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研究目的:了解班级团体辅导对职业中学学生学习效能感水平的干预效果.研究方法:在文献分析的基础上,根据前人的理论研究和已有的实证研究成果,结合职业中学学生的特点和教育经验制定出针对提升学习效能感的团体辅导方案,运用该方案进行实证研究,探讨针对学习效能感提升的团辅方案对职业中学学生的学习效能感水平改善是否有效.研究结果:(1)实验班干预前后,学业自我效能感总分以及能力效能感、行为效能感两个维度的得分都存在显著或极其显著差异,干预后得分显著高于干预前;(2)实验班、对照班学业效能感前测协方差分析,排除学业自我效能感前测总分的影响后,实验班和对照班在学业自我效能感后测总分上差异显著,这说明班级团体心理辅导对于学生学业自我效能感产生显著的影响;(3)实验班与对照班的后测效能感总分和学习行为效能感维度上差异极其显著,而在学习能力效能感这一维度上则不存在显著差异.说明所设计的班级团体辅导方案能提高学生的学习自我效能感.  相似文献   

教育数学实验是中国教育改革的重要组成部分,学生的数学学科核心素养发展状况是其改革实验效果的重要衡量指标之一.研究选取初中数学核心素养评价框架,对邛崃市教育数学实验进行评价研究,分析该实验对学生数学核心素养发展的影响.基于所选框架对该市2017级初三第二次诊断试卷考查的数学核心素养进行分类.根据学生核心素养的得分,对比分析该市3 672名初三学生与93名教育数学实验班学生数学核心素养的发展状况.研究发现:该市初三学生的整体数学核心素养发展不平衡,特别是在数学建模、逻辑推理素养上不合格比例较高;教育数学体系下的实验组核心素养发展情况普遍优于该市整体水平,且其发展更为均衡.结论说明教育数学可促进学生数学核心素养的普遍均衡发展,实验风险可控,适合大规模普及.  相似文献   

教育评价是落实学生核心素养发展的必要渠道,研究核心素养视角下的中考试题测评对数学教学有重要作用.基于喻平教授的核心素养评价框架,文章对2020年3套广东中考试卷进行数据分析和比较研究后得出数学运算、逻辑推理和直观想象三个素养的考查权重最高等结论,并通过测评探究出以数学核心素养为导向的中考命题建议和教学策略.  相似文献   

依据高中课程标准修订组专家提出的6个数学核心素养,建立三级指标体系对其划分水平,以江苏省2016年中小学生学业质量监测的测试题目为工具,对全省82 319名初中二年级学生作了测试,将其中涉及数学核心素养的分数作统计.大数据分析表明:(1)江苏省初中二年级学生的6个数学核心素养在总体上达到较高水平;(2)初中学生数学核心素养的发展水平不平衡,在一些核心素养方面两极分化现象比较突出;(3)城乡、不同区域、不同类型学校学生的核心素养水平发展不平衡;(4)数学核心素养水平不存在性别差异.  相似文献   

陈少玲 《教师》2023,(11):45-47
指向核心素养的深度学习教学,逐渐成为当代小学数学教师的主要教学研究方向。由此可见,小学数学教学需要从“知识本位”转向“素养本位”,坚持以学生为主体的原则,注重培养学生的深度学习能力,以发展学生的数学学科核心素养。文章分析了深度学习在小学数学教学中的应用价值,结合实际数学教学案例,深入研究了基于核心素养培育的小学数学深度学习教学策略,以期为教师的教学研究提供思路,提高小学生的数学核心素养水平。  相似文献   

近年来,素质教育取代了应试教育成为我国教育的新目标。小学数学课程作为学生基础性教学内容,其目标也向核心素养培养转变。为了对学生数学核心素养培养状况开展有效评估,学业水平质量监测应运而生并开始常态化。本文以小学数学核心素养培养为主体,探讨学业质量监测对核心素养养成的作用。  相似文献   

数学抽象是数学核心素养的基本成分,是指舍去事物的一切物理属性,得到数学研究对象的思维过程.在2016年江苏省中小学学业质量监测测试中,对与数学抽象相关的题目得分及水平分布作了统计和分析,结果表明:(1)全体学生在数学抽象能力的发展上整体表现良好;(2)学生的数学抽象素养能力发展存在差异;(3)在数学抽象能力的发展上,男女学生的差异不显著.  相似文献   

