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The province needs a total of 17,330 million yuan to carry out compulsory education. Of this amount, 9,200 million are for primary and secondary schools, including 5,900 million for junior secondary schools, 550 million for secondary teacher-training schools, 350 million for the training of primary school teachers, 350 million for the training of junior secondary school teachers, and 490 million for the repayment of what should have been paid out over the previous years. The amount needed in the Seventh Five-Year Plan period comes to 2,850 million yuan.  相似文献   

The investment made by Shanghai Municipality in operational expenses for general education totaled 1.527 billion yuan during the Sixth Five-Year Plan period. Budgeted appropriation for general education approved by finance bureaus at the municipal and county levels totaled 420 million yuan for 1985, a 43.8 percent growth over that in 1984 and a 87.5 percent growth over that in 1980. Proportionately, it represents an annual increase rate of 13.4 percent during the period of the Sixth Five-Year Plan. During the same period, district governments took out of their reserve funds 17 million yuan to serve as subsidiary funds on education, averaging 3.4 million yuan a year.  相似文献   

采用科学方法对教育规模进行预测,有助于为教育发展的目标制定、教育结构优化和教育资源配置提供参考。该研究采用系统动力学模型,综合考虑人口、经济、科技因素与教育系统之间的作用关系,对中国“十四五”时期各级各类教育规模进行预测,发现:学前教育适龄人口在2021年后,逐年降低,预计到2025年,中国在园幼儿数不足4400万人;九年义务教育在校生数将在2024年开始下降,2025年为14415万人;高中阶段教育规模基本稳定,在校生(不含技工学校)达到4085万人;高等教育规模稳步上升,2025年在校生达到3930万人,其中,在校研究生数(不含非全日制)达到349万人。教育主管部门应将规模变化作为学前教育普惠普及、义务教育高位优质均衡、高中教育特色发展、高等教育内涵式发展的重要契机,建设高质量教育体系。  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

There has been a significant growth of educational appropriations every year in the Sixth Five-Year Plan period. The previous funding for education started from a very low base, however. There were massive amounts of money the government owed the schools [in terms of the development of education]. In recent years, there are many changes in the constitution and content of school operational cost. Consequently, the increased funds are mostly disbursed as salaries, thus proportionately reducing the percentage used to pay for school operational costs. In many general secondary schools the percentage of operational costs constitutes less than 20 percent of the total educational funding. Adding to this are inflation and a higher norm of traveling expenses. Funds for school operations become even more stringent. Little has been done in the construction of "three rooms" (i.e., laboratories, instrument storerooms, libraries, and reference rooms), and books and instruments are in severe shortage. We have not yet fully resolved the problem of dilapidated buildings, and are not able to acquire enough desks and chairs for the students.  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of paying teachers in large urban areas a salary differential, also known as “combat pay,” for teaching at racially isolated or all-minority schools. In a selected sample of seven racially isolated schools (two elementary, three junior, and two senior high schools), “combat pay” was found not to be an effective method for either attracting or retaining high quality teachers. The study also finds that the types of teachers “purchased” with this incentive program are more a function of supply side changes (new, young, inexperienced, probationary teachers looking for employment, or teachers from similar “quality” school sites) than demand side changes (older. more experienced regular teachers attracted to the program because of the salary increment). Alternative uses of these funds for purposes such as reducing class size, improving working conditions, and other nonpecuniary benefits might be more effective in meeting district objectives.  相似文献   

福建省2010-2020年普通中小学师资数量需求和学历要求的预测表明,全省师范专业专科宜按"十二五"期间年均907人、"十三五"期间年均600人的规模,师范专业本科"十二五"期间宜按年均6000人"、十三五"期间按年均4173人的规模进行招生培养。同时,必须改进师范专业学科和课程结构,调整学术型学位和专业型学位比例,加大发展教育专业学位研究生教育,培养基础教育所需的高素质师资和人才。  相似文献   

