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Engineering design is known as an answer to an ill-defined problem. As any answer to an ill-defined problem, it can never be completely right or absolutely wrong. The methods that universities use to teach engineering design, as a consequence of this, suffer from the same fate. However, the accumulated experience with the ‘chalk and talk’ teaching tradition has led to a reality in which the employers of fresh graduates are not happy with the engineers they are getting. Part of their complaints are related with the inability of recently graduate engineers to work in problems where the boundaries are not well defined, are interdisciplinary, require the use of effective communication and integrate non-technical issues. These skills are mostly absent from traditional engineering curricula. This paper demonstrates the implementation of engineering design perspectives enhancing some of the aforementioned skills in a traditional mechanical engineering curriculum. It emphasises in particular a design project that is tackled in a sequence of conventional courses with a focus that depends on the course objectives and disciplinary domain. This transdisciplinary design project conveys the idea (and effectively implements it concurrently) that design is multidisciplinary.  相似文献   

文章以2018级材料科学与工程专业开设的专业导论课程为例,明确专业导论课“导”的作用及其重要性,提出改进课程教学体系和完善开设课程所需条件的建议。专业导论课程对材料科学与工程专业学生了解专业及发展、做好学业规划具有积极的、有效的导向作用。  相似文献   

Launching new or improved products to the market typically involves extensive collaboration within and beyond the enterprise. Succeeding in a customer-driven market economy demands the practice of simultaneous engineering. The standard engineering or engineering technology curricula continue to make efforts in providing students with opportunities to engage in real-life projects that simulate simultaneous engineering. However, the educational community as a whole has much to implement in this area. This paper presents an approach used to nurture simultaneous engineering through a unique collaboration between instructors in different disciplines. Student teams, formed from three different classes, conceived problems and worked through a problem-solving model to design and develop solutions. An assessment of these interdisciplinary projects revealed significant learning outcomes and their relationships to the diversity of team members. The experiences of both students and instructors are described and some recommendations made for instructor teams that envisage interdisciplinary student projects.  相似文献   

The increase of individualised customer demands and tough competition in the manufacturing sector gave rise to more customer-centric operations management such as products and services (mass) customisation. Mass customisation (MC), which inherits the ‘economy of scale’ from mass production (MP), aims to meet specific customer demands with near MP efficiency. Such an overarching concept has multiple impacts on operations management. This requires highly qualified and multi-skilled engineers who are well prepared for managing MC. Therefore, this concept should be properly addressed by engineering education curricula which needs to keep up with the emerging business trends. This paper introduces a novel course about MC and variety in operations management which recalls several Experiential Learning (EL) practices consistently with the principle of an active learning. The paper aims to analyse to which extent EL can improve the efficiency of the teaching methods and the retention rate in the context of operations management. The proposed course is given to engineering students whose’ perceptions are collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The paper highlights the relevance (i) of teaching MC, and (ii) of active learning in engineering education, through the specific application in the domain of MC.  相似文献   

基于EDA技术的数电课程设计新模式的探索与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文章分析了数字电子技术课程设计传统方式的不足,介绍了该校对课程设计模式所进行的改革.实践表明,基于EDA技术的全新课程设计模式,明显提高了教学质量,对培养学生综合创新能力和工程设计能力以及全面提高学生的综合素质具有重要作用.  相似文献   

对软件工程专业人才实践创新培养模式进行探索,瞄准软件工程专业人才培养急需解决的两大教学难题,借鉴多元协同理念,开展一系列多层次的教学研究与改革,包括:推进多元协同的软件工程实践创新能力培养模式研究与实践;以计算思维与程序设计、软件工程和创新能力培养为主线,科学重组课程体系,整体优化教学内容,促进科教融合,构建开放式、多层次实践教学体系;科教融合,校企合作,创建“以学生为中心”的实践教学云平台,推进虚实结合、开放共享学习模式改革。该探索对促进软件工程专业发展、提高教学质量有较大作用和意义。  相似文献   

