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本文采用叙事探究方法,研究大学英语教师在评估改革中的身份转变及其影响因素。本文在一名大学英语教师评估实践故事的基础上,分析该教师在评估改革中的“实际身份”与“目标身份”,及其身份转变过程。研究发现,教师身份是个经历“变”与“不变”的复杂过程。本文指出,教师身份是在社会和历史两大维度的交织影响下,在专业自我和个人自我两大力量的冲突、协商与调和中,构建和发展起来的。  相似文献   

触屏信息时代下的90后大学生对课堂里来自教师有限的“口头信息”和来自课本静态的“纸质知识”乃至“众随一人”的师生关系,从不满足发展到软抵制,课堂危机由此产生。本文依据“有效教学”的相关理念,针对当下大学英语的教学模式、课堂形态、师生关系、评价体系进行了反思。只有彻底地把课堂还给学生,在教材、教法、评价、角色、任务等各个环节保障实现学生真正自主、合作、探究式学习,才是解决课堂危机最根本的出路 。  相似文献   

外语教师在课堂教学中的角色转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国外语教学改革的重要课题之一,是深入研究教师在课堂教学中所应扮演的角色,并迅速完成其角色转换。外语教师应该花大力气去研究如何引起学生学和帮助学生学,以培养能力为目标,进行精心细致的备课,用实践活动作课堂教学的主线,使外语课堂教学从知识灌输型转化为能力培养型。如此,则必然给外语课堂教学带来革命性变化,实现大幅度提高外语教学质量的目标。  相似文献   

作为大学的两大支柱,教学是根本,科研是关键; 但当前大学普遍存在着教学与科研错位的学术生态失衡现象。为了探索破解教学与科研的“悖谬” ,本文立足于大学培养人才的本体功能, 摒弃以往“孰轻孰重” 的跷跷板思维惯式,重构教学与科研的价值关系,倡导教学的学术研究, 即以教学为本, 实现科研兴教。确立高校“科研的教育性原则” ,不仅对外语教师专业自主发展、 提升教学生产力具有重要的战略意义, 而且是大学得以充分履行其基本职能的关键所在。  相似文献   

目前,高等职业教育的课程体系制订迫切需要变革观念。在课程门类的设置,仅用“加加减减”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“学科”体系,重构“生产”体系。在课程结构的安排,仅用“翻新和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“三段”旧模式,重构“生产过程”新模式。在理论课程和实践课程的关系处理上,仅用“加减和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“分离”模式,重构“一体”模式。  相似文献   

在语言磨蚀 30 多年的研究历程中,雅柯布逊回归假设的验证一直是该领域的研究热点之一。然而, 通过实证研究验证且符合雅柯布逊回归假设预期的目标成分,均局限于词法和句法, 并不包含词汇。为此, 本文针对 116 名中国大学毕业生,采用接受性词汇测量方法, 分析了外语词汇学习和磨蚀的动态过程, 从理论上阐释了动态过程的特点。所得基本结论如下: ( 1) 外语词汇与词法和句法等一样,在磨蚀过程中均表现出明显的回归性,符合雅柯布逊回归假设的预期; ( 2) 外语词汇磨蚀的回归性表现为“先学习的外语词汇, 后磨蚀” ; ( 3) 以“BIA-d 模型” 为核心的“外语词汇学习与磨蚀的理论模型” ,既可用于外语词汇学习过程的分析,也可用于磨蚀回归性的阐释。  相似文献   

本文介绍了孙爱群教授如何转变学生的思想,充分调动学生学习的积极性,从而使“要我学”转变到“我要学”和“我乐学”。充分尊重学生的主体地位与充分发挥老师的主导作用相结合,业务教学与思想教育相结合,理论教学与实践教学相结合,课堂教学与科学研究相结合,严谨的科学态度与和谐的教学艺术相结合。从而使教与学紧密结合,教学气氛融洽轻松,教学效果突出。  相似文献   

为培养21世纪具有外语终身学习能力的大学生,教师必须注重培养他们的自主学习能力;而在训练学生自主学习能力的教学过程中,教师必须对自己在新教学模式中的角色重新定位.本文试图批判传统教学模式的不足,并提出全新的大学外语课堂教学模式,最后在新教学模式下对大学外语教师的角色重新予以定位.  相似文献   

