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应用国外成熟量表工具对307位职前科学教师进行调查,探索其TPACK自我效能感,研究发现:研究对象无论是在性别维度,还是在院校层次维度,抑或是在学历层次维度,TPACK自我效能感大多没有显著性差异,但各个维度分量表和总体得分都不高。在研究基础上建议"拓宽视野,促使职前科学教师全面、科学地认识技术变革;增加技术支持教学的实践机会;引导职前科学教师在研究中发现技术发挥的作用;促进同伴互助,提升TPACK自我效能感"。  相似文献   

整合技术的学科教学法知识(TPACK)是教师将技术有效整合到课堂中所必备的一种知识框架。通过对2005—2011年出版的55篇英文文献(包括一本书中的一个章节)和23篇中文文献的系统化梳理,发现目前对整合技术的学科教学法知识(TPACK)和技术知识(TK)的理解存在不同观点;不同观点的应用带来了不同的TPACK测量和评估方式;学科领域中的TPACK研究较少;教师TPACK和教师教学信念、技术信念相互作用且共同影响教师是否用技术来教学;积极参与设计、实施技术整合的课程是教师TPACK发展中非常有发展前景的策略,最后展望了TPACK的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

The technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework considers the role of technology in teaching. Although TPACK is grounded in context, one limitation is the lack of understanding about the interactions between particular contexts, knowledge development, and instruction. This qualitative multiple-case study was designed to explore the contextual factors that contribute to teachers' development of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge and practice. Researchers focused on the Catholic educational environment to develop a more refined understanding of specific, and unique, contextual factors within the TPACK framework. Individual case analysis of interview and observation data pointed toward microlevel, or teacher-centric, factors, including background, attitudes, and personal conceptualization of contemporary education, to be primary influences of the development and use of technological knowledge. Recommendations are made for educators to think about how changes in context influence the distinct overlapping components of the TPACK framework, and accordingly their individual TPACK. (Keywords: TPACK, educational technology, teacher practice, teacher context)  相似文献   

必备整合技术学科教学法知识(TPACK)对21世纪的教师来讲是一个要求也是一个宣言。教师TPACK的培养和发展成为教师专业化发展的重要组成部分。如何培养和发展教师的TPACK成为教师教育者、教师不得不去面临的问题。国外对TPACK发展进行了众多研究并产生了丰富的研究成果。梳理国外TPACK的发展方法、路径和具体策略,给我国教师TPACK发展提供几点启示和借鉴,TPACK发展要体现情境性、持续性、社会性、设计性、生成性、系统性等需求。  相似文献   

TPACK视域下职前教师教育模式的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息社会的到来、教育信息化的发展对未来教师的知识结构、能力体系提出了新的要求。而整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)框架顺应了时代要求,明确阐明了信息时代教师的知识体系和生成特征。现行的教师教育在教育模式、课程设置、培养机制等方面存在不足,而TPACK具有的“重视情境、教学实践、教学反思、交流与共享”的教师教育观为克服这些不足提供了理论依据和实践指导。从TPACK视域出发,结合教学实践,重构了职前教师教育新模式,即“理论实践一体化”模式。  相似文献   


Many empirical studies show that teachers have difficulty designing technology-integrated lessons for student-centered learning. Supporting teachers to change their pedagogical practice is a challenge faced in teacher professional development for technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This study describes how teachers’ conceptions of pedagogical change can be supported through the use of different kinds of TPACK design scaffolds—a meaningful learning rubric, lesson design heuristics and TPACK Activity Types. The impact of these design scaffolds on the TPACK confidence and lesson design confidence of 47 teachers and instructors who were attending a graduate course in educational technology were assessed through pre and post course surveys. Expert ratings of technology-integrated lesson plans designed at the beginning and end of the course were also used to determine the extent of pedagogical change enacted. It was found that these design scaffolds had positive effects on teachers’ TPACK confidence and were useful for helping the teachers to articulate pedagogical change in their lesson designs. Participants’ feedback for improving the TPACK design scaffolds as well as guidelines for using these to support pedagogical change through TPACK professional development programmes are discussed.



整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)是信息时代教师必备的专业知识基础。在系统梳理和借鉴国内外已有研究成果基础上,对1036名大四师范生TPACK进行了问卷调查。明确了大四师范生TPACK的构成要素,并使用结构方程模型揭示了各构成要素之间的关系及其对师范生TPACK的影响机制。结果发现:大四师范生TPACK由技术知识(T)、教学法知识(P)、学科内容知识(C)、学科教学知识(PC)和整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)五个要素构成。五个要素对师范生TPACK均有积极的正向影响,其中CK对TPACK的影响最大,其次是TK和PCK,PK对TPACK的作用最小。在此基础上,对目前师范院校教师教育课程的设置提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

