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The purpose of this study was to investigate the decisions of civil servants to use Web 2.0 applications while engaging in online learning. The participants were 439 civil servants enrolled in asynchronous online learning programs, using an e-learning portal provided by Taiwan's Regional Civil Service Development Institute. The participants completed a questionnaire which measured their responses to 12 constructs (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, peer influence, superior influence, self-efficacy, facilitating conditions, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, behavior intention, and behavior) based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research results revealed that the participants’ perceived usefulness of online learning was the strongest predictor affecting their attitude. Peer influence was also the primary factor influencing their subjective norm. The construct of self-efficacy appeared to be the most important element determining their perceived behavioral control. Also, the results of the path analysis showed that the participants’ attitude was the strongest indicator of their behavior intention to use Web 2.0 applications, followed by the perceived behavior control and subjective norm. Theoretical and practical implications and recommendations are provided based on the results of the study.  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论,构建网红直播带货情境下消费者困惑、网红力量、自我效能感和矛盾态度对消费者购买意愿影响的概念模型,利用网络问卷调查采集的330份有效样本进行实证分析发现:消费者由网红直播带货感知的自我效能感对购买意愿有显著正向影响,网红力量的影响不显著;消费者由网红直播带货生成的超载困惑对矛盾态度有显著正向影响,相似困惑和模糊困惑的影响不显著;矛盾态度在消费者困惑对购买意愿影响中的中介作用不显著。  相似文献   

职业教育作为一种类型教育,与普通教育相比,从课程逻辑到教学模式均有区别。基于TAM技术接受模型,通过对不同职业院校325位教师疫情期间在线教学情况的问卷调查后分析发现:教师的个体创新性、教学资源优质性对感知有用性,教学平台交互功能对感知易用性均影响显著;感知易用性对感知有用性、感知有用性对实施态度、实施态度对行为意向均有显著影响;不同于TAM模型,感知易用性对教师的实施态度影响不显著;社群影响对教师实施态度影响显著,但对教师行为意向影响不显著,自我效能则与之相反。为此,建议职业院校选择成熟可靠的在线教学平台、建设优质资源库、加强教师培训、培育创新教学团队、发挥高效能教师的示范作用和制定在线教学激励制度,在学校形成在线教学的实践共同体。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the utility of the theory of planned behavior for predicting the behavioral intentions of teachers enrolled in the Institute in Physical Science, an EESA, Title II program funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. In particular, the study investigated three determinants of teachers' behavioral intentions (BI) set forth in the theory of planned behavior, namely, attitude toward the behavior (AB), subjective norm (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC). The behavior of interest in this study was the intention of teachers in grades 5/6 or 9/10 who were enrolled in the Institute to use 50% of the activities and investigations completed in the program with students they would teach during the next school year. Data were collected from 50 elementary and secondary teachers. Simple and hierarchical regression analyses were used to determine the relative contributions of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (and their interactions) to the prediction of behavioral intention. Results of this study indicated that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control made significant contributions to the prediction of behavioral intention. Examination of the data blocked on external variables revealed attitude toward the behavior to be the single most important predictor of behavioral intention. Intent to perform the behavior appears to be totally under the control of most teachers, with little need for social support and with ample resources and sufficient opportunities available to perform the behavior.  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力和国际竞争力的不断提升,香港与内地在教育交流方面日益频繁,来内地高校求学的香港在校大学生数量逐年上升。文章基于计划行为理论,采用结构方程模型对香港8所公立高校在校大学生来内地求学的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制等三个因素进行定量分析。结果显示,三个因素对香港在校大学生来内地高校求学的行为意向均具有显著影响,其中,行为态度对行为意向的影响最大,其次是感知行为控制,主观规范影响最小。基于研究结果,提出提升内地高校质量和国际声誉、改革教学模式、重视对香港在校大学生的招生宣传、创造良好香港在校大学生毕业就业环境等对策建议。  相似文献   