中国译论与中国话语   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有没有中国特色翻译学不是一个理论问题,而是一个实践问题。中外互译实践与印欧语之间互译实践的不同决定了中国特色翻译学是个必然的选择。理论问题说到底就是话语权,建设中国特色翻译学的过程就是争夺中国翻译话语权的过程。中国译论“失语”的原因是过去百年来的过度“西化”,建设中国特色翻译学的途径之一是跳出西方框架,回归中国语境,寻找中国话语。从“文质之争”到“信达雅”的提出,证明中国译学传统是一个不同于西方的文章学传统。  相似文献   

本文从开放教育环境下外语课堂教学的现状分析出发,论述了在这一环境下外语教师的角色要求和相应的职能,同时提出外语教师在开放教育环境下应主要充当导学者、推动者、辅导者和协调者的角色,从适应教学改革的角度对外语教师今后的教学提出了一些建设性的建议。  相似文献   

发展性课堂评价能更好地促进学生的学习,这一论断已被国际评估专家和教育团体普遍认可。然而在实践中,用发展性课堂评价取代传统的终结性评价并非易事。从国外相关研究来看,教育研究、评价研究、大规模评估、教育政策、教师的职业发展和教师信念是对发展性课堂评价产生影响的六种主要因素。同时,实施发展性课堂评价时还应该考虑时间和教师自主权问题。  相似文献   

This is a narrative inquiry into the role of professional development in the construction of teaching practice by an exemplary urban high school science teacher. I collected data during 3 years of ethnographic participant observation in Marie Gonzalez’s classroom. Marie told stories about her experiences in ten years of professional development focused on inquiry science teaching. I use a social practice theory lens to analyze my own stories as well as Marie’s. I make the case that science teaching is best understood as mediated by socially-constructed identities rather than as the end-product of knowledge and beliefs. The cognitive paradigm for understanding teachers’ professional learning fails to consistently produce transformations of teaching practice. In order to design professional development with science teachers that is generative of new knowledge, and is self-sustaining, we must understand how to build knowledge of how to problematize identities and consciously use social practice theory.  相似文献   

教师的教学行为对课程实施效果和课堂教学质量起着至为关键的作用。调查表明,研究性学习指导教师的教学行为呈现出多元和复杂的特征。多数教师认同新课程倡导的教学方式和学习方式,但在实践中要践行这种理念会遭遇很多困境,教师教学行为与课程改革的要求有一定的差距。变革教师教学行为的有效路径和策略包括引导教师从学生发展的角度认识教育的价值,提升教师变革动力;建构具有共同的价值观和教育理想的学校文化;重建合作开放的教师专业文化;构建基于人格和谐发展的课程评价体系;建立动态互惠的院校合作伙伴关系;以教师专业发展理论为指导改进教师培训模式,提升教师的课程实施能力等。  相似文献   

This study compared pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their professional competencies at two campuses of a large regional teacher education university, where one campus provided students 22% more hours of professional placement in schools and related educational settings. Students who had experienced more hours in schools and such settings were more positive about their, ability to apply their knowledge of students and how they learn, classroom management, professional knowledge and practice, and community engagement; however, when students felt well supported during professional experience, such differences diminished. Additional hours were not associated with pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their ability to apply subject content and teaching; plan, assess and report; and effective student communication. Researchers argued that this pointed to the crucial role of good classroom mentors in teacher professional experience but also the value of students’ tertiary teacher education in preparing them for classroom teaching.  相似文献   

This study describes teachers’ experiences in a preschool professional learning community (PLC) in order to gain understanding of the role of documentation in group learning. A central underlying assumption of PLCs is that teacher learning involves talking with colleagues about teaching and grappling with the issues embodied in everyday classroom life. We utilized a qualitative case study design in order to emphasize the situated and contextual nature of teachers’ professional learning in context. Data sources included the following: observations of PLC sessions, interviews with participating teachers, and the classroom documentation teachers shared during the sessions. We found that the incorporation of documentation in the PLC made implicit assumptions about children visible in order to be scrutinized. In addition, the teachers’ reflections on the documentation highlighted conflicting notions about teaching as either technical practice or inquiry. In contrast to traditional delivery approaches to teacher learning, we argue that PLCs focused on documentation encourage teachers to problematize practice rather than simplify it. The process of reflecting on children’s work made shifts in thinking about the nature of teaching possible.  相似文献   

探讨并分析了教师绩效结构的五个维度,即师德、学科素养、课堂教学、学生学习和班主任工作。提出教师绩效评价必然将教师的专业发展与学生的全面发展相联系;必须基于教育教学改善、专业思考和协商参与,增进教师对教育教学的理解并改善实践;必须促使教师从个体竞争走向团体竞争。  相似文献   

