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基于服务过程的视角,从OTA网站特征、服务交付与结果三方面提出在线旅行预订服务质量的测量维度,利用PLS结构方程分析网站功能性、信息质量、履行性、经济性、保障机制等五大维度对顾客满意与忠诚的影响。研究发现,在线旅行预订服务中的经济性、信息质量、履行性三维度对顾客满意与忠诚都有显著影响,而保障机制维度仅对顾客忠诚有显著影响,功能性维度仅对顾客满意有显著影响。文章结合我国在线旅行预订行业的特点,从网站信息管理与服务质量过程监控等方面提出了管理启示。  相似文献   

本文以近一年内参加旅行社赴台旅游,参与阿里山旅游行程的国内游客为研究对象,构建影响顾客忠诚度的理论模型,包括服务补救、服务补救满意度与顾客忠诚度。心理层面服务补救与实质层面服务补救对服务补救满意度、服务补救对顾客忠诚度、服务补救满意度对顾客忠诚度具有显着正向影响,服务补救满意度具有中介变量。本文提出管理启示,作为旅游业主管机关参考。  相似文献   

本研究在深入回顾文献和焦点小组访谈的基础上,开发高校服务品质衡量量表,并通过因子分析萃取出有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性和移情性五个因子。整体量表通过了信度和效度的检验。最后通过回归分析,得到高校服务品质、学生满意度和学生忠诚度之关系如下:①高校服务品质中的有形性、可靠性及响应性三个维度对学生满意度有正向影响;②学生满意度对学生忠诚度有正向影响;③高校服务品质会透过学生满意度的中介作用,影响学生忠诚度。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,许多旅游地开始关注与旅游者建立长期关系。通过建立关系营销策略(服务公平性、旅游地形象和服务质量),关系质量(旅游者满意、旅游者信任)和旅游者忠诚(重游倾向、口碑宣传)关系模型,对武夷山314名旅游者进行调查研究发现:服务公平性和服务质量(两个关系营销策略变量)对满意度和信任(两个关系质量变量)有显著正向影响,旅游地形象对满意度有正向影响,但对信任影响不显著;满意度对旅游者忠诚二维度均有正向影响,信任对口碑宣传有正向影响,而对重游倾向影响不显著。  相似文献   

体育消费者网店感知对信任感和忠诚度的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对276名网上体育消费者的调查,探讨了消费者的体育网店感知对信任感和忠诚度的影响。中介效应和调节效应的检验结果表明:对于重复购买的体育消费者,信任感对其忠诚度起部分中介作用。体育网店美感、实用性和服务质量对体育消费者忠诚度的影响因体育消费者类型和体育商品类型的不同而显现差异。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the findings of a study employing a partial least squares (PLS) structural equation methodology to test a customer satisfaction model of the drivers of student satisfaction and loyalty in higher education settings. Drawing upon a moderately large sample of students enrolled in four ‘types’ of Australian universities, the findings suggest that student loyalty is predicted by student satisfaction, which is in turn predicted by the perceived image of the host university. While the perceived quality of “humanware” (e.g., people and process) and “hardware” (e.g., infrastructure and tangible service elements) has an impact on perceived value, this was found to be weak and indeterminate. Of most importance was the impact of the institution’s institutional image, which strongly predicted perceived value, and to a lesser extent student satisfaction. The findings have implications for newer, less prestigious universities seeking to compete in a more deregulated, market driven environment.  相似文献   

The benefits of understanding and promoting student/alumni satisfaction are numerous. While this article draws on previous studies of the determinants of satisfaction in higher education, it has a different research focus. The study investigates the student/alumni satisfaction phenomenon in a consumer satisfaction framework. Results indicate that the formation of satisfaction judgments is a multidimensional process, and that the process is dependent on the degree of goal development that a student has for a particular aspect of his or her educational experience. If students have poorly formed goals for an aspect of education, they are likely to base their satisfaction judgments on institutional performance. If their goals are well formed, they are likely to base satisfaction judgments on the outcomes of the institutional performance. In general, however, student/alumni assessments of satisfaction with higher education are influenced by both the perceived quality of the service provider's performance and the perceived outcomes of that performance.The authors' names are ordered alphabetically to reflect equal contributions.  相似文献   

对于一个企业而言,顾客是它们在市场上赖以生存的条件,现代企业越来越重视顾客对于自身的认可,以打造令顾客满意的服务作为企业的发展宗旨,建立顾客忠诚作为企业的发展目标。就顾客满意和顾客忠诚展开探讨,对二者之间的关联展开论述,探究二者对于企业发展的意义。  相似文献   

哪些因素及其怎样影响乡村旅游者的忠诚是乡村旅游企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地的关键。在对大量国内外文献进行梳理的基础上,本文提出了服务质量对乡村旅游者忠诚影响机制模型,并提出了若干假设。通过对乡村旅游者问卷调查获取的丰富基础数据,实证了服务质量、旅游者满意、旅游者信任之间的相互关系及其对乡村旅游者忠诚的作用机理。研究发现,服务质量对乡村旅游者忠诚没有直接影响,而是通过旅游者满意和旅游者信任两个中介变量对其忠诚产生间接影响;旅游者满意对旅游者信任产生直接影响,同时也是乡村旅游者忠诚的直接前因变量;旅游者信任对乡村旅游者忠诚的口碑宣传变量具有显著正向影响;乡村旅游者忠诚因素的重游倾向与口碑宣传两个变量之间存在递进关系。  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of the factors that educational psychologists in training (EPiTs) look for when applying for jobs in educational psychology services. Relevant literature on ‘job attraction’ is reviewed and a three-stage research process employed. This involved a focus group approach to questionnaire generation followed by questionnaire studies involving 87 EPiTs and 22 recently qualified educational psychologists. Results identify key aspects of service and staff development as crucial in recruitment. These are discussed within the broader context of psychological theory on job satisfaction in considering implications for both recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

