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20世纪80年代末,我国教育界开始引进女性主义理论并进入了实践层面的探索。回顾我国女性主义教育的研究重点,主要集中在女性学学科建设和女性学课程开设、性别与教育以及学校课程与教材中性别问题的分析上。展望我国女性主义教育研究的发展趋势,教师的性别意识研究将是其今后研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

女性主义叙事学结合社会政治语境分析故事和叙事形式中的性别政治含义。这种意识形态和叙事形式并重的方法值得借鉴到女性主义翻译批评中来,克服以往停留在故事层面上的纯政治文化批评的片面性。采用女性主义叙事学视角,结合翻译的社会政治语境,在故事和表达形式两个层面对《在我的开始是我的结束》的英译文展开女性主义翻译批评,探讨女性主义叙事学在翻译批评中的应用和意义。  相似文献   

试析西方教育理论中的女性主义思潮   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文从女性主义教育的思想基础女权主义运动入手 ,分析了自由主义的女性主义、激进的女性主义、马克思主义的女性主义、黑人女性主义、心理分析的女性主义和批判的女性主义 ,在此基础之上 ,论述了女性主义教育富有个性的研究对象、鲜明的研究主题和独特的研究视角 ,最后 ,展望了女性主义教育的前景。  相似文献   

女性主义教育研究范式的发展与走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学院派女性主义教育研究已经成为教育研究中重要的一个理论分支,并且随着研究的议题与视角呈现多元化,研究的流派也林立纷繁。女性主义教育研究主要经历了二元因素分析研究范式、世界体系理论研究范式、知识实践研究范式和后现代主义研究范式。分析众多女性主义教育流派研究范式,彰显女性主义教育研究的发展脉络.对促进女性主义教育研究的进一步繁荣和实现教育平等与教育公平都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

西方女性主义教育述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西方女性主义已成为教育研究的一个重要理论分支,其中自由主义女性主义、激进的女性主义和批判的女性主义具有比较明确、比较系统的教育观点,其核心是关注两性平等和性别公平的教育。这些女性主义流派对西方现行教育体系中的管理、教育过程以及学校实践中体现的性别不公平现象进行了尖锐的批判。西方女性主义的教育观点及其教育批评对我们的教育研究与实践具有启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

西方女性主义教育思潮探略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义教育思潮根植于女性主义,是女性主义在教育领域中的反映和体现。教育一直都是女性主义者关注的领域,虽然不同的女性主义团体和派别在具体教育问题上存在着意见分歧,但是她们都把改变学校教育中的性别不平等作为实现自身所追求目标的重要组成部分,要求用性别的视角重新审视教育理论与实践。在教育目的观、课程设置、教师与学生关系和教育研究等方面,她们提出了独特的教育见解。  相似文献   

甄雯 《生活教育》2015,(1):120-123
作为一名关注女性主义的艺术学习者,笔者一直试图寻找一条用女性主义视角阐释艺术史上有关女性艺术形态的道路,以激发人们特别是艺术家群体对当代艺术女性形象的关注,女性主义与月份牌艺术的结合研究便是很好的切入点。本文通过女性主义科学观的立场和方法研究月份牌这一特殊时期艺术形式,从对"月份牌女郎"物化的他者遭遇和形象演变的进步性表现两个层面进行重新界定,进而分析月份牌艺术对当代广告艺术中女性形象的影响,折射出女性在艺术作品中的境遇及意义。  相似文献   

本文在厘清女性主义运动的三次思潮的历史演进的基础上,归纳女性主义的认识论基础和女性主义方法论,进而深入到现代西方教育理论研究中的女性主义思潮,并描绘出女性主义运动、女性主义认识论、方法论以及教育管理理论研究中的女性主义研究的内在脉络。  相似文献   

女性主义方法论及对教育研究的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过论述女性主义方法论的渊源,相关的认识论,及其方法论本身的原则、具体的研究方法以及质量研究模式之争,本文试图清楚地呈现西方和我国学者对女性主义方法论的讨论。在此基础上,笔者提出了女性主义方法论对教育研究在三个方面的启迪和应用。  相似文献   