The main tasks of this work conference on education are to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Party's Thirteenth Congress, … and proceeding from the actualities of the education front, to study and discuss the ten-year program and Eighth Five-Year Plan for national education; and to make dispositions for this year's work. The State Education Commission has already drawn up a draft containing the main points of the ten-year program and Eighth Five-Year Plan for national education. I now offer a few suggestions focused on the guiding thought, objectives of struggle, and other such issues in education over the next ten years.…  相似文献   

城镇化进程中的教育需求预测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李祖超  徐文 《教育研究》2005,26(11):83-91
在我国城镇化进程中,在2002年的基础上,2005年-2020年城镇初中和小学需求的班级数、教职工数和专任教师数基本上将呈逐年递增的趋势,非义务教育阶段对班级数和教职工数的需求基本上都将呈逐年递减的态势;城镇小学、初中、高中和大学的预算内经费分别需要以每年8%、8.7%、15.2%和9%的增长率增长。  相似文献   

According to records from 2002, there will be a continuous increase in the number of classes, full-time teachers and teaching staff in urban primary and junior secondary schools during the period 2005–2020. At the same time, the demand for classes and teachers of non-compulsory education will decrease yearly. It is estimated that the budgetary funds for urban primary, junior secondary, senior secondary education and even higher education will increase by 8%, 8.7%, 15.2% and 9%, respectively each year. __________ Translated from Educational Research, 2005 (11)  相似文献   

"十二五"开始,浙江省实行新的中小学教师专业发展培训制度。新制度的核心在于构建行政部门统筹规划、学校统一管理、教师自主选择和培训机构竞争参与的全新的师训工作体系。宁波市在构建有序培训、竞争合作的运行机制,在优化课程体系、丰富培训资源等重点难点问题上提出了初步的解决思路与办法,在新的师训工作机制转型中进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

在“九五”与“十五”期间,笔者主持了素质教育、探究性教学等国家教育部重点课题的研究。在调研中,各地学校和教师对素质教育、高考改革等提出了许多问题。经较长时间探索,现就“高考改革的现状”、“素质教育的困惑:高考制度的危机”等五个问题,提出一些看法与思考  相似文献   

中等职业学校专业设置不仅要适应当前经济发展,更要具有一定程度的前瞻性。文章采用随机取样法,调查了福建省35所国家级中职学校的2010年招生专业和招生计划,在分析福建省中等职业学校专业设置总体现状基础上,探析了福建省中等职业学校专业设置与一、二、三产业结构的适应性,并根据福建省"十二五"规划对中职学校专业设置等问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   

广州市越来越多的非户籍少年儿童需要接受免费义务教育,而且新修订的义务教育法也规定,地方政府应当切实履行帮助他们接受免费义务教育的义务。在进行认真的数据计算之后,我们的研究发现:假如广州维持现有的公立中小学规模,政府以每年生均经费1,500元的标准资助就读私立初中、小学的非户籍儿童、少年,便可以基本解决他们接受义务教育的问题,而按这一标准补助的年总额均不会超过2010年前每年全市新增的教育投入额。因此,由私立学校为非户籍适龄少年儿童提供教育是经济可行的。  相似文献   

塞防海防与清朝财政   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
19世纪70年代以后,清政府面临着严惩的边疆危机,清政府首先把财政支出重点用于支持西征军费和塞防,至1875-1884年十年间,西征和塞防军事支出达8000万两,占十年间整个国家财政支出的十分之一。1875-1894年20年间,海防经费总共筹款约4200万两,其中一半以及用于北洋海军建设,约1000万两为宫廷所挪用,主要用于修建颐和园,而中法战争的军费支出总数约在3000万两以上,在西征军费和中法战争军费中,债务收占到三分之一,反映了这一时期清朝战时财政对于内外债的依赖程度。  相似文献   

为了对我国东部、中部、西部三类地区中央和地方各级政府承担农村义务教育各项重要经费支出的分担机制做出合理划分,在确定三类地区基本满足当前阶段农村义务教育正常需要的预算内最低保障经费,以及其中的教师工资经费、学校公用经费、基建经费和助学经费等四项经费支出的较为合理的比例关系的基础上,根据各级政府的财政能力,对三类地区中央和地方各级政府承担农村义务教育各项经费的财政责任分工提出具体建议方案,依据此建议方案,对三类地区各级政府分担农村义务教育预算内最低保障经费的数额及其比例关系做模拟测算,据此对建议方案的合理性做出基本判断。  相似文献   

