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Despite the widespread adoption of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), no business model has emerged to make them sustainable from an institution standpoint. Using MOOCs as a marketing platform shows promise; but for this to succeed, it is necessary to understand the motivations of those who undertake them and to demonstrate how these same motivations can be better satisfied through enrolment in a fee-paying university course. We discuss the motivations for students as they progress through a MOOC and the factors that might lead to subsequent university enrolment. Our arguments are informed by MOOC statistics, the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) marketing model, and the literature on adult education, technology adoption, goal seeking and consumer value. We argue that most students are led to MOOC enrolment through close alignment of the course topic and subject matter with their personal goals and through the establishment of an attractive value proposition. Progress in the MOOC depends on whether this goal alignment is maintained, and whether the value assumptions of students are met or exceeded. We predict that subsequent university enrolment will most likely occur when the MOOC experience is both satisfying and representative of the university experience, and where the increased time and financial commitment demanded by formal study is offset by the greater likelihood of attaining the focal goal. For this strategy to succeed, it will be necessary for the host institution to actively work with MOOC students to create an awareness of appropriate fee-paying courses and to promote the benefits of university study. This has implications for the way institutions market their courses to MOOC students.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, higher education institutions in the U.S. have faced increased competition and expenditures coupled with declines in financial support. Furthermore, they often have been forced to cater to the needs of an increasingly diverse group of students and must design service strategies based on the unique needs of each group. This paper advocates the use of target marketing principles to effectively and efficiently allocate resources among the various groups. Student registration data from a large, urban, public university, which is routinely available at little cost, is used to identify five student segments. These segments include traditional students, non-traditional students, a sizable international student segment, a graduating segment, and a group of transferees. The unique needs of each segment are identified and appropriate service strategies are formulated for each segment. The diversity of the segments establish the utility of using target marketing principles for designing service strategies and the viability of using registration database for such a purpose.  相似文献   

独立学院教育服务质量实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过使用《独立学院教育服务质量评价量表》,对南京三所独立学院、600名在校大学生进行问卷调查,以了解学生对独立学院教育服务质量的期望与感知。调查发现:学生期望服务质量与感知服务质量存在显著差距;学生对学校服务质量的评价较低;年级变量显著影响学生对服务质量的评价,学生评价在性别、生源地等人口统计学变量上无显著性差异;服务质量对学生总体满意度具有正向影响。  相似文献   


This paper demonstrates how the use of self directed and self initiated research by staff in an International Office in one of Australia's largest universities can be a useful tool in improving the quality performance of service delivery to full fee paying international students as a deliberate means of improving the marketable image of the university, accepting that the university marketing strategy recognises that ‘word of mouth’ or informal marketing forms one part of the overall scheme. This paper describes two action research projects undertaken by staff in the International Office to engender improved quality of service delivery and subsequently an improved image of the university in the process of informal marketing. The results of the action research projects have produced specific outcomes, further planning and changes to management practices in the International Office, all related to improving the quality of services being delivered and the quality of management, a strategy that can be adopted in universities worldwide. Each research project was small, but facilitated changes or improvement to a target, strategically identified and discussed with management. These projects did not occur as strategic parts of an overall marketing plan, but were recognised as making contributions to effective outcomes of the existing marketing process. The paper then discusses the role of management in employee empowerment and the action research process arguing that management's role is to ensure that stimuli such as this are not Stifled.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the conceptualisation and measurement of service quality within the higher education sector in Western Australia (WA). It addresses the prominence of the service quality issue within this sector and the move toward high value service delivery as a means of ensuring sustainable competitive advantage. It reports the findings from an exploratory study of student perceptions of service quality as they relate to an on-line library service offered by a public sector university in WA. The study makes use of the importance-performance disconfirmation technique. The results reveal both the core service quality dimensions of significance to students in using this service and demonstrate the usefulness and relative simplicity of disconfirmation models generally, for evaluating the service quality construct in the higher education context.  相似文献   

Increased competition for the international student market has motivated universities to modernize their marketing strategies. Community engagement is an important component of students' international university experience and represents a potential point of competitive advantage. Developing marketing strategies around university–student–community engagement (U–S–CE) requires an understanding of the perspectives of international students, the university and the community. We anchored our study in value co-creation which is a principle of the service dominant logic framework found in the marketing literature. With limited research in the area, a qualitative approach was appropriate. Interviews were undertaken with key university members (n?=?4) and community members (n?=?5) concurrently with focus groups of international students (n?=?22) at a single university. Based on the degree of co-creation by international students in U–S–CE, three groups emerged: consumers, collaborators and co-designers. This study offers theoretical and practical insight, providing a platform for further research into U–S–CE.  相似文献   

文章运用服务质量差距模型,根据对赣州6所高校图书馆服务工作的调查,提出了搞好高校图书馆服务营销的策略:加强对读者期望的认知与管理,与读者建立互动关系;建立和完善读者导向的服务质量标准,严格控制服务传递过程;重视馆员双重角色管理,完善服务质量管理机制;加强图书馆内部营销。  相似文献   

对某高校259名大学生的问卷调查显示,影响大学生网络团购的风险依次为功能风险、服务风险、经济风险和社会风险等。降低大学生网购风险除了政府努力完善法律体系、建立和谐消费环境,商家提高服务质量、规范营销手段外,还要引导大学生树立理性消费观念,增强识别能力和维权意识。  相似文献   

