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冯栋梁 《安徽体育科技》2010,31(3):52-54,64
通过对中国134名男子羽毛球运动员26项原始身体形态指标的统计筛选,运用因子分析法、单因素分析法、多重比较等方法进行研究。研究发现:运动员选材主要体现在围度,长度和宽度3项指标;其身体形态为,体重适中,身体匀称,手臂略长。早期的选材应主要依据长度指标,而围度和宽度指标的发展是影响其是否能向更高水平进步的重要因素,运动员后期的训练应着重进行耐力和身体力量等方面的训练,尤其要注重握拍手臂的力量训练。  相似文献   

对我国优秀乒乓球女子运动员、羽毛球女子运动员的身体形态指标、体型特点进行比较分析,结果发现很多身体形态指标有非常显著的差异:乒乓球运动员四肢围度为主要因子,特别是上臂围度的因子载荷为最大;而羽毛球运动员长度为主要因子。  相似文献   

对安化县国家羽毛球训练基地的少年羽毛球运动员的身体形态进行测试,并将其数据按运动员的等级水平进行统计分析。结果显示:备战国家级比赛的运动员在肢体长度与围度、胸围、呼吸差等指标上显著高于备战省级比赛的运动员与一般运动员;备战省级比赛的运动员与一般运动员在身体形态的各项指标上均无显著性差异。结论:肢体长度、围度、胸围、呼吸差等指标,可作为羽毛球后备人才运动训练监控与评价的指标。  相似文献   

一、单人项目运动员的科学选材单人项目运动员选材测试的内容主要有以下几个方面: 1.身体形态身体形态主要是指身高、体重、四肢躯干的长度、围度、肩宽以及身体各部分的比例关系等。身体形态的具体指标很多,根据我国优秀单跳运动员的身体形态看,我们一般选拔身体匀称,臂腿要直,跟腱细长  相似文献   

为准确了解现阶段我国优秀游泳运动员的身体形态特点,特对2006年我国国家游泳集训队125名队员的身体长度、宽度、围度、皮褶厚度等28个形态指标和肺活量、一维重心、骨骼年龄3个指标进行了测试。测试发现:2006年集训队队员的体型更趋于游泳项目所要求的水中减阻的流线型体征;但队员躯干围度指标的发展趋势不利于降低形态阻力,提醒应通过有针对性的训练加以改善。男队员身体长度及其复合指标整体上均好于2004年队员;2006年队员的上臂肌力与呼吸机能有所下降;一维重心与未成年队员骨龄的测量,能为早期重点培养运动员提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了能够对中国男子自由式摔跤运动员的身体形态有较为客观和量化的认识,提升该项目的科学选材和训练水平,以备战2012年伦敦奥运会的集训运动员为主要研究对象,通过文献资料调研、专家咨询、形态测试及数理统计等方法进行分析研究。结果表明,与国内一般男子自由式摔跤运动员相比,中国优秀男子自由式摔跤运动员具有手臂粗而长,四肢肌肉充实度较高及颈部、腰部围度大、髋宽大的身体形态特点;中国男子自由式摔跤运动员的身体形态与世界优秀男子自由式摔跤运动员相比,体重指数显著高于国外优秀运动员(P<0.05),但是肌肉质量不足。另外,通过对各指标的因子分析和得分统计,国家队运动员的臂展、臀围、手长等指标具有一定的优势,但下肢长(B)存在一定的不足。  相似文献   

通过对我国33名优秀男女蹼泳运动员42项身体形态指标的测试,研究制定出我国青少儿蹼泳运动员身体形态主要指标选材预测表和男子体密度推导回归方程,建议蹼泳选材时,注重选拔身体围度大、流线型好,头型为高中头型或高狭头型的运动员从事蹼泳运动。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、三维影像分析测试和图像分析法、数理统计和综合分析法,对甘肃省业余优秀羽毛球运动员后场正手击高远球技术的参数进行分析.结果显示:甘肃省业余羽毛球运动员的肌肉质量和力量在竞技对抗能力上处于劣势.通过相关性检验,发现准备阶段、引拍阶段是影响甘肃省业余羽毛球运动员整体技术的关键阶段.准备阶段肘关节角度直接影响挥拍阶段顶肘、吊拍的动作衔接;引拍阶段躯干扭转角度小影响腰腹背肌肌力的储备量;挥拍击球阶段动作基本符合“鞭打”的原理;随前阶动作还原速率过慢,影响下一次动作的准备.因此建议甘肃省业余优秀羽毛球运动员应注重专项力量和身体灵活性的训练,来弥补先天身体形态上的不足;应依据身体形态的指标选拔优秀苗子,把培养甘肃省青少年羽毛球后备力量作为一个长期阶段性的目标;以专业运动员技术动作的关节角度为标准,学习、纠正和完善自身动作,保证技术动作的合理掌握和运用,从而有效提高甘肃省各年龄段业余羽毛球运动的整体水平.  相似文献   

通过对166名11~13岁男子少年举重运动员16项形态指标的测试分析,结果表明(1)在其它形态指标一定时,体重和身高是影响运动成(?)的主要因素。(2)在13岁前,形态指标与运动成绩相关密切。此后由于其它因素的影响增大。形态对运动成绩的制约减小,提示少年举重运动员的选材应在发育高峰期前。(3)少年举重运动员的形态核心特征主要由长度、围度、躯干长短及肢体比例等四维构成,为确立选材指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、测试法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,从形态学角度系统测量和分析了第9届世界武术锦标赛优秀武术套路运动员身体形态指标及派生指数(长度、宽度、围度指标及派生指数,身体成分和体型等)的特征,分析不同等级武术套路运动员身体形态指标(指数)的差异。  相似文献   

