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社区博物馆自引入以来,一直被理解为一种保护地域文化与生活的乘载工具,对经济议题缺乏研究,使我国社区博物馆实践普遍充满挫败感,直接导致社区博物馆理念在我国的不适与质疑。以此为切入点,通过社区博物馆与内生式发展理念的融合研究,从背景解读,理念的载体、进化、本土化及其彼此关联进行分析,提出了社区博物馆理念架构下的内生式发展是我国乡村地域可持续发展的理想形式,并结合日本乡村地域创生实例以期对我国本土化实践的启迪。  相似文献   

乡村遗产承载着人类与自然和谐相处的生态智慧,有机农业技术体系、敬畏自然人文精神和丰富的地方性知识都是未来生态文明社会建立和发展的重要基石。原真性保护、“疾风暴雨”式的利用和乡村文化自信消失,是当前乡村遗产保护的主要误区。从地方性知识共建出发,探索传统村落乡村振兴乡村遗产活化利用发展模式,是实现乡村建设生态文明的理想路径。  相似文献   

河南省郑州市启动国家森林城市创建活动。在强化落实常规绿化的同时,整合地域规划,把社区小面积绿化和地域大面积绿化、小景观和大景观相结合,科学合理地将城市社区和地域生态环境融为一体;大小区域内乔、灌、花、草与休闲融为一体;文化历史与景观环境融为一体。有效地促进了城市生态环境的改善,以靓丽的生态风光展现出对城市居民的人文关怀。  相似文献   

潘玥 《中国名城》2020,(4):34-44
在乡村振兴的目标下,建成遗产该如何保护和存续在许多国家均是难题。通过追溯英国处置乡村中的风土建筑这一建成遗产的重要组构部分的整体特点,对其价值认知、保护历程及规划体系的形成,进一步结合科兹沃尔德乡村保护案例的规划政策分析,从三个方面分析了英国风土建筑保护的策源力。即包括贵族乡绅在内的精英阶层对乡村自然景观营造和保护旨趣一直有其社会传统性;赞美自然和乡村生活的浪漫主义者进一步通过包含风土建筑在内的英国风景建构为英格兰的民族身份认知物;英国作为工业革命的产生地,较早开始对工业文明的进程带来的后果进行反思,保护乡村的建成遗产及其整体环境作为善性立法和公共利益优先的原则的体现,并较早地通过制度建立被纳入正当化、合法性的保护框架中。最后指出英国社会普遍达成的有关风土建筑及其文化地景整体性保护的共识与规划制度的配合是英国乡村大范围的建成遗产能够被成功保护的关键所在。  相似文献   

所谓乡村景观,是指构建在自然景观之上,以农田景观为主,辅以优美的生态风光、厚重的乡土气息、朴实的乡风民俗,形成人文与自然深度融合的、极具开发价值的景观体。城市化进程的发展促使农村面貌发生了巨大改变,同时,也对乡村景观带来了重大影响。基于此,如何保护乡村景观的全貌与特征是乡村景观规划中不得不思考的问题。本文从文化地理视角出发,对乡村景观规划进行了深入研究,旨在摆脱传统乡村规划模式,避免乡土文化的流失。  相似文献   

历史街区公众认知画像研究,有助于深入理解公众主体对街区客体空间特征、文化价值的认知逻辑,针对性指导“存量时代”历史街区遗产资源活化利用与文化传承。为此,根据环境行为学科的“认知画像”理论,建构了历史街区公众认知画像分析方法。以北京南锣鼓巷历史街区为研究样本,对不同性别、源地、年龄主体进行了认知画像分析,获得“男性注重空间结构与人文信息,女性注重景观细部与审美体验;外地游客关注标志景点与传统民俗,本地市民关注日常生活与休闲景观;老年人倾向活力景观与建筑遗产,中年人倾向清寂环境与品质空间,青年人倾向潮玩元素与解构文化”等特征结论;同时,从空间环境更新、业态设施更新、节庆活动策划、空间分区导览和游线订制推介五方面提出了基于群类、个体认知画像的历史街区遗产资源活化利用与展示导览策略。上述结论、方法可为城市历史街区主客认知交互研究与保护更新方法创新提供参考。  相似文献   

