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现代公共管理理论强调政府职能的调整和优化,主张公共管理主体的多元化,让非政府公共组织和民众共同参与社会公共事务的管理活动。社区矫正制度设计和安排应以公共管理为指导,使社区矫正管理真正成为政府和公众共同参与的公共管理行为。在社区矫正公共管理中,是将社区矫正管理作为国家或政府的职责和义务。社会力量将以独立力量参与到社区矫正中,通过这种特殊的社会治理结构实现对社区矫正对象的矫正和教育。社区矫正制度由国家主导的一元体系转向"国家一刑罚、社会一矫正"的二元体系。  相似文献   

经过十年的发展,我国的公共事业管理专业已初具规模,但在专业定位、课程设置、教材建设、师资力量等方面存在诸多问题,人才培养工作面临着极大困难。本文就此展开探讨,并提出若干解决思路,以期对高校改进公共事业管理专业人才培养工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

在当前我国高等教育迅速发展的形势下,高校学生事务管理工作出现了很多新问题,传统的学生事务管理与现实存在诸多的不相适应。改变管理理念、建设一支专业化的学生事务管理队伍、积极探索学生事务管理的组织结构显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

范式作为一种特定社会成员共同接受的信仰、公认的价值和技术的总和,反映在中国古代职业技术教育中是"治事"、"安身"的追求。"治事"、"安身"的中国古代职业技术教育范式,是在自在性教育制度中发展和通过强制性教育制度不断强化的。在古代职官教育、职医教育、艺徒制教育和农业技术教育中,中国古代职业技术教育的范式体现为"治事、成物"、"试验候症"、"以技安身"、"人为物本"等思想与实验观测、取象比类、问难论辩、观察模仿、示范推广等方法相结合,通过实学思想总结,使"中体西用"成为近代职业技术教育的内部文化力量,对近代职业技术教育的形成和发展产生影响。  相似文献   

艺术教育应以其敏锐的目光深刻地把握社会发展的现状,走在时代发展的前列,教育和引导学生形成良好的生活习惯和社会公德意识。本文试图探索艺术创新教育如何以公益主题与人文关怀为动因.以专业教学为依托,以创新活动为载体,用鲜活的艺术作品及育人方式,提高学生综合素质.创造社会效益。  相似文献   

本文尝试从社会学视角研究我国高校学生事务管理专业化问题。从专业社会学的视角,审视我国高校学生事务管理专业化发展的特点。运用理论和专业水准测量标准,对我国高校学生事务管理专业化程度进行了判断,对中美高校学生事务管理专业水准进行了比较。  相似文献   

民族事务管理是指国家管理一切民族事务的总称。在我国这样一个多民族国家当中,在高校公共管理类专业开设民族事务管理课程是一项具有现实性、前瞻性的举措。本文在分析我国民族事务管理现状的基础上,从社会、学科和学生三个方面论述公共管理类专业开设民族事务管理课程的必要性,并对应注意的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Summary Some of the strategies utilized by universities to carry out the public service mission to their communities include cooperative extension, evening colleges, workshops and seminars, community forums, research and technical assistance, and minority outreach.A conceptual framework originally developed by Armand Lauffer for describing continuing education in the human services, was found useful in analyzing the multiplicity of public service activities of an urban university. The framework indicates that continuing education activities are targeted either at the individual or an agency, and that such programs are oriented either to service or change. Within the framework Lauffer identified four models of practice: (1) the consumer choice model (services provided to individuals); (2) the training model (changes planned for individuals); (3) the systems change model (changes planned for agencies or organizations); (4) the consultative model (services to agencies or organizations).On the basis of the foregoing framework, four general categories of activities within urban universities were discussed: continuing education schools or colleges, public affairs departments or colleges, traditional academic departments or colleges, and university externalities. It was concluded that most continuing education units serve through the consumer choice model, that public affairs units tend to emphasize the training and systems change models, and that the traditional collegial units tend to fit the consultative model.The concluding part of this paper suggests that the delivery of public services by urban universities would be enhanced by developing facilitative structures, establishing a common definition of the public service mission, clarifying goals and responsibilities, inventorying public service activities and interests, and reviewing and evaluating existing public service functions.Don Deppe is Director, Center for Applied Urban Research, University of Nebraska at Omaha.David Hinton is Assistant Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha.John Kerrigan is Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha.  相似文献   


Recent policy developments within the public service sector have led to widespread de‐professionalisation and a general loss of motivation and morale within education, health and social work. This state of affairs has been brought about by the imposition of a social market on public sector professions and through the introduction of competence‐based education and training (CBET) strategies into professional studies. These developments are criticised for their failure to capture the essential epistemological and moral dimensions of the work of professionals, and programmes for professional regeneration are recommended through the renewed emphasis on the workplace as the site of professional learning. Work‐based learning may enable professionals to re‐affirm the importance of experiential learning and reinforce the centrality of the ethical bases of professional practice.  相似文献   

Australians live at a time when the quality of discussion in the public sphere and within the institutions of the state is at a very low ebb; when policy making is dictated by short term political cycles, spin and focus groups; and when notions of the public good are set aside in favour of self-interest. This paper is based on the premise that if one of the historic purposes of education is to renew the public, then education holds the key to improving the quality of public discourse. However since education policy making in contemporary times is also caught up in the processes which diminish public discourse, the challenge is to find ways to break this vicious cycle. This paper argues that one of the factors contributing to this state of affairs is the influence of what is currently passing for educational ‘research’. It traces the ways in which unrefereed consultant and think-tank research has captured policy makers and some sections of the media, and shows—using a recent influential research report as a case study—how such research often does not stand up to critical review. The purpose in questioning the rigour of such research is based on the conviction that a process of reinvigorating and deepening public debate about education must be based on quality research. The paper concludes by suggesting some ways by which the education research community can contribute to the process of renewing the public.  相似文献   

