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济州岛四面环海,天是那么蓝。 咦?海水为什么是黑黑的呢?导游告 诉我:"济州岛在远古时候是一座 火山喷发而成的小岛,海底全是黑 色的火山石,所以海水是黑色的。" 济州岛到处都是火山石,这些 石头全部都是黑色的,形状各异,有  相似文献   

湘辉 《现代语文》2002,(7):38-40
由格尔木跑出去不到一小时,就到昆仑山口了。昆仑山口很光秃,没有什么色彩。一块不很规则的火山石上,镶刻看几个鲜红大字:“昆仑山口”。  相似文献   

A长白山是一座死火山,山脚下土层厚的地方森林茂密,但是随着海拔的增加,覆盖山体的便都是黑色的火山石和白色的火山灰了。恶劣的生存环境,使高大的乔木,甚至是灌木都望而却步了。  相似文献   

一 长白山是一座死火山,山脚下土层厚的地方森林茂密,但是随着海拔的增加,覆盖山体的便都是黑色的火山石和白色的火山灰了.恶劣的生存环境,使高大的乔木,甚至是灌木都望而却步了.  相似文献   

乖宝妈 推荐图片:《我是霸王龙》 这本《我是霸王龙》讲述了翼龙宝宝的成长故事:爸爸教他生存的技能,如何展翅飞翔;妈妈教他为龙的原则,要成为一个善良的恐龙。有一天,翼龙宝宝果真遇到了可怕的霸王龙,不幸的霸王龙被喷发的火山石压倒在地,  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚的圣诞节 埃塞俄比亚的圣诞节被称做Ganna,是每年的1月7日.庆祝活动通常在有火山石雕刻的古老的教堂里进行,有时也在设计成3个同心圆的新式教堂里进行.男人和男孩子要与女人及女孩子分开坐.唱诗班则在最外围的圆圈内.  相似文献   

7月28日晴 我不是石痴,却有一个特殊嗜好:每次旅游归来:都要携一两块小石头作为纪念。慢慢地,书桌上渐具“名山大川”规模:精致空灵的太湖石、乌黑厚重的五大连池火山石、色彩绚丽的天山天池石,以及色如渥丹、灿若明霞的丹霞山石……静夜读书,仔细把玩着这些小石头,总有异样的感动流过手心。  相似文献   

张镝 《科学启蒙》2011,(7):17-17
我想发明一种催眠枕,勰决人们的失眠问题。 催眠枕的基本原理是利用物理方式产生睡眠波来诱导大脑睡眠,使人安然入睡。催眠枕的填充材料非常神奇,它的主要成分是一种几千万年前形成的火山石,含有几十种矿物质和微量元素。再说催眠枕的内部结构,它的中央部位是一个微型电脑控制中心,与三个特殊装置相连:  相似文献   

综述了合成氨工业催化剂从Fe3O4基到Fe1-xO体系和钌催化剂的发展,表明Fe1-xO催化剂体系的发明,使氨合成催化剂的活性有了长足的进步,而钌催化剂有望突破近一个世纪的铁催化剂的历史。结合氨合成的发展现状,提出合成氨催化剂的发展建议。  相似文献   

也许是与石头打了二十年交道的缘故,杨树锋看上去也象岩石那样质朴、沉稳,连他的工作室也是除了一堆堆的花岗石和火山石别无多物。应该说,杨树锋走过的是一条曲折而坚实的人生道路。生于西子湖畔的杨树锋,中学毕业适逢“史无前例”的十年动乱,1969年插队去了山区农村。幸运的是,他被乡亲们和组织上推荐,成了“工农兵学员”,就学于南京大学地质系。1981年,杨树锋获硕士学位,1984年成为中国首位自己培养的地学博士。1991年他又走马上任浙江大学地科系主任,兼应用地质研究所所长,他还是国家教委科技委员会和地质学教育指导委员会成员。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relations between teachers’ attitudes towards persons with intellectual disability (ID), in-service training on ID, and prior contacts with persons with ID. A sample of Canadian elementary school teachers (N?=?118) completed the Attitudes Toward Intellectual Disability Questionnaire, which measures cognitive, affective and behavioural components of attitudes towards persons with ID. Correlational and multivariate regression analyses were performed. Frequent contacts with persons with ID and experience of including a child with ID increased the likelihood of reporting prior positive contacts with persons with ID. In turn, this was associated with less discomfort towards persons with ID and more willingness towards interactions. In-service training on ID was related to better knowledge of rights and capabilities of persons with ID. Experience of including a child with ID in general education classrooms increased the likelihood to report feeling competent in teaching children with ID, which predicted more willingness to include children with ID.  相似文献   

