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通识教育是发源于欧洲的一种高等教育思想。英国高校的通识教育在其发展历程中逐步完善,最终形成了以崇尚人文主义传统的教育理念、专业教育通识化的课程设置、师生交互式的个性化教学实践形式为一体的通识教育样式。聚焦于当前我国高等教育的发展现状,通识教育已成为全面提升大学生综合素养不可或缺的一个重要选择。英国高校通识教育对我国的启示是,构建符合我国优秀文化传统的通识教育理念;建立专业教育与通识教育相融合的课程体系;提升高校教师通识教育能力;实行智力训练和能力培养的教育方法。  相似文献   


When a liberal arts college decides to include computer science as one of its academic disciplines, a number of questions arise. What is an appropriate curriculum? What sort of laboratory support does this new discipline need? How does a small liberal arts school attract, retain, and evaluate faculty in this area? Do computer science faculty become a separate department or remain joined with mathematics or some other discipline? In short, what must be done to put computer science on equal footing with mathematics and other scientific disciplines? This paper addresses these questions.  相似文献   

大学人文教育的思考--人文精神与科学精神七问   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人文精神关注人的生命及其价值,强调人性,人道,仁爱和人的尊严。科学精神提倡实事求是,鼓励独立思考,反对盲从和迷信,不论是科学的方式或精神,还是人文的方式或精神,其本质都是追求自由。它们为人类理性地追求自由和幸福提供了不同的实践方式。今天谈论大学的人文精神与科学精神的教育,应该思考:什么是人文精神与科学精神?我们需要什么样的“人文教育与科学教育”?市场经济下“人文精神与科学精神”的生存空间有多大?等等。  相似文献   

This study analyzes longitudinal data from 17 four-year institutions in the United States to determine how the distinctive instructional and learning environment of American liberal arts colleges accounts for the positive impact of liberal arts college attendance on four-year growth in critical thinking skills and need for cognition. We find that, net of important confounding influences, attending an American liberal arts college (vs. a research university or a regional institution in the United States) increases one’s overall exposure to clear and organized classroom instruction and enhances one’s use of deep approaches to learning. In turn, clear and organized classroom instruction and deep approaches to learning tend to facilitate growth in both critical thinking and need for cognition—thus indirectly transmitting the impact of attending a liberal arts college.  相似文献   

考试策略一方面是对考试原则的实践,另一方面又是考试模式形成的依据。素质教育下的高校文科考试策略,不仅要在最大程度上契合高校文科考试的原则精神,还要在最大程度上有助于高校人文社会学科在人文社会科学素质培养方面系列目标的实现。基于这种认识,应当构建以"兴趣带动"与"项目带动"为核心策略、以"考学同步"与"适当调节"为配套策略的高校文科考试策略体系,以达成释放文科魅力、改善教学乏力、增进学习动力、提升人文社会科学素质的目的。按照这种理解,尝试提出一种新的考试模式。  相似文献   


Over its 100-year plus history the community college has struggled to make clear its mission. As a comprehensive community college its mission has bounced around to focus on liberal arts, developmental, workforce, community, and general education. In today’s increasingly competitive society with shifting values and changes in power it is likely that workforce education/career and technical education will remain a foundational mission of the community college. Workforce education is strongly supported by state and federal legislators who demonstrate that support with billions of dollars. It is strongly supported by business and industry. And it is strongly supported by parents and students. This brief history captures many of the key issues and developments of the continuing evolution of workforce education in the community college.  相似文献   

随着基于信息技术的高等文科教育改革的深入,文科实验教学成为高校人才培养的重要环节。本文以新闻传播类专业实验教学准备为例,总结了高校文科实验教学的特点,探讨了文科实验准备的特征与存在的问题,最后系统论述了有效开展文科实验准备的策略。文章的上述观点对文科实验教学教师与管理技术人员的实验教学与准备具有积极的启发意义。  相似文献   

