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Following the development of our country's economy during the primary stage of socialism, the task of strengthening vocational and technical education and striving to construct a labor army of superior quality and rigorous discipline will become ever more important. Because our country is now situated in the primary stage of socialism, we cannot set our standards too high regarding the level of education we may provide for cultivating this labor army. In particular, in the broad countryside, this responsibility should rest on the shoulders of junior middle schools.  相似文献   

在社会主义发展历程中,理想与现实的矛盾是始终贯穿其中的一对矛盾。每当我们正确处理两关系时,我们的社会主义就前进,就发展;每当我们处理不当时,我们的社会主义就遭受曲折。要使社会主义在理想与现实中保持平衡,走向健康发展的轨道,必须处理好理想与现实之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):137-143
Many developing countries are in the process of restructuring their higher education system to meet their nation's socio-economic development. As their educational budget is not unlimited, working with international educational institutions has become one of the attractive solutions to improve the quality of their education and to make it relevant to meet their nation's educational demand for economic development. This paper identifies some key issues which have prevented the Vietnamese higher education system from serving effectively its country's open-door policy and provide necessary recommendations to help Vietnam overcome its short-comings and weaknesses. The issues identified together with recommendations, on the other hand, may help some educational policy makers from developed countries select their fields of assistance or cooperation as well as to establish their long term educational strategies to deal with developing countries such as Vietnam.  相似文献   

As we face the arrival of the twenty-first century, in what direction will our country's basic education be striding? Recently, Vice Premier Li Lanqing pointed out that the transition from an exam-oriented education to quality education is a profound reform in the realm of basic education, as well as a natural and inevitable requirement for enhancing the quality of the nation's citizens and the cultivation of people of true ability and talent who will bring us into the next century. This is also an urgent task that the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council have brought forth and assigned to those on the battlefront of basic education. For many years the Liaoning Provincial Education Commission has already put forth continued and persistent effort for the sake of making this switch in tracks. The Commission took the reforming of the secondary and primary schools' admission and examination systems as the breakthrough point for this switching of tracks, and, working in the right direction, it has taken a firm first stride on the path of switching from an exam-oriented education to quality education.  相似文献   

Following the conclusion of a period of educational expansion during the last two decades, developing nations are now focusing attention upon adjusting some of those innovations made during the recent period of quantitative expansion. The paper examines how Trinidad and Tobago has responded to the need for adjustments in education provision during the current post‐expansionist period. In particular the paper analyzes Trinidad and Tobago's current reaction to the nation's system of double‐shift schooling, a device instituted during the 1970s as part of Government's strategy for universal secondary education. Arguments both for and against the shift‐system are presented, and Trinidad and Tobago's insistence that the mechanism should be dismantled is critically examined. Explanations for the approach taken by Trinidad and Tobago towards the nation's double‐shift schooling are drawn from two sources: arguments about the state of the nation's economy, and policies regarding approaches to educational development planning in developing nations.  相似文献   

If we are to bring about the Four Modernizations, we must recognize that our key tools are science and technology and our foundation lies in education. Since the inception of our nation's reform and opening up to the outside world, the provincial Party committee of Fujian and the provincial government have consistently taken the popularization of nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) to be the basis of the growth and development of the entire educational enterprise and have given it their greatest attention. In accordance with the planning and preparations stipulated by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, our provincial Party committee and provincial government have focused solely on accomplishing the educational work of the entire province in the 1980s and 1990s. Then, in 1994, they further resolved that NYCE be basically popularized throughout the province by 1998 and proceeded to mobilize the entire society's forces to fight the battle to popularize NYCE. At this time, the battle has come to its final stage, and in all areas we are pushing toward the goals that have been set, in accordance with the plans and schedules, and fully aware of the need to ensure qualitative as well as quantitative accomplishment.  相似文献   

