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自我控制能力是儿童心理发展的重要方面,也是小学阶段有效学习的基本条件。阐述了儿童自我控制能力及学习适应不良的含义及两者的相互关系。儿童自我控制能力是逐渐发展的,学习适应不良也是慢慢形成的。儿童期的自我控制能力与小学学习适应不良关系密切,学习适应不良问题的解决应该从提高儿童自我控制能力入手。  相似文献   

国外父母数学教育观念研究进展及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
父母教育观念是父母教育素质的关键组成部分,它不仅直接影响父母的教育行为,而且直接或间接影响着儿童的发展.父母数学教育观念作为父母教育观念的重要分支之一,对儿童数学认知发展起着举足轻重的作用.本文对近20年国外父母数学教育观念研究及其成果,特别是父母对子女数学能力的评价、数学学业发展的期望和数学认知发展的归因等三个方面进行了深入的概括分析,并在此基础上提出了对今后父母数学教育观念研究方向与思路的建议.  相似文献   

通过对兰州市幼儿园幼儿发展评价的现状调查与研究分析,得出以下结论:幼儿发展评价的开展频次以每学期或每月开展的居多;评价所采用的方法以观察记录为主;如何构建一个适合本园特色的评价指标体系成为各园普遍面临的问题;评价的内容以健康领域的评价开展的最为广泛;评价主体以教师与家长为主要的占大多数等等。  相似文献   

婴幼儿发展性评价是关注婴幼儿发展过程的评价,它强调发挥评价"促进发展"的功能,强调评价内容的全面性,强调评价主体和评价方法的多元化,强调评价对婴幼儿原有发展状态的改进作用.婴幼儿发展性评价符合当前学前教育改革的需要.婴幼儿发展性评价以指向性、即时性、情境性、个别性为主要特征,具有导向、诊断、记录等功能,遵循建议性、过程性、多元性、全面性原则,能促进教师、婴幼儿、课程三方面的共同发展.  相似文献   

本文介绍了5种幼儿叙事测评工具,包括麦克阿瑟系列故事测验(MSSB)、依恋故事测验(ASCT)、分离焦虑测验(SAT)、情绪认知测验(EKI)和情绪理解测验(EUPI)。这些工具主要用于考察幼儿心理社会化的发展水平,测评内容包括亲子依恋/冲突、安全和不安全依恋、分离焦虑、基本情绪或自我意识情绪理解等方面。利用叙事测评工具可以直接测评幼儿的心理特点,为儿童心理学研究者、临床心理医生和幼儿教育工作者提供了测评幼儿心理特点的新工具。  相似文献   

儿童发展评价是对儿童身体、认知、品德与社会性等方面的发展所进行的价值判断。社会文化理论视野下的发展是指在某一方向上质的变化,发展的方向部分地取决于文化、人际之间的需要以及特定的环境。这样一种定义就使得儿童发展评价发生了一系列的变化:从静态到动态、教学与评价从分离到结合,以及注重在真实情境中的评价。  相似文献   

Although standardized and psychometrically-sound instruments for assessing children's coping are essential to both clinical practice and theory development, there have been few systematic efforts to design such measures. This review of assessment instruments compatible with the Lazarus and Folkman (1984) formulation of coping reveals a limited number of instruments but great diversity in the types of techniques employed to assess the coping of children and adolescents. Types of measures critiqued include projective techniques, interviews, questionnaires, and behavioral observation scales. A comprehensive assessment procedure is proposed and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The French language development of children adopted (n=24) from China was compared with that of control children matched for socioeconomic status, sex, and age. The children were assessed at 50 months of age, on average, and 16 months later. The initial assessment revealed that the 2 groups did not differ with respect to socioemotional adjustment or intellectual abilities. However, the adopted children's expressive language skills were significantly lower than those of the nonadopted children at both assessments. The receptive language skills were also significantly weaker for the adopted children at the second assessment. The results are discussed in terms of possible early age-of-acquisition effects that might affect adopted children's ability to acquire a second first language.  相似文献   

当前,我国缺乏独立的、专业的特殊儿童教育评估机构和统一的、明确的特殊儿童教育评估体系。对特殊儿童进行科学评估,不仅能够帮助特殊儿童及其家庭选择适合自身实际情况的教育,而且有助于其正确面对和解决各阶段发展上的困难,促进特殊儿童在教育体系内顺利转衔,对特殊儿童的教育和发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

儿童的“提问”在某种程度上就是人类哲学的胚胎。进入儿童的问题世界,可以发现儿童对本原的追问,对认识的追问,对美德的追问。儿童的“提问”是生命个体内部矛盾的真实反映,表达了其认识发生发展的过程。如果将儿童某个维度的“提问”用时间的链条串起来审视,我们会看到个体“提问”的演进过程。提问是儿童认识世界、把握世界的一种方式,是儿童存在的一种方式。  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

