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作为一门大学学科,教育学拥有知识和组织双重属性,从而孕育了其自身规训的特殊内涵。教育学的学科规训之于教育学的学科发展,既有促进又有规限。教育学的学科规训,促进了教育学知识范围的扩展、教育学学术梯队的形成、教育学学术机构的建立、教育学基本范式的确立以及教育学学科传人的培养。同时,学科规训在一定程度上会影响教育学的人才培养和阻碍教育学的跨学科研究。完善学科内部建制和外部建制,是确保教育学的学科规训功能得以有效发挥的重要保障。  相似文献   

作为一门大学学科,教育学拥有知识和组织双重属性,从而孕育了其自身规训的特殊内涵。教育学的学科规训之于教育学的学科发展,既有促进又有规限。教育学的学科规训,促进了教育学知识范围的扩展、教育学学术梯队的形成、教育学学术机构的建立、教育学基本范式的确立以及教育学学科传人的培养。同时,学科规训在一定程度上会影响教育学的人才培养和阻碍教育学的跨学科研究。完善学科内部建制和外部建制,是确保教育学的学科规训功能得以有效发挥的重要保障。  相似文献   

长久以来形成的僵化、封闭的普通教育学体系和范式应当实现必要的分化.确立初等教育学的学科地位。初等教育学研究和课程建设,应当发掘初等教育的特定内涵、特殊属性和特有价值,实现科学主义与人本主义的价值整合,形成具有学理深度和回归人文科学属性的学术品格,为小学教育专业奠定必要的学科基础。  相似文献   

作为教育学领域内的“外来者”,跨学科教育学硕士研究生能否适应专业学习环境,建立专业认同,直接影响高校人才培养的效率和质量。通过对13位跨学科考入教育学科的硕士研究生进行半结构化访谈,采用扎根理论分析方法,建构了跨学科教育学硕士研究生专业认同影响因素与作用路径模型。研究结果显示,专业声誉、专业学习效能感、专业培养环境是影响跨学科教育学硕士研究生专业认同的主要因素,专业认同对跨学科教育学硕士研究生学习投入与专业归属感有显著影响。建议重视专业声誉的学科激励作用,加强积极的心理认知能力培养,营造良好的专业培养环境以提升跨学科教育学硕士研究生的专业认同水平。  相似文献   

职业技术教育学自成为教育学的二级学科以来,学术地位和声誉一直滞后于职业教育事业的发展速度和政府重视的高度.究其原因,一是缺乏一支受过良好学术训练的专业队伍,二是学术规范建设滞后,三是学者队伍良莠不齐、专家学术品格不高.  相似文献   

目前,对教育学的学科地位问题仍然有不小的怀疑和争论,原因固然是多方面的,但很大程序上是与教育学的学术声誉不好、专业化程度不高密切相关的。即长久以来教育学没有形成自己健全的学术规范,研究的规范化程度与社会科学中其它学科相比有较大距离,如何构建教育学的学术规范,本文进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

随着中师教育的消失,普通师范教育大学教育学专业毕业生被迫转入到与中小学教师的就业竞争之中.然而,教育学专业的培养目标并非学科教师,如此显然陷入了尴尬的就业局面.基于对教育学的学科优势以及市场发展趋势的分析,大学教育学院专业人才培养可以面向以下四大基本方向:教育新闻传媒、学校经营管理、教育咨询服务和政治学科教学.  相似文献   

目前 ,对教育学的学科地位问题仍然有不小的怀疑和争论 ,原因固然是多方面的 ,但很大程度上是与教育学的学术声誉不好、专业化程度不高密切相关的。即长久以来教育学没有形成自己健全的学术规范 ,研究的规范化程度与社会科学中其它学科相比有较大距离 ,如何构建教育学的学术规范 ,本文进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

一直以来教育管理学学科属性问题热度不减.只有界定了一门学科的属性,我们才能确定该学科研究的方向和重点.笔者认为研究对象是界定一门学科学科属性的关键,所以本文试图通过对目前对教育管理学和管理学以及教育学的研究对象的一些研究,从中得出结论.  相似文献   

<正>陕西师范大学学术委员会副主任委员、教育学一级学科和一流学科建设学科带头人、西北基础教育与教师教育研究中心主任、《当代教师教育》主编、教育学院前院长郝文武教授2016年11月10日至11月25日,应邀访问加拿大渥太华大学教育学院、多伦多大学安大略教育研究院和美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校教育学院、亚利桑那大学教育学院及孔子学院,与世界著名大学教育学院的专家学者进行广泛深入学术交流、为研究生作学术报  相似文献   

This article describes a course designed to prepare undergraduate students to participate effectively in civic life and in public decisions about education and schooling. The course includes an examination of the theoretical and conceptual basis of civic responsibility and service learning, a review of the process of educational policymaking, and an in-depth exploration of a number of current educational policy issues. The course is taught with service learning pedagogy. Experiences in a service placement yield personal knowledge that has the potential to inform students' critical analysis of theoretical, research, and policy literature and to make students more effective active classroom learners.Susan G. Forman is Vice President for Undergraduate Education at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She obtained her B.A. and her M.S. at the University of Rhode Island and her Ph.D. in School Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Vice President Forman is responsible for oversight of university-wide curriculum and teaching issues and has substantially expanded service learning courses as a means of increasing students' understanding of citizenship. Louise C. Wilkinson is Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her B.A. is from Oberlin College, her Ed.M. from Harvard University, and her Ph.D. in Human Development also from Harvard. Dean Wilkinson's interests in education span primary through higher education and include a focus on teacher education and how educational policies are formulated and implemented.  相似文献   

