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电大开放教育课程形成性考核作业作为教学过程中的实践性教学环节,反映了开放教育学生的自主学习的效果,是电大对学生自主学习过程进行监控的主要手段,对确保电大教学质量有重要意义。本文分析目前在电大开放教育课程形成性考核作业存在的问题,提出了相应的改进措施,旨在为加强对形成性考核作业的管理,实现课程的教学目标,切实提高电大的教学质量提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《西方经济学》课程是财经类专科起点本科开放教育金融、财会、工商管理等专业必修的基础理论课,包括微观经济学和宏观经济学两大部分,具有很强的理论性和实践性。《西方经济学》课程考核改革主要是利用网络教育技术,开展网上课程考核改革,目的在于加强课程形成性考核和终结性考试的整体设计,把考核与教学过程紧密结合起来,使学习过程落到实处,从而促进学生学习,促进教师与学生的互动,培养学生网上学习的能力,科学测评学生学习效果,为教学反馈信息,最终提高教学质量。  相似文献   

课程考核改革试点有利于充分利用网络教育技术,加强课程形成性考核和终结性考试的整体设计,把考核与教学过程紧密结合起来,使学生的学习过程落到实处,从而促进学生的学习,促进教师与学生的互动,培养学生的网上学习能力,科学测评学生学习效果,为教学反馈信息,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

现代远程教育课程形成性考核质量评价应该符合人才培养模式的目标,体现现代远程教育的特点,设计多元评价标准综合评价学生的学习,反映评价的全面性、过程性和动态性。《宏微观经济学》课程形成性考核改革实践证明,新的形成性考核有利于学生自主学习能力和实践能力的提高。在今后的实践中,需要深入思考和解决一些相关问题。  相似文献   

为了适应"中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"课程考核改革的需要,中国法制史课程网上教学考核方案的设计,充分考虑了开放教育学生在职学习的客观情况和本门课程的特点,力求把教、学、评紧密地结合起来,并在以滁州电大在线平台为中介的教学互动过程中,形成师生之间"以教促学"和"以考促学"的良性循环。使学生学习由考前突击向注重平时学习转变,由被动学习向主动学习转变,从而提高学生自主学习能力,达到提高教学质量的目的。通过形成性考核和终结性考试相结合的方式,全面检测评价学生的学习过程、学习行为和学习成果,促进学生学习目标的实现。  相似文献   

远程开放教育中形成性考核的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据现代远程教育的特点,课程考核采取形成性考核和总结性考核相结合的方式。通过形成性考核,可加强对学生学习过程的引导、指导和管理,改善教与学相对分离的状态,培养学生养成自主学习的习惯,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

形成性考核做为远程开放教育质量保证体系的重要组成部分,在强化素质教育,加强开放教育教学过程管理,及时反馈学习信息,科学测评学生学习效果,促进学生自主学习等方面发挥了积极作用,但随着开放教育试点项目的逐步深入,形成性考核也亟待完善。  相似文献   

生物制品基础与技术课程是生物制药技术专业的核心课程,过程性考核是加强教学过程管理,科学测评学生学习效果,促进学生自主学习,提高学生综合素质和能力的重要途径,黑龙江农垦职业学院在该课程教学中应用了过程性考核评价,实践证明效果较好。  相似文献   

开放教育"综合英语"课程形成性考核的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过分析对比关于"综合英语"形成性考核册使用情况的两次问卷调查,论述了形成性考核对学生自主学习过程的有效监控作用了解学生学习进展情况,督促学生自主完成学习任务,帮助学生及时发现学习中存在的问题并加以改进.同时,提出了当前该系列课程形成性考核中存在的一些问题,如形成性考核内容与形式过于单一,缺乏更多英语语言操作练习;辅导教师批阅反馈周期过长,达不到促进学习的作用;学生和教师对形成性考核在自主学习过程中作用的认识有待提高.最后,提出了一些具体的改进意见地方电大就进一步理解和重视形成性考核,将形成性考核落实到日常教学过程中;增加针对每个单元所学内容(词汇、语法、对话和阅读等)的相关练习题目;简化单元记录卡的形式.  相似文献   

“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究倡导学生个别化自主学习。如何加强学生学习环节的管理,保证学生学习质量,是开放教育质量保证体系建设的新问题,也是开放教育教学过程管理的关键。将形成性考核作为加强教学过程管理改革的切入点,将形成性考核分为“教学内容考核”和“教学管理考核”两部分,经试点过程中的对比实验,效果比较明显。  相似文献   

网上形成性考核是电大推动网上教学改革、保证开放教育教学质量的重要组成部分,它既是"以学生为中心"理念在电大教育管理中的践行,也是开放大学对完善的学习支持服务更高的要求。对于网上形成性考核方式的过程性和时效性的高要求,开放教育需要提供完善的教学支持服务来保证学生学习过程的完成和教学目的的实现。多向沟通、多方核实、前期培训、过程管理和后期反馈支持服务体系将可以保证网上形成性考核目的的实现。  相似文献   