儿童、青少年时期是人生中最为重要的生长发育阶段,人体的各个器官系统都发生了巨大的变化.人体形态也随之发生快速变化,对其形态特征的研究可以为指导体育教学和适宜健身器械的开发提供依据.共计测量了7~18岁儿童、青少年25个身体形态指标,分为长度、宽度、围度等方面指标,通过对25个指标数据进行聚类分析,显示7~18岁的儿童、青少年身体形态指标的平均数变化趋势遵循“向心律”规律,女生生长发育提前于男生,但都遵循“先快后慢”的趋势,其增长最快的年龄段基本一致,出现在7~14岁阶段.通过对各年龄组男、女生身体形态指标平均数差值的聚类分析,提示较为适合的以形态差异为依据的性别年龄分组应该是:7~9岁年龄组(无性别差异);10~12岁年龄组(无性别差异);13~15岁年龄组女生;13~15岁年龄组男生;16~18岁年龄组女生;16~18岁年龄组男生.  相似文献   

One important extrinsic factor that causes foot deformity and pain in women is footwear. Women's sports shoes are designed as smaller versions of men's shoes. Based on this, the current study aims to identify foot shape in 1,236 Chinese young adult men and 1,085 Chinese young adult women. Three-dimensional foot shape data were collected through video filming. Nineteen foot shape variables were measured, including girth (4 variables), length (4 variables), width (3 variables), height (7 variables), and angle (1 variable). A comparison of foot measures within the range of the common foot length (FL) categories indicates that women showed significantly smaller values of foot measures in width, height, and girth than men. Three foot types were classified, and distributions of different foot shapes within the same FL were found between women and men. Foot width, medial ball length, ball angle, and instep height showed significant differences among foot types in the same FL for both genders. There were differences in the foot shape between Chinese young women and men, which should be considered in the design of Chinese young adults' sports shoes.  相似文献   

One important extrinsic factor that causes foot deformity and pain in women is footwear. Women's sports shoes are designed as smaller versions of men's shoes. Based on this, the current study aims to identify foot shape in 1,236 Chinese young adult men and 1,085 Chinese young adult women. Three-dimensional foot shape data were collected through video filming. Nineteen foot shape variables were measured, including girth (4 variables), length (4 variables), width (3 variables), height (7 variables), and angle (1 variable). A comparison of foot measures within the range of the common foot length (FL) categories indicates that women showed significantly smaller values of foot measures in width, height, and girth than men. Three foot types were classified, and distributions of different foot shapes within the same FL were found between women and men. Foot width, medial ball length, ball angle, and instep height showed significant differences among foot types in the same FL for both genders. There were differences in the foot shape between Chinese young women and men, which should be considered in the design of Chinese young adults’ sports shoes.  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 ± 0.8 years (mean ± s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 ± 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 ± 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 +/- 0.8 years (mean +/- s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 +/- 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 +/- 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

湘西南侗族青少年足型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解湘西南侗族青少年足型及其发展趋势 ,按活体测量要求 ,对湖南省通道和靖州侗族自治县 1343名侗族青少年 (7~ 18岁 )的足长、足宽进行了测量 ,并按足宽足长指数进行分类 ,结合文献资料调研和数理统计法对数据进行整理分析。研究结果表明 :侗族青少年的足长、足宽分别随年龄增长而增长 ,16岁时接近成人水平 ;足长与足宽之间存在正相关 ;足型以中间型最多 ;侗族与汉族青少年足型分布差异无显著意义 ,与畲族青少年足型分布的差异非常显著  相似文献   

采用交变负荷力量训练系统,对实验对象进行交变负荷力量训练,通过和传统杠铃下肢力量训练相比较,发现交变负荷力量训练能够在短时间内有效地提高肌肉的最大力量,同时实验对象身体形态指标正常(体重稍有下降、体脂趋于优化)。  相似文献   

身体形态就是身体外部形状和特征,它表达了人体体型,是人体生长发育水平评价的主要指标之一。文章采用测量方法,通过对两组样本的身体形态各项指标的比较,其中包括对身高、体重、肢体长度和比例、肢体的围度、宽度以及体脂等身体形态的测试,研究体育专业学生与非体育专业学生的体型差异,探讨造成这种差异的原因,以及体育活动及训练对身体形态的影响。  相似文献   

程燕  林洪 《中国体育科技》2001,37(10):13-15
对我国参加第27届奥运会游泳比赛的21名运动员进行了身高、体重、肢体长度、围度、躯干围度、皮褶厚度等21个基本形态和1个肺活量指标的测试.测试发现,由于我国有多名女子运动员的年龄偏小,身体发育还不够成熟,导致在身高、体重及克托莱指数上比第26届奥运会时有所下降,但仍远远好于日本运动员,肯定了中、日两国运动员成绩上的差距并不是身体条件的差距;我国运动员躯干形态的改善,更加符合人体在水中的运动模式,有效地减少了形态阻力,并与国外优秀运动员的身体形态更为接近;我国运动员的皮褶厚度和体脂%的增加却造成了一定的负面影响.  相似文献   

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