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新教师的入职适应和发展期待一直受到国家、地方、社会和学校的密切关注,是教师参与专业发展的关键事件,不仅能够为教师专业发展奠定基础,而且有助于凝聚有效教育资源,推动教师专业发展,建立和谐的师生关系。社会经济地位作为影响教师发展期待的环境变量,对于新教师来说亦是如此。本研究主要参照美国心理协会编制的《社会经济地位量表》,设计更加具体的衡量指标,重新编制了符合教师群体的调查量表;同时编制了新教师的发展期待量表,继而探讨社会经济地位与新教师发展期待之间的关系,希冀基于此帮助新教师寻求实现发展期待的可能路径。  相似文献   

Revisiting curriculum inquiry: the role of visual representations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Curriculum materials and knowledge about curricular purposes and structures are valuable tools that teachers often draw upon to organize instruction and facilitate student learning. Careful analysis of teachers’ curriculum implementation and the decision-making that undergirds their curriculum use is critical for fully understanding enactment. This paper compares how integrity analyses of implementation of curriculum materials and actor-oriented analysis of teachers’ curriculum use can help researchers, teacher educators, and curriculum designers interpret teachers’ decisions about what aspects of new materials to use and how to use such materials. Drawing on evidence from teacher interviews and observations, we compare two teachers’ enactments of a new elementary-level environmental biology unit. Our analyses of integrity point to differences in teachers’ adaptations with respect to their consistency with the purposes and structures of curriculum materials as construed by designers. By contrast, our actor-oriented analysis explain how the teachers’ different approaches to interpreting the goals and structures of the curriculum unit partly account for patterns in their enactment in ways that can inform refinements to materials and the design of professional development supports for teachers. In so doing, we show how implementation integrity and actor-oriented analyses offer complementary perspectives to inform curriculum research and development.  相似文献   

As new technologies promise to be an enduring feature of the landscape of teachers’ work, we consider how teachers implicitly bring stories forward into their classroom explorations with new media as a part of their ‘informal learning’. By ‘stories’ is meant specific classroom texts as well as preferred teacher practices with those texts. The article represents a reflection on the methodological role that ‘elicitation’ can play in drawing out teacher thinking during a time of professional change, thinking that would otherwise likely remain embedded, particularly when teachers’ attention is focused forward on innovation in practice. The methodological use of ‘elicitation’ emerged in the first year of an ongoing teacher action research study, in which seven teachers have been involved in a professional development initiative that actively engages teachers in examining changing literacy formations, beginning with the teachers’ own literacy formations. The methodological practice of elicitation borrows from phenomenology, ethnomethodology, narrative research, reader response theories, curriculum theory and psychoanalysis, and emerged as a way to acknowledge the life histories that teachers were bringing to their professional development with new media. We suggest that elicitation can potentially draw out deep and sustaining sources of a teacher’s commitment, as well as resistance, to change. It can help disclose the tensions between commitment and resistance that even teachers who voluntarily undertake to incorporate new technologies into their practice may experience. Within a teacher action research framework, elicitation can also serve to remind teachers (and others) of the value of what they know and are learning, thus contributing to teachers developing a ‘scholarship of practice’ in response to any actual or perceived ‘intensification’ of their work.  相似文献   

实习教师是教师队伍的新生力量,其社会化活动是以教育实习的环境支撑系统为前提的。对实习教师社会化环境支撑系统的考察,大致包含实习教师社会化制度环境、社会化环境组织结构、社会化环境机体要素和社会化环境活动内容等四个方面。对实习教师社会化环境支撑系统的分析可以使我们更现实地去看待实习教师的社会化须具备的基础条件,帮助实习教师实现最有效的社会化成长。  相似文献   

通过以2011年赴泰汉语教师志愿者培训学员为研究对象,采用会话分析的方法,考察培训期间学员们在QQ群聊中主要运用哪些话语形式与策略来构建志愿者身份,从而揭示以网络为媒介的话语,这不仅有助于更好地了解汉语教师志愿者的职前现状,而且为汉语教师志愿者的素质与培养研究提供了新的观察视角。  相似文献   

There are two central questions determining the pedagogy of teacher education: (1) What are the essential qualities of a good teacher, and (2) How can we help people to become good teachers? Our objective is not to present a definitive answer to these questions, but to discuss an umbrella model of levels of change that could serve as a framework for reflection and development. The model highlights relatively new areas of research, viz. teachers’ professional identity and mission. Appropriate teacher education interventions at the different levels of change are discussed, as well as implications for new directions in teacher education.  相似文献   

