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美国社区学院在美国高等教育的发展中起着重要的作用,这与美国社区学院副学士学位课程有着紧密联系.专业与课程设置是其特色的重要体现,文中以美国最早的乔利埃特初级学院为例,重点剖析该社区学院的课程设置,对我国高等职业教育具有重大的启示作用.  相似文献   

选择美国的迈阿密-戴德社区学院、中密执根社区学院、德拉维尔社区学院和杰斐逊社区学院等四间社区学院有代表性的副学士学位专业各一个,分析其课程设置,然后进行比较研究,就其设置特点进行概括。美国社区学院的副学士学位课程丰富多样,灵活多变,独具特色,转学性课程强调综合素质,宽厚基础,应用性课程强调职业性和应用性。都不同程度地强调开设选修课。  相似文献   

美国社区学院的副学士学位课程、特色及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国社区学院在美国高等教育的发展中发挥了重要作用,这与社区学院的一系列富有特色的副学士学位课程有很大的关系。本文对美国社区学院的副学士学位课程的基本情况进行简要介绍,重点总结其副学士学位课程的特色和几点启示。  相似文献   

美国社区学院在美国高等教育的发展中发挥了重要作用,这与社区学院的一系列富有特色的副学士学位课程有很大的关系.本文对美国社区学院副学士学位课程的基本情况作以简要介绍,并总结其副学士学位课程的特色及对我国高职教育的启示.  相似文献   

美国社区学院非学位课程的形式、特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈玲玉 《高教探索》2007,(1):99-101
本文总结了美国社区学院非学位课程的形式,对其特点进行分析,以期对我国社区学院和高职院校的课程改革能有所启发,尽快办出有另4于普通高等教育的特色,完善我国的高等教育体系。  相似文献   

美国华盛顿州秀岚社区学院作为美国社区学院的优秀成功典范,其"职业技术类两年制副学士学位专业人才培养模式"具有典型的美国特色,它最大的特点就是以就业为目标,以学生能力培养为核心,以深度融合的校企合作机制为手段,在学院建设的各个方面尤其是专业设置方面得到了充分体现。深入了解和剖析秀岚社区学院的专业设置情况,对我国高职院校的专业内涵建设有着很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国社区学院作为其高等教育体系中极具特色的教育形态,在高等教育大众化、普及化的历史进程中发挥了重要作用.社区学院是以转学教育和职业教育为主,其授予的学位以副学士学位为主.随着经济和科技的迅速发展,美国当代社会对高层次、高学历人才的需求不断加大.美国部分社区学院开始在其校内通过各种方式实施学士学位课程并授予学士学位,此举在改善和提升社区学院的学术质量、自身形象和地位上初见成效,为社区学院的未来发展探索出了一条新路.  相似文献   

美国社区学院课程设置特点及其基本理念   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文选择四所有代表性的美国社区学院:迈阿密一戴德社区学院、中密执根社区学院、德拉维尔社区学院和杰斐逊社区学院,就其课程设置特点进行探讨,并在更深层次上就课程设置的理念进行分析.  相似文献   

赵燕 《职教论坛》2017,(27):93-96
高职专业建设与发展需要与国际接轨,从人才培养目标、课程设置、课程调整与管理三个方面对美国社区学院和国内高职院校应用电子技术专业进行对比,课程设置中重点分析对比课程数量、课程结构、课程广度与深度,并提出改进建议。专业设置随动区域经济发展和特色,贴合市场需求;人才培养目标兼顾复合型,增加个性化学习课程;人才培养模式不断创新,培养学生综合职业能力与职业生涯可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

高职专业建设与发展需要与国际接轨,从人才培养目标、课程设置、课程调整与管理三个方面对美国社区学院和国内高职院校应用电子技术专业进行对比,课程设置中重点分析对比课程数量、课程结构、课程广度与深度,并提出改进建议。专业设置随动区域经济发展和特色,贴合市场需求;人才培养目标兼顾复合型,增加个性化学习课程;人才培养模式不断创新,培养学生综合职业能力与职业生涯可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

美国社区大学的课程开发与管理特色体现在三个方面,即学校、专业和课程三个层面的学习目标保持一致;行业、企业和学校共同开发技能标准和课程;有严谨的课程开发程序和发展更新系统工程。我国高职院校应将职业技能标准开发与课程开发相结合,应产业需要及时调整专业和课程,加强职业课程和学术课程的整合,培养学生的职业核心能力和职业迁移能力。  相似文献   