一流学科成就一流大学。哈佛大学注重围绕内涵发展学科。哈佛以法治、民主和自治的现代大学制度作为保障,以形成卓越学术共同体作为理念先导,在尊重学术权力的基础上充分发挥院系的办学自主权,紧密围绕教师队伍、课程体系和研究生教育等内涵推进学科发展。哈佛经验表明:构建卓越学术共同体是学科建设的根本出发点,办学者需要在长期办学过程中围绕形成大学制度、办学理念和学科组织逐渐提升整体办学质量;作为系统工程,学科建设的关键在于形成符合教育规律的内在运行机制;学科发展需要保持忧患和竞争意识;办学者应与时俱进地理性审视大学文化传统与学科发展之间的作用关系。  相似文献   

教育惩戒是学校、教师等教育和管理主体以法定的教育惩戒权为依据,以法定限度内的惩罚为手段,依法对损害教育教学秩序的学生作出否定性、不利性和制裁性的评价,在制止其错误行为的基础上进行正确引导。教育惩戒是教育生态的客观要求,是惩戒性教育评价的实践形式。在我国,教育惩戒还反映了特殊的国情需要和教育现实需要。实施教育惩戒,应遵循教育性、合法性、多样性、伦理性等原则,在实践上推进教育惩戒法治化建设,正确定位学校和教育行政部门角色,规范学校的惩戒方案制定以及引导家长理性参与学校监督。  相似文献   

Mathematics can have meaning for low attainers if they apply their mathematical and problem solving skills to the organisation of school events, suggest Dr Derek Haylock, lecturer in mathematics education, School of Education, University of East Anglia, and Helen Morgans, primary school teacher with responsibility for children with special educational needs, William Wordsworth School, Sennelager, West Germany. They follow up some of the points made by Alec Williams in his article in the June issue.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
This paper is about teaching and learning across the so‐called quantitative–qualitative divide in light of current debates in the US about the definition and quality of educational research. It draws on the author’s research and teaching experiences, her role in the redesign of qualitative methods coursework and participation in a school‐wide effort to improve doctoral training at Harvard Graduate School of Education. The paper explores institutional, cultural and psychological reasons for why the quantitative–qualitative divide persists, including researchers’ own anxieties. It is argued that epistemological tensions in educational research should be sustained and embraced rather than resolved in favor of one side over the other, as is too often the case. The author identifies how qualitative research departs from the quantitative model, placing distinct demands upon students who are learning the craft, and offers suggestions for what might help the process.  相似文献   

哈佛大学暑期学校的发展历史与教育理念研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在一百多年的发展历程中,哈佛大学暑期学校在不同时期进行了许多有益的变革,形成了自己的特色并适应了外界变化的需求;同时,暑期学校在发展中也一直坚持着一些宝贵的教育理念,如进行优质教育资源互补、重视课程开发和综合性教育氛围的建设等,这些都促成了它今日的成功.本研究立足于暑期学校发展的历史,对其不同阶段的发展变革以及背后所遵从的教育理念进行了探讨,试图加深我们对于哈佛大学暑期学校的理解,同时提升我们对于暑期学校功能与作用的认识.  相似文献   


Initial Teacher Education Centres have a crucial role in promoting the use of Information Technology in schools through the opportunity to influence new teachers. Valid educational justification, combined with the need to limit course congestion, have resulted in enthusiasm for permeated approaches. The results of a survey of United Kingdom teacher education centres suggest concern about the effectiveness of permeated approaches, especially in the areas of school experience and the ‘non-numeric’ disciplines. The potential educational benefits resulting from a permeated approach are restated and a commitment on the part of institutions to support initiatives which may lead to their realisation is called for.  相似文献   

法国的“国家远程教育中心”是目前法国最具权威的远程教育机构,它拥有八所院校,每所院校都有自身所偏重的专业。由于这些院校的设立,使所有希望获得高等教育的法国公民有更大的选择余地得到深造。它的崭新的教育技术和教学方法打破了传统的教育模式。  相似文献   

民国时期教育部先后颁布《师范教育令》、《师范学校规程》,幼儿教师教育的制度化得到了发展;正式幼儿教师教育机构的出现、新教育思潮的不断深入、壬戌学制的推行,保证并推动了幼儿教师教育的发展;爱国教育家的大量涌现,乡村幼儿师范教育的发展,幼儿教师教育开始了中国化的道路。  相似文献   

When hopelessness and helplessness become recurring themes in teacher education scholarship, this signals a conceptual problem with the question of autonomy in the profession. In this essay, Alice Pitt argues that breakdowns of professional life belong to what is most subjective in the profession. Pitt opens her analysis of this conundrum by examining some earlier formulations of the problem of learning a profession. Next, she explores four orientations to the role of education in modern life and examines an interview with a beginning teacher as a way to think about autonomy in its emotional as well as rational qualities. A reconfigured autonomy suggests that education is more than a site of the failure of the Enlightenment promise to advance reason's dominance in the organization of social life. Education, in its professional, practical, and experiential realms, reveals the dynamic qualities of the limits of reason, according to Pitt. She concludes that a constitutive alterity at the heart of the educational project renders the profession a significant site for ongoing investigation of the human condition and the play of autonomy.  相似文献   

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