高校学生事务管理专业化要求学生事务管理者具备相应的专业素质且不断发展。从高校学生事务管理者专业发展的必然性出发,论述了高校学生事务管理者的知识、能力、理念等方面的专业素质,探索了高校学生事务管理者专业发展的实现路径,提出国家和社会对学生事务管理者要有职业认同、进行专业教育,高校要重视其专业发展并组织实施,学生事务管理者自身要坚持学习、研究与实践。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们对教育的要求不断提高,对教师的培养也随之提高。由知识的掌握到教育教学技能的整体要求;培养模式南师范院校封闭到综合大学开放培养;培养成本由公费到自费再转为教育部直属师范生公费。在坚持教师教育专业化发展过程中,在实施开放的教师培养中,教师,特别是基础教育教师依然是国家公共事业的重要组成部分,应坚持开放、免费培养。  相似文献   

英国专业博士学位教育发展的特征及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朴雪涛 《教育研究》2005,26(5):77-82
与传统哲学博士相比,专业博士是一种特殊类型的学位制度。专业博士学位教育自1992年在英国出现,十多年来发展迅速,涉及为数众多的大学和学科,但其在各院校和各学科间的分布不均衡。在专业设置、培养过程和研究工作等方面,英国专业博士学位教育初步形成了自身的特色。英国专业博士学位教育的发展是现代大学理念触动、政府公共政策引导、市场需求诱致和学习借鉴共同作用的结果。英国的经验值得我们高度重视,政府、大学和社会都应为专业博士学位教育在我国的发展创造条件。  相似文献   

美国高校学生常务管理具有明显的专业化特征,其学生事务管理人员也具有较高的专业地位和职业声望。本文从完善的专业训练、明确的专业标准、丰富的专业内容以及众多的专业协会四个方面介绍后美国高校学生事务管理专业化的概况,以期为我们提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

CAS专业标准是美国高校学生事务各功能领域工作及专业人员准备教育的专业准则。CAS专业标准20多年的发展路径标志着美国高校学生事务领域对评估的理解不断深入;全人教育正式从理论走向实践,CAS专业标准的发展也是高校学术事务与学生事务不断融合的桥梁。同时,CAS专业标准的未来发展也面临挑战。  相似文献   

Melanie Walker 《Compare》2012,42(6):819-838
The generation of a public-good, capabilities-based approach to professional education in South African universities is outlined and proposed as a contribution to wider social transformation. The relevance and importance of understanding what Amartya Sen describes as ‘capability failure' in the lives of people living in poverty is explored and, following from this, how professionals ought to contribute by virtue of their university education, and hence privilege, to making people's lives go better. The key criterion in developing and evaluating professional education is then how professionals are educated to expand the scope of effective freedoms each person has to lead a life she has reason to value, underpinned at all times with respect for human dignity. The process by which a Professional Capabilities Index (PCI) was generated theoretically and empirically is explained and the argument advanced for the PCI as a practical tool for professional education oriented to improving public services for the poor and, hence, the public good.  相似文献   

突发公共事件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来突发公共事件的频发成为人们最为关注的问题,本文分析了近年来出现的各类突发公共事件对人类社会的影响,以新的视角、新的思路对突发公共事件的基本特点进行探讨,并对突发公共事件的机理做了初步研究。强调全面、系统、辨证地研究公共突发事件是当务之急。  相似文献   

依法管理社会公共事务是法治国家的必然要求。为培养高水平法律素养的公共管理人才,行政法教学至关重要。为此,应首先正确定位MPA行政法的教学目标,使之符合并服务于MPA总的培养目标;同时应根据MPA行政法的教学目标、学生的知识结构及岗位需求,科学合理安排教学内容,综合运用课堂讲授、案例教学、课堂讨论、模拟实践、专题讲座等方法进行教学,使学员比较系统地掌握行政法的基本理论、基本知识、基本方法,增强依法管理社会公共事务的能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at the way the state has helped shape the climate for the commercialization of science in a public university, and at how this has shaped the terms of professional labor for faculty. We examine patent policies of a public research university and of its Board of Regents, and the relevant state statutes from 1969–1989. Policies and statutes moved from an ideology that defined the public interest as best served by shielding public entities from involvement in the market, to one that saw the public interest as best served by public organizations' involvement in commercial activities. Claims to the ownership and rewards of intellectual property shifted dramatically in that time, from faculty owning their products and time to complete ownership by the institution. The contract between the university and faculty became increasingly formalized and specified. We believe that such developments augur significant changes in professional labor and in the relationship between the state and higher education. Such changes can best be understood from a post-structuralist perspective that moves beyond the structural dichotomies of public and private, state and higher education administrator and professional, and points to new forms of organization and of professional stratification and interest formation.Despite the changes in intellectual property policies at our university, one of the ongoing terms of our joint professional labor is that we share equally in the research and writing of our work products, which lack commercial relevance but not, perhaps, some value.  相似文献   

公民是享有从事管理社会和国家等公共事务的权利的人:这是公民定义。公民应该是具有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动能力的人:这是公民身份或公民资格。一方面,根据政治权利的平等原则,每个国民都应该享有政治权利,都应该享有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动的政治权利;另一方面,根据人作为政治动物之本性,每个国民都具有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动的政治能力:实在的或是潜在的。因此,每个国民便都应该具有公民资格,都应该成为公民,都应该从事管理社会和国家等公务活动。对于那些不具有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动能力,而仅仅具有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动的潜能的国民,政府负有通过公民教育而使这些国民具有从事管理社会和国家等公务活动能力的责任:保障每个国民的政治潜能得到实现乃是国家的义务和国民的权利。  相似文献   

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