本文以计划行为理论为依托,借助ERP沙盘模拟实训这一真实实验场景,对大学生创新的计划行为模型进行了验证。分析结果不仅证实了创新态度、创新主观规范和创新行为控制感知与大学生创新行为之间的正向相关关系,而且针对自我效能感、建设性争辩、时间压力、任务反思和组织支持五个外生潜变量,提出了大学生创新过程控制的干预策略。分析显示,通过加大组织支持力度建立积极的创新氛围、对任务反思和建设性争辨实施积极引导、提升自我效能感等策略可以有效引导大学生实施创新行为,而时间压力的触发则需要慎重。高校在开展实验实训和其他实践环节的过程中,可以据此进行有针对性的创新行为控制干预,以提高大学生创新创业的实际绩效。  相似文献   

In recent years, the need for didactic training in the field of higher education has become a focus of education policy. According to empirical evidence, however, only some of the university teaching staff participate in training opportunities. So far, only little empirical research has been undertaken to investigate the determinants of training intention in the area of university didactics. This article applies Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB), for the first time, to this specific context and highlights the importance of perceived behavioral control and attitude in explaining training intention. For subjective norm, however, no direct effect could be found. In addition to the TPB predictors, direct and indirect effects of previous training participation on intention as well as the effect of training context on perceived behavioral control were assessed. Adding past behavior to the model resulted in a direct effect on intention and an increase of explained variance. With regard to the question of the sufficiency of the TPB, possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

学习行为数据的来源是学习分析研究领域的重要分支之一。通过文献梳理和回顾,发现大学生在线学习行为数据分享意愿的研究有待深入。运用技术接受模型,选择网络隐私顾虑、信任、感知易用性和感知有用性为自变量,个人数据分享意愿为因变量构建了初始概念模型,并提出了相应的假设。为了检验这一概念模型,以抽样调查获取的206名商科类大学生的相关数据作为样本进行结构方程模型分析,并结合相关拟合指标对初始概念模型进行了修正。结论显示:感知易用性和网络隐私顾虑对个人数据分享意愿没有直接作用,但前者通过感知有用性和信任两个中介变量正向间接作用于个人数据分享意愿,后者通过信任作为中介变量负向间接作用于个人数据分享意愿;感知易用性对信任有较为显著的正向作用,网络隐私顾虑对信任有负向作用,但不显著;感知易用性对感知有用性有显著的正向作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the utility of the theory of planned behavior model developed by social psychologists for understanding and predicting the behavioral intentions of secondary science students regarding enrolling in physics. In particular, the study used a three-stage causal model to investigate the links from external variables to behavioral, normative, and control beliefs; from beliefs to attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control; and from attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control to behavioral intentions. The causal modeling method was employed to verify the underlying causes of secondary science students' interest in enrolling physics as predicted in the theory of planned behavior. Data were collected from secondary science students (N = 264) residing in a central Texas city who were enrolled in earth science (8th grade), biology (9th grade), physical science (10th grade), or chemistry (11th grade) courses. Cause-and-effect relationships were analyzed using path analysis to test the direct effects of model variables specified in the theory of planned behavior. Results of this study indicated that students' intention to enroll in a high school physics course was determined by their attitude toward enrollment and their degree of perceived behavioral control. Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control were, in turn, formed as a result of specific beliefs that students held about enrolling in physics. Grade level and career goals were found to be instrumental in shaping students' attitude. Immediate family members were identified as major referents in the social support system for enrolling in physics. Course and extracurricular conflicts and the fear of failure were shown to be the primary beliefs obstructing students' perception of control over physics enrollment. Specific recommendations are offered to researchers and practitioners for strengthening secondary school students' intentions to study physics.  相似文献   

