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长时期来,对我国古代人性论思想的研究,一般是从哲学或伦理学的角度立论,其内容也局限在人性善恶的来源问题.文章则与此研究传统不一样,即改为从现代心理学的角度立论,其研究内容除保留人性善恶论外,还讨论了另外四个重要问题:一是人性地位论,通过就人贵论、人本论和天人论的考察,较充分地论证了人性的崇高地位.二是人性本质论,概括为生性论、习性论和心性论,揭示了人的自然本性、社会本性与心理本性.三是人性构成论,从类型论、因素论和结构论三个角度,对人性的构成进行了分析.四是人性发展论,归纳为气禀论、习染论、性习论与修身论四个论题,对影响人性发展的种种因素作了全面考察,扩展并提升了我国古代人性论思想研究的广度与深度.  相似文献   

思想政治教育的根源探究,从古到今没有停止过。中外古代先哲的人性预设论、社会聚集论,尽管具有假设、猜想的局限,他们的观点也各有差异甚至相反,但都能从不同人性论出发论述思想、政治、道德教育的必要性与根源性。资产阶级学者的不同人性论、社会契约论,也都从维护资本主义社会和个人主义价值出发,论述了思想政治教育的根源。思想政治教育学者以马克思主义为指导,研究思想政治教育的根源并取得了成果。只有马克思主义为科学揭示思想政治教育根源提供了理论与方法论指导。  相似文献   

透过中国传统科学固有的局限,封建经济关系和专制制度等思想、制度因素,通过中西对比,探究深层的中国文化价值传统及其模塑下的近代中国科技发展情形。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了普列汉诺夫的辩证法思想、认知论思想、历史唯物论思想,并综述了学术界对普列汉诺夫哲学思想的评价,指出了他思想中的进步和局限.表明了他在马克思主义发展史和无产阶级革命史上的重要地位.  相似文献   

12世纪英格兰索尔兹伯里的约翰在西方政治思想史上具有独特的地位.他所阐发的君主论、法治论、自由论、有机共和国论,展示出诸多近代特征,为近代西方政治思想的展开做了出色的理论准备,在某种意义上堪称近代政治科学之第一人.索尔兹伯里的约翰的政治思想,为我们理解西方近代政治思想的中世纪渊源提供了一个颇有意义的理论视角.  相似文献   

<社会主义从空想到科学的发展>是一部阐述科学社会主义的思想来源、理论基础和基本原理的重要著作.它指出,空想社会主义是科学社会主义的直接思想来源;唯物史观和剩余价值学说两大理论发现使社会主义从空想变成了科学;资本主义基本矛盾的发展,导致社会主义的必然出现.这些认识对于今天科学分析当代资本主义及其新变化,具有重要的方法论意义.  相似文献   

"统觉"是赫尔巴特教育思想中的一个最基本的心理学理论,"常能"是陶行知生活教育学说中的一个重要用语.在教育独创思想的构建上,"统觉"论为"常能"论呈示了一条科学的"试验"路向;在教育重要目标的达成上,"统觉"论为"常能"论提供了一种有益的"组合"模式;推行素质教育,可借鉴运用"统觉"与"常能"所含的科学因素.  相似文献   

马基雅维里是意大利文艺复兴时期杰出的人文主义政治思想家.他的思想涉及多个领域,本文试图从他思想中包含的辩证法、社会历史规律论、命运观、文明社会发展动力(阶级问题)、纂史的方法这五方面来寻求其包含的近代历史哲学的思想萌芽因子.但由于受阶级和时代的局限,马基雅维里始终未能跨出文艺复兴时期史学思想的囹圄,成为近代历史哲学的奠基人.  相似文献   

邓小平教育思想内容极其丰富,涉及教育的地位和作用,教育改革,教育方向,教育目标,教育者的地位与作用等一系列重大理论和实践问题,形成了教育思想的科学体系,包括教育基础论、教育优先论、教育方向论、教育原则论、教育目标论、教育改革论、教育领导论、教育关键论、教育投资论、教育环境论.综观邓小平的教育思想,我们深深地认识到,它有着鲜明的中国特色,为我国教育在新的历史条件下改革、开放和发展,构建有中国特色的社会主义教育体系奠定了思想和理论基础.  相似文献   

科学美与文学、艺术中的美育因素具有很强的互补性.科学美学教育是社会主义全面发展教育的重要组成部分,对于实施素质教育,使学生增强学习自然科学基础课的兴趣、形成完善的科学思想、促进情感发展、完善健全人格都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Organising teaching of a topic around a small number of ‘big ideas’ has been argued by many to be important in teaching for deep understanding, with big ideas being able to link different activities and to be framed in ways that provide perceived relevance and routes into engagement. However it is our view that, at present, the significance of big ideas in classroom practice is underappreciated while their implementation in teaching is perceived as ‘unproblematic’. In this paper we address these issues; while we draw on the experiences of two major research projects focusing on teachers’ pedagogical reasoning, we attempt to investigate big ideas from a conceptual stance. While the domain is important, we argue that the source of big ideas should include reflection on issues of student learning and engagement as well as the domain. Moreover, big ideas should be framed in ways that are richer, more generative of teaching ideas and more pedagogically powerful than topic headings. This means framing them as a sentence, with a verb, that provides direction and ideas for teachers. We posit three different kinds of big ideas: big ideas about content, big ideas about learning and big ideas about the domain; the last two result in teachers having parallel agendas to their content agendas. In addition to discussing how pedagogically powerful big ideas can be constructed, we draw on data from highly skilled teachers to extend thinking about how teachers can use big ideas.  相似文献   