现阶段,作为一种全新的消费方式和生活理念,绿色消费已成为绿色营销研究的一个重要领域。文章通过问卷调查法,以武汉市某本科高校的300名大学生为样本,调查大学生绿色消费观和消费行为现状。调查结果显示:大学生绿色消费认知不够全面和深入;大学生绿色消费意向已形成但水平较低;大学生绿色消费行为水平较低但前景广阔。基于调查结果文章指出,应从加强绿色消费教育、提升绿色消费认知、加强市场监管、提高产品质量并降低价格等方面推动大学生绿色消费。  相似文献   

根据服务质量问题模型,新疆会展行业服务质量存在管理层认知差距、服务质量标准差距、服务传递差距、营销传播差距和感知服务质量差距。结合新疆会展行业服务质量的现状,提出了弥合服务质量差距的提升策略:对参展商和观众的需求进行深入的调查了解;科学合理的制定并建立服务标准体系;提高员工素质防止服务变形;采取措施鼓励顾客履行相应的责任;杜绝在会展项目的宣传中出现夸大宣传和虚假宣传。  相似文献   

通识教育的目标是把学生培养成“全面发展的人”,其选课质量体系直接影响着通识教育实际开展的效果。以中国海洋大学本科生为调研对象,从完善该校通识限选课质量体系角度出发,基于ISO9000族标准理论和PZB服务品质缺口理论.量化分析该校学生对通识限选课服务质量维度和满意度指标的相关性认知情况,其结果表明:性别差异会影响学生对服务质量维度的认知;该校通识教育工作存在课程设置不完善、资金投入不足、师资配备不合理等问题;服务质量各维度与各满意度指标显著相关。  相似文献   

图书馆作为高校信息中心,目前在大学生就业工作中表现出主动性不够、资源匮乏等缺点,不利于为学生就业提供信息、拓展视野.在就业信息服务中,高校图书馆具有网络技术、文献资源、人力资源等优势,通过建立系统完善的就业信息资源中心,提高馆员自身素质,帮助学生树立正确的就业价值取向,与其他部门加强协作等举措,构建完善的高校图书馆大学生就业信息服务模式,为大学生就业献计出力.  相似文献   

服务质量如今已成为饭店业竞争的焦点,但是对于如何提升饭店服务质量,理论界众说纷纭.员工是饭店服务的直接提供者,他们的表现直接决定着饭店的服务质量和顾客的体验质量,因此,引入内部营销的概念,通过开展针对员工的内部营销来提升酒店服务质量,提出制度建议和行为模型.  相似文献   

研究生教育服务质量管理的实证研究:基于SERVQUAL模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SERVQUAL是一种面向顾客的问卷式服务质量评估工具。本文将此工具应用于研究生教育服务质量的管理。通过相关分析显示,研究生对教育服务质量的评价会影响到其未来的行为选择,二者间存在显著的负相关关系。研究生对于教育服务的期望与感知之间存在非常显著的差异。在因素上,研究生对“导师教导”的期望最高,而对“医疗服务”的感知最低。根据研究生教育服务期望和感知分数绘制的IPA图,可与SERVQUAI。相辅相成,相得益彰,为大学管理者改进教育服务质量提供重要参考。  相似文献   

关系营销的出现改变了营销学的研究范式,它强调某一组织与其利益相关者之间互相信任的关系和长期价值。从关系营销视角出发,研究高校与其利益相关者(学生、用人单位、教职员工、供应商和外部伙伴)的关系及其管理,有利于高校的管理理念从注重短期利益转变为注重长期价值,从加强行政管理转变为加强双向沟通,从监督教师提高教学质量转变为全体教职员工共同关注质量。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and analyzes factors that influence international student selection of universities and the role that education marketing plays in the process. The research for the paper was inspired by work done by Canterbury on education marketing, published in the Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. The study empirically tests key constructs in service marketing. According to Canterbury it is time that higher education marketing theoreticians and practitioners alike looked beyond our similarities to other applications of service marketing to understand how some of our markets and our services might differ. To this end, the current study examines the views of international students undertaking their studies in two universities, one on the east coast and the other on the west coast of Australia. It reports the findings of international students’ choice factors in selecting an Australian university environment.  相似文献   

服务企业的质量管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展全面质量管理活动是服务企业适应激烈市场竞争的重要手段。文章首先总结了质量与质量管理概念的发展过程及全面质量管理的内容,然后结合服务企业的营销特点及质量特性,阐述了服务企业建立质量管理体系的过程,探讨了服务企业在建立质量管理体系过程中应注意处理好企业营销部门与运行部门的关系及企业再造与质量管理体系的关系。  相似文献   

服务品牌建设是服务企业提高竞争力的关键,内部营销是服务品牌建设的一个重要环节。服务的无形性、不可分离性、品质差异性、不可储存性等特征,使得服务企业的员工在服务过程中起着举足轻重的作用。他们的工作态度、服务技巧、服务水平直接影响顾客感知服务质量的水平。做好内部营销工作,可以有效提高员工满意度、忠诚度及敬业精神,保证顾客满意战略实施,进而促进服务品牌建设。  相似文献   

随着大学生志愿活动的蓬勃发展,大学生志愿服务已经成为学术界讨论的重要话题。文章根据中国期刊全文数据库检索系统,对近10年来大学生志愿服务相关学术论文进行统计分析。总体看来,国内大学生志愿服务研究经历了三个阶段,取得了一定的研究成果。文章还对大学生志愿服务的价值、动机、管理机制等几个方面的研究成果进行了总结和分析,以期进一步推动该领域的研究。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是国家为促进高校经济困难学生顺利完成学业而采取的一项重要措施,但在实施的过程中大学生诚信缺失的现象日益突出,文中通过对国家助学贷款实施过程中诚信缺失产生的原因进行分析,提出了促进高校助学贷款工作持续、健康发展的建议.  相似文献   

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