基于网络的形成性考核是开放教育改革过程中的重要举措,对提高开放教育学员的学习质量有重要作用。基于网络的形成性考核目前还处于探索和完善阶段,如何进一步深化形成性考核改革,提高形成性考核质量是当前急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Using Assessment for Learning and Learning from Assessment   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Innovation in assessment is no longer an option in higher education in Britain if we examine the aims and the claims that are being made. From the Dearing Report to our module guides, we claim to wish to support independent and life-long learning, put the students at the heart of the learning process and to help students take responsibility for their own learning. This cannot be done without including students in mainstream summative assessment and without reconciling the contradictions that currently contribute to impeding the students this access. This article will look briefly at the aims of higher education, provide an overview of current thinking on student learning and formative assessment as a framework for offering one possible practical solution to the problem. This possible solution is Taras's (2001) version of student self-assessment which works within the theoretical framework of Sadler's (1989) theory of formative assessment and of what we know about student learning.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between formative assessment and social software. Formative assessment practices though beneficial for student learning become marginalised and constrained in open and distance learning environments in higher education. Feedback is a key factor in formative assessment and learners can benefit from the deployment of emerging technologies and the opportunities for participation and dialogue afforded by social software. This paper explores and proposes a conceptual framework for this relationship. The claim is that the social dimensions of emerging technologies – specifically, blogs and wikis – allow for formative assessment practices to be re‐invented or at the very least facilitated by essentially participative and student‐focussed interventions. A comparison of these technologies against formative assessment mechanisms identifies the types of processes that these new tools might best support to encourage effective feedback approaches that both empower the learner and enhance their learning experience.  相似文献   

In contrast to theoretical and empirical insights from research into formative assessment in compulsory schooling, understanding the relationship between formative assessment, motivation and learning in vocational education has been a topic neglected by researchers. The Improving Formative Assessment project (IFA) addresses this gap, using a sociocultural approach to explore the relationship between formative assessment practices and ‘learning cultures’ in vocational education. This article explores the influence of learning cultures in vocational education on the practice of formative assessment and evaluates critically two closely related questions. Why do some learning cultures foster formative assessment that leads to instrumental learning while others develop deeper forms of learning? When is formative assessment a springboard for sustainable learning, and when does it remain an instrumental straitjacket?  相似文献   

本文分析了远程教育在课程设计、教师导学、学生自学和日常考核中存在的“过程缺失”现象,提出要把握课程教学节奏,进行渐进式学习设计;发挥教师多向导学作用,培植学生自主学习能力;强化学习过程考核,调整学业评价结构。  相似文献   

This study arose in response to a perceived need for additional teacher support for assessment in physical education and the limited focus in physical education pedagogy literature on the impact of Assessment for Learning (AfL), in particular the impact of formative assessment on student learning. The study involved the refinement and evaluation of a post‐primary physical education planning framework with assessment instruments for use by teachers. A number of teachers were engaged in the development of assessment and planning materials, the trialling of these in school settings and their subsequent refinement based on the feedback received from the teaching and learning setting. The study was contingent on teachers cultivating a learning culture within their class. Students’ and teachers’ experiences of AfL are reported before highlighting some of the challenges that remain in investigating formative assessment.  相似文献   

在“双减”政策背景下,中小学既要大力压减考试次数,严格控制作业数量,又要确保教育教学的高质量发展,提供令家长满意的高品质教育,所以必须加大学生学业评价改革的探索力度。一些可行的改革策略主要有:去繁就简,简化评价设计,提高评价效率;改进结果评价,深化命题改革,探索表现性评价;强化过程评价,评学结合,以评促学。有了学业评价改革的配套支撑,轻负高质的教育才有望真正实现。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study of classroom practice of primary school teachers who were engaged in a programme of professional development to implement formative assessment in their classrooms. The programme sought to develop the skills and expertise of teachers to enable formative assessment to be used to support and improve the learning of students. This study examined changes in practice in these teachers’ classrooms, their students’ learning experiences, pedagogical decision‐making, and the challenges experienced by teachers and students in developing assessment for learning. Activity theory was used as an analytical tool and enabled the identification of important contradictions in the changing system that produced tensions and difficulties but also provided driving forces for change. The development of formative assessment practices was of necessity accompanied by a culture change in the complex classroom systems. For teachers change was characterised as a process of expansive learning that was motivated by a contradiction between the teachers’ beliefs about learning and the existing culture in the classroom. The change in classroom practice was enabled by the formative assessment philosophy and a range of mediating artefacts.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the literature on teacher inquiry (TI) to explore the possibility that this process can equip teachers to investigate students’ learning as a step towards the process of formative assessment. We draw a distinction between formative assessment and summative forms of assessment [CRELL. (2009). The transition to computer-based assessment: New approaches to skills assessment and implications for large-scale testing. In F. Scheuermann & J. Björnsson (Eds.), JRC Scientific and technical reports. Ispra: Author; Webb, M. (2010). Beginning teacher education and collaborative formative e-assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35, 597–618; EACEA. (2009). National testing of pupils in Europe: Objectives, organisation and use of results. Brussels: Eurydice; OECD. (2010b). Assessing the effects of ICT in education (F. Scheuermann & E. Pedró, Eds.). Paris: JRC, OECD]. Our review of TI is combined with a review of the research concerning the way that practices with technology can support the assessment process. We conclude with a comparison of TI and teacher design research from which we extract the characteristics for a method of TI that can be used to develop technology-enhanced formative assessment: teacher inquiry into student learning. In this review, our primary focus is upon enabling teachers to use technology effectively to inquire about their students’ learning progress.  相似文献   

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