女性主义是一种以服务于妇女解放,追求性别平等为宗旨的研究。教育一直是女性主义者关注的领域,虽然不同的女性主义团体和派别在具体教育问题上存在着意见分歧,但是她们都把改变学校教育中的性别不平等作为实现自身所追求的重要目标之一,要求用性别的视角重新审视教育理论与实践。特别值得关注的是,女性主义在教学民主观方面提出了自己独特的教育见解。  相似文献   

This paper introduces feminist methodologies in the context of engineering education research. It builds upon other recent methodology articles in engineering education journals and presents feminist research methodologies as a concrete engineering education setting in which to explore the connections between epistemology, methodology and theory. The paper begins with a literature review that covers a broad range of topics featured in the literature on feminist methodologies. Next, data from interviews with engineering educators and researchers who have engaged with feminist methodologies are presented. The ways in which feminist methodologies shape their research topics, questions, frameworks of analysis, methods, practices and reporting are each discussed. The challenges and barriers they have faced are then discussed. Finally, the benefits of further and broader engagement with feminist methodologies within the engineering education community are identified.  相似文献   

Emotions and reflexivity in feminised education action research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The paper addresses contemporary relations between emotions, gender and feminist action research. Starting from analysis of the increasing emotionalisation of everyday life, it explores the quasi‐feminist—or what the author calls ‘feminised’—forms of incitement to reflexive confession that are increasingly gaining favour within professional and higher educational contexts and draws on literatures and sets of debates that inform education action research, including: childhood and governmentality; feminist research; and international development critiques. The author proposes that reflexivity as an educational and research practice has come to stand in for, and thereby limits, the contemporary focus on ‘participation’ to reduce its radical collaborative and action agenda and instead incite researchers to work on ourselves, and only on ourselves. The paper warns against underestimating the speed and flexibility by which neo‐liberalism absorbs and co‐opts creative strategies—such as reflexivity—for its subversion, and returns them to old‐style individualism.  相似文献   

This paper uses the methods of personal reflection and auto/biography to consider the ways in which global social and political transformations have influenced a key generation of feminist sociologists entering the academy and attempting to introduce feminist knowledge and pedagogy into academic curricula. Three critical events on or around 22 November are used to highlight key political moments, the associated development of changing themes in forms of analysis of social transformations, and the part played by feminism and sociology within higher education. They are the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963, the Israeli-Arab war in 1973 and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher in 1990. The argument is that there has been a clear relation between changing social and political contexts and methodological understandings, which have drawn on developing feminist perspectives and reflexive sociological analysis, especially as embraced within the sociology of education. In particular, the shift from a political and professional perspective on social change and family life towards one that engages with personal issues is noteworthy. It is one of the hallmarks of both feminist notions associated with reflexivity and developing sociological methodologies and policy sociology. Thus, the personal and the political are now central methodological forms of feminist and sociological analysis within education and, especially, the sociology of education, influencing pedagogy within higher education, especially associated with developments in professional postgraduate education. I weave my personal reflections on my professional developments through an analysis of the key moments related to specific policy regimes and changing forms of understandings within the fields of policy sociology and sociology of education. I conclude with current concerns about the balances between the personal and professional within educational research and policy sociology.  相似文献   

The animal or more-than-human turn in the humanities and social sciences has challenged nature/culture binaries in the fields of environmental education and early childhood studies, yet the field of educational studies has yet to confront its humanist roots. In this article, I sketch a nascent conceptual framework that outlines how multispecies ethnography, as a methodology informed by critical strands of feminist posthumanism, can begin to address and redress both social and species injustices in educational studies. To do this, I first provide a brief overview of educational humanism to situate the article within the animal and more-than-human turns in education. I then define multispecies ethnography and briefly review educational multispecies ethnographic research. Next, I sketch the conceptual framework, which is guided by feminist posthumanist theories of performativity and intersectionality, providing ethnographic examples from my own research projects and the research literature. I conclude by drawing out the implications for educational studies, with a consideration of how animal performativity and intersectionality open up new lines of inquiry to explore animal concerns, as well as social ones.  相似文献   

