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新课程背景下的校长课程管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一轮的课程改革呼唤新的校长课程管理,其重要作用是带来变革。校长课程管理的职责范围主要体现在学校层面;职能涵盖学校课程研制、教师专业发展、课程资源和文化再生等多个方面。校长课程管理的角色表现在课程目标的达成、协调好各方面的关系。  相似文献   

校长课程领导力是学校课程发展、教师专业发展与学生素养提升的重要保障。基于校长课程领导力的概念解读与维度分解,研究探讨了校长课程领导力的构成要素以及作用机制。以中小学校长为调研对象,采用描述性统计、PLS-SEM分别进行现状分析与模型检验,探究校长课程意识等对课程领导效能的关系。研究发现:中小学校长的课程规划与管理能力较强,课程意识与课程评估能力则较为薄弱;校长课程管理能力与课程评估能力直接影响课程领导效能,而校长的课程意识会经由六条中介作用路径正向影响课程领导效能。基于以上研究结果,提出了注重校长课程领导力培训的科学精准、加强对校长课程领导情智要素的实证研究、构建基于叙事的校长课程领导力提升机制的建议。  相似文献   

Introducing an educational innovation into any school context involves some challenge to existing practices. Transition Year is an innovative, optional, one-year programme taken by approximately half the 15–16-year age cohort in schools in the Republic of Ireland. Based on data from an extensive study of TY operating in six different schools, programme co-ordinators and school principals are identified as having key roles in the successful implementation of TY. However, exercising the collegiality both roles demand goes against established cultures of isolated individualism in Irish schools. Furthermore, maintaining TY's coherence and integrity in the face of threats from more established programmes offers particular challenges. For this innovation to be successful, active curriculum leadership by school principals is seen as crucial. The paper interrogates the evidence through the lens of the 2008 OECD study on school leadership and poses questions about the relevance and value of the OECD perspective.  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes of implementing curriculum reform in schools. Specifically, it investigates how schools learn lessons from previous experiences of reform and apply them when challenged by new reforms. The context for this study is Hong Kong's New Secondary School Curriculum (NSSC), with particular reference to the subject of English Language. Research into the enactment of change over the last decade tells a story of weak leadership and management by policy makers, schools leaders and teachers. Key areas of weakness – poor management of change by school leaders, teachers' lack of understanding of the changes, and weak teacher collaboration – were pinpointed as reasons for the dismal results of curriculum change. This study investigates whether these areas of weakness were also in the implementation of the NSSC. Data collection comprised semi-structured interviews in nine secondary schools. The study reveals that lessons had been learnt from the previous experiences of implementing reform, and suggests that the capacity of schools to learn from a historical perspective should be taken into account in curriculum planning.  相似文献   

如何界定课程领导的权责层次仍然是困惑课程研究者与实践者的一个问题。在澳大利亚,基于分权化的课程领导者的权责是把握学校的总的方向并协调学生的需要和社会的要求,主要体现为教学法领导权责、行政领导权责、教师专业发展领导权责以及变革领导权责等四个方面。应该说,澳大利亚的经验对于当前力图构建国家、地方和学校的三级课程管理体系的中国基础教育课程改革来说,是有启示作用的,也是有借鉴作用的。  相似文献   

中小学教师的专业发展是当今教育界普遍关注的热点问题。特别是新课程的改革和实施,对教师专业发展是一次新的机遇与挑战,本研究对洛阳市新课程改革实验区和非实验区中小学教师的专业化发展现状进行了调查分析。调查发现:中小学教师普遍接纳新课程改革,形成了业已稳定的新教育教学理念,业务能力普遍提高,但角色、地位转变困难,教研能力提高慢等。只有从社会及国家政策方面、学校方面、教师个人诸方面全方位改革,才能促进教师专业化发展和基础教育课程改革的进一步实施。  相似文献   

谈新课改下农村中小学校长的课程领导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内外学者研究发现,校长的课程领导在极大程度上影响课程改革的效果。调查发现,农村中小学校长在课程领导作用、课程领导方向、课程领导策略、课程领导状态等方面存在诸多问题。要提高校长课程领导以促进课程改革发展,必须改变校长对自己的角色定位、改变校长课程领导的关注点、加强校长课程领导的力度、拓宽校长课程领导的视野、对校长课程领导进行重新定位。  相似文献   

试论课程领导与课程发展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
随着课程改革和课程问题研究的深入,对课程领导的研究也从课程管理的研究中分离出来,成为课程理论研究的一个新领域。课程领导是指为了实现课程目标,在一定条件下对课程领域的组织和人员施加影响的过程,具有决策、组织与引导等职能,对课程的形成、实施、改革与发展都具有重要影响。课程领导方式的改革要适应世界课程变革的需要,实行课程的三级管理,实现课程领导方式的民主化和科学化;课程的发展要与世界同步,体现现代社会的价值追求和价值选择。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform in a global context: a study of teachers in Jordan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The gap between the educational achievements of the comparatively wealthy and those living in poverty is widening world‐wide, with the associated threat to social cohesion. Twenty‐five years of curriculum reform has largely failed in its objective of providing quality, basic education for all. Arguing that successful innovation requires the participation of willing teachers, and associating this idea with the claim that schools are important for social cohesion, this study surveyed 500 Jordanian elementary teachers about their involvement in a programme of curriculum change and their desire to participate. Twelve key informants were interviewed. The reform has raised the qualifications of teachers and increased male teacher numbers but has neither raised overall standards nor improved truancy rates. Tight central control has failed to engage teachers’ allegiance to the changes. Officials blamed failures on schools; head teachers blamed parents, and teachers criticized a policy that left them mediating a curriculum that lacked relevance and failed to engage pupils.  相似文献   