The teacher’s body has a dubious status within contemporary pedagogic practice. The impact of progressivism in many western countries, with its emphasis on student‐centred learning, has resulted in a marginalisation of the teacher’s role in many classrooms. While its influence appears to be waning, in Australian primary schools, student‐centred methodologies such as group‐based and independent learning tend to dominate classroom practice. Relegated to the role of facilitator the teacher’s overall presence and bodily impact in classrooms has been greatly reduced. Drawing on a study of the practice of two kindergarten teachers in two schools in Sydney, Australia, this article will examine the ways in which they embody pedagogic space, the regimen they create and the techniques they employ in teaching their students how to write. In a sense the title ‘Disparate bodies’ has a dual focus. Not only does it relate to the different ways in which the two teachers deploy their bodies in the classroom, it also refers to the differential embodiment of their students which results from the affects that their teachers’ pedagogies engender.  相似文献   

This article shares teachers’ conversations within teacher inquiry groups and considers how this reflective approach has potential for transforming teachers’ practices. Conversations took place at the early stages of a longer teacher inquiry project and centred on the critical interrogation of social justice-oriented children’s literature. These conversations served as a forum to help teacher professional learning communities and to reconcile understandings about social justice, action and agency within larger political and cultural forums of teaching. The teacher inquiry sessions shared in this paper explore teachers’ beginning struggles with conceptualizations of social justice, and the teacher’s role in imparting values to students. Teacher participants imparted their experience and practice as they negotiated their own understanding and implementation of social justice education in their schools. The teacher inquiry groups provided a needed supportive space where classroom teachers’ struggles were shared alongside their beliefs and pedagogical approaches so that a social justice agenda could be achieved.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study looks closely at an elementary teacher who participated in professional development experiences that helped her develop a hybrid practice of using inquiry-based science to teach both science content and English language development (ELD) to her students, many of whom are English language learners (ELLs). This case study examines the teacher’s reflections on her teaching and her students’ learning as she engaged her students in science learning and supported their developing language skills. It explicates the professional learning experiences that supported the development of this hybrid practice. Closely examining the pedagogical practice and reflections of a teacher who is developing an inquiry-based approach to both science learning and language development can provide insights into how teachers come to integrate their professional development experiences with their classroom expertise in order to create a hybrid inquiry-based science ELD practice. This qualitative case study contributes to the emerging scholarship on the development of teacher practice of inquiry-based science instruction as a vehicle for both science instruction and ELD for ELLs. This study demonstrates how an effective teaching practice that supports both the science and language learning of students can develop from ongoing professional learning experiences that are grounded in current perspectives about language development and that immerse teachers in an inquiry-based approach to learning and instruction. Additionally, this case study also underscores the important role that professional learning opportunities can play in supporting teachers in developing a deeper understanding of the affordances that inquiry-based science can provide for language development.  相似文献   

As new technologies promise to be an enduring feature of the landscape of teachers’ work, we consider how teachers implicitly bring stories forward into their classroom explorations with new media as a part of their ‘informal learning’. By ‘stories’ is meant specific classroom texts as well as preferred teacher practices with those texts. The article represents a reflection on the methodological role that ‘elicitation’ can play in drawing out teacher thinking during a time of professional change, thinking that would otherwise likely remain embedded, particularly when teachers’ attention is focused forward on innovation in practice. The methodological use of ‘elicitation’ emerged in the first year of an ongoing teacher action research study, in which seven teachers have been involved in a professional development initiative that actively engages teachers in examining changing literacy formations, beginning with the teachers’ own literacy formations. The methodological practice of elicitation borrows from phenomenology, ethnomethodology, narrative research, reader response theories, curriculum theory and psychoanalysis, and emerged as a way to acknowledge the life histories that teachers were bringing to their professional development with new media. We suggest that elicitation can potentially draw out deep and sustaining sources of a teacher’s commitment, as well as resistance, to change. It can help disclose the tensions between commitment and resistance that even teachers who voluntarily undertake to incorporate new technologies into their practice may experience. Within a teacher action research framework, elicitation can also serve to remind teachers (and others) of the value of what they know and are learning, thus contributing to teachers developing a ‘scholarship of practice’ in response to any actual or perceived ‘intensification’ of their work.  相似文献   

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