Publications by teachers reporting results or case studies of school-based teacher inquiry activities benchmark their professional development by indicating they have a ‘stance of inquiry’. Such papers also disseminate valuable knowledge to the education community for sharing. Essay or case writing has always been a part of school-based teacher learning in China. The small-scale qualitative study reported here examines the impact of producing publications on the professional development of teachers within the context of educational reform. Findings show that producing publications contributes to teacher development in three ways. First, an expanded knowledge base gives the teachers new understandings of student-based learning. Second, teachers obtain insight into their practices by making their tacit knowledge explicit. Third, teachers have a sense of achievement by theorising personal experience. Publications serve as ‘boundary objects’ which can potentially help teachers achieve and develop their professionalism by disseminating individual knowledge into the public knowledge domain with transformative learning. Such developments, however, normally tend to focus on expanding local pedagogical practice. More emphasis on the notion of ‘teachers as researchers’ through critical reflection may help teachers perform as transformative intellectuals whilst searching for ways to retain teachers’ voices in their written publications.  相似文献   


Problem solving is perhaps the key characteristic that makes us human. Given the kinds of problems that we face in a competitive economy and society, the new generation of learners is ever more required to have problem-solving abilities. By drawing from the literature on technological pedagogical content knowledge, design thinking, general and specific methods of problem solving, and role of technologies for solving problems, this article highlights the importance of problem solving for future teachers and discusses strategies that can help them become good problem solvers and understand the requirements of teaching their students problem solving in technology-rich contexts. This article consists of two main parts. Part 1 focuses on strategies required to help preservice teachers to be better problem solvers, and Part 2 summarizes approaches to introduce preservice teachers to the methods of teaching problem solving. The strategies reviewed provide a tangible guidance for teacher education programs regarding how to promote future teachers’ problem-solving skills.  相似文献   

我国每年都有大批新手教师步入教学岗位,然而其教学技能却不尽如人意。利用微格教学对新手教师进行培训不仅能帮助新手教师提高教学技能,尽快适应工作环境和教学岗位的需求,而且能促进教师队伍专业化的发展。  相似文献   

教师效能感是影响教师教学行为的重要变量,成为现代教育领域重要的研究课题。通过对金华地区高职英语教师进行定量和定性研究发现:恰当的教师专业发展行动能增进教师效能感,且对教师效能感有持久影响力。开设教师专业发展课程,使教师在专业思想、专业知识、专业能力等方面获得提升,可有效增强教师效能感,促进教师的教学内驱力,使教师获得更大的成功。  相似文献   

Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) approaches to intervention aim for transformative agency, that is, collective actions that expand and bring about new possibilities for activity. In this article, we draw on CHAT as a resource for organizing design research that promotes teachers’ agency in designing new science curriculum materials. We describe how CHAT informed our efforts to structure a collaborative design space in which teachers and other participants sought to develop new curriculum materials intended to help realize a new vision for science education. Specifically, we describe the tools and routines we deployed to support the design process, and we analyze the ways in which teachers took up elements of our design process as well as how they adapted, resisted, and suggested alternative tools and strategies to help develop new curriculum materials. In so doing, we illustrate ways in which CHAT can serve as a guide both for organizing collaborative design processes and for analyzing their efficacy.  相似文献   

近年来,为提升教师教育的质量,特别是帮助教师形成独特的教学思想,新加坡开展了一系列的教师教育课程改革,其主旨是关注教师的“精神”养成.与以往的技术和实践取向明显不同, “精神”取向的教师教育课程并不是仅仅帮助师范生成为一个精通教育程序、方法和技能的教育者,而是要懂得怎样使学生获得心灵的成长与精神的陶冶,并且在学习中积极鼓励与促进学生的自主学习.新加坡的“精神”取向的教师教育课程改革关注以下几点:首先,帮助教师理解新的时代、新的学习环境,从而逐步形成具有挑战力的精神.其次,帮助教师不断形成良好的人文伦理精神与高尚的道德品质.第三,帮助教师逐步形成教育的专业信念与人文精神.  相似文献   

句酷批改网,是一种新型的网络服务系统,为学校教师和英语学习者提供作文的在线自动批改服务,旨在减轻教师的作文批改工作量,帮助教师更加直观地了解学生的英文写作水平,并帮助英语学习者提高英文写作水平。该服务系统正越来越多地受到高校的青睐,尤其是正逐渐被广泛应用于大学英语写作教学。开展基于句酷批改网的大学英语写作教学实证研究,结果表明:批改网有助于提高学生的英文写作水平,但批改网只是一个辅助教学的工具,还需要不断更新与完善。  相似文献   

樊军 《考试研究》2012,(4):61-67
计算机自适应性测试中的连续概率比例试模式,是一种适用于普通教师利用网络技术在班级教学这样的小规模测试中评估学生语言学习效果的测试模式。其基本原理就是估计被试连续测试时答对与答错的概率,然后与“掌握”和“未掌握”两个相互对立的假设作比较而产生相应的决策。它一方面可以弥补基于IRT测试模式应用范围的不足,_另一方面可以更好地帮助教师完成对于学生语言能力的评估。  相似文献   