知识管理:地方课程的本质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地方课程是地方依据国家课程的要求、规定及方针、政策,结合地方实际,使国家课程得以在地方创造性地实现的课程。为此,要创建专门进行课程知识管理的机构,实现课程知识管理方式的创新;建立合作的课程文化;为学校开拓课程实施的空间提供服务;创建教师发展学校。  相似文献   

校长课程领导:角色、困境与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国基础教育课程改革实行国家、地方和学校三级课程、三级管理,让学校自主开发一部分课程。校长是校务的最高领导人,学校层课程改革进行得如何与校长密切相关。为此,教育行政部门应多为校长领导课程创造条件,校长要善于“顺势、造势、导势”,要发挥每位教师参与课程改革的积极性、主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

革新课程领导的现实意义和策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新课程改革实施给学校教育教学工作带来了全方位的挑战。新课程实施中遇到的问题不能完全归结为教师个人的能力、水平和适应性,而应该是学校组织行为方式的问题;也不能归结为评价改革问题,而是学校全方位的课程领导问题。现实的革新的课程领导发展路向应该重点放在学校的教育哲学和课程实施策略的革新、学校课程与教学的整合革新、学校组织的重组和行为优化以及评价制度和方式的革新。  相似文献   

小学英语课程标准是针对小学生年龄特征和新的教学模式而设置。目的是改变英语过分重视语法和词汇的讲解和传授。加强学生实际语言运用能力的培养。强调从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验,认知水平出发,倡导实践、参与和交流的学习方式。结合昆明市小学英语课的教学实际和小学生应达到的英语听、说、读、表演各方面的标准,得出具体的教学目标和要求。课程评价的目的是逐步改变传统的考试方式。以课程标准为指导对教学的过程和结果做出科学评价。力求对小学英语教学和小学英语教师有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

校本课程发展背景下的课程领导:理念与策略   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
课程领导作为一种新的管理理念,意在突破传统课程管理的局限,强调合作与交流、民主与开放,与校本课程的理念基本一致。通过观念与实践两个层面的革新,为课程领导创设运行机制,促进校本课程乃至整个课程体系的发展。  相似文献   

我国的课程领导研究是在课程管理体制改革深入过程中受西方课程领导研究影响而兴起的。近年来我们的研究集中在介绍国外课程领导研究成果、探讨课程领导的内涵、研究校长课程领导问题、检讨课程领导的主要问题、寻求改善课程领导途径和措施等方面。今后,我国课程领导研究将致力于课程领导与课程管理体制改革、课程领导的理论基础、课程领导的实践模式以及校长的课程领导等问题。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程作为国家必修课程,着眼于发展学生的综合实践能力、创新精神和探究能力。但目前该课程的实施现状并不理想,多数中小学对该课程重视不够,师资缺乏,课程资源开发也不足。综合实践活动课程要想得到有效实施,就必须完善评价制度,配备专职教师,经常举办竞赛活动,注重课程开发。  相似文献   

This paper explores the different ways that primary school teachers in Uganda navigate the boundary between school science and everyday knowledge in the context of a centrally mandated curriculum innovation. The paper is based on a study of the pedagogic practices of 16 teachers in eight Ugandan primary schools that were selected on the basis of having a track record of either high or low academic achievement in the public primary school‐leaving examination. The official primary school curriculum in Uganda prescribes that science be taught in an integrated form, including integration between science subject knowledge and everyday knowledge. The strategies that teachers in the study adopted in relating science to everyday knowledge was a key feature that differentiated between pedagogic practices in the high‐performing and low‐performing schools. In high‐performing schools, teachers recruited everyday knowledge as a resource for learning science as a specialised discourse; whereas in the low‐performing schools, acquiring everyday knowledge was viewed as an end in itself. The paper, then, considers the implications of differences in teachers' pedagogic strategies for the kinds of knowledge to which learners are given access.  相似文献   

国际中小学技术教育研究的若干特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学技术教育是当前国际基础教育改革的热点与趋势,我国在此领域的研究相当薄弱.研究发现,国际技术教育正呈现出新特点,其概念内涵正在从传统的工艺训练转向当代的技术素养教育,追求平衡且统一的课程框架、倡导多样的课程实施策略并持续创新,正成为国际中小学技术教育的共同特点.  相似文献   

随着我国由计划经济迈向市场经济以及三级课程管理体制的确立,中小学作为独立办学的法人实体,具有“准自治体”性质。它们尽管处于三级课程管理的底层,但它们是课程管理的主体。在新课程改革中,我们应确立中小学校课程管理的主体地位。  相似文献   

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