The question whether the study of education and teacher education belong at a liberal arts college deserves careful consideration. In this essay Bruce Kimball analyzes and finds unpersuasive the three principled rationales that are most often advanced on behalf of excluding educational studies, teacher education, or both from a liberal arts college. Specifically, Kimball argues that no principled definition of the conventional liberal arts disciplines excludes the study of education without barring other fields now regarded as legitimate, and consistency demands that all such fields be excluded if any are. In addition, teacher education, even if considered as merely “craft know‐how” or as professional training, cannot be excluded from liberal arts colleges without arbitrarily classifying it as suspect and subjecting it to strict scrutiny. But the question of whether educational studies or teacher education fit any asserted definition of liberal education does not finally resolve the question of whether they belong in a liberal arts college. Kimball concludes by suggesting that there are moral and prudential reasons for liberal arts colleges to offer teacher education and, concomitantly, the study of education, even apart from the unpersuasive objections that they do not fit a definition of liberal education.  相似文献   

人文素养是文科高职生综合素质的基本要求。因此,构建文科高职大学语文课程要实现对"人"的关注,课程目标要实现专业技能与人文素养的同步培养,课程内容要追求经典、高雅和具有理想的文字作品。在构建文科高职大学语文课程实践中,应凝练课程教育理念,丰富学生职业化的文化内涵;精选经典教学内容,契合时代形成共鸣;教师主导,深度挖掘文学作品的内涵;以学生为主题,创新教学方法。  相似文献   

对科学文化和科学教育的思考——兼谈素质教育的几个问题   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“科学求真 ,人文求善” ,“科学教人做事 ,人文教人做人”的二分观点值得商榷 ,传统的事实价值二分模式和主客二分模式是其理论渊源。科学作为一种文化 ,不仅求真而且求善求美。对真善美的追求是科学文化的价值内蕴。科学在本质上是人文的 ,这是科学文化与人文文化“和而不同”的根基。缺乏完整的科学文化观和科学教育观 ,是科学教育最大的不足。完整的科学教育应当并且能够既教人做事也教人做人。要充分挖掘科学文化蕴含的人文价值来教育人 ,关键在于教师要提高自身的科学文化素养  相似文献   

Until recently, physical education and the liberal arts have taken divergent courses. The resurgence of the field as a cross-disciplinary study of human movement may revitalize the position of kinesiology in the liberal arts college. This paper assesses the nature of the liberal arts in higher education and suggests ways a kinesiology curriculum may be honed to the specifications of that model. The question of curricular centrality is a vital issue, particularly in times of recessionary budgets. Until a program of study reflects the knowledge objectives and imparts the skills dear to its parent institution, it will remain endangered. As the American Academy of Physical Education and others succeed in pushing open the window of opportunity, we may be greeted by a fresh breeze of intellectual integrity; institutions, each espousing their unique goals, may seek common ground and mutual growth.  相似文献   

Ma Xiangbo was born in 1840 and became a pioneer of educational reform during the republican period. He was responsible for introducing the idea that science and humanities should be valued equally in liberal arts education, a concept that became key to the model of university education. Ma’s view of education combined Western humanism and science with classical Confucian humanism. His ideas still have a referential value for contemporary Chinese higher education and society.  相似文献   

This study examined change in Chinese students’ autonomous learning motivation in the first three years of college and how this change is accounted for by intra- and inter-individual variables. The sample included 633 (328 female) college freshmen. Results showed that students’ autonomous learning motivation decreased over years in college. Students’ perceived parental autonomy support and peer relatedness demonstrated different change patterns over time, but each variable positively predicted students’ autonomous learning motivation. Students majoring in science showed a more rapid decline in motivation than liberal arts students. Students studying a major of their own choice showed a higher initial level of motivation than students who were studying a major not of their own choice, but no group difference in the declining trend of motivation was observed. The positive effects of students' perceived institutional support on motivation were limited to the freshmen year.  相似文献   