美国社区学院的课程职能体系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在高等教育竞争机制作用下 ,美国社区学院不得不主动探求自身的优势和特色以获得生存和发展。美国社区学院逐渐形成了包括转学教育、职业教育、补习教育和社区教育在内的多样化的课程 ,形成了自身独特的课程职能体系。正是这种独特的课程职能体系 ,从根本上将社区学院与其他高等教育机构区别开来 ,并成为美国社区学院平民性和社区性等特征的重要基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the annual cost of operation including depreciation of movable capital equipment for educating one student in each curriculum of selected community colleges and to show the relationship of costs of vocational-technical curricula to the cost for common baccalaureate oriented curricula.A stratified sample of eight community colleges was drawn from those that had been in operation for at least five years.These data indicate that a majority of the courses offered in highly specialized curricula in both the occupational and baccalaureate categories were more expansive than those courses that were common to a wide variety of curricula.This study supports differential program funding to assure continued development of high quality vocational-technical programs in community colleges.  相似文献   

课程设置是搞好教学工作的关键,苏州作为江苏省现代职业教育制度改革的试验区,在高职课程设置上体现了诸多先进性,但同时也存在一些问题。文章通过问卷调查和访谈的方法从课程体系、课程内容和能力培养方面对苏州地区两所高职院校数控技术专业课程设置情况作了调查研究,分析课程设置的现状及存在的问题,并由此引出几点思考,以期为高职教育改革提供一些参考。  相似文献   

As nonprofit adult literacy programs are often the only options for low-income Latin American immigrants in North America, problems accompanying these programs affect the ability of immigrants to benefit from them. North American nonprofit adult literacy programs often struggle due to the difficulties inherent in using volunteer instructors (often from different cultural backgrounds than participants) who use curricula that often do not reflect students’ communities of origin. Hence, the outcomes of these programs can be problematic. One potential way to ameliorate these difficulties is found in the critical framework of Paulo Freire, wherein curricula are student-generated. The primary argument in this review essay is that trained community instructors (or Freirean-trained outsiders) – using Freire's model of instruction and curriculum development, working under a demand for true accountability for results from organizational administrators – could improve existent benign North American adult literacy programs into more empowering social resources for Latin American immigrant communities in the United States. The possibilities for such improvement are explored through analysis of positive and negative case studies within the larger literature on adult literacy.  相似文献   

分析了传统高职化学基础课程体系和内容的缺陷,提出了课程整合的原则和策略:以物理化学为主线对无机化学、分析化学和物理化学进行课程整合,确定了新的教学大纲和教学实施计划,建立了物理化学、无机化学、分析化学三位一体的学科新体系.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to empirically explore the extent to which public two-year colleges in this country are characterized by open admissions policies and by comprehensive curricula, as well as the extent and nature of programs for the disadvantaged within these institutions. Utilizing a stratified sampling design developed by the research staff of the American Council on Education, a precoded original questionnaire was mailed in the spring of 1971 to the chief administrative officer for each institution in the sample. It was found that only a little over half of the colleges have the curricula offerings and admissions policies of exemplary community colleges, but that all reported special courses, programs, or services for the academically disadvantaged minority group. However, only 40% of our sample indicated that they have developed special programs (as opposed to courses or services). Too, community colleges with programs require (1) more resources in preparing faculty for dealing effectively with the disadvantaged, (2) additional emphasis on recruitment of the disadvantaged, and (3) more attention to developing courses in ethnic studies.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, February 1973. Partial support for the project from which this paper was developed was provided by the U.S. Office of Education (Contract #OEC-0-70-4283 (399) to the Pennsylvania State Department of Education). The author also wishes to acknowledge the contribution of Reynolds Ferrante, graduate student, Pennsylvania State University, who assisted in the literature review and questionnaire development of the project.  相似文献   

Although community college educators believe their programs benefit their students through cognitive development, until now no good evidence was available. The fourth follow‐up of the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 allows the controlled assessment of the value of two‐year institutions. The results indicate that while whites benefit cognitively from two‐year post‐secondary programs, blacks do not.

In 1947, the President's Commission on Higher Education (1947, p. 9) concluded that, “The first goal in education for democracy is the full, rounded and continuing development of the person. ... To liberate and perfect the intrinsic powers of every citizen is the central purpose of democracy, and its furtherance of individual self‐realization is its greatest glory.” From these principles the specific goals of higher education are derived (Bowen, 1977). The formal academic program and extra‐curricular life of an academic community are intended to help students develop in three respects: cognitive learning, affective development, and practical competence (Bowen, 1977). It is assumed that as these goals are realized so are the powers of the individual.