This study explores the attitudes of future professionals working with students with disabilities towards four exceptionality groups: persons with deafness, with paralysis, with mental retardation (MR) and with delinquent behaviour, and specifically examines how deafness is perceived in comparison with the three other groups. Undergraduate students' (N=177) attitudes towards the four groups were tapped using a semantic differential scale referring to the cognitive, emotional and behavioural components of attitudes. Participants' degree of contact with people with disabilities was also reported. Results indicated that attitudes towards people with deafness were more positive than those towards the other three groups. Attitudes towards persons with paralysis were more positive than towards persons with MR and with delinquent behaviour, except when personality was considered. Emotional reactions and behavioural tendencies towards persons with delinquent behaviour were the most negative. Contact with people with disabilities had significant but low correlations with some aspects of the attitudes towards people with MR and paralysis. In general, the results of this study suggested that deafness was perceived as a physical disability and not as a social phenomenon. They also demonstrated that attitudes towards people with disabilities are a function of the particular disability condition and are multidimensional.  相似文献   


This study has a twofold objective: to analyse and compare the phonological processes in a sample of Spanish children with hearing loss, both with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid, with a group with normal hearing; and to determine whether there are differences between the participants with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid in the frequency and nature of the phonological processes. The sample is made up of 168 participants, eight with hearing loss (four with an implant and four with a hearing aid) and 160 with normal hearing. Samples of spontaneous speech were collected and transcribed using the tools from the CHILDES project. For the analysis, the phonological processes paradigm was adopted, evaluating phonological development based on normative error rates. The participants with a hearing loss show slower phonological development in terms of phonological processes, along with atypical processes. Furthermore, the participants with cochlear implants committed more phonological errors than those that wear a hearing aid. The implications of the results are discussed, and it is recommended that auditory stimulation should be done early in children with hearing loss regardless of their technical aid.  相似文献   

商场与战争有其相通的共同特点,以《孙子兵法》的智慧,精神指导商业实践,有如下要点:一、知彼知己,以“知”制胜;二、推陈出新,以“新”制胜;三、谋在人先,以“谋”制胜;四、合纵连横,以“交”制胜;五、奇正相生,以“奇”制胜;六、兵贵神速,以“快”制胜;七、以战养战,以“借”制胜;八、灵活多变,以“变”制胜;九、智勇双全,以“勇”制胜。  相似文献   

金属离子在水溶液中形成配合物的氧化还原稳定性与配合物的组成、结构等有关;配合物的稳定常数可以衡量配合物氧化还原稳定性的大小;金属离子配合物的稳定性在理论和实践中都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

财务会计人员在撰写财务分析报告时容易出现五大问题:一是与企业管理脱节,二是与实际业务脱节,三是与企业整体脱节,四是与动态发展脱节,五是与营销策略脱节。  相似文献   

在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学中,坚持理论与实际、教学与服务、第一课堂与第二课堂、传统教学方式与现代教学手段、普遍教育与个别疏导等相结合,是提高教学针对性和实效性的关键环节。  相似文献   

标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨标准大骨瓣减压术在重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝治疗中的应用价值。标准组选择重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝56例,采用标准大骨瓣减压术;常规组选择前期重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝75例,采用常规颞顶部去骨瓣减压术。两组间疗效评分采用伤后半年时GOS评定。结果表明,标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝,可改善患者预后,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

小学教师教学效能感与其归因反应模式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以155名小学教师为被试,探讨了不同教学效能感水平的教师对于不同特点学生学业失败后的反应模式。结果表明,在学生考试失败后,高教学效能的教师对于高努力的学生以及学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的奖励,预期学习困难学生在将来更容易失败;低教学效能教师对于高能力学生和学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的惩罚,预期低能力学生耷将来更容易失败。中教学效能教师的反应模式更接近于低教学效能教师。  相似文献   

与时俱进是马克思主义的理论品质,也是毛泽东对待马克思主义的科学态度。毛泽东能够坚持以与时俱进的精神对待马克思主义;以与时俱进的精神发展马克思主义;以与时俱进的精神审视自己的学说。  相似文献   

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