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继1~11期王君老师青春语文"文本特质与课型创新"之主题型、语用型、写作型、诵读型、思辨型、积累型课堂教学策略的精细研究,本期聚焦"跳板型文本"探究。"跳板型文本"是青春语文文本特质研究由单篇教学向群文教学的过渡,也是打通整书阅读与多书引读的桥梁。相信抓住"跳板"、立足"垫脚"、侧重学生整本书阅读"开启"的思考和案例,会给语文教学吹来一缕清新之风。  相似文献   

各版本的语文教材中,叙事性文本占有较大的比例。教学叙事性文本,教师要引导学生探寻它的表达秘妙、品味它的语言特质、体悟它的写作方法等,使学生感悟人物形象、掌握表达技法、领悟写作艺术,从而提升叙事性文本的教学效益,提高学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

谢娟 《考试周刊》2014,(77):98-98
<正>读写结合课以阅读为基础,让学生通过仿照文本的话题、结构、语言等重新构建新的文本。通常教师先指导学生充分理解文本,然后以此设计写作活动。与传统阅读课相比,这种课型强化了写作活动,具有以下优势:一是教师通过学生的写作,及时了解学生对文本的理解和对新学语言的掌握情况。二是学生的阅读目的不再停留于理解层面,而是学以致用,增强了文本学习的动力。三是教师以阅读材料为范例,向学生介绍写作方法,学生写作时也有章可循,能顺利完成写作任务。  相似文献   

<正>随着全国高考以思辨为特征的材料型作文题一统天下,笔者在整理各地公布的高考高分作文时,发现一个有意思的考场作文写作趋势,那就是说理散文已经成为考生选用的主流文体。本文分析该文本写作图式及考场运用技巧。一、说理散文的特质及历史沿革  相似文献   

正王君老师在研究语文教学时提出,在指导初中学生阅读时,教师要针对文本特质进行归类。文本特质决定了该文本区别于其他文本的标志性属性,也决定了教师教学方式的不同。从不同的角度能对文本特征进行不同的分类,根据语用角度可以分成主题型文本和语用型文本这两个大类。其中主题型文本指的是偏重于文学方面的文本,其语言训练体现出隐性特质,因此主要的教学目标应该围绕分析文本内涵进行,主要的教  相似文献   

读后感作为一种特殊的文体,有着自身独特的规律。学生写作读后感不能放任自由,教师要给予适当的方法指导。教学《一本男孩子必读的书》应从清晰明朗的文本结构、浅近有序的语言特质、不同维度的感受抒发,为学生撰写读后感开掘素材、积累方法。  相似文献   

<正>中国古典诗词以其短小精悍的形式、高度凝练的语言、深远绵长的意蕴、朗朗上口的节奏等美学特质,千百年来一直深受人们的喜爱并口传心授,代代相传。不仅如此,很多在古典诗词方面具有极高修养和极丰富的教学经验的教师,在教学古典诗词时,在引导学生读顺、读通、读懂、理解古典诗词的大意和思想内涵的基础上,充分挖掘古典诗词文本中的写作素材,以引导学生通过诵读古典诗词带动写作训练,再以写作训练促进对古典诗词文本的阅读和理解,使古典诗  相似文献   

借鉴陶行知生活教育理念,运用理论思辨与案例分析的方法,探讨小学语文教学的策略。认为教师在实践中要认识生活与语文的关系,立足于学科特质与学生心理,合理选择生活教育的切入点,精心设计教学活动。提出教师可以引导学生从课文中联想生活,创设反映文本内容的教学情境,提供有关文本背景的资料,并在阅读和写作中联系学生的生活经验。  相似文献   

文章的审美,不但蕴涵于文本的形式之中,而且也蕴涵于文本内容之中。文章审美信息的构筑需充分调动写作主体的审美感受,需彰显文本信息自身蕴涵的直接性、根本性的美质,需择用蕴涵原生的审美特质的史料。  相似文献   

由于"树"型绘画图式与英语写作输出异曲同工,笔者以非英语专业硕士研究生英语写作教学为研究对象,巧妙运用"树"型绘画图式从语篇层面引领学生完成进阶式英语写作训练,旨在培养学生熟练掌握写前构思信息为本的谋篇策略,帮助他们撰写文体得当、结构合理、内容充实的英语文本,提高学生的综合英语写作能力。  相似文献   

In this paper we explored text production differences in an expository text production task between writers who looked mainly at the keyboard and writers who looked mainly at the monitor. Eye-tracking technology and keystroke-logging were combined to systematically describe and define these two groups in respect of the complex interplay between text production and the reading of one’s own emerging text. Findings showed that monitor gazers typed significantly faster and were more productive writers. They also read their own text more, and they frequently read in parallel with writing. Analysis of fixation durations suggests that more cognitive processing is in use during reading in parallel with writing than during reading in pauses. Keyboard gazers used the left and right cursor keys significantly more. We suggest that this is because they revised their texts in a much more serial mode than monitor gazers. Finally, analysis of the characteristics of the final texts showed no differences between the groups.  相似文献   