Whenever there are goals to be reached in any endeavor, it is natural to ask whether they are in fact being realized. Bowen (1977) compares education to an industry that is responsible for disclosing both its costs and outcomes. Assessing the outcomes of higher education is necessarily a complex task; nevertheless attempts have been made to pull together information from a variety of studies and draw conclusions from them (e.g., Feldman and Newcomb, 1969; Bowen, 1977; Pace, 1979). In general the effects of college attendance have been found to be positive. Attending college raises the level of knowledge and cognitive

powers of students, increases psycholgocial well‐being, understanding, tolerance and self‐reliance, and helps students develop skills and traits that make them more adaptable to a variety of social and work situations (Bowen, 1977).

Comprehensive evaluations of higher education have been limited to four‐year colleges. For example, Kar‐weit and McPartland (1981) studied the cognitive gains produced by postsecondary schooling, and found that college attendance enhanced vocabulary skills, but only maintained mathematic skills. In contrast, little has been done to evaluate outcomes of community college attendance, although educators within community college systems stress the importance of accountability in establishing the much maligned credibility of community colleges (Roueche and La Forge, 1974; Miller, 1979).

The absence of research on community colleges is in part due to the variety of functions that community colleges have assumed. Community colleges were originally intended to open the doors of education to all high school graduates, especially the economically disadvantaged (Monroe, 1972). Emphasis was placed on providing two years of additional general education beyond high school, and on low‐cost preparation for students who wished to transfer to four‐year colleges in the third year. In 1947 the President's Com‐mision on Higher Education (1947) suggested that the emphasis of two‐year colleges should be shifted to preparation for semiprofessional white collar and vocational occupations. This preparation was not to be at the expense of general education, but in addition to it, for those who desired to learn specific occupational skills. As the popularity of community colleges grew, it also became apparent that many economically disadvantaged students were also academically disadvantaged, and community colleges found themselves in the business of providing remedial courses for many students who were not ready to enter regular academic programs.

Although research indicates that community colleges in general place greater emphasis on occupational education than when originally conceived, they remain, at least in philosophy, committed to providing an education that contributes to the intellectual development of their students, whether they are in academic or vocational programs (Monroe, 1972; Cross, 1974). This commitment is in recognition of the fact that cognitive skills such as verbal ability and basic mathematics competence, and affective development in the areas of self‐awareness and interpersonal relations, are necessary to practical competence in most work and social situations.

Community college curricula, in general, reflect a commitment to intellectual and affective development. The general education requirement in community colleges varies greatly, but usually consists of a specified number of elective courses to be chosen from the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, and the social sciences (Monroe, 1972). Remedial programs are primarily for academic deficiencies in reading, language, and mathematics (Monroe, 1972).

Although community college programs seem designed to further cognitive and affective development, critics (Scigliano, 1976; Hudson and Smith, 1976) question the ability of community colleges to provide a good general education. Nevertheless, there is little evidence on this point one way or the other. Existing studies are lacking in several ways. For example, Rou‐eche and Kirk (1973) and Lavin et al.(1979) determined the success of programs for academically and economically disadvantaged students in community college programs by looking at grade point averages and completion rates; however, neither of these measures establish gains in cognitive or affective development. Rossmann et al.(1975) measured cognitive development by gain scores on reading and mathematics tests, but they were unable to compare gains against a control group of noncollege attenders.  相似文献   

This cross-case comparative study at Western Community College and the University of the Coast explored through a constructive lens the characteristics that lead to sustainable, high quality service-learning programs and how they are implemented at institutions of higher education. The researchers determined that both Western Community College and the University of the Coast (a) have diverse collaborative partnerships that promote excellent communication between all of the entities, (b) offer a wide variety of service-learning courses to connect curricular and cocurricular experiences, (c) have a stable funding base, (d) provide the necessary resources, (e) have continuity in staffing, and (f) incorporate feedback and assessment into their respective service-learning programs. The findings from this study, based on one-on-one interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis, serve as a model on how to create quality and sustainable service-learning programs that combine academic scholarship, off-campus learning discoveries, reflection, civic engagement, and meaningful community service. The research may be applicable for educators at community colleges at various stages in developing service-learning programs, or who are transforming faltering programs, trying to make them sustainable.  相似文献   

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