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关于情报学学科建设的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用马克思主义发生学原理,对情报学学科建设的理论、方法及动力等问题进行了研究。提出情报学是一种科学的社会意识形态,它的发生机制符合“双律性”的发生结构模式。尝试性地建立了情报学的公理化概念体系。得出情报过程的基本循环图式是情报学实践基础与理论基础的高度抽象化描述,是情报学建设的基石,是情报学内容与形式的高度概括的结论。  相似文献   

化传统对教育信息化有着重大的影响,表现在物质、制度、观念三个层面,且三个层面对教育信息的影响呈递增关系。物质层面对教育信息化的影响最弱,制度层面处于中间,观念层面对教育信息化的影响最强,未来的教育信息化只能是“传统的教育化 教育信息化”的一种整合形式。  相似文献   

The changes in mathematical curricula induced by the introduction of informatics in school represent the general framework of this research. In particular we focus on the teacher's role by analysing the different choices taken by mathematics teachers when faced with a curriculum reform induced by the introduction of informatics in secondary school courses (age 14–16). Our hypothesis is that these choices are the consequence of conceptions teachers have about informatics and its teaching in relation to the teaching of mathematics. Thus, through a case study research method, we focus on mathematics teachers' conceptions of informatics and its teaching. An attempt is made at outlining a typology of these conceptions, based on the different orientations identified.  相似文献   

我国企业信息化管理存在的问题及发展构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国企业信息化发展的现状还存在着影响企业信息化发展的障碍, 通过借鉴企业信息化管理过程中的新思维, 促进和加快我国企业信息化发展的进程。  相似文献   

为了了解新世纪我国图书馆学、情报学的研究动态 ,为科学研究提供依据 ,通过对2 0 0 0年我国图书馆学、情报学核心期刊进行统计分析得知 :2 0 0 0年 ,我国 1 7种图书馆学、情报学核心期刊共发文 2 988篇 ,图书馆学发文 1 677篇 ,占发文总量的 5 1 .6% ,是主要研究内容 ;发文最多的主题是图书情报技术和中国图书馆事业 ;2 0 0 0年 ,发文作者主要分布在北京、湖北、广东、江苏、黑龙江等省市 ,并涌现出一批新的研究者 ;高校系统是我国图书馆学、情报学研究的主要系统  相似文献   

西方社会信息学与东方社会信息科学鸟瞰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世纪之交,宗旨和研究内容大体一致的西方社会信息学和东方社会信息科学几乎同时问世,表明社会信息科学是社会发展和学术发展的必然产物.基于西方社会信息学发轫、发展的概况的论述,以及学科的界定.分析东西方两门几乎相同的学科的研究特点.因此,整合两门学科,介绍与社会信息科学相关,但目前不在我们视野的国际上的相关研究成果是我们的当急之务.  相似文献   

The author presents results of research on informatics education with emphasis on informatics system comprehension for twenty-first century local, national and global needs. Learners have to create a sustainable cognitive model of a computer to demystify such an informatics system. This can be achieved by fostering system comprehension. The underlying hypothesis of this article is that knowing networked fundamental ideas of informatics and their combination in a system helps learners to develop a cognitive approach to informatics systems. In particular it focuses on the development of networked thinking as a cognitive precondition for mental models of systems. The work contributes to the discussion on what kind of comprehension is required and how far system comprehension can be supported. Assuming there are two pillars of the subject of informatics, i.e., informatics modelling and comprehension of informatics systems, object-oriented design patterns join both together. Knowing about multifaceted interdependencies between the components of a system and the cognitive analysis of such a system is of great value in overcoming the tendency to search for a single cause of an effect. With this in mind, the author offers a theoretical basis as to why design patterns are an essential component of informatics as a subject at secondary level. New media require a new cognitive approach. With regard to the didactic system developed by Brinda and Schubert, exploration modules are an appropriate way to support teaching and learning of design patterns in practice. This article describes a current project developing an exploration module to introduce design patterns with an emphasis on system comprehension to learners at upper secondary level.  相似文献   

生命科学信息时代的标志--生物信息学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物信息学是自1990年启动人类基因组计划之后应运而生的具有生物信息时代标志的交叉学科。它所涉及的范围包括生物研究信息的采集、处理、存储、分发、分析、注释等各个方面。本文仅就生物信息学中的基因组信息学、蛋白质组信息学、生物进化和药物设计等生物信息学的重点研究内容进行概述。  相似文献   

