13):68-69
<正>幼儿园食育课程是围绕饮食开展的综合性活动,它能传达人们的生活价值观,能让幼儿从小接触中国历史底蕴深厚的饮食文化,为其营造具有民族特色的文化氛围,对提升幼儿的传统文化素养起到重要的推动作用。食育课程能够引导幼儿主动挖掘与饮食相关的文化元素,不仅能让幼儿提升文化素养,还能通过从提出问题到解决问题的探究过程增进主动学习的能力,对幼儿今后的发展产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

幼儿园构建食育课程的重要价值不仅在于其培养幼儿健康饮食习惯,也在于这是引导幼儿端正饮食观念的重要手段。不过个别幼儿园的具体实践中却存在重视程度有限,系统性、规范化不足的缺陷,同时家庭养育错误形成的干扰也是幼儿园构建食育课程过程中时常遭遇的负面影响之一。新时期幼儿园构建食育课程当坚持趣味化、实践性原则,既要充分听取专业意见与建议,以联动机制提升专业水平,也要强化家庭教育与引导,实现幼儿园食育全面覆盖,还要强化监督考核,保持弹性优化,重视信息反馈。  相似文献   

许卉 《动漫界》2022,(8):88-89
幼儿园食育课程,指以《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)和《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)为基础而设计和实施的一系列针对幼儿的饮食活动,最终目的是促使幼儿掌握一定的饮食知识,形成良好的饮食习惯,实现健康快乐成长.我园以项目学习的形式开展了食育课程,在幼儿园真实的情境中,基于幼儿感兴趣的主...  相似文献   

为了解某高校学前教育专业大学生营养知识、营养态度和营养行为现况,指导学前教育专业学生合理饮食及为营养课程改革提供科学依据,同时也为学前教育专业学生将来从事幼儿食育教育打下坚实的理论和实践基础,以查阅文献及专家讨论的方式自行设计问卷,以班级为单位随机整群抽6个班大学生进行问卷调查,发现学前教育专业学生营养知识水平较低,在改变不良饮食行为的态度上不积极,三餐进食不规律及膳食结构不合理普遍存在。鉴于学前教育专业学生营养知识、态度和行为不容乐观,应将儿童营养相关课程纳入幼儿教师培养方案,并通过各种措施改善学前教育学生营养素养,通过提高自身营养素养,为将来入职后更好的进行幼儿食育教育,改善幼儿营养状况打下基础。  相似文献   

为了解鞍山市不同幼儿园4-6岁幼儿饮食行为状况,本研究运用整群抽样的方法选取鞍山市3所不同层次幼儿园的256名幼儿,采用问卷调查和观察法对饮食行为进行调查。调查发现幼儿早餐状况参差不齐,存在过度零食、挑食、偏食现象。幼儿园需要有效开展营养教育,加强家园合作关系,共同培养幼儿健康饮食行为习惯。  相似文献   

季红珍 《成才之路》2020,(3):102-103
3岁~6岁是幼儿良好饮食习惯养成的关键时期,教师应通过开展食育主题活动,让幼儿在活动中获得有关饮食的知识,具备选择饮食的能力,培养幼儿与自然、环境和谐相处的意识,理解和传承饮食文化,养成健康的饮食和生活习惯。教师要善于将食育主题活动与生活教育、环境创设、礼仪教育、传统文化相结合,培养健康、文明的幼儿。  相似文献   

Children’s obesity rates have increased substantially over the past several decades, due in part to unhealthy eating habits. About 75% of preschool-aged children consume fewer fruits and vegetables than recommended for health. Because children begin developing eating habits during early childhood, obesity prevention programs are increasingly targeting young children in early childhood education (ECE) settings and are involving their families in teaching about healthy eating. The purpose of this pilot study is to assess the effectiveness of a family involvement activity known as the family backpack in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among 4- and 5-year-old children and their parents through hands-on activities that encourage them to explore and discuss fruits and vegetables at home. Forty-two families (22 experimental, 20 control) participated in the study. Families received a family backpack from their child’s ECE teacher and completed activities with their child at home during a specific week. Experimental-group backpacks contained a children’s book and three activities to encourage parent–child discussion about fruits and vegetables; control-group backpacks contained an unrelated book and activities. Children’s and parents’ fruit and vegetable consumption and frequency of serving fruits and vegetables at home were assessed using parent self-report surveys before and after completing backpack activities. Parents in the experimental group, but not the control group, reported increases in their own and their children’s fruit and vegetable consumption after completing family backpack activities. Family backpacks show promise as a tool for early childhood educators to help families reinforce and expand children’s learning and encourage healthy eating habits at home.  相似文献   