The current study utilizes the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211 Ajzen 1991) to examine an instructor confirmation-interaction model in the instructional communication context to discover a means by which instructors might cultivate positive student attitudes and increase beliefs that interactions with instructors would be beneficial in the future. Specifically, the model examines how teacher confirmation (Ellis 2000) influences students’ behavioral intention to communicate with instructors. Surveys were distributed to 343 college students (41.7% male and 58.1% female) in a basic communication course. Results were primarily consistent with the proposed model; teacher confirmation was significantly related to attitudes toward communicating with an instructor, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were also positively related to students’ behavioral intention to communicate with the instructor. However, results reveal attitudes toward communicating do not predict students’ behavioral intention to communicate with instructors. It is recommended that future models examine a more contemporary, hi-tech representation of attitude toward student-instructor interactions as it may produce a significant association with students’ behavioral intent to communicate with them. The study concludes with theoretical and practical implications to examine student classroom communication via the confirmation-interaction model and the theory of planned behavior.  相似文献   

促进包括教师在内的多元主体参与是学校治理现代化的必然要求。本研究基于上海市442名中学教师的问卷调查,在计划行为理论框架下,对影响教师参与学校治理意愿的机制进行了实证分析。结果发现:(1)主观规范、知觉行为控制、参与治理态度和教师参与学校治理意愿显著正相关;(2)主观规范、知觉行为控制不仅可以直接正向预测教师参与学校治理意愿,还可以通过参与治理态度间接作用于教师参与学校治理意愿;(3)教师身份和教龄对主观规范通过参与治理态度影响教师参与治理意愿的中介效应有调节作用,非教代会代表、新手教师的效应更明显。需要加强参与理念宣传,营造良好参与氛围;注重意见反馈,提高教师参与效能感;用好激励机制,转变教师参与治理的态度;拓展参与范围,尤其注重新教师和非教代会代表在学校治理中的参与。  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论,采用问卷调查法探究中小学英语教师在线教学行为意向以及相关影响因素.通过相关分析和回归分析,得出以下结论:行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制与在线教学行为意向均存在正相关关系;行为态度、知觉行为控制均能显著预测在线教学行为意向;主观规范对在线教学行为意向的预测不显著.研究表明:当教师对在线教学持积极的态度...  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,实时通讯软件已成为人们对外联系、沟通的重要管道,然而facebook在2004年成立,以极短的时间席卷全球,成为全球最受欢迎的社交网站。本研究尝试以创新扩散理论和计划行为理论作为本研究的理论基础,俾利找出影响使用者在沟通上从实时通讯软件转移至facebook的影响因子。本研究透过网络问卷调查方式进行调查,以路径分析验证本研究所提出之假设,扣除无效问卷后,有效样本数为200份,并以路径分析进行假说的验证,结果显示创新特质中的相对优势、兼容性、可试用性以及计划行为因素中的态度、主观规范对使用者的转换意图有正向之显著影响。  相似文献   

酒后驾驶行为是对公共安全具有高度侵害危险的类型性危险行为,具有类型化的法益侵害危险。将其犯罪化,不仅是当今世界防范这种类型性法益侵害危险行为的主流,也得到了风险社会理论的支撑。对重大法益进行提前保护是我国刑事立法的方向,而我国现行的基本以行政处罚为主的规制方式,对于酒后驾驶行为的威慑和防范明显不力,我国对于酒后驾驶行为也应犯罪化。  相似文献   