In this paper I introduce the contributions to a special section of the journal: one devoted to the question of how engineering curricula can or should contribute to the preparation of graduates for socially responsible decision making and conduct. The special section is motivated by the circumstance that, although there is broad agreement that engineering education has a role in preparing its graduates for social responsibility, there is a considerable lack of clarity as to how graduates should be prepared for social responsibility, and what this entails for the engineering curricula. Bucciarelli and Conlon both provide reasons why, in order to prepare graduates adequately for social responsibility, considerations of the organisational, social, legal and political context in which engineers operate need to be included in the teaching. Conlon, in addition, explores the possible contributions that the field of sociology can make to this teaching. Heikkerö focuses on the attitudes that are required for socially responsible professional practice and that should be taught in engineering education. Didier and Huet present the results of a survey on how the issue of corporate social responsibility is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. Both Börsen and Zandvoort et al. report on courses that they teach, and which are aimed at preparing students for ethical and social responsibility.  相似文献   

机械产品外观造型设计对于机械产品制造业愈发重要。机械产品造型设计应加入高校机械工程类专业课程体系,以提高教学质量和人才培养水平。在阐述该课程在机械工程类专业教学中重要性、必要性的基础上,明确提出课程的性质、开设时间、开设学时、教学内容和方法、考核方式等。应从转变教学观念、加强课程建设、提升教师业务能力、实施小班化教学等方面着手,促进产品造型设计课程融入机械工程类专业课程体系。  相似文献   

While entrepreneurship has emerged as an important mechanism for the generation of social returns in terms of economic growth and job creation, entrepreneurship education is still something new in Europe and the debate about the need and the way of introduction of specific entrepreneurship courses in higher education is on going. This paper deals with the introduction of entrepreneurship education in engineering curricula. More specific it presents the experience of the National Technical University in Greece, as a case in point for discussing the need of an interdisciplinary approach in designing engineering curricula. The main argument is that the introduction of entrepreneurship education in University curricula should not result as an application of policy initiatives only related to economic imperatives. It should be part of a more general discussion related to educational priorities and of a strategic design of University curricula in order to provide engineers with entrepreneurial and management skills that will enhance their profile in accordance with the new requirements of the knowledge-based economy.  相似文献   

‘Capstone’ is a metaphor used to describe a final achievement that builds upon previous works and encapsulates them. Capstone projects are included in engineering curricula to integrate multi-disciplinary subjects and teach professional skills that are difficult to impart in a traditional lectured course. Since these projects serve to transition students into professional engineers, they have a direct impact on a university's industry reputation and ranking. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the capstone programmes implemented at the world's top-ranked engineering universities to discover common elements which characterise them. In this paper, common elements of the capstone programmes implemented in mechanical and aerospace engineering undergraduate programmes in the world's top-ranked engineering universities are identified and analysed to determine established best practices. These practices can be modelled and applied to the pedagogy of engineering programmes at universities around the world to improve the development of professional skills of future graduates.  相似文献   

科研训练是生物医学工程专业培养过程中极其重要的实践教学环节。针对生物医学工程专业本科生科研训练课程设置中存在的问题,通过梳理并重构课程体系、优化教学内容和考核方式、促进专业骨干教师深度参与、指导管理全过程定制化,并充分与大创项目、竞赛项目等具体实施结合,从多个方面推进该课程的改革与实践。这些探索与实践在培养学生创新思维和提高学生综合运用所学知识分析和解决问题能力等方面发挥出积极作用,取得显著成效,为新工科背景下高等教育对生物医学工程专业科研训练培养趟出一条新路子。  相似文献   

Introductory engineering courses are either programme specific or expose students to engineering as a broad discipline by including materials from various engineering programmes. A common introductory engineering course that spans different engineering programmes raises challenges, including the high cost of resources as well as the lack of background courses of first-year students. This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a first-year common engineering course that uses low-cost materials to expose students to a structured engineering design process. The course is explicitly designed to satisfy the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology criteria for engineering programmes. Our experience with the course shows that not only students are able to follow a structured design process successfully but we also believe that most of the ABET criteria are being delivered through the course.  相似文献   