Comrade Liu Shaoqi was a great Marxist and a proletarian revolutionary; he was an outstanding leader of our Party and state. He consistently emphasized education and was greatly concerned for the growth of our younger generation, and he initiated many important proposals for educational work. From the late 1950s, in compliance with the instructions of the Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong, he strongly advocated a dual educational system. This was a major measure for implementing the Party's educational policy, making education more suited to the needs of the nation's economic development. However, through a counterrevolutionary design to usurp the Party and seize power, Lin Biao, the "Gang of Four," and company deliberately framed Comrade Liu Shaoqi politically and persecuted him personally. They also leveled many unwarranted charges against the dual education system advocated by Comrade Liu and caused severe damage to the nation's education work. While cherishing the memory of Comrade Shaoqi today, we must study again his talk on the dual educational system in our effort to reform education and make it better suited to the requirements of the general task during the new historical period. We are committed to train more and better talented people to achieve the nation's four modernizations at an early date.  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育取得了举世瞩目的成就,但其发展过程中也凸现多种矛盾。经济规律与教育规律,资本寻利性与教育公益性,巨大投资需求与投资渠道单一,规模扩张与质量保障,市场急剧变化性与专业相对稳定性,职业导向与人文导向等矛盾冲突的存在,势必影响我国民办高等教育持续健康发展,应给予正确的认识和对待。  相似文献   

主干专业与拓展专业相叠加的复合式专业平台,突破了现有的教学组织架构和运行模式,要从破解七大矛盾入手,推进拓展专业工作.这七大矛盾是:三年的学制与两个专业的矛盾;学生学习能力偏弱与一专多能目标的矛盾;学生对拓展专业任选的要求与师资设备有限的矛盾;学生横向发展与纵向发展的矛盾;主修专业课程与拓展专业课程排课中的矛盾;主修专业行政班级与拓展专业临时课程班管理上的矛盾;学生拓展与老师拓展的矛盾.  相似文献   

我国的改革已经进入深水区,各种矛盾凸显,威胁到社会的和谐与稳定。但这些矛盾从对立与统一规律这一哲学视角来看,毕竟是属于人民内部的矛盾,同一性大于斗争性,只要把握好矛盾的性质,进行有效的协调并加强现代制度的建设,就能够化解矛盾,实现社会的全面和谐。  相似文献   

经历了十年的发展历程,我国"高校扩招"在目的、实施过程以及实际结果等方面受到了一定的质疑。借鉴发达国家高等教育大众化的经验,联系我国经济和社会发展现实,我国"高校扩招"是教育要适应生产力的必然结果;发展初期的师资不足、质量下滑是高等教育大众化过程中的必经阶段;大学生就业压力的根源在于岗位短缺与人力资源过剩之间的矛盾,高等教育担负就业和普及素质教育的双重任务,就业率不是衡量其质量的唯一指标。  相似文献   

在“中国式”分权背景下,地方政府对本地教育财政投入激励不足。如何发挥地方人大的预决算审查监督职能、构建有效约束机制来提高地方政府教育支出水平,对我国教育事业长远发展具有重大意义。本文以我国各地区推动预算监督法制化为制度背景,以1999—2017年间各省份预算审查监督条例立法作为准自然实验,使用双重差分法研究通过立法加强地方人大预算监督如何影响地方政府教育支出。研究发现:(1)省级预算监督条例立法能够显著增加地方政府的教育财政支出,使教育支出在财政预算支出中的比重平均上升约一个百分点,使地方教育支出占GDP的比重显著提高;(2)异质性分析显示预算监督条例立法对地方政府教育投入的促进作用主要体现在基础教育和中等教育层面,并且在财政分权程度更高或地方主政官员缺乏中央工作经历的地区更加显著。本文的研究表明,推动财政监督法制化是构建现代教育财政治理体系的重要制度基础,强化地方人大预算监督是确保地方教育支出持续稳定增长的有效制度保障。  相似文献   

The ideology of college and university teaching faculty is generally healthy and forward-looking. The broad mass of teachers has placed their hopes in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and their political enthusiasm is at an all-time high. They have adopted the values and moral concepts of socialism and keenly support the reform and development of higher education. At the same time, teachers have expressed concern about problematic aspects of the nation's social and economic development, with some teachers exhibiting ideological tendencies that merit attention. Political and ideological work with teachers must therefore be strengthened in the areas of morality and the overall development of teachers.  相似文献   

