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高校教师评价的三个基本问题包括评价什么、谁来评价及如何评价.在评价内容方面,应教学、科研并重,突出教学的根本性;在评价主体方面.应主张多元主体参与,充分发挥学生尤其是教师在评价中的主体作用;在评价方法方面,应定性与定量相结合,以定性评价为主,引导教师关注教学及科研质量.  相似文献   

通过对127名新疆中小学体育教师的问卷调查,从八个方面分析影响中小学体育教师职业倦怠感的因素,论述新疆中小学体育教师职业倦怠状况。研究结果表明,在新疆不同性别的中小学体育教师和不同性质的学校中,基本无显著差异;不同年龄及教龄的教师职业倦怠无明显差异;不同婚姻状况的教师三项因子无明显差异,但结婚有孩子教师的倦怠更为强烈;不同学历的体育教师在人格因子上存在着显著性差异,而在其他两个因子上不存在显著性差异;中专学历的体育教师在人格解体上远高于大专和本科学历的体育教师;在低成就感因子上,小学教师与其他授课对象教师之间存在着极其显著性的差异;不同学校的教师在各个因子之间没有显著差异,城市教师的倦怠在三个因子上均高于农村教师。  相似文献   

发达国家中小学教师培养模式的研究和实践对我国有两点启示。我国中小学教师培养模式的缺失表现在三个层面,其建构从三个维度入手,即:必须坚持以高师院校为主体、允许有条件综合性大学参与的培养原则;明确教师培养标准,并以之规范和引导不同主体的行为;实施"1 3"分段式本科层次中小学教师培养范式。  相似文献   

为了解中小学教师工作生活质量总体水平和现状,以信度和效度较高的自编的中小学教师工作生活质量问卷,对716名中小学教师进行问卷调查。结果显示:中小学教师工作生活质量总体上处于中等水平,且在性别、教龄、职称和学校类型方面存在显著性差异;男女教师在工作尊荣、工作条件、人际氛围、社会支持、社会保障四个维度呈现出显著差异;不同婚姻状况、教龄的教师在身心健康、薪酬福利、人际氛围、社会保障等维度存在显著差异;不同职称教师在工作条件、人际氛围、工作家庭休闲三个维度无显著性差异;不同类型学校的教师除身心健康维度之外的其他十个维度均存在极其显著的差异。  相似文献   

课堂评价是改善学生学习的重要途径,对提高课堂教学质量有重要的作用。通过对几位中小学教师的课堂评价进行观察,并从评价主客体、评价内容、评价方式等维度进行分析,提出在新课程背景下应强调多元评价主体互动参与、评价内容和角度的多元化、加强激励性评价以及应加强教师评价能力的培养。  相似文献   

针对中职学校"二阶段三课堂"学生学业评价体系的应用,从微观、中观、宏观三个层面,即从作为中等职业教育主体的学生与教师,参与组织、管理、具体实施评价工作的学校,以及整个中等职业教育领域发展三个维度上探讨了中职学校"二阶段三课堂"这一学生学业评价体系的运作效果,同时也对影响运作的不利因素进行分析,以期该"2+3"学业评价模式得到较好的推广应用.  相似文献   

课改已步入第十个年头,作为课程改革取得成功内在动力的教师,在使用课程材料、进行教学实践、对改革的信念与理解三个维度都发生了什么变化?从各类学校选用综合性学习内容角度看,培养学生应试写作的重视程度与课改前无什么变化;新课改提倡的学生新的学习方式、跨学科学习语文的理念,在综合性学习内容实施中很少体现;改革的信念与理解逐步增强,但应试教育观念仍占强势。综上所述,最终指向应试教育的价值取向,导致三维度变化的微小,因而如何完善学生评价应该成为改革的重中之重。建议积极推进中小学综合素质评价,把综合素质评价作为学生升入高一级学校的依据之一。以发展性督导评价理念引领义务教育均衡发展,以发展性督导评价实践推动义务教育均衡发展,从而真正实现义务教育的高层次均衡发展。  相似文献   

以自编的学校文化问卷对广东省佛山、梅州两市共7319名中小学教师进行问卷调查,构建学校文化的分析维度,并考察中小学教师视野中的学校文化现状.研究表明:领导方式、发展理念、合作共识三个一级维度及内部运作、外部沟通、教师发展、学生发展、创新变革、合作信任、参与认同等七个二级维度可较好地解释学校文化的结构.广东省中小学学校文化状态良好.教师对学校文化的认可程度因性别、年龄、婚姻状况、教龄、职称、职务、学历、任教学科等背景变量不同而有显著差异.学校办学层次、办学类型与所处地域的差异也会对教师视野中的学校文化状态产生影响.  相似文献   

