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This paper presents the findings of a study undertaken by the United Kingdom Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), with support from the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), aimed at investigating the challenges and limits to cross-border cooperation in the quality assurance of transnational education. The study builds on the outcomes of the recently concluded Erasmus Mundus project Quality Assurance of Cross-Border Higher Education (QACHE) and in particular the QACHE Toolkit developed as part of the project to foster cooperation between quality assurance agencies in quality assuring transnational education. Based on the responses to a survey sent to QAA’s partner agencies in key sending and receiving countries of transnational education, the study extract recommendations to agencies to help them developing viable strategies for inter-agency cooperation, identifying concrete ways in which they might or might not cooperate across borders.  相似文献   

学术审查是英国最新的、综合性的外部质量评估。作为英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)评估活动的一种方式,旨在建立、保持和提高学术标准和质量。英国每所学校及其全部专业每六年都要审查一次。其具体运作大致分为三个阶段——提交自评报告、审查小组分析、核实自评报告并作出最后判断。  相似文献   

质量保障是远程教育发展中的国际性研究主题。为保障和提高远程教育质量,一系列质量保障的框架、模型、评估指标体系等被开发出来。对其中最具有区域代表性和影响力的质量保障框架的分析汇总表明,国际社会一般从发展战略与管理、专业设计、课程开发、技术设施、学习者支持、员工支持、科学研究与社会服务以及质量评价等维度界定和评价远程教育的质量。每一个质量维度包含了保障远程教育质量的关键事项、管理制度、工作任务、程序和方法等内容,为远程教育机构改善教育质量提供了最佳依据。  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量保障署自实施制度评估以来,开始重点审查大学保证教学质量和授予学位标准的内部评估体系,在此背帚下,英国大学的内部评估制度逐渐建立和完善起来。本文以伦敦经济学院为例,对英国大学教学质量内部评估的目的、内容、评估小组的人员构成及作用、评估过程等进行研究,以期对我国高校建立教学质量内部评估制度提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The paper takes the external quality assurance of English universities and colleges as an example of regulation in higher education as undertaken by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Regulatory scholarship generally has been largely disinterested in higher education and the paper applies a ‘regulatory lens’ to higher education quality assurance. It reports the findings of a research project on the role identities and perceptions of the auditors recruited by the QAA from the academic community for undertaking institutional audits. It suggests that such a group may be regarded as ‘regulatory intermediaries’, facing both ‘upwards’ to the regulator, and ‘down’ to those being regulated. As such, they have an important function in the delivery of external quality assurance regulation and the paper reports on how they mediate and understand a range of frequently conflicting pressures.  相似文献   

我国网络教育质量管理范式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育质量管理大致经历了质量控制、质量保障和全面质量管理三个阶段或三种范式的探索.借用这种一分为三的分析框架,本文采用全部调查与个案分析相结合的方式,调查国家教育部正式批准试点的高校网络教育学院的质量管理情况.研究发现,教育质量管理的每个阶段或每种范式在我国网络教育质量管理活动中都时有体现.我国网络教育质量管理的典型规定表明,注重毕业生“零缺陷”、重视学员的“顾客”地位、质量管理信息公开已是其显著特点.教育理论界宜针对问题加强研究,在促进网络教育建构质量文化的同时避免消费主义倾向.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the application of research into cognitive neuroscience to educational contexts. It first considers recent warnings from within the neuroscientific community itself about the limitations of current neuroscientific knowledge and the urgent need to dispel popular ‘neuromyths’ which have become accepted in many classrooms. It also criticises the use of over‐simplified neuroscience to add scientific credibility to curricular reform, as has been the case in the rationale behind the recent implementation of the Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum. The paper then draws on the philosophy of Wittgenstein to highlight a further conceptual confusion which often surrounds the application of neuroscience to education.  相似文献   

程炜 《丽水学院学报》2010,32(4):123-128
高校学生评价直接影响高校教育教学质量。全文较详细地比较了英国高等教育质量保证署发表的《高等教育学术质量和标准保证的实践准则》第六部分:学生评价的第一版和第二版,以为我国高校的学生评价的建设提供相应参考。  相似文献   