"The objective of development education is to enable people to comprehend and participate in their own, their community's, their nation's and their world's development. It is an educational process in which the process is the content. It is a process in which a comprehension of reality and the confidence in one's own ability to change is a primary objective. This means that any process of development education must create a critical awareness of local, national and international situations starting from the perceived reality and perspective of the individual. Equally it must be a process which must create the will to change, and an awareness of the rôle to be played in changing the status quo. Hence it must stimulate creativity.”  相似文献   

肯尼亚大学生抗议活动爆发的强度大,频率高,对肯尼亚高等教育的发展造成了重大的影响。其频繁爆发缘于经济基础与大学扩招之间的矛盾,社会民主化思潮和国家专权化管理之间的矛盾,以及大学生的政治抱负、特点与政治生态之间矛盾的激化。肯尼亚政府对大学生抗议活动采取镇压和有限改革相结合的处理方式。这种反应方式缘于政府对学生认识的偏差,以及二者之间沟通与协调环节的薄弱。由此,肯尼亚大学生和政府需要反思自己的认识和行为。  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思学说的基石.生产力和生产关系,经济基础和上层建筑是社会的基本矛盾,生产力是社会发展的最终决定力量.怎样建设社会主义?建设一个什么样的党?是社会主义社会发展过程中,同一个问题不可分割的两个方面.社会基本矛盾的运动和发展规律是我们党认识自我,明确工作重心,制定路线、方针、政策,认识社会主义,建设社会主义的理论依据.牢牢把握和实践科学的唯物史观是我们党的发展和社会主义事业胜利的根本保证.  相似文献   

State governments are crucial actors in the nation's system of education governance. This issue of the Peabody Journal of Education underscores the wide-ranging roles that state governments play in the oversight, development, and implementation of elementary and secondary education policy in the United States. In this article, I consider these individual analyses by reflecting on the broader themes and patterns that they suggest. I argue that at the dawn of the 21st century, the 50 U.S. states face dynamic challenges that are testing their institutions of governance. States are also simultaneously crossing new frontiers that will influence future policy and opportunities for the nation's students.  相似文献   

Although schools have been identified as important settings in which young people's sexual and reproductive health (SRH) can be promoted, there has been limited research into the role of teachers in delivering sex education programmes. This paper describes findings from a qualitative study of teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards young people's SRH in a Ugandan secondary school, and discusses the ways in which conservative attitudes to young people's sexual activity and an adherence to gender stereotypes can limit students' access to SRH information and services. Teachers' attitudes, beliefs and often superstitions relating to young people's sexual activity inevitably affect the content and nature of school-based sex education. Findings from this preliminary study suggest that, rather than assuming teachers act as neutral delivery mechanisms in schools, these attitudes and beliefs must be taken into consideration and addressed in the development of school-based sex education programmes.  相似文献   

义务教育是我国国民教育的重中之重,因此农村义务教育关系大国民素质的提高。农村义务教育有以下三个主要矛盾:教育资源与教育均衡发展目标的矛盾;教师队伍与素质教育要求的矛盾;经费管理与保障机制规定的矛盾。提高农村义务教育质量的途径包括教育体制的改革和教学方面的改革。  相似文献   

试论教育是对人的发展的干预   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育的一般涵义在于人的改变,而人的改变是人的内、外部世界之间的相互转化。发展是人的内部因素,教育是人的外部因素,教育最后成为对人的发展的干预;教育过程和教育结果并不必然是积极的,因为发展与教育都是由一系列的矛盾范畴组成。笔者提出人的发展有五对矛盾范畴:发展-异化,内化-外化,生长-预设, 解构-建构,人-人的意义;制度化的教育本身就是对人的异化,只有艺术才能协调人的发展的矛盾,故对教育要进行艺术定位。  相似文献   

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