我国从2009年1月1日起在全国义务教育学校实施绩效工资政策,这一政策关涉到广大中小学教师的切身利益。作为绩效工资分配的主要依据,教师绩效评价成为人们关注的焦点。我们依据中小学教师绩效评价的现状,遵循教育部政策精神和新课改的教师评价理念,从评价主体、评价层面、评价内容和评价功能四个维度论述中小学教师绩效评价所应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

在新课程实施背景下,应建构符合素质教育理念的以教师自评为主,由专家、同行、学生和家长共同参与的现代学校课堂教学评价制度。在评价主体上,构建多元评价主体,彼此相互合作,相互作用并形成合力;在评价指标上,强调多元维度,重点突出“学情”、“教情”和“素养”,构建以要素评价为主的指标体系;在评价步骤上,建立建指标、选方法、择主体、施评价、做计划等主要环节的动态循环模式;在评价方法上,提倡质性与量化评价相结合的评价方法,采用综合评价模式;在评价反馈制度上,建立以对话为主的评价结果反馈制度。  相似文献   

关于学校效能评价标准和方法的两点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校效能的评价标准和方法与对学校效能和学校效能评价的理解有直接关系.学校效能就是学校促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的有效作用;学校效能评价就是对学校有效促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的评价.这样,学校效能的评价标准就包括学校各类人员、各类工作和学校各项事业发展三方面因素;学校评价的方法就应采取定量评价和定性评价、增值评价和非增值评价相结合的方法,同时还要注意学校效能评价在理论、操作和作用上的限度.  相似文献   

教师课堂教学质量评估 ,是检验教学效果和提高教学质量的重要步骤。教学质量评估主要有学生的定性与定量评估与学校领导或同行 (督查组 )的听课评估。教学质量评估工作中应做到用多方位评价、多角度评价 ,不同职称教师的评估标准应有区别 ,要引进竞争机制 ,调动教师教学积极性提高公正性 ,注意定性方法与定量方法的有机结合等  相似文献   

The committees for the current Dutch context-based innovation in secondary science education employed teachers to design context-based curriculum materials. A study on the learning of science teachers in design teams for context-based curriculum materials is presented in this paper. In a correlation study, teachers with (n?=?25 and 840 students) and without (n?=?8 and 184 students) context-based curriculum material design experience were compared on context-based competence. Context-based competence comprises context handling, regulation, emphasis, design, and school innovation. Context-based teaching competence was mapped using both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a composite instrument. Due to the differences in design team set-up for different science subjects, teachers with design experience from different science subjects were also compared on their context-based competence. It was found that teachers with design experience showed more context-based competence than their non-designing colleagues. Furthermore, teachers designing for biology showed more context-based competence than their peers from other science subjects.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how key competencies can be incorporated into school curricula, what relevant instructional methods are needed and what institutional support is required to make school curricula based more on key competencies. For this, the study uses qualitative data from three schools (one each in South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand). The results indicate that a transformative approach, not an additive approach, is required. That is, teachers tend to restructure existing curricula to develop students’ key competencies instead of considering the latter as a new teaching component. In terms of instructional methods, teachers are likely to believe that more engaging and participatory instructional methods would help their students to practice and develop diverse aspects of their competencies. Further, the principal’s efforts to enhance communication and interaction with teachers is crucial to constructing local definitions of key competencies and shared visions for integrating such competencies with school curricula and instruction. The results indicate a need for redirecting the role of school curricula from transmitting content knowledge of academic subjects to developing students’ key competencies.  相似文献   

Eccomi Pronto is a school counselor-led, story-based curriculum that is designed to promote simultaneously the development of early elementary school students’ self-direction, active engagement in school, and pre-literacy skill development. This article reports the results of the first evaluation of a large-scale implementation of Eccomi Pronto in Italian elementary schools. The evaluation employed a mixed methods approach involving qualitative analyses of interviews and observations supported by quantitative analyses of student self-reports and teacher ratings (with a single group pre-test post-test design). Observations and interviews with parents and teachers suggested that Eccomi Pronto was associated with a number of improvements in students’ academic behavior, including engagement, involvement, reading interest, reading comprehension, work conscientiousness, inquisitiveness, and social support of classmates. Quantitative findings confirmed these qualitative findings, indicating that implementation of the curriculum was associated with improvements in classroom climate and student engagement. Limitations of the evaluation are discussed along with suggestions for necessary follow-up assessments.  相似文献   