As competition intensifies, higher education providers are facing ever more complex challenges in attracting and retaining students. These new marketing challenges have necessitated a need to more comprehensively understand the factors that lead to positive perceptions of the institutions services, as well as positive referral of the brand. This research focuses on students' perceptions of the importance of satisfaction, trust, and commitment in the development of student loyalty. In particular this research examines whether or not these antecedents differ for male versus female students. A structural equation modelling approach was adopted using a sample of 447 students. Despite literature which characterises males as task oriented, and females as relationship oriented, gender did not influence the salience of the antecedents to loyalty. These results show that first and foremost both gender groups seek to form affective and emotional bonds with their institution and hence a sense of psychological closeness to it. Student satisfaction was found to be the second most important driver of loyalty across both genders. Conclusions, implications and opportunities for future research are presented. From a managerial perspective, it is expected that uncovering the importance of key relationship marketing constructs between genders will enable higher education institutions to develop more targeted relationship marketing programs.  相似文献   

随着互联网快速发展和普及,网络购物逐渐深入人们的生活,而激烈的竞争也随之而来,网店商家想要保持竞争优势越来越困难。由于服务的无形性、生产与消费的同时性和易逝性等特点,决定了服务失误是不可避免的。在网络购物中,服务失误普遍存在,要进行良好的服务补救,首先要了解在网络购物中的服务补救满意度影响因素,它将帮助网络商家提供有效的服务补救策略,从而提高顾客的第二次满意和顾客忠诚度。  相似文献   

中国人民生活水平日益提高,剩余收入的增加刺激着中国境外旅游的发展。欧洲旅游市场是对中国大陆游客具有强烈吸引力的旅游目的地。景点和活动、购物、当地环境、导游服务、饮食、住宿、中文交流能力、当地机场环境和交通这8大因素中,景点和活动是最主要的影响因素。购物、当地环境、导游服务也是赢得游客满意度和忠诚度的至关重要因素,其余四项被称为次要影响因素。为提高游客满意度和忠诚度,应避免不切实际的宣传,建立良好旅游目的地形象;制定合理旅游价格;提供完善产品;增强导游服务忠诚和提高服务质量;依靠情感营销提高游客忠诚度。  相似文献   

客户满意不等同于客户忠诚,而在现实中很多人却难以将二者作一明确区分,对企业而言,客户忠诚的价值要远远大于客户满意度,因此,如何正确认识客户忠诚,有效培育客户忠诚就成了企业必须面对并着力解决的问题。  相似文献   

利用SPSS11.5(英文版)软件对调查数据进行分析,可发现,岳麓山风景名胜区的游客满意度总体较高;岳麓山风景名胜区游客满意度4个公共影响因子与游客忠诚度具有显著的正相关关系;岳麓山风景名胜区反映最突出的问题是购物种类单一、不具有特色以及旅游项目的娱乐性差。根据分析结果,应该采取相应对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this project is to empirically investigate several antecedents and consequences of student satisfaction (SS) with Canadian university music programmes as well as to measure students’ level of programme satisfaction. For this, the American Customer Satisfaction Model was tested through a survey of 276 current Canadian music students. The results indicate that customer satisfaction is strongly affected by programme quality, is slightly impacted by its perceived value but is not influenced by prior student expectations. Satisfaction strongly increases programme loyalty and positive word‐of‐mouth, marginally raises tuition change loyalty, and slightly decreases complaining behaviour. Contrary to expectations, tuition‐related constructs play only a minor role in the model. Therefore, money is a marginal factor in the educational environment; this empirically demonstrates the flaws underlying the premises of the students‐as‐customers metaphor. The resulting satisfaction index may facilitate the comparison among institutions. It was also found that the level of SS with Canadian music programmes was somewhat lower than those with services in other industries.  相似文献   

本文在研究(一)的基础上,通过实验证实了研究(一)的假设,即由于不满意而转换的顾客与其他顾客群在满意和忠诚行为上具有显著的差异。这一发现的证实对营销理论和实践都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

网络购物的迅猛发展极大地促进了我国快递业市场的繁荣。随着电商企业自建物流和国际快递的进入,我国快递企业面临巨大的竞争压力。顾客满意度是影响顾客忠诚度的重要因素,以当前网购流行的大学生消费者为调研对象,分别以民营企业的申通和国有企业的邮政快递为代表,对其满意度情况进行了调查,通过对比分析,找出了快递企业存在的一些问题并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Gratitude was an important missing factor in the extant relationship quality and relationship loyalty model. We introduced gratitude into the model of relationship quality and relationship loyalty. Two hundred and eighteen teachers from elementary schools in Taiwan were used to conduct an empirical research. The results show that teachers' gratitude has positive direct effects on teachers' trust, satisfaction and commitment. Teachers' trust has no significant effect on behavioural loyalty but has a significant effect on attitudinal loyalty. However, teachers' satisfaction has no significant effect on attitudinal loyalty but has a significant effect on behavioural loyalty. Teachers' commitment has a significant effect on behavioural and attitudinal loyalty. The mediating role of commitment implies that it (1) partially mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and attitudinal loyalty, and fully mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and behavioural loyalty; (2) partially mediates the relationship between teachers' satisfaction and behavioural loyalty, and fully mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and attitudinal loyalty.  相似文献   

服务组织的利润、长期生存发展在很大程度上依赖于满意的顾客持续购买及其它种种忠诚行为,而顾客满意在很大程度上是依赖于给顾客提供服务的员工。对我国服务企业来说,探讨如何通过内部营销提高员工素质以及忠诚感,进而提高企业效率以至竞争力是很有现实意义的。  相似文献   

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