本文从信息技术的发展状况,信息技术与情报学的关系,试述了信息技术对情报学的影响和推动。  相似文献   

文化传统对教育信息化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化传统对教育信息化有着重大的影响,表现在物质、制度、观念三个层面,且三个层面对教育信息化的影响叶递增关系。  相似文献   

In secondary informatics education in Germany in the field of object-oriented modelling (OOM) a lack of published suitable learning material focussing on modelling instead of programming was found. This especially holds for learner adequate exercises on OOM. In this paper methods for identifying exercise classes by specialist textbook analysis, for structuring exercise classes in a catalogue and for designing learner adequate exercises are proposed with the aim to help teachers create exercises and give learners orientation in combining abstract exercise classes with solution strategies. Based on a first version of an OOM exercise class catalogue, exploratory tests were performed in secondary informatics education (analysis of filled in worksheets with OOM exercises), informatics teacher education (design of exercises) and in-service teacher training. The results led to a refinement of the concept. In summarizing educational experiences exercise classes give learners a promise for probable educational success.  相似文献   


Rapid development of informatics makes possible the application of multimedia and world informatics systems in our educational work. We are concentrating strongly on this theme at our university utilizing the support of different funds (Phare, TEMPUS, World Bank). We have established an education centre that opens new perspectives in medical education by using both modern and traditional media. Recently, we have engaged in a new instructional system in which the educational units connecting to the education centre can make the old dream of ‘problem‐based learning’ come true.  相似文献   

社会信息学质疑技术决定论,主张重视环境对技术的影响,以及应理性看待信息技术在环境(教学)中的应用价值.它启示教育技术研究者应重视环境对技术的促进作用,将环境和技术看成一个系统——社会技术系统,并从整体上考虑,科学地进行技术应用,促进教育技术合理应用,最大程度地发挥教育技术的教学应用价值.  相似文献   

自旋电子学是一门最新发展起来的涉及磁学、电子学以及信息学的交叉学科。自旋电子器件与普通半导体电子器件相比具有不挥发、低功耗和高集成度等优点。磁学、电子学和信息学的结合有望产生出自旋场效应晶体管、自旋发光二极管、调制器及用于量子计算、量子通信等装置的新型器件。  相似文献   

介绍了基因组信息学的概念、研究内容和方法及其在实践中应用的意义.  相似文献   

信息技术、信息产业正在以惊人的速度改变人类的生活方式、工作方式和商务方式。信息革命给传统产业提供了新的发展机遇,但同时也给企业的经营运作模式、思想观念等带来前所未有的冲击。文章对会计信息化的平台技术、会计软件、制度的安排、教育的制度模式,以及会计信息化快速发展网络上存在的问题等,进行定位与分析,并提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

通过对"中国科技期刊数据库"收录的1999~2003年贵州省产出的图书馆学情报学期刊论文数量、期刊情报源分布、作者分布、内容特征分布5个方面的定量分析,认为我省图书情报学研究现况为:图书情报学学术论文产出量稳中有升,论文分布呈现明显的集中与分散特征,核心作者群尚未形成,合作研究偏少,研究主题分布不平衡,还存在一些薄弱环节.  相似文献   

从入学条件、培养目标、学习年限、课程设置、教学方式和质量控制等几个方面对中美情报学全日制硕士研究生培养模式进行了比较分析,提出了中国开展情报学硕士研究生教育的新思路:重新审定情报学硕士研究生的培养目标,明确职业定位,实施个性化教育;构建动态化的课程模块体系;共享全国情报学教育资源,实现跨校选择课;加强与其他学科的渗透与合作,开拓情报学研究新领域;改革激励机制,发挥学生的创新潜能;强化动态评估,加强研究生质量控制。  相似文献   

Although computerization was included in the midterm development programme of the University of Zagreb for the 1986‐1990 period, the results obtained by the end of this period had not proved completely satisfactory. Consequently, in mid‐1990, the Rector appointed a Working Group for the Advancement of Computerization. It has developed a comprehensive plan for the creation of a sophisticated and comprehensive informatics network including all the various types of components needed to generalize computing and informatics at all levels and for all purposes throughout the University. It is also planning for the integration of this system into the various Yugoslav and international computer networks. So that all students will be computer‐literate, an element of computer science will be integrated into all course programmes.  相似文献   

从美术教育特征、美术学习角度和美术信息学角度分析指出高中美术鉴赏教学课件的使用不宜过多,课件的使用应体现突出体现美术学科特征,要根据具体的教学内容和教学目标适度使用。  相似文献   

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