风景名胜区周边涵盖大量本土乡村,随着旅游业价值提升,旅游产品挤压乡村空间,导致原始乡村空间异化,乡村空间从传统的农业生产、生活空间异化转变为复合型空间。以大理三月街片区为例,以问题为导向,从生产、生活、生态等方面分析三月街片区成为"灯下黑"的原因,针对风景名胜区边缘型乡村的现状及问题,提出合理重构"生产、生活、生态"空间、提升乡村"造血"功能、与风景名胜区共建共享、提倡公共参与等发展路径。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,乡村建设问题已经逐步上升到国家战略层面,特别是在机构改革已经完成,国土空间规划已经起步,乡村振兴全面推进的大背景下,以往仅重点针对乡村建设空间的单一规划编制路径已无法全面、科学地管控县域乡村发展。在梳理县域乡村建设规划编制的政策发展历程及研究现状基础上,以问题导向-目标导向-结果导向为研究脉络,对空间辨识、空间战略、空间格局3方面内容进行分析。发现县域村镇空间布局存在域面乡村体系规划缺位、缺乏整体系统考量、弱化生态和生产空间控制的问题,确定全域统筹、多规融合、分区分级、分类管控以及底线控制5条基本战略,以实现生产、生活、生态空间的协同发展。同时,结合山西省平陆县县域乡村建设规划实践,尝试通过村镇体系重构、空间管制分区划定、绿色产业体系建构、乡村风貌建设、整治导则编制等策略,探索县域层面乡村"三生"空间协同发展路径。  相似文献   

我国乡村旅游发展现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村旅游是旅游业与农业合二为一的新兴产业,能够使生态效益转化为经济利益,成为充分利用资源、促进经济发展的手段,为农民增收开辟了新的途径.我国乡村旅游发展尚处于初级阶段,其发展中面临着一系列问题,应采取农游结合、科学规划、加大投资力度、搞好基础设施建设、建立科学的管理制度、加大政府宏观调控力度等对策推动其进一步发展.  相似文献   

唐广宇 《职业圈》2007,(11X):85-86
文章以社区体育服务管理为研究对象,采用文献资料研究、逻辑分析等研究方法,多角度从社区体育服务信息管理的特点、社区体育服务信息管理的作用、社区体育服务信息管理的实施以及社区体育服务信息管理应注意的问题四个方面展开论述,以期有助于促进我国转型期的社区体育服务信息管理事业的发展。  相似文献   

Since 2005, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the standard by which United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates world cultural heritage site suitability. The sites worthy of UNESCO preservation as well as the parameters used to demonstrate OUV are diverse. Our study focused on the uniquely distinguished rural landscape sites and the OUV parameter of integrity. Integrity however, is an elusive concept for which UNESCO provides no definitional protocol, and for which the scientific community objects to a static or pure historical interpretation. Given this, our work aims to analyse the concept of integrity and how it can be used to preserve the heritage of rural landscapes. After reviewing the UNESCO approach, we focused on the international scientific debate on the meaning and application of integrity. We designed and conducted a comparative study of UNESCO rural landscapes selected from the 2011 World Heritage List. Documents describing the historical, rural, and agro-ecological features of each of the fourteen rural sites were analysed. From this, several historical and ecological parameters were chosen as “values to have” and several socio-economic and management parameters were chosen as “values to maintain” to assess the integrity of each landscape. Our results found integrity to be a value of both cultural and natural landscapes and that it is key to site identity. We demonstrated that UNESCO assigns a high value to the following parameters: historical features, traditional crops and local products, land-use and agricultural practice permanence, and the presence of architecture related to agricultural activity. Finally, we found the relationship between culture and nature to characterize best the integrity of a rural landscape, rather than nature or culture alone.  相似文献   

文化旅游型特色小镇饱含丰富的乡土景观资源与深厚的历史文化内涵,对特色小镇乡土景观的保护有助于与之关联的自然生态保育、文化遗产保护以及社会、经济发展等多维价值的实现。在对乡土景观价值构成内容进行分析的基础上,选取文化旅游型特色小镇--沙溪古镇为研究对象,着重对沙溪古镇乡土景观价值及其对古镇旅游发展和特色小镇建设的重要意义展开分析,并对其保护策略进行了探讨。认为古镇乡土景观包含了自然生态、民居聚落等物质实体以及日常生活图景、民俗活动氛围等人文环境,并具有传统人居智慧体现、文化传承、社群关系塑造、生态保护以及产业发展等多元价值,同时认为对乡土景观的保护应从整体观的视角出发,实现其多元价值的呈现。  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners are increasingly turning to maps as tools for promoting health and development communication. These maps are often criticized for privileging the interests of the global North and for authorizing (neo)colonial approaches. The authors offer a case of community mapping incorporating asset-based community development that offers an alternative cartography. Drawing on the maps produced by members of four communities in rural Ecuador, the authors articulate how their maps productively use and challenge assumptions about maps. Following this analysis, the authors offer some implications that community-scale maps have for articulating rhetorical alternatives in health and development communication.  相似文献   

在信息技术和现代社交网络转型的社会背景下,具有悠久历史文脉的著名大学已成为所在名城的文化遗产和景观资源。新时代的教育模式正转型为文化教育社区。提炼了国内外高等教育新的理论实践,以清华大学"苏世民书院"为研究对象,探讨文化教育综合体设计实践思路,即新型社交生态系统的文教社区模式。  相似文献   

