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In this article, we examine philosophy of sport as a field of study in Japan, its history, characteristics, and future prospects, as part of a contribution to the international development of the discipline of sport philosophy. The Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education has been holding an annual sport philosophy conference every year since its inception in 1978. Nevertheless, the trends of sport philosophy in Japan have not been conveyed abroad. The language barrier between Japanese and English as an international communication tool makes it difficult to spread our work on the philosophy of sport throughout the world. The question arises as to whether the philosophy of sport in Japan has the same trends as those in the Western countries. Is it reasonable to assume that it has different aspects and interests than philosophy of sport in English-speaking countries? We will also try to address these questions for our audience  相似文献   

从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学质素和体育实践的哲学牵助三大方面阐释了体育系统可从哲学得到的启示。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法和逻辑分析的研究方法,从文化学视角对全球化背景下民族传统体育文化与世界体育文化冲突的成因和后果进行了分析。研究认为,体育文化的冲突是在人类文化交流的大背景下产生的,实质是体育价值体系的冲突;冲突的后果表现为对民族传统价值观的冲击、对民族认同的冲击以及体育文化霸权的产生。  相似文献   

身体是体育的载体和根本,体育是身体的实践形式之一;只有当身体在哲学中获得准确的定位时,体育才能在社会中找到其清晰的位置。探究法国哲学家梅洛.庞蒂的哲学思想,认为:人是在世存在的,身体是这种存在的本质,身体的可交流性和开放性是人与人共存的基础,是人类走向和平的希望;而体育正是这种身体哲学的表达形式之一,是促进人类和平的有效手段。  相似文献   

In Germany, philosophy of sport is still a young discipline which developed in the 20th century as a result of the growing significance of sport in society. Whereas the academic discussion in Germany which took place in the founding phase of the discipline in the early 1970s had much in common with that conducted in the Anglo-American academic community thanks to such integrative figures as Hans Lenk and Gunter Gebauer, who hosted the international conferences held in Germany by the Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport (PSSS)1 in the early 1980s and the 1990s, the transnational dialogue abated almost completely in the following years.2 As a consequence, philosophy of sport in Germany underwent a development of its own and acquired its own profile. The specific characteristics of German philosophy of sport are not rooted so much in any cultural particularities of sport practice, as is the case for bicycling in the Netherlands or hunting and cricket in England, for example, but rather in regional philosophical traditions established by such philosophers as Wittgenstein, Plessner, Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel.3

In order to give the reader an overview of the historical development and current status of research in philosophy of sport in Germany, relevant exemplary publications will be presented in the following and treated firstly in terms of their genesis, secondly in the context of current trends and tendencies, thirdly from the perspective of differences and commonalities between the German and the Anglo-American academic discussion, and fourthly concerning status and degree of institutionalization. Lastly an outlook on future developments will be given.  相似文献   

刘欣刚 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(2):142-143,164
承载丰富文化思想的太极拳,不仅在中国具有广泛的群众基础,而且已经越来越受到世界各地人民的喜爱,其影响力之广泛和深刻程度已经引起许多学者的关注,并且正在影响着人们生活和思维方式.他在具备健身、防身、养身的重要作用以外还富有丰富的人生哲理和文化底蕴.构建和谐社会是一项复杂的系统工程,其内涵十分丰富,城市化建设是构建和谐社会...  相似文献   

This study explored sport governance practice from the lived experience of one informant spanning a 30-year period in the governance of two sport organisations (basketball and cricket). Hermeneutic phenomenology, the methodological framework used for this study, seeks to grasp the everyday world, and draw insight and meaning from it. The method involves a series of in-depth interviews with one research participant, supplemented by document analysis. Interviews were analysed using an interpretative process which blended the world views of both the participant and researchers. The participant lived through an era of increasing professionalisation within sport. His narrative, which tapped into his governance expertise at state, national and international levels, provides insights into the transition from an amateur to a commercial culture, referred to in this paper as ‘two worlds colliding’. From this narrative, three related themes were identified and labelled, ‘volunteer and cultural encounters’; ‘structural encounters’; and ‘adversarial encounters’. In drawing on hermeneutic philosophy, and highlighting that which has been hidden from view, direction for future research and practice within the sport governance domain is offered. These directions invite scholars to think about future sport governance research as it relates to federated structures and how collaborative governance theory can sharpen the focus in this domain.  相似文献   

论体育与哲学的相互关系(续完)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用理论与实践相结合的研究方法,从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学素质、体育实践的哲学牵动三个方面,较系统地探讨了体育与哲学的相互关系。  相似文献   

论体育与哲学的相互关系(待续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用理论与实践相结合的研究方法,从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学素质体育实践的哲学牵取三个方面,较系统地探讨了体育与哲学的相互关系。  相似文献   

采用理论与实践紧密联系的研究方法,从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学素质、体育实践的哲学牵取三个方面,较系统地探讨了体育与哲学的相互关系。  相似文献   