A national sample of educators were surveyed to identity the attitudes, beliefs, school culture, and perceived barriers that would predict whether educators would intervene to stop bias and harassment directed at lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in schools. The survey questionnaire was organized according to the theory of planned behavior (TpB), a theoretical model linking attitudes to behavior. A sample of 968 teachers, school psychologists, and school counselors participated. Factor analysis indicated that the three TpB components (attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) accurately predicted behavioral intention to advocate for LGBTQ youth. Path analysis supported the components of TpB in predicting behavioral intention, accounting for 21% of the variance. The path coefficients linking attitudes and subjective norm to behavioral intention were particularly robust and less so for perceived behavioral control. Implications for intervention and training of school personnel to improve advocacy for LGBTQ youth and reduce bias and harassment are discussed.  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论对网民参与食品安全网络谣言传播行为形成机理进行研究。以食品安全谣言传播事件为背景,以计划行为理论为基础提出相关假设,运用 SmartPLS2.0 软件构建偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM)对传播意愿影响因素进行探索性分析。研究结果表明,网民面对食品类谣言的主观态度对传播行为意愿有显著性影响;网民个体焦虑感与相关法律法规的震慑作用对谣言传播态度有显著性影响;食品谣言的可信度、时效性及传播方式便利性等谣言本身特征,对谣言传播行为意愿有积极影响。  相似文献   


Learning outcomes is mediated by multi-channel learning environment and social engagement. Both factors may play a significant role in understanding motivation to learn in massive open online courses (MOOCs). The goal of this study was twofold: a. to compare behavior intention patterns of traditional e-learning platform and MOOCs participants; b. to examine relationships between behavior intention and perceived social support. Therefore, this study applies the concepts of technology acceptance model and social support theory to examine the underlying the determinants of learners’ continuance intention factors for MOOCs in Taiwan. In addition, this study adopts perceived convenience, computer self-efficacy, sense of community, and perceived gains as the constructs of social support perspective. Our examination reveals that sense of community, and perceived gains influence learners’ behavior intention of both general e-learning platform and MOOCs. However, perceived convenience and computer self-efficacy did not influence learners’ behavior intention for traditional e-learning platform, but still have efforts for MOOCs. In summary, our results show that the social support theory and technology acceptance model could be the suitable examination model to investigate the behavioral intentions for MOOCs. These findings have significant theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

高职实践教学与信息化手段相融合是现阶段职业教育研究的热点问题。研究学生在使用教育APP进行实践操作的影响因素及其实践成效,对高职高技能培养具有十分重要意义。通过技术接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model)对数据分析研究发现:感知有用性对行为意图具有负向影响,对使用态度影响不显著;使用态度对行为意图具有正向影响;感知易用性对态度、感知有用性具有显著正影响;教育APP在实践教学中对提升教学效果有重要作用;性别因素对教育APP的接受程度并无区别;班级规模对教育APP使用效果无显著影响。  相似文献   

Managing a romantic partner’s substance misuse can be challenging, especially in cases where attempts to show support end up worsening the negative behavior. Understanding what might predict one’s actions towards a partner who smokes or drinks can help to alleviate some of the difficulty associated with these interactions. Therefore, this study was designed to examine how issues of undesirable substance use are managed within college students’ romantic relationships. More specifically, the study applied inconsistent nurturing as control theory to assess the extent to which relational uncertainty, perceived network helpfulness, and perceived network hindrance predict the reinforcement and/or punishment of a partner’s smoking or drinking. Results from cross-sectional, self-report survey data (n = 203) revealed that perceived network helpfulness and hindrance were both significant predictors of punishment but not reinforcement. Relational uncertainty was not a significant predictor of reinforcement or punishment. Implications for studying predictors of reinforcement and punishment strategies are discussed, as is the importance of communicating about young adult substance misuse within romantic relationships.  相似文献   

The domain of environmental protection is comprised from many sub-domains as recycling, conserving water, or reducing the consumption of energy. The attitude–behavior gap is partly explained by the gap between the specificity levels of the particular measured behavior and of its antecedent(s). The present study aimed at assessing the effects of general vs. domain-specific behavior’s proximal antecedents included in the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model (intentions, attitudes towards the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) on performance of specific environmental behaviors (EBs) in five environmental sub-domains. We found that in all of the environmental domains examined, a specifically worded TPB model predicted specific behaviors better than a generally worded TPB model did. However, the magnitude of the improvement varied among behavioral domains and the improvement did not arise from the same TPB elements in every domain. The implications for environmental education and for EB research are discussed.  相似文献   

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