Offering academic programs that meet community need has long been a core mission of community colleges. However, determining which job skills and credentials are needed for employment in the community is challenging. In order to facilitate a holistic and community-based perspective, our 2-year community college developed a structured curricular planning model to guide programmatic decision-making based on regional economic and labor-market data. These procedures cumulatively inform comprehensive curricular planning related to program offerings and describe the relationship of this process to integrated planning. This model can assist other community colleges with designing processes to refine programing mix.  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育质量保障区域整合的进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量保障体系构建是欧洲高等教育区的核心,尤其是2003年以来,欧洲高等教育质量保障体系取得了很大进展。本文回顾了欧洲高等教育区域整合的过程,尤其是从1999年开始的博洛尼亚改革进程,从政策和实践的角度分析了博洛尼亚改革进程对欧洲高等教育质量保障体系建设的推动,并指出了对我国区域整合、高等教育质量保障的研究和实践的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Curriculum content, the issue of what to teach is fundamental. For students with intellectual disabilities (ID), the choice of educational content is crucial in a life span perspective. Curriculum research for this learner group is sparse. Drawing on a curriculum approach, the purpose of this content analytic reviw study is to analyse trends in curricular research, and discuss implications for further curricular research and policy. Curricular research articles from 1994 to 2016 were identified from databases, using systematic search procedures and specific criteria for inclusion and categorisation of the literature. Based on prior review studies, functional life skills and cognitive academic content formed the analytical fulcrum. The results showed that cognitive academic articles had the highest coverage in the literature and showed a steep increase in publication frequency compared to functional life skill articles. If curricular research on functional life skills stagnates, curriculum policy and practice may fail to provide students with ID the skills necessary for social and practical adaption in their communities. A discursive connection to normative curricular frameworks is essential to analyse and guide curricular choices. This article provides analytical insight and directions for future research in the field of curriculum research for students with ID.  相似文献   

建立专门的校级保障机构、制定统一的质量保障手册、吸纳学生参与质量保障、实施校外监察员制度、重视学院、学术分部及系的质量评价,这是以牛津大学为代表的英国高校内部质量保障体系的主要特征。建立校级专职质量保障机构、重视学生参与质量保障、培育自我规范、自我约束的质量保障观念,这是给予我国高校内部质量保障体系建设的有益启迪。  相似文献   

成人高等教育保障体系是由旨在提高成人高等教育质量的各个因素相互关联而构成的一个立体的、动态的系统。我国成人高等教育质量保障体系的发展是一个漫长的过程。在其发展过程中,国家的方针政策起着重要的作用。建立和完善我国成人高等教育质量保障体系需要国家、社会、市场、学校等方面的大力投入。  相似文献   

精品课程是时代发展和现实状况的必然要求。建设精品课程对于提高学校的教学质量具有重大意义。它是衡量学校办学水平和办学质量的重要标志之一,同时也是抓好教学质量的中心环节、是实现学校培养目标的基本保证。因此,发现课程评审中的问题对我国今后高校精品课程建设具有十分重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

The Dearing Report has given the responsibility for maintaining standards and quality in British higher education to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). While this quango may be able to ensure 'threshold' standards, it is more doubtful whether it can help institutions to sustain high academic quality. Nonetheless, the Report has three potentially very significant consequences: it represents another move towards the creation of a national curriculum in higher education, it offers a more restrictive interpretation of university autonomy, and – despite its protestations – represents a threat to the growing diversity of British higher education. The thrust of the article is that the Report has charted an uneasy 'middle way'between market forces and statism in the quest for quality control in higher education. It remains to be seen whether the academic corporatism represented by the QAA can resist the pressures of the state and the market.  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量保证署的院校审核   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“院校审核”作为英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)评估活动的新方式,旨在确保大学提供的高等教育具有合格的质量和适当的学术标准,并正确授予学位。其具体运作大致分为三个阶段,主要包括初步调查,简单调查,审核调查,提交报告及继续调查等环节。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论为高职院校的可持续发展战略提供了一种新的视角和一个新的分析方法。本文从高职院校利益相关者及其诉求分析出发,提出只有确立与利益相关者和谐发展的理念,通过多种校企合作的方式,并通过构建内部质量保障体系来保证其服务质量和毕业生的质量.得到其利益相关者的信任和认可,高职院校才能可持续发展。  相似文献   

课程设置是人才培养模式的重要体现,在大学英语教学改革的新形势下,现行课程设置模式已无法适应现阶段人才培养的需求。文章阐述了课程设置的理论依据、国内外大学英语课程设置现状,结合学院大学英语课程设置改革的实践经验,指出随着新的《大学英语课程教学要求》的颁布实施,各院校结合《课程要求》科学合理地设置大学英语课程成为教学改革的必然趋势,使大学英语教学能与时俱进,着力培养学生的英语运用能力。  相似文献   

依据校本及国外高等教育国际化的发展现状,揭示了国际化对高校国际竞争力的重要意义,探讨了大学英语课程与教学改革的思路和对策。从课程国际化和需求分析的视角,指出大学英语课程与教学所面临的机遇和挑战,进而探讨大学英语课程与教学的多样性和层次性改革,提出基础、提高与跨文化、学术英语课程体系与教学的应对措施。并强调在校本国际化环境下,应加强大学英语和学科全英与双语师资的培养。  相似文献   

目前高校大学生课外活动丰富多彩、形式多样,但也存在着不足。通过对大学生课外活动现状的调研与分析,提出基于专业发展的课外活动新模式的思路、设计,并在四川教育学院进行实验性研究。通过整合课外科技活动、社会实践和健身娱乐活动等形式,整合学团组织、学生社团、班级和专业组织机构的功能,整合任课教师、专职学生工作干部等指导资源,以便更好地实现规定性教学与课外活动的互补,初步实现"学以试用、用以促学,寓学于乐、丰富生活,提高素质、创新自我,服务社会、升华品格"的目的。  相似文献   

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