学习适应性本质上是一种生活适应能力,是影响学生学业成就和心理健康发展的重要因素。本研究采用问卷调查法对广西612名师专生的学习适应性状况进行调查,结果表明:师专生学习适应性总体得分偏低。不同性别、年级、专业师专生的学习适应性水平存在显著差异。女生的学习适应性优于男生;在学习态度和管理模式的适应性方面,大三学生不及低年级学生,在学习能力适应性方面,大一学生不及高年级学生;理科生学习适应性水平高于术科生和文科生。不同生源地师专生的学习适应性没有显著差异。高校需要结合师专生的学习适应性发展特点,开展有针对性地适应性教育。  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期是欧洲从中世纪向近代过渡的时期。在这个时期,意大利经历了一系列变革,其中最重要的是人文主义这一全新价值观的出现。这一新观念一出现便影响和冲击了社会生活的各个方面,毫无疑问,它也对当时的意大利大学教育产生了影响。受社会历史环境的影响,意大利大学教育呈现四个基本特征,即古典主义倾向,强调古典亦不废中世纪,世俗化倾向以及人文主义精神。这些特征之间不是孤立而是相互联系的。呈现出这四个基本特征的意大利大学教育是一种旨在培养“全才”的教育,为当前的教育提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

文科物理课程可以培养学生的科学素质,通过给出科学素质的涵义,并结合授课对象的认知等特点确定了课程更多是培养学生的科学思想方法和科学精神,强调了课程的通识教育性质。结合我校文科类物理素质选修课开设的实践,从课程的授课内容、教学方法、教学测评等方面给出了开设有特色的文科物理课程的建议。  相似文献   

美国大学与学院联合会(AAC&U)从2000年开始连续发布了有关美国本科教育改革的政策建议报告和本科教育质量的调查报告。通过对这些报告的梳理可以发现,缺乏对本科生学习目标的关注、过分聚焦狭隘的专业学习、对自由教育的理解过于局限,是AAC&U认为美国本科教育存在的主要缺陷。由此,AAC&U给出了如下改革建议:应设计具有贯通性的本科生学习目标,应给予每个学生充分的学业指导,让学生参与到大问题的学习中去,让学生学会创新和探究的艺术,让学习评价能促进学生的深度发展。本研究对我国高等教育的启示有,应从学习的视角考察本科教育质量问题,构建适切的本科学习目标贯通所有的本科课程,充分重视自由教育的价值与意义,提高教师的教学水平来促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

职业教育探析   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7  
近年来我国职业教育有了很大的发展,实用性成为职业教育人才培养的重要特征,以能力为中心是职业教育的重要教学模式。但目前的职业教育,功利化倾向严重,人文精神缺失,职业教育成了半人教育.职业教育应该是什么样的教育?职业教育的目的是什么?拟循人性反思的路径,对职业教育的目的做进一步的探讨。职业教育应该是完整的人的教育,应遵循教育规律,倡导人文精神。  相似文献   

独具特色的美国小型私立寄宿制精英文理学院有许多值得借鉴的优秀本科教育实践。本文根据在美国麦克莱斯特学院的课堂参与式观察、访谈和课程教学大纲等教学材料,通过重点描述和分析一门课程的备课、课堂教学、作业及反馈、课程考核及课程效果等几个环节,发现其教学过程特点可以归纳为以学生的学为中心,而不是以教师的教为中心,具体表现为教师在教学过程中很重视学生的参与和融入。这一结论,可以用阿斯丁的学生参与理论和其他相关研究来解释。  相似文献   

What are the fields of cultural or artistic activities of higher education students in Germany? To what extent are they related to the studies? Do the parents have some influence on those cultural activities? Due to a lack of data, questions of this type could not be answered yet. Now this is possible based on a survey conducted for the national education report “Education in Germany 2012” whose specific thematic focus was arts education. A high share of nearly two thirds of all students report own cultural or arts acitvities. The rate of active students varies by field of studies and gender. Differences with respect to kind of degree or study period are rather low. While studying 25?% of students give up former cultural activities. Remarkably high is the effect of parental cultural activities that exceeds the impact of the parent’s level of education. The parent’s example also has an influence on the field of the student’s activities.  相似文献   

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