伴随着经济、科技的迅猛发展和社会生活的深刻变化,我国基础教育课程改革进入了以发展学生核心素养为统领的教育教学新时代。初中学业水平考试评价是初中学段的一项重要工作,它是学生毕业和升学的重要依据,如何科学测量初中数学学科核心素养的达成情况,如何充分发挥考试对教与学的引领功能,促进学生数学核心素养在课堂教学中的落实,是亟待研究的问题。  相似文献   

教育部中等职业学校数学课程标准明确提出了基于学科核心素养的课程目标和学业质量要求,基于此分析数学课程学业水平测试原则,结合PISA的理论建构学业水平测试的主体框架,探索学业水平测试的主要方法,完善数学学业水平测试的体系,检验学生核心素养的达成,促进学生核心素养的发展,形成科学性好、通用性强、测评效度高的中职数学学业水平测评方案,探索基于素养的学业水平测评实现路径,能更好地监控数学课程的教学过程和评估教学效果,诊断存在问题,发挥质量测评的导向作用,为职业教育的发展决策提供依据和支撑。  相似文献   

核心素养导向下小学数学学业评价是基于数学学科核心素养的达成,是以数学知识为载体,将数学思想方法及重要能力的考查要求转化为评价要求。评价既要关注学生数学学习结果,还要关注学生数学学习过程,激励学生学习,改进教师教学,发挥评价的育人导向功能,坚持以评促学、以评促教。所以,在核心素养导向下,在教学实践层面探究学业评价具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

为有效开展讨论式、参与式教学,将"对分课堂"教学模式应用在大学英语教学中,在两个实验班和两个对照班开展实证研究,比较学生的前、后测成绩,通过问卷调查学生对"对分课堂"教学模式的认知。研究结果表明,该教学模式能显著减少学生之间的成绩差异,促进学生课堂参与,提高英语学习成绩。大学生对这一教学模式持欢迎态度。  相似文献   

合作学习对转化小学"学差生"的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨在我国小学课堂教学中以合作学习来转化学差生的可行性,本研究采用不等组实验组控制组前测后测实验设计,通过为期12周的教学干预,以《同伴关系问卷》、《自尊量表》和《儿童社交焦虑量表》为测量工具,考查合作学习对提高学差生学业成绩,改善他们的同伴关系、自尊和社交焦虑等社会性因素的影响。结果显示:与对照班相比,进行合作学习的学差生的学业成绩有较大提高,其中,数学成绩达到显著水平,同伴关系得到改善,自尊水平显著提高,社交焦虑水平显著降低。由此表明合作学习是转化小学“学差生”的一种可行的有效的方法。  相似文献   

刘勇  沈婕  傅剑 《考试研究》2020,(2):40-50
以2019年高考天津卷数学(理工)试卷实测数据为依据,分析考生从高中入学到高中毕业的数学素养发展情况,着重对数学运算、直观想象和逻辑推理素养的发展水平进行分析与评价,从而得出基于学生数学核心素养发展的教学改进策略。  相似文献   

Two public schools (A and B) from two cities in southern Taiwan were selected to participate in this study. In each school, two sixth grade classes (an experimental and a control class) were studied. Number sense activities were conducted in the experimental classes through process-oriented teaching model to help children develop number sense, while the control classes followed the standard teaching method. Quantitative analyses showed that there were statistically significant differences on group tests in experimental classes for post-test and retention-test as compared with the pre-test at =0.01 level. However, there was no statistically significant difference between pre-test and post-test (pre-test and retention-test) for control classes at =0.01 level. Qualitative data indicated that the changes made by students in the experimental classes were apparent after the instruction and compared with the students in the control classes. There was little change found by students in the control classes after the instructions. These data demonstrated that the teaching of number sense activities is effective and helpful in developing childrens number sense in the experimental classes. Furthermore, the results of retention demonstrated that the students learning is meaningful and significant. Der-Ching Yang: Author for correspondence.  相似文献   

数学核心素养培养是当下基础教育数学课程与教学改革的热点.培养学生的质疑能力和创新精神,建立科学合理的数学核心素养评价指标体系是当下迫切需要解决的问题.质疑式学习包括认知性质疑、迁移性质疑、创造性质疑.质疑式3维空间学习模式搭建了数学核心素养框架与课堂衔接的"立交桥";"634"质疑式学习发展空间模式,实现了数学学习过程的"提档增速".利用AHP软件及模糊综合评价法构建的质疑式数学核心素养评价指标体系,有助于促进学生数学学科的高效学习及核心素养水平的提高.  相似文献   