Using four traditional false-belief tasks, I investigated deaf children's age and expressive language skills in relation to their theory of mind development. The children's parents who signed reported on their own knowledge of a mental sign vocabulary. The results indicate age of the child to be strongly related to theory of mind development. Deaf children demonstrated an ability to pass the theory of mind assessment battery between the ages of 7 and 8 years, on average. In comparison, hearing children have consistently demonstrated the ability to perform such tasks between the ages of 4 and 5 years. Therefore, the results indicate deaf children are delayed by approximately 3 years in this cognitive developmental milestone. Expressive language skills of the children and sign language skills of the parents who signed were not found to be significantly related to the children's theory of mind development.  相似文献   

幼儿教师的非正式评价是幼儿园日常工作之一,幼儿教师每天都对幼儿进行各个方面的评价,非正式评价对幼儿的发展起着重要的作用。但教师的非正式评价还存在着如评价不公平,评价不恰当等问题。那么是什么影响幼儿教师的非正式评价行为成为本研究的焦点,研究表明教师的个性、刻板印象、评价情境等成为影响幼儿教师非正式评价行为的主要因素。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来。美国学前儿童艺术教育在政府干预下迅速发展。美国学前儿童艺术教育在目标、内容、途径、评价等方面独具特色:儿童艺术教育以全体儿童的整体发展为目标,构建生活化、综合化的儿童艺术教育内容,打造幼儿园与社区联合的艺术教育生态圈,形成了日益完善的儿童艺术教育测评体系和宽容开放的多元文化艺术教育等。美国学前儿童...  相似文献   

儿童文化的本质是一种审美文化,艺术与审美渗透到了儿童生活的方方面面。在儿童文化视角下审视儿童艺术,二者之间呈现出整体与部分、本质与表征、限制与被限制的关系。幼儿艺术教育本应更多地受到儿童文化的观照,然而当前成人文化处于霸权地位,导致幼儿艺术教育中儿童文化的缺场与儿童文化的自觉困境,幼儿艺术教育发展呈现出从艺术教育目标、内容、方法、评价到环境的异化样态。为此,要针对幼儿艺术教育各个要素的异化样态进行纠正与积极建设,让其目标设定从成人视角转向儿童视角,内容从分裂转向整合,方法从机械转向创造,评价从注重结果转向关注过程,环境从封闭转向开放,让儿童文化重新回归幼儿艺术教育。  相似文献   

儿童动作协调能力的发展对儿童的身心健康成长具有重要的意义,儿童的遗传素质和成熟水平是儿童动作协调能力发展的基础,后天培养方式对儿童动作协调能力的发展也会产生重要的影响.为促进儿童动作协调能力的健康顺利发展,教师要根据运动规律和儿童的身心发展特点,采取多种运动形式对儿童动作协调能力进行训练.  相似文献   

在现行的基础教育框架下,语文教师要拓宽语文教育改革的空间,寻求自身的专业发展,除了要有坚定的信念,树立有可为的思想外,还必须着眼于教师对学生的态度转变上,切实转变教师教育观念,变"纤夫式"教师观为"牧者式"教师观,即教师是学生的服务者、帮助者、保护者,而不是他们的替代者,为学生的持续发展打下良好的基础。将语文课堂变为激扬学生生命的课堂,相信儿童与生俱来的学习能力,欣赏儿童生命的自然表现,确立"以学生的发展为中心"的生本教育理念,并以此作为当前语文教师专业发展的核心理念。  相似文献   

Here we wished to determine how the sub-components of Working Memory (Phonological-Loop and Central Executive) influence children's arithmetical development. Specifically, we aimed at distinguishing between Working Memory inhibition and updating processes within the Central Executive, and the domain-specificity (words and numbers) of both subcomponents in a population of children with low attainment in arithmetic and their age matched typically-attaining controls. We show that both groups were similar for phonological loop abilities, while Working Memory updating demonstrated a domain-specific modulation related to the level of children's arithmetical performance. Moreover, inhibition processes interacted with domain-specificity and arithmetical attainment. These results are particularly relevant to the diagnostic assessment of arithmetical ability and should be considered in existing tests of arithmetical development.  相似文献   

秘密是人类共同的经验,是儿童成长经历的一个显著特征。秘密不仅指那些藏在我们内心深处的东西,也可指那些我们只愿意与某些人分享的东西。秘密影响着个人性格特征的塑造、自我意识的形成以及人际关系的发展等。秘密在儿童的成长中作用在于秘密促进儿童自我意识的形成和发展、秘密促进儿童人际关系的发展。但目前我们对秘密的教育作用关注不够,学校、家庭、现代媒体往往明显或潜在地侵犯儿童的秘密。尊重儿童、关注儿童,需要我们为儿童创设一个秘密的空间,保持秘密和监管之间的平衡、加强对现代媒体的监督,让秘密促进孩子健康成长。  相似文献   

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