In November 20th 2007 Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality confirmed its list of buildings earmarked for conservation. The confirmation was related only to Tel Aviv cultural heritage, the city that was founded in 1909, along the Mediterranean seashore, next to old Jaffa. The list was published 4 years after part of the old urban center of Tel Aviv was nominated as World Heritage Site for its architectural uniqueness (Tel Aviv the White City). The list and the nomination were focused on architectural styles, which are based on building material, the silicate brick, used in Israel throughout the years 1918–1948. This building material and technology left its imprint on Tel Aviv's landscape and is also a part of Tel Aviv's history and development. In spite of its importance, all concerned in Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality and urban planning, have totally ignored this phenomenon.The thrust of this discussion is that the silicate bricks phenomenon, a building material and technology, due to its importance to Tel Aviv heritage and its vast distribution in Tel Aviv landscape, should be integrated into the current urban renewal development process in the old city of Tel Aviv. The discovery of its history and its role in Tel Aviv cultural heritage will change the attitudes of Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality to this building material; instead of a vernacular phenomena, a common brick or a frequent building technology, it will get a better appreciation. Urban landscapes of many cities around the world are based on vernacular phenomena, which are ignored by the urban municipalities. The silicate case should serve as an example of the role of a vernacular heritage, and in this case a common building material, in the urban renewal and conservation process.  相似文献   

Rural buildings have undergone deep changes with the historical transition from traditional agriculture to industrial society. This paper discusses these trends in Italy, focusing on major changes in agriculture, design approach, and land-use planning, referring to some regional cases and relative building typologies. The analysis of the main historical treatises on the subject of farm building design allowed us to evaluate how the evolution of the technical approach influenced the architectural quality of rural buildings. This latter was traditionally based on a close relation between aesthetic values, functionality, and simplicity, broadly acknowledged only recently, as shown by the loss of landscape integration of farm buildings constructed in the last decades. By analysing the processes of reuse of historical buildings and construction of new farm buildings, we have found out different and time-evolving ways of referring to rural heritage and identity. In some cases, they have been considered important references, even through typological evolution aimed at combining traditional values with new needs and available techniques. In other cases, old farm buildings have been considered unsuitable things of the past, or rather have inspired new constructions based on an idealized and mystified concept of rurality. Since landscape integration of rural buildings plays a crucial role in the EU concept of agriculture, the choice of architectural quality postulates to be adopted for the design of new rural buildings is a key theme. Both consistency with pre-industrial tradition and typological discontinuity must necessarily consider consciously the relationships with historical buildings, whose important values have increasingly come to the fore over the last years. Once consistency with historical farm buildings is assumed as a design postulate, contemporary interpretation of traditional typologies through modern building techniques is a very challenging and topical field of study. Various degrees of consistency with traditional typologies are possible. Therefore, this approach calls for the development of analytic and metadesign methods aimed at decomposing rural building typologies into their essential physiognomical features, allowing designers to modulate them to meet ever-changing requirements.  相似文献   

Through funding from the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program, geographic information technologies were employed to create a high resolution, spatially accurate representation of the 1775 landscape of Boston's Inner Harbor and to conduct a geospatial and temporal assessment of the location, extent, and preservation potential of an American Revolutionary War battlefield and its associated cultural resources. Geographic information technologies provide the tools and methodologies to accurately create digital representations of historical landscapes. These tools enable the visualization and geospatial analysis of landscapes and significant historical events, greatly enhancing the understanding of temporal and spatial interactions between these events and the physical landscape upon which they occurred. Data sources include historical bibliographic and cartographic records, high resolution orthophotographs, constant value raster grids, and LIDAR data. A military terrain model was created utilizing American Battlefield Protection Program's KOCOA system categories, in order to identify defining features of the battlefield. KOCOA is an acronym which stands for Key terrain, Obstacles, Cover and Concealment, Observation and Fields of Fire, and Avenues of Advancement and Withdrawal. The KOCOA analysis provides an established method for identifying critical defining features of the battle and determining the influence of the landscape on the ephemeral battle events. The base map was created utilizing U.S. Navy Coast Survey maps dating from the mid-19th century. A digital elevation model was created to represent the 1775 topography, utilizing LIDAR data and constant value raster layers. The military terrain analysis provided valuable insights into battlefield events and decisions. Defining features of the battle were also identified and mapped. A detailed Environmental Systems Research Institute's ArcGIS Citation Data Model was used to link landscape and KOCOA features to the historical sources they were derived from. A comprehensive source table was created as part of this effort. The results of this investigation have provided a high resolution dataset of Boston's historical landscape during the time of the American Revolution. The geospatial analysis will aid in the development of long-range management strategies for the Chelsea Creek Battlefield and facilitate the assessment of threats to cultural resources posed by both anthropogenic activities and environmental change. The methodologies and interdisciplinary approach will also be applicable to other investigations seeking to recreate historical landscapes within a geographic information system.  相似文献   

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