Teaching children in the primary grades the text structures and features used by authors of information text has been shown to improve comprehension of information texts and provide the scaffolding and support these children need in order to write their own information texts. As teachers implement the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS), they will need support and training on how to meet these increased curricular demands. In this article, we describe how children’s information books can be used as exemplars of well-structured text models to teach young students how to write selected discourse patterns required in the CCSS. As children in the primary grades learn to recognize and use well-structured example information texts as models for their own writing, they will be better prepared to deal with less well-structured, more complex text examples in their reading and writing in the years to come.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the digital writing practices of a Grade Three primary school student as he used an iPad to plan, produce and share digital texts. The case study acknowledges that writing is undergoing a period of great change in many classrooms and works to show how a student author has interpreted and produced digital texts with new technologies. In particular, the specific practices, digital materials and literacy concepts will be explicated through analyses of two digital texts created by this author. This focus acknowledges the ways texts can be planned, produced and shared using multiple modes and media. These social practices and the wider learning opportunities afforded through the flexible and recursive ways students produce text have yet to be fully explored. This paper also extends current understandings about digital writing practices through its examination of the connections between and among multiple apps as an author crafts digital text.  相似文献   

首先,课文结构分类必须建立在对各类文体本质特征的把握基础之上。课文结构分类的依据就在于找到不同课文结构中的某种共同性。其次,课文结构分类应当具有统一的科学依据,分类要正确,要相等。通过对英语课文结构的对比和分析,作者把课文结构分为四类:叙述文、析理文、说明文、应用文。  相似文献   

韩愈古文在唐代乃至中国散文发展史上占有极为重要的地位,其传记文也取得了很高的成就.他的传记文继承了太史公的史传体笔法,写作技巧、文章风格、语言特点无不受<史记>的影响.  相似文献   

Several researchers emphasize the role of the writer’s topic knowledge for writing. In academic writing topic knowledge is often constructed by studying source texts. One possibility to support that essential phase of the writing process is to provide interactive learning questions which facilitate the construction of an adequate situation model by initiating macro-strategies. In order to examine whether the provision of interactive learning questions during studying source texts leads to better results in academic writing both writing process and performance of a group supported by interactive learning questions was compared to a study-only group which read the source texts without learning questions. Results revealed that students provided with interactive learning questions wrote longer essays and spend significantly more time prewriting and writing/revising their essays than did the students of the study-only group. Studying source texts with learning questions resulted in text products of better readability and partly better accuracy and coverage of content. These findings suggest that engaging students in answering learning questions when reading source texts can positively affect both writing process and performance.  相似文献   

语篇结构在英语语篇建构中十分重要.由于中西方民族的文化思维差异,英汉语言语篇结构便不可避免地存在着差异.因此,在大学英语写作教学中,应该帮助学生建立和巩固好主要的英语语篇结构图式,以便在英语作文时能有效地进行调用,从而写作出符合英语语篇结构的地道的英语作文.  相似文献   

In research and development designed to assess the writing skills of third-year college students, the University of Wisconsin Verbal Assessment Project developed and tested procedures for assessing writing portfolios from students in courses representing each college in the university. Following the work of Britton (1970) and 1:he National Assessment of Education Progress, we defined expository writing as sustained reflection in which the writer focuses and processes information to various degrees. Basing our work on this construct, we assessed writing samples in each portfolio in terms of both degree of reflection and extent of text elaboration. Results of two studies are presented. In Study 1, raters scored each text from a given portfolio before rating texts in the next portfolio. Reliability estimates were low to moderate for both scores. In follow-up Study 2, involving a comparable group of students, several changes were made to improve reliability: (a) Raters scored all texts written in response to a given prompt or assignment within a class before moving to the next set of texts; and (b) each time readers dealt with a new task, they read several examples together, coming to agreement about how various texts were to be rated. Estimates of reliability for both scores were somewhat higher and suggest that the modifications improved reliabilities. Results demonstrate that adequate reliability should be expected if texts are rated by task across portfolios within classes. Based on these findings, we contend that, because writing normally varies by topic, genre, and other variables, writing portfolios are better characterized by scores for each piece than by a single writing-skill score.  相似文献   

基础英语课是一门集语言知识的学习和语言技能的培养为一体,专门为英语专业开设的综合性主干课程,在语言教学中占据着十分重要的地位,而培养学生的语篇分析能力则是该课程重要的教学目标之一。但是在实际语篇分析过程中,学习者通常只满足于文章字面信息的获得,而忽略了对作者写作的目的、语气、价值观及意识形态等问题的挖掘。评价理论是一个语义资源系统,主要关注使用者的立场、观点和态度,将该理论应用到基础英语教学中去,引导学生从人际意义的角度对篇章进行深入分析,能够加深学生的语篇理解层面,培养学生独立的语篇分析能力,从而在一定程度上提高基础英语课程的授课效果。  相似文献   

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