食育,是通过各种教育方式使国民学习与掌握饮食有关的知识,培养正确的饮食选择能力以及形成良好饮食习惯的一种教育。开展食育活动,要求将健康饮食的观念融入日常生活中,使幼儿从小养成良好的饮食态度和饮食习惯。文章以日本为例,通过探讨食育活动中所蕴含的对于幼儿身心发展以及教学工作开展的独特价值,对我国进一步推行食育计划提出有效建议。  相似文献   

传统蒙学教育有许多优秀的教学经验需要继承和发扬。课题组结合学前教育专业课程特点和学生的实际生活编写了《国学教育课程》校本教材,通过教学实践,学生得到了很好的思想教育和传统文化的熏陶,其思想、行为习惯等多个方面有了明显的改善,教学实践促进了学生的成长,为他们将来从事幼儿园教学工作奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Mexican-Americans are more likely to be obese than the general population, yet little research has been conducted on the socialization of eating habits in Mexican-American children. 38 obese mothers enrolled in a weight-loss program and their 4-8-year-old children were observed during mealtime and the mothers interviewed about their socialization practices. Mothers relied primarily on nondirective verbal control strategies during the observation. Child compliance was more likely to follow a maternal serving or command than a nondirective behavior. Mothers encouraged sons to eat more than did mothers of girls. Child age was negatively correlated with mother's use of commands, reasoning, threats, and bribes, and positively correlated with maternal nondirectives, servings, and child compliance. Mothers with more years of formal education served healthier foods and were more likely to report using reasoning strategies, prohibiting consumption of unhealthy food, monitoring child food consumption away from home, and allowing child input into the eating situation than were less educated mothers.  相似文献   


Family caregivers play a critical role in dietary care and the nutritional status of people with dementia. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a family care-based dementia dietary educational program (DDEP) on family caregivers’ nutritional knowledge, healthy eating behavior and nutritional status of people with dementia. A total of 57 pairs of participants completed this longitudinal experimental study. Group A received routine care. Group B received the DDEP. Three outcomes were measured at pretest (T1), posttest (T2) and follow-up test (T3). Generalized estimating equations and regression were used to analyze the data. The scores of the caregivers’ nutritional knowledge significantly increased after receiving the DDEP in group B, and this increase was better than in group A. The posttest and follow-up test scores of healthy eating behavior were significantly higher than the pretest scores in both groups. The scores of nutritional status in group B increased from the pretest to the follow-up test, although there was no significant difference between the two groups. Some demographic factors played significant roles in the caregivers’ nutritional knowledge and healthy eating behavior. In sum, the DDEP improved the caregivers’ nutritional knowledge and healthy eating behavior for dementia. The demographic factors of family caregivers should be considered when providing nutritional information to enhance the nutritional status of people with dementia. The DHPDEP should be incorporated into the in-service education and training courses for nurses or dietitians who work with people with dementia.  相似文献   

马守辰 《成才之路》2021,(11):96-97
在幼儿园教育中,教师可通过体育教学活动增强幼儿体质,培养幼儿健康生活的态度和行为习惯,以满足幼儿身心发展的需要,让幼儿度过快乐而有意义的童年。文章从教学实践、体育游戏内容及其他教学策略三方面探讨基于兴趣导向的幼儿园体育教学游戏化策略,以期为幼儿园体育教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

3~6岁是幼儿心智启蒙发育和生活自理能力初步形成的关键时期,幼儿教师应抓住这一关键时期指导幼儿学习基本的生活技能。幼儿教师应因材施教,开展家园合作,遵循幼儿教育原则,促进幼儿生活习惯的养成和行为观念的建立,促进幼儿生理与心理的健康发展,达到培养幼儿生活自理能力的教育目标。  相似文献   

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