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近两年来,美国三大有线电视网CNN、FoxNews和MSNBC之间的竞争已经从网下扩展到网上,他们分别开设了自己的网站CNN.com、Foxnews.com和MSNBC.com,以期在网络视频这一新领域有所斩获  相似文献   

伴随着互联网和新兴传媒技术的发展,当前全球电视领域的竞争也进入到追求实时新闻、与受众互动的时代。美国有线电视新闻频道在经历了2006年的整体观众下滑之后,从2007年以来开始实现观众人数的回升;美国有线电视网三强CNN、FoxNews和MSNBC的竞争已扩展至互联网领域,以期在新领域继续吸引受众的眼球,实现经营的突破。  相似文献   

伴随着互联网和新兴传媒技术的发展,当前全球电视领域的竞争也进入到追求实时新闻、与受众互动的时代.美国有线电视新闻频道在经历了2006年的整体观众下滑之后,从2007年以来开始实现观众人数的回升;美国有线电视网三强CNN、Fox News和MSNBC的竞争已扩展至互联网领域,以期在新领域继续吸引受众的眼球,实现经营的突破.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末,美国有线电视领域陆续出现了福克斯有线新闻频道(Foxnews Channel,简称FNC)和微软全国广播公司有线新闻频道(简称MSNBC)两大知名新闻频道,它们与美国国内的CNN频道(隶属于美国有线电视新闻网)互相竞争,逐步形成了美国有线新闻业的三极之势。  相似文献   

嵇美云 《今传媒》2008,(3):58-59
福克斯新闻频道(Fox News Channel)创立于1996年,从2002年起收视率一举超过著名的有线电视新闻网CNN,成为美国最具影响力的新闻频道之一,将有线电视新闻市场重新带进了寡头时代.  相似文献   

1980年,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)开播,开创了7天24小时全天候报道新闻的模式,电视取代报纸、广播成为美国人获取新闻的首要来源.专业化的有线电视新闻频道成为影响美国乃至于全球政治、经济和社会走向的一支重要力量,经过近40年的发展形成了福克斯新闻台(Fox News)、CNN和微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)三分天下的格局.  相似文献   

最近10年,美国有线电视业迅速崛起,获得了巨大的成功,如现在国际知名的美国有线电视新闻网(CNN),刚开始时惨淡经营,受到各方奚落,但10年间的发展令人刮目相看,如今在美国有线电视业中雄居首位,有大约6000万订户,另一家专供音乐节目的有线电视MTV,拥有一万多美国有线电视系统的5600万订户,全部播出纪实片的“发现频道”,尽管起步较晚,建立于1985年,但现在成为紧随MTV之后的大户,已经拥有9400家美国有线电视系统的5580万订户。其他一些有名的有线电视台中,有专播体育节目的ESPN,有专以儿童为对象的“勒克劳顿”,有专门现场报道国会辩论和听证会  相似文献   

一、CNN带来24小时新闻概念 创办于1980年6月的美国有线电视新闻广播网(CNN)24小时连续不断播发全球新闻,没有截稿时间,每小时播出最新节目,通过5个卫星向全世界播发。它的宗旨是:无论世界任何地方发生什么事,它都让人感到远在天边,近在眼前。  相似文献   

1950年,美国宾夕法尼亚州的电器商人塔尔顿为促销电视机,替山区的一些用户安装了共用天线,然后将收到的电视画面用电缆传至用户家中,这是美国最早的有线电视系统。自那时起,经过几十年的发展,到80年代,美国的有线电视已形成台站遍布全国、电缆联通家家户户的传播系统,出现了多家影响巨大的有线电视网,如24小时播发新闻的CNN(Cable News Network)、全天播送流行音乐电视的MTV(Music Television)、以体育实况转播见长的  相似文献   

西方国家的心理学家和医生们新近“发明”了一个新的病名——“CNN综合症”。他们说,该病的症状是精神狂燥,病因是过多地观看有战争画面的电视节目,而“罪魁祸手”就是以CNN(美国有线电视公司)为  相似文献   