21世纪休闲体育活动将在生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,哲学作为人类认识世界和改造世界的最基本的思想武器,用哲学中的证物辨证法去认识休闲体育发展中遇到的问题,并从哲学的角度分析休闲体育的发展。以促进全民健身运动和小康社会的建设。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化“融合”的哲学原因和现实原因。指出了中国东方体育文化的核心和魅力所在,强调要高擎武术文化大旗,开创奥运体育文化的新时代。  相似文献   

高强  程一帆  陈昱彤 《体育科学》2021,(2):88-96,F0003
由于体育哲学诞生以来分析主义哲学的研究范式占据了主导性地位,概念化思维方式影响了当前中西体育哲学研究基本走向与研究内容,从而导致了体育哲学的生发一直处于与二元论的对峙之中。基于科学研究范式理论的视角转换,在现象学范式下二元论转变为积极推进体育哲学研究范式变革的反常现象。借助现象学的理论襄助,体育哲学在经过"普通现象学转化"与"普通现象学-知觉现象学""普通现象学-历史现象学"两条前后相继的思想通路后,形成了新式体育哲学研究范式的框架与研究范例,使体育与二元论紧张关系逐渐疏解,并在知觉与记忆两个层面进行重建,形成了体育哲学的现象学范式的理论核心、解释性原则与应用性方法,进而实现体育哲学在研究视角、研究路径上的变革,形成中西交融的体育哲学研究学脉基础。  相似文献   

在足球运动的过程中无论是训练还是比赛,处处都存在着哲学思想。本文采用文献资料法对足球运动中的一些现象用哲学的观点去解释。在足球运动中,进攻与防守,整体与局部,整体与个人,边路与中路,时间与空间,比赛与训练等,都会影响整个比赛的结果。如果谁掌握了这里的奥秘那么他就会取得比赛的优势和胜利。  相似文献   

儒家人文哲学具有深厚的文化内涵和哲学底蕴,它与中国当代体育文化的积极对接具有重要的理论和实践意义。以"仁学"为主导的人文哲学思想将进一步丰富和凸显中国当代体育文化的核心价值体系,即当代中国体育文化发展应当紧紧围绕服务大众,构建和谐社会这一最大的"仁"发挥积极的作用。以"和合精神"为核心的文化内涵不仅为中国当代体育文化生态构建提供重要的理论支撑,而且为中国当代体育文化的价值实现提供有效的运行机制和可以衡量的判断标准。  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued why and how the aesthetics of sport should be included in higher education curricula in sport sciences. It is claimed that within the scope of philosophy of sport, aesthetics has its own role to play, since it provides a ‘sensible knowledge’ that should not be undervalued, and philosophers of sport must be aware of this. Providing examples from Portugal and Brazil, it is enunciated how these countries have been taking seriously and incorporated (if only partially) inquiry and education concerning the aesthetics of sport. Through an interpretative analysis, it is argued about the adoption of the aesthetics of sport in academic curricula and also in the syllabus of sport philosophy and aesthetics of sport courses in the context of higher education in the Faculty of Sport at the University of Porto.  相似文献   

中华文化源远流长,博大精深,是世界文化史上最完整、最有影响力和包容性的文化现象之一。武术作为一项民族文化遗产,主要是通过身体运动来保存文化和传承文化,但是由于文化的不同,其在文化形式和类别上的表现就存在差异,因此在各个区域内形成并流传的武术流派就会有所不同。笔者从文化角度的形成进行探讨。  相似文献   

采用文献资料和逻辑推理等方法,从人体动作的计算机建模出发,辩证计算机科学哲学与体育哲学同时作用于体育的统一关系,力图使二者在实践中取长补短、相互促进,其统一性主要表现在微观与宏观调控,计算与行为认知,人工与有机生命,系统辨识与理性分析等方面。  相似文献   


The period from 1870 to the Great War was defined by a new and more intensive phase of imperialism. Following previous debates initiated by scholars such as MacKenzie, Burton, or Bayly this article analyses the impact of Empire on the metropole. In suggesting that the imperial space was not a one-way street, the paper is going beyond Said's orientalist approach. This argument uses the example of the Indian game of polo. Unlike most imperial sports, polo was adapted by the British from their colonial subjects, creating the opportunity of a common cultural space. How did polo influence socio-cultural and political power constellations in India and the metropole? The paper will provide nuance on regional contexts and the effects of sport on specific groups. Unpacking the resulting interdependencies, ambivalences, and the mutability of polo in the British imperial self-image, the paper does not neglect Indian agency. Polo showcases an interrelation of ideas and beliefs which are used to understand the respective environment as well as the internationalisation of sport. Researching sport in an imperial context and its interactions on a local and transnational level can thus display rising asymmetries of political, cultural, and social agencies in a global process.  相似文献   

本文从历史学与哲学的角度,通过对中国传统体育文化的认识以及对现代体育所存在问题的分析,提出中国传统体育文化是对现代体育中所缺失的人文价值的良好补充。一方面旨在促进现代体育人文精神的回归;另一方面,肯定中国传统体育文化在世界体育文化中的地位。  相似文献   

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