基于成果导向教育(OBE)理念,从课程内容、课程思政、教学方式、课程考核等方面对土木工程专业课程教学改革进行了分析研究,并以《土力学与基础工程》课程为例,对教学改革措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

需求工程是软件项目开发成败的关键,尤其对于面向服务的网络化软件开发,在强调发现和重用已有的服务资源、通过聚集服务资源来满足用户需求的软件生产技术形态下,按需服务资源聚合、软件随需演变生长赋予了需求工程在服务计算时代新的重要角色和挑战。本文针对面向服务的需求工程这一时代命题,系统阐述其面对的新问题、提出的新方法和目前国际上本领域的研究现状和发展,力图为服务需求工程研究提供一个清晰的方向脉络和进一步探讨的研究基础。  相似文献   

工程材料及成形技术基础系列课程是在学生工程创新能力的培养过程中起着其他课程无可替代的作用。然而,现有"工程材料及成形技术基础"课程体系存在着教学思想和目标对工程创新能力培养强调不足、课堂理论教学比重过大、实验和实践教学仍未能改变依附于理论教学的从属地位、缺乏课堂互动交流以及学生学习的积极性差等问题。针对以上问题,以学生为主体,以强化创新能力的培养为目标,以教材建设为基础,以实践教学改革为重点,以教学方法与考试方法的改革为手段对课程教学开展了实践改革,经过几年的建设,构建了集课堂理论教学、实验教学、课程设计、课外创新小组和创新基金项目培养的课程教学体系,提高了学生的工程创新能力和教学质量。  相似文献   

工艺课程设计是工科院校培养工程应用型人才的重要教学环节。结合工艺课程设计的指导过程,从给出工艺课程设计要求出发,分析了目前工科大学生工艺课程设计过程中存在问题及其产生原因,从指导教师角度提出了具体解决措施,从而为工科院校制定教学计划、提高学生工艺课程设计质量提供参考。  相似文献   

《大学物理》作为高等学校理工科各专业共同的基础课,是培养工程技术人员和科技人才的重要基础。对此课程体系进行深入的分析和研究,改进教学模式,充分发挥其在培养学生科学素质、工程素养和科学思维方法方面的重要作用,以适应新时代、新挑战的需要。  相似文献   

建筑工程档案对工程质量的评定及以后的改建扩建维修等项工作都有着非常重要的作用。但目前建筑工程档案管理中存在着制度不完善、缺乏专业管理人才等问题,应从制度、人才、管理等方面采取相应措施予以解决,进一步提高建筑工程档案管理工作的水平。  相似文献   

高职化工单元操作课程具有很强的工程性和应用性,在化工技术类专业课程体系中占有重要地位。目前该课程教学设计存在着没有体现出高职教育的职业性、技能性和实用性,课程教学也没有体现学生主体作用等问题。为此提出了项目化教学的改革方案,“教、学、做”一体化,把技能训练和理论知识的掌握贯穿于以工作任务为载体的项目教学中,注重工学结合,努力培养学生的实践动手能力。  相似文献   

“工程数值计算与有限元”是一门理论—应用结合紧密的工科研究生课程,与其他研究生课程相比,该课程有如下特点:首先,该课程与本科课程高等数学、矩阵论、弹性力学、现代数值计算、程序设计等存在关联,需要一定的知识广度,部分知识点理论性强,也要求一定的知识深度;其次,该课程为研究生后续掌握有限元软件操作、分析工程案例甚至开发软件奠定良好的基础,可以帮助学生“知其所以然”,体现出了应用性与可扩展性。从工科人才培养角度看,课程有着重要的承上启下作用,日益受到学界与科研界重视。该作者基于自己的海外课程经历,结合过去数年的教学经验,在文中提出了“工程数值计算与有限元”课程的一般建设思路,结合了理论授课与案例教学模式,并讨论了课程未来发展方向。  相似文献   

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