Adopting the construct of “brand personality,” this article examines the perceived differences among various television news brands, investigates the distinction between cable and broadcast news brands, and explores the applicability of brand personality in this market. CNN was found to possess the most distinct, positive personality, whereas CBS news had the least differentiated brand personality. Fox News was seen as the most dynamic and conservative. Overall, broadcast network news was perceived to be more traditional and liberal than cable network news. Three modified dimensions—competence, timeliness, and dynamism—were found to represent the personality facets of the television news product.  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

TV evening news coverage of the 2008 presidential election by broadcast, cable, and public networks was predominately male and Caucasian in terms of reporters and sources. However, according to our content analysis of 888 campaign stories, viewers saw the least amount of source diversity if they watched the evening news on broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC. Cable networks FOX and CNN, and the PBS evening news had more female and non-White sources. This pattern also holds true for reporter use of nonpartisan sources. Findings on the 2008 election for the traditional broadcast networks are not consistent with those for the 2000 and 2004 elections, when female reporters at these networks had more female and nonpartisan sources in their election coverage than did their male colleagues. Reporters at PBS provided the greatest overall source diversity, regardless of their race or gender, compared to what was observed on broadcast and cable networks. Differences in the way reporters used women and non-White sources to cover the 2008 presidential race may be attributable to organizational factors.  相似文献   


This study explores the validity of Meyer's (2004) Meyer, P. 2004. The vanishing newspaper, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.  [Google Scholar] influence model in the cable news network environment. The influence model proposes that news media organizations' profitability is linked to their societal influence, which depends on audiences' perceptions of their credibility and news quality. The results show a good fit between a structural equation model of the influence model and data from a survey probing respondents' opinions of CNN and Fox News Channel. The study also examines audience members' attitudes toward the two cable news networks and found that their opinions of CNN are significantly more positive.  相似文献   

Bias vs. Bias     
When Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, released his encyclical on climate change in June 2015, the Fox News Channel, the most watched cable news network in the United States, faced a dilemma. Some of its news anchors and regular commentators are Catholics, and therefore have a positive bias for the Pope. But the network is also known for its bias against man-made climate change. Guided by cognitive dissonance theory, this study analyzed how Fox News’ anchors and commentators discussed Pope Francis’ stance on climate change. The analysis found a clear ambivalence in their discourse and identified four discursive strategies that they used to navigate discursive dissonance.  相似文献   

新闻策划是对新闻报道活动的策划,电视新闻策划是现代社会受众和电视自身发展的需要。电视新闻的策划重在发挥电 视传播的优势,强调整体的协作。  相似文献   

In an integrated media environment where news networks seek synergistic opportunities for their parent companies, news content is increasingly susceptible to promotional influence. A comparative content analysis of new and traditional news spaces on U.S. cable television news networks Cable News Network, MSNBC, and Fox News Channel examined the video screen space and the news crawl, or “ticker,” space. Findings reveal that, proportionally, more promotional content occurs within the traditional video content space when compared to the ticker space. However, it was also shown that the ticker acts as a general branding agent for 2 of the 3 networks. Content dispersion also suggests a unique “content identity” for each news brand. The study found no evidence of “covert” promotion for synergistic gain—a positive result for news consumers.  相似文献   

有线电视的普及和大台专业频道的不断涌现使观众的选择余地越来越大。作为县级电视台“招牌菜”的新闻节目也面临 着严峻的挑战。县级电视台新闻节目存在的问题有哪些?问题的症结何在?面对挑战,县级电视台应该如何扬长避短,办出具有地方特 色的新闻节目?本文作者结合自身实践作了一些思考。  相似文献   

现代网络技术的迅速普及,使报纸、广播、电视等传统媒体遭到了前所未有的挑战,媒体间依靠独家新闻来占领市场的可 能性越来越小,依托先进的技术手段来提升新闻传播效果,已成为越来越多电视台的一种选择。  相似文献   

Local television news markets have been defined in terms of oligopoly theory, in which the number of competitors is limited and firms must pay significant attention to pricing behavior and product differentiation. The author explores how the development of independent television stations, cable television, and video recorders is changing the market from oligopoly to monopolistic competition.  相似文献   

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