张静 《电大教学》2014,(1):87-95
TPACK(融合技术的学科教学知识)是信息时代全新的教师知识框架,对于理解信息化教学诉求之下的教师知识发展具有重要的意义。TPACK的知识内涵与特征,亟待更加丰富而深入的阐释。通过文献分析,首次提出了理解TPACK内涵的三重视角:在跨学科视角下,TPACK是教师对跨学科认知方式与信息技术的交互所做出的明智设计和无缝衔接;在解构视角下,TPACK是教师对信息技术与特定学科(或主题)活动和特定主题表征之间的有机融合;在纵深视角下,TPACK是教师采纳技术并使之融入学科教学的多方面进阶与渐进式改变。据此,进一步阐述了TPACK的特征为融合转化性、复杂多面性、动态层级性、实践生成性和个人创造性。  相似文献   

The ubiquitous nature of technology in the world has not yet translated into the ubiquitous use of technology to transform learning and teaching. Teachers lack the confidence and competence to integrate technology across a broad range of tools within a range of contexts. Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has become a common framework to explore technology within teaching and teacher education. However, little research exists to explore the similarities and differences of TPACK between different teacher education programmes, within different countries or even different disciplines, especially in a secondary context. Using a self-report online survey, this study sought to compare and contrast TPACK results from pre-service teachers studying in secondary teacher education programmes in Australia and Israel. Findings suggest that TPACK is higher in Australia, and in both countries for those students who were aged over 26. There were no significant differences between gender and disciplines reported. The paper also discusses broad-scale implications for the future of research in TPACK.  相似文献   

As technology continues developing and being integrated into all facets of society, it has a direct impact on education. In response, TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) was developed as a framework to guide how teachers think about the relationship between their knowledge of pedagogy, content, and technology. However, since its first articulation, significant changes to the technology have occurred. Plus, upon careful review, TPACK’s basis in research, selection of terms, and focus on teacher knowledge limited its usefulness. In response, research that supports TPACK’s multiple dimensions was added, which resulted in TPACK being focused on students learning twenty-first-century skills.  相似文献   

《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011-2020年)》指出:推进信息技术与教学融合,促进教师专业化发展。教育部印发的《关于实施卓越教师培养计划2.0的意见》明确提出要推动人工智能和智慧学习环境等新技术与教师教育课程全方位融合。我国提出的“卓越教师培养计划”旨在培育一大批师德高尚、专业基础扎实和教育教学能力突出的高质量专业化教师。于是,我们不得不思考这样一个问题:教师需要什么知识才能成为一名合格的教师?自20世纪80年代中期开始,从美国学者舒尔曼提出学科教学知识(Pedagogical Content Knowledge,PCK)以来,国内外学者对此进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

高校是培养教师人才的场所之一,信息化时代对高校教师的教学能力提出了新的要求,TPACK是重要衡量指标。基于中国知网,运用Bicomb 2和SPSS 20. 0进行我国高校教师TPACK高频关键词聚类分析,总结出当前高校教师TPACK研究的三大主题,即高校教师TPACK能力培训研究、基于TPACK框架的高校教师专业发展研究以及教师TPACK能力应用发展研究,分析当前主题研究存在的困境,即TPACK质量评估问题、教师自身意愿问题以及过度关注技术本身,最后提出对策,旨在促进高校教师TPACK的发展,进一步提升高校教学质量。  相似文献   

教育信息化的发展对师范生的知识结构、能力体系提出了新的要求,整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)框架则顺应了时代要求。TPACK具有"重视情境、教学实践、教学反思、交流与共享"的特点,阐明了多媒体课件的知识体系和生成特征。  相似文献   

从现代信息技术与大学英语教学的关系探讨大学英语教师技术型学科教学知识能力(Technological Pedagogical Content,简称TPACK)的培养与应用。TPACK能力是指教师运用信息技术整合学科内容和教学法知识的一种新型能力。文章通过分析信息时代对大学英语教师提出的新要求以及大学英语教师TPACK能力的现状,探讨了培养大学英语教师TPACK能力的方法,并结合TPACK的内涵,提出了大学英语教师TPACK能力在实际教学中满足学生需求、优化信息技术、符合内容需要的应用原则,以期在有效提高学习效率的同时完善教师自身的专业发展。  相似文献   

整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)可以反映教师教学中应用信息技术的能力,实训课教师同样也需要提高TPACK水平,进而提高自己的教学水平。通过分析实训课教师TPACK能力内涵,探讨其TPACK发展模型框架以及发展策略  相似文献   

The validity and reliability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a framework to measure the extent to which teachers can teach with technology hinges on the ability to aggregate results across empirical studies. The results of data collected using the survey of pre-service teacher knowledge of teaching with technology (TKTT) were synthesized using confidence intervals (CIs). Mean pre-service teacher TPACK point estimates were characterized by graphing CIs across studies from 2009 until 2011. The results present approximations of TPACK population parameters and implications for researchers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

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