This article describes a one-year study of 120 fifth grade students whose teachers participated in a program entitled Project SMILE (Science and Mathematics Integrated with Literary Experiences). The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which the classroom implementation of Project SMILE positively influenced the classroom environment and student attitudes toward reading, writing and mathematics. This was accomplished by, first, facilitating a series of professional development workshops with the teachers and, subsequently, asking these teachers to use the strategies with their students in their elementary school classrooms. The research represents one of the relatively few studies that have employed learning environment dimensions as criteria of effectiveness in the evaluation of educational innovations. Methodologically, our study supported previous research that successfully combined qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The learning environment and attitude scales exhibited satisfactory internal consistency reliability and discriminant validity and, additionally, the actual form of most learning environment scales was capable of differentiating between the perceptions of students in different classrooms. The implementation of SMILE was found to have a positive impact on the students of the teachers who participated in the inservice program in that students attitudes to mathematics and reading improved and there was congruence between students actual and preferred classroom environment on the scales of satisfaction and difficulty. As well, prior research was replicated in that students satisfaction was greater in classrooms with a more positive learning environment, especially in terms of student cohesiveness. Finally, qualitative data-gathering methods were used to construct a case study of the mathematics classes of a teacher who attended the SMILE professional development. This case study supported and illuminated the results from the questionnaire survey concerning the effectiveness of Project SMILE in terms of student attitudes and classroom environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to identify the components of holistic school pedagogy as identified by a sample of Finnish secondary school teachers and students from two schools. Holistic pedagogy concerns the development of the whole student and acknowledges the cognitive, social, moral, emotional and spiritual dimensions of education. The data were gathered in spring 2008 and include 19 interviews of Finnish secondary school teachers of different subjects and 37 interviews of their students. The teachers and students came from two schools that both emphasize mathematics in their curricula. Analysis of the teachers’ and students’ interviews revealed three different components in holistic school pedagogy. These components were values and worldviews, field-invariant pedagogical components (which are important regardless of the content or the subject) and field-dependent pedagogical components (subject- or context-specific issues, such as pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics or the type of school). Holistic school pedagogy also emphasized the importance of the whole school community for the best pedagogical practices in schools.  相似文献   


When entering the classroom, adolescents already hold various conceptions on science topics. Concept maps may function as useful tools to reveal such conceptions although labor-intensive analysis often prevents application in typical classroom situations. The authors aimed to provide teachers with an appropriate approach to analyze students’ concept maps within daily school routine. They intended to conclude qualitative changes from analyzing quantitative parameters. To test the approach, high school students were asked to map their conceptions before and after attending an educational program on climate change. For the analyses, quantitative as well as qualitative methods were applied. A comparison of pre- and postmaps pointed to a conceptual change. From strong correlations between qualitative and quantitative parameters we assumed our approach to be applicable. Due to its simple and barely time-consuming handling, the authors’ approach is suitable for application in conventional classroom situations and may contribute to inform teachers about students’ conceptions.  相似文献   

This study explores issues of burnout and job satisfaction among special school headteachers and teachers in Turkey. The purpose of the study is to determine whether there is a difference between headteachers' and teachers' burnout and job satisfaction in terms of work status, gender and work experiences, and to analyse the factors effecting their burnout and job satisfaction. In this paper, a quantitative approach has been used: 295 subjects (33 special school headteachers and 262 special school teachers) responded to the survey. As the research instruments, the Job Satisfaction Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to measure job satisfaction and burnout levels in terms of the dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The study results indicated that special school headteachers felt less personal accomplishment than special school teachers. However, there were no significant differences between headteachers and teachers on two burnout dimensions, namely emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and job satisfaction. In terms of gender, males have less emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment but higher depersonalization than their female counterparts. Females have higher job satisfaction than their male counterparts. In relation to their work experiences, more experienced subjects have higher emotional exhaustion and depersonalization than their less experienced colleagues, and also less job satisfaction than less experienced counterparts. However, more experienced subjects who participated in the study felt higher personal accomplishment than the others.  相似文献   


The study sought to examine the current Zimbabwean school system; establish the extent to which it is conducive to students making decisions about the selection of subjects they learn at school; to examine the nature of children's rights and the extent to which these rights are practiced in schools and in the prevailing socio-economic and political milieu. A stratified random sample of 100 pupils, 24 teachers and five school heads was used in this study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire, an interview schedule and observing both pupils and teachers. The study found that teachers and pupils seemed to be aware of pupils’ rights to participate in deciding the subjects they studied; and most teachers and school heads felt it was more of their duty to decide for pupils because of their immaturity. Therefore, determining the school curriculum content should involve school heads, teachers and pupils instead of choices being made and the content dictated to pupils.  相似文献   

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