陈慧 《创新人才教育》2020,(1):66-68,78
在小学语文阅读教学中,引导学生查阅与课文内容相关的资料可以丰富教材的课程资源,提高学生的阅读能力和识字量,培养学生主动学习、探究新知的好习惯。对于小学高年级学生来说,教师在培养他们的资料查阅能力时可以从三方面入手:一是课前为学生指明方向,由"扶"到"放";二是课中鼓励学生发散思维,彰显个性;三是课后要丰富形式,促进学生学习的融会贯通。同时,教师要努力培养学生质疑探究的能力,鼓励学生记忆感兴趣的内容;要拓宽学生处理信息的深度与广度,为学生搭建展示信息的平台。  相似文献   

This study explores how two language teachers constructed and reconstructed their professional identities through their action research (AR) facilitated by university researchers in China. Informed by the theory of ‘community of practice’, the findings of the study show that AR exerted a transformative impact on the teachers’ identity development. Four distinctive routes of identity change were noted, namely their transformation from ‘fisherman’ to ‘fishing coach’, from ‘craftsman’ to ‘teacher researcher’, from ‘lonely fighter’ to ‘collaborator’, and from ‘housekeeper’ to ‘change agent’. Such change can be attributed to their engagement and practice in different communities of practice. However, the participants’ identity development also encountered some contextual obstacles, including the rigid school curriculum, lack of research knowledge, as well as the power dynamics between them and the researchers. Several implications can be drawn for teachers, teacher educators, and school leaders to help teachers construct a solid and robust professional identity in seeking their continuing professional development through AR.  相似文献   

本文针对目前教师评价中过多注重教师业绩而忽略教师内在精神的问题,提出教师专业精神的概念,认为教师专业精神是体现优秀教师素养的重要方面。尽管专业精神具有内隐特性,本文试图通过构建教师专业精神的三个发展层次,即教师专业认同、教师美德和教师使命,对教师专业精神的内涵作出阐释,旨在理解教师工作的丰富性和挖掘教师发展的内在动因,探索教师在其专业发展生涯中自我完善的可能性和方法。  相似文献   

This article explores what it means for teachers to engage in and evaluate students’ character education, by examining the connections between action research and Aristotelian virtue ethics. These connections are explored in two ways. Firstly, the article examines what perspective action research has on how moral education, understood in an Aristotelian way, can be implemented and evaluated. While character education may be hot in educational theory, academic advances have not always reached teachers, heads of school, policy-makers and politicians. Secondly, a specifically Aristotelian approach to action research is explored that may help teachers to understand how action research about character education in schools can best be conducted. After a comparison of the three major action research paradigms, ‘Aristotelian action research’ is described as a kind of dialogical enquiry that contributes to the growth of teachers’ practical wisdom, which, in turn, has an effect on children’s character development. The article ends with suggestions as to how research about character education could be improved if we shift our attention from making character programmes more ‘effective’ to extending and refining teachers’ own practical wisdom and virtue.  相似文献   

The number of students with mental health disorders (MHDs) in postsecondary institutions is increasing. Teachers’ attitudes are among the main factors that influence these students’ academic success. Unfortunately, their attitudes are little studied, in part because of lack of validated scales. Therefore, this article has two purposes: (1) analyse the construct validity of new scales assessing teachers’ attitudes, as well as existing scales without an established construct validity; and (2) report the correlations between the variables assessed in these scales, with a special focus on two variables: (a) teachers’ negative attitudes; and (b) the measures offered to students by teachers. The participants are 232 teachers from 16 French and English CEGEPS in Quebec, Canada. The questionnaire includes three scales created by the research team and three scales from the Mental Illness Awareness Survey. Correlational and factor analyses were conducted. The scales present good construct validity. Four variables were associated with the two variables of interest: confidence in one’s ability to convince a student to seek help; familiarity with MHDs; knowledge and understanding of MHDs; favourable perception of the accommodations offered by adapted and psychosocial services. Based on these results, strategies are proposed to improve teachers’ attitudes.  相似文献   

良好的入园适应不仅可以帮助小班幼儿获得更好的在园体验,而且会影响小班幼儿心理与行为的长远发展。本研究从活动适应、人际关系适应、角色适应3个方面调查小班幼儿入园适应现状,结果发现小班幼儿能够较快地适应幼儿园的各项活动,但会受到教师活动组织水平、环境丰富性以及个体差异的影响;能够较快地适应师幼关系和同伴关系,但会受到教师的情感支持和同伴支持水平的影响;能够较快地适应新角色,但会受到教师、同伴和家长角色期望的影响。为提升小班幼儿的入园适应水平,幼儿园应为小班幼儿构建和谐多元的人际关系,提供丰富适宜的活动,并开展多样化的入园适应工作。  相似文献   

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