传统、现代、后现代:当代女性主义教育的三重视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘永涛 《教育科学》2007,23(2):22-26
女性主义作为一种教育思潮可以追溯到18世纪的法国,传统女性主义教育持两种妇女观,一是“父权制”妇女观,二是“父权制”批判妇女观。但是,自20世纪60年代以来有两种态度:一是激进女性主义的态度。二是当代社会主义女性主义态度。现代女性主义教育在理论与实践上都具有明显的先进性,但仍旧没有走出两性二元对立的思维模式。对于传统女性主义教育的批判性重建,还必须从后现代文明中的精神内核和价值观念需求借鉴。只分析性地找出传统、现代、后现代三种女性主义教育类型地一般特征与具体表现还是不够地,女性主义教育学更重要的使命,是要整合这三种教育资源,女性主义教育建构尚需要实现传统、现代、后现代三重视野的“视界融合”。  相似文献   

女性主义教育思潮以独特的研究视角和鲜明的理论特色极大地影响了当前教育研究的发展,对女性教师专业发展研究更有独特的贡献。以女性主义(教育)理论视角审视,高校女教师在专业发展上与男性教师具有不同的特点和趋势,面临不同的问题,其发展既有明显的优势也有难以回避的劣势。全社会应努力营造有利于高校女教师发展的舆论环境,更多倾听她们的的声音,为她们创造平等的发展机会,引导她们扬长补短,实现更优的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines contestations and recent trend-setting approaches in the historiography of education in India in the post-1800 period. British colonialism created a huge rupture in South Asian society as regards the provision of education. Historians of education have asked what sorts of indigenous educational institutions and methods were present in pre-colonial India: in this context, the article discusses the work of historians who researched indigenous Indian village schools, key to educational transmission until the early nineteenth century. The educational work of the nationalist leader M.K. Gandhi inflected the work of such educational historians. The article devotes some attention to ways in which twentieth-century ‘new education’ reinvented aspects of pre-colonial South Asian education. Marxist, feminist, Dalit and Subaltern historians of education have analysed the differential and hierarchised spread of ‘western’ education in South Asia. Nonetheless, this article shows how the educational agency of Dalits, women, peasants and working people has been analysed by scholars. The article then examines recent scholarship which views the origins and growth of ‘western’ education in South Asia in the framework of transcultural transactions. It ends from the vantage point of connected and entangled histories of education, looking beyond the unit of the nation state.  相似文献   

The present paper is part of a larger study carried out in North Queensland, Australia, between 1999 and 2001. The original study focused on the perceptions of 15 women who each have (or had) a child who was medically, educationally and socio‐culturally constituted as having a disability. Qualitative methods were used for research design and to gather data. Poststructural and feminist perspectives were added to provide additional methods of data analysis. The primary focus in this paper is the spatiality of inclusive education with/in the discursive site of (special) education. It also considers the binary of regular/special education in relation to the spaces of educational discourse through the perspectives of the mothers, covering a temporal frame of 40 years. The mothers’ perceptions provide a historical lens on the changes that occurred in special education in North Queensland over this time, while at the same time offer an insight into the spaces disability occupies in education discourse.  相似文献   

This paper articulates a feminist poststructural philosophy of education by combining the work of Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. This acts as an underpinning for a philosophy of desire (McWilliam, 1999) in education, or as a minor philosophy of education where multiple movements of bodies are enacted through theoretical methodologies and research. These methods include qualitative analysis and critical discourse analysis; where the conjunction Irigaray‐Foucault is a paradigm for dealing with educational phenomena. It is also a rigorous materialism (Braidotti, 2005) that opens up the way in which we think about philosophical bodies in education with language. This simultaneously creates gaps in our thinking about the problems associated with philosophical bodies in education, where the imagination may intercede and Eros can do his work, ‘For if Eros possessed all that he desires, he would desire no more’ (Irigaray, 1993, p. 22).  相似文献   

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