The general purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of a college course in media literacy. Specifically, the course took a holistic approach to media literacy and was designed to heighten college students' awareness of media structures, content, and impact, as well as to encourage students to become more critical/informed participants in the media environment. A pre-test, post-test, control group post-test only, quasi-experimental design was employed to assess the effectiveness of this approach to media literacy education. Overall, students' responses produced significant differences between the control group and the experimental groups' post-test scores on most (but not all) dependent measures. The implications of these results and suggestions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Several researchers have shown that invented spelling activities in kindergarten foster preschool children’s early literacy skills. However, few studies have assessed its impact on learning to read and write in the first year of primary school. Our goal was to analyse the impact of an invented spelling programme with kindergarteners on their literacy skills until the end of Grade 1. A follow-up study was conducted with 45 five-year-old Portuguese children attending two classes of two schools in Lisbon. The teaching effect was controlled as children from each class were randomly assigned into two groups (experimental/control) — equivalent on letter knowledge, cognitive abilities and phonological awareness. The participants were assessed in kindergarten with a pre-test, immediate post-test and delayed post-test (spelling; reading; phonemic awareness) and at the end of Grade 1 (spelling; reading). The experimental group participated in invented spelling sessions, while control children participated in storytelling activities. Data analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups. The experimental group scored higher, not only in kindergarten but also in the follow-up year for all literacy measures.  相似文献   

Worldwide, considerable emphasis is currently being placed on the provision of appropriate classroom-based preventative interventions and in-class literacy support, in preference to withdrawal methods of educational support. Many schools in Ireland are currently implementing Literacy Lift-Off in their classrooms. Literacy Lift-Off is an adaption of the well-known Reading Recovery programme. The current study aims to establish whether Literacy Lift-Off improves students’ literacy skills. It further seeks to determine what impact Literacy Lift-Off has on students’ reading self-concept levels. Ninety-two students aged between five years and six years six months (52 boys, 40 girls) attending four Senior Infant classes were recruited for this study. Two class groups were randomly chosen to act as an intervention cohort (n = 47) and two class groups were randomly chosen to act as a wait-list control cohort (n = 45). This experimental study evaluated the Literacy Lift-Off intervention on students’ letter identification, word attack skills, word reading, and reading self-concept beliefs. Intervention students were compared with control students who did not receive the Literacy Lift-Off intervention at pre-test and post-test levels. Results showed that while both groups showed significant change on all dependent variables from pre-intervention to post-intervention, those in the experimental group showed significantly more improvement on word attack skills, word reading and reading self-concept beliefs. This study showed that a whole-class reading recovery programme can be effective in improving literacy skills and reading self-concept.  相似文献   

This study explored Canadian and American pre-service elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for literacy instruction, as well as the contextual factors (i.e., course and field experiences) that contribute to these self-efficacy beliefs. Survey data were collected over a two-year period at the beginning and end of a required elementary literacy methods course that assessed pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy for literacy instruction. A content analysis of the American and Canadian literacy methods course syllabi was also conducted. Paired t test results showed no significant difference in pre-service teachers’ literacy teaching self-efficacy scores from pre-test to post-test; however, there was a significant difference in the pre-service teachers’ literacy efficacy beliefs related to oral reading from the beginning to the end of the course. A weak negative correlation was found between the Canadian pre-service teachers’ total Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy for Literacy Instruction (TSELI; Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2011) scores and their teaching experience specific to literacy instruction, r = ? .1, p = .04. There was a positive correlation between Canadian pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy scores related to engagement and differentiated instruction and their volunteer and work experiences. A positive correlation existed between Canadian and American pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy for reading/writing connections and university coursework related to literacy instruction. Implications for literacy teacher educators and recommendations for literacy instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of concept mapping used as a learning strategy with students in English as a Second Language classrooms. Seventy-nine ESL students participated in the study. Variables of interest were students’ achievement when learning from English-language text, students’ reported use of self-regulation strategies (self-monitoring and knowledge acquisition strategies), and students’ self-efficacy for learning from English-language text. A randomized pre-test–post-test control group design was employed. The findings showed a statistically significant interaction of time, method of instruction, and level of English proficiency for self-monitoring, self-efficacy, and achievement. For all four outcome variables, the concept mapping group showed significantly greater gains from pre-test to post-test than the individual study group. The findings have implications for both practice and research.  相似文献   

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