为搞好研训工作,需加强培训需求调研,从实际需要出发分析研训形式及内容需求,能够提高"十二五"研训工作的有效性,也是提升研训工作者专业化水平的重要方式。  相似文献   

The essay deals with regional disparities in the average educational expenditure of every ordinary senior secondary student, including budget funds for education, the proportion appropriated to the ordinary senior high school by the government, tuition fee per student and the proportion of tuition fees of the total educational expenditure. By analyzing the relevant educational and economic indicators, we find that the average educational expenditure and tuition of every student in the western area are lower than those in the eastern and the middle area while the proportion of funds allocated by the government is the highest. However, in the middle area, both of the government appropriation of education funds for every student and its proportion of the total educational expenditure are the lowest in China, but on the other hand the proportion of tuition fee of the total educational expenditure and the income of the rural residents are the highest. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to look at the reasons why there are such differences.  相似文献   

国家“七五”计划曾把内蒙古等民族自治地区划于“西部”之外。1999年下半年中央提出西部大开发战略后,以内蒙古为代表掀起了一场界定西部大开发区域的大论争,他们依据民族区域自治制度,批驳了把“西部”仅仅理解为纯经济区划的观念,坚持了西部大开发的主要目的是要解决少数民族地区与沿海发达省区的经济差异,维护边疆稳定、消除贫困的观点。经过不懈的努力和争取,国家最终以行政法规形式,把内蒙古自治区和广西壮族自治区等少数民族地区列入西部大开发的重点区域。这样不仅在理念上把西部大开发与民族区域自治制度紧密联系在一起,而且还通过法规形式把该理念推向全国加以贯彻落实。  相似文献   

Promoting adult education is a human resources development with short cycles and quick effects and that calls for a certain amount of funds and investment. Starting this year, adult education will be included in the state budget for revenues and expenditures as an additional item. When making arrangement for education expenditures, local financial departments should also incorporate funds needed for adult education in their budgets and allow the funds to increase as the economy moves forward and regular revenues grow. Enterprises should disburse funds needed for employee education according to a prescribed ratio. In addition, shortfalls can be made up in the following ways: Expenses for technological training involving the development of new technology or research on new products may be disbursed directly as a part of the production cost; expenses for staff training may be disbursed from the retained percentage of profit, surplus from block-grant expenditures, and after-tax profit; training expenses for projects of technological development, introduction of foreign technology, and technological innovation, or projects of optimizing the service of certain products (including expenses for sending employees abroad for advanced training) may be disbursed from the project funding itself. Funds for staff education in enterprises should be handled and disposed of by its educational division under the supervision of financial departments. If there is surplus in the funding that cannot be spent in the same year, the surplus can be carried over to the next year. For small-sized enterprises that cannot afford to offer staff education on their own and enterprises that do not run staff education programs efficiently, the departments in charge can set up concentrated staff education facilities and support such facilities with funds taken from respective staff education expenditures. When planning for either urban community construction or newly built enterprises in the future, we should, at the same time, plan for the construction of basic facilities for adult education and incorporate such projects in the investment plan for infrastructure investment projects. The various ministries and regions should set up a few key adult education bases that are better equipped and of a higher quality. In the area of peasant education, expenses that involve eliminating illiteracy, training of teachers, compiling of textbooks, exchange of experience, activities, and so forth, should all be disbursed from educational expenditures by education departments at different levels. Funds for county-run peasants' secondary specialized schools and peasants technical schools of different specialties and types should be raised by the county people's governments under unified arrangements and according to their respective financial strengths. The departments concerned, however, should lend the local governments certain financial aid. Funds for peasants' cultural and technical schools run by townships (towns) can be drawn as a certain percentage from the rural education surcharge, pooling funds from the people, collecting tuition fees, or launching work-study programs.  相似文献   

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