教师个人教育观念的形成是一个动态循环的过程。根据教师在此过程中认识对象的不同、表现形式的不同以及对教育实践的把握程度的不同,可以将其分为浅层教育观念的形成、实践操作形态的个人教育观念的形成、理论形态的个人教育观念的形成以及个人教育风格的形成四个阶段。教师的教育行为在其个人教育观念的形成过程中具有重要作用。对教师个人教育观念的形成过程进行较为深入的理论分析,有助于在实践中有效地促进教师适宜的个人教育观念的形成。  相似文献   

In literature, several processes have been suggested to describe conceptual changes being undertaken. However, a few parts of studies analyse in great detail which students' learning processes are involved in physics classes during teaching, and how they are used. Following a socio-constructivist approach using tools coming from discourse analysis, we suggest studying three processes of students' learning: (1) establishing links between ideas, (2) increasing the domain of applicability of ideas, or (3) decreasing the domain of applicability of ideas. Our database consists of video data and written worksheets of two students at the upper-secondary school level (Grade 10 [15-year-old students]) during a one-month teaching sequence about gas. Based on semiotic resources contained in oral and written language, we reconstruct in great detail all the ideas about gas expressed by both students during the entire teaching sequence. Our analysis deals with (1) how learning processes are identified based on the ideas expressed by students, and (2) how the three learning processes are used by the two students during teaching. Our results show that during the teaching sequence: (1) the emergence of the networks of three ideas is supported by networks of two ideas expressed previously by students; (2) both students express more networks of two ideas than networks of three ideas; (3) the process ‘increasing the domain of applicability’ of an idea or a network of ideas is very often involved; and (4) the process ‘decreasing the domain of applicability’ of an idea or network of ideas is rarely used by them.  相似文献   

关于“思想”的若干问题:一种社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学术研究应当有思想的导引,应当生产出思想。思想既包括宣告性、指向性的价值话语,也包括阐释性、揭示性的事实言说。人们言说的思想有原创性的,也有非原创性的,非原创性思想则又有积极语汇与消极语汇之别。思想的言说可分为我言我思、我言共思、我言他思及他言他思四种类型。人人都有思想的意愿、思想的方式及思想的资格。“思想家”的诞生是思想家自我定义与“思想贩子”刻意建构的结果。不存在公认的思想评判标准。思想应扎根于思想者“存属的社会”,并溯源于思想者“自身的体验”。  相似文献   

巫术文化与古代早期美育思想的发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精神形态的原始文化,是由多种巫文化观念错综缠绕的一种意识形态.中国古代文艺创作及其美育观念的构成,应该是巫术、图腾、神话等多种文化观念交融辐射的结果.可以说,包括文艺在内的审美文化,美育观念的发生与构成,都与巫文化有紧密的关系.中国美育观念的发生与形成,最初也应该是源于巫文化.  相似文献   

新形势下重新构建我国大学理念的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重新构建现代大学理念是我国构建现代大学制度的前提。追溯现代大学理念的发展历史,总结现代大学理念的演进规律,结合我国高等教育面临的发展形势及大学理念的发展现状,提出我国构建现代大学理念应该遵循的基本原则,有助于我国现代大学制度的建立和完善。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the processes themselves where students appropriated mathematical ideas and to gain an insight into how they can appropriate those cultural ideas. For this purpose, two actual processes where 4th and 5th graders learned cultural practices involving mathematical ideas were closely analyzed, focusing upon the similarities and differences between the standard methods introduced by others and the methods the target students invented during their learning. Such analyses illustrated the following characteristics of their appropriation processes: (a) the students created kinds of hybrids of old ideas they had drawn upon and new ideas introduced by others; (b) when new ideas were presented by others, the students tried to interpret them in the framework of the old ideas they had drawn upon; (c) the students tended to use old ideas or kinds of hybrids until they realized the limits of old ideas and the values of new ideas. These characteristics were also discussed from the viewpoint of resistance and active learning observed in the intramental effects of intermental functioning.  相似文献   

There has been growing interest in the possibility that peers’ ideas can stimulate students’ creativity in group contexts. However, empirical research on this issue is limited. This study tested the hypothesis that peers’ ideas and students’ openness to experience would predict student creativity and attention to peers’ ideas. Undergraduate students (n = 60) completed creative tasks in an online collaborative group in which the ideas of “peers” were pre-programmed. Mixed ANOVAs showed support for the hypothesis. Specifically, students with higher (but not lower) openness, when exposed to a high (but not low) rate of peers’ original ideas, paid greater attention to those ideas and were more creative. The implication for education is that teachers should encourage students to share more of their original ideas and to pay more attention to peers’ ideas in online collaborative groups.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织的教育文献对教育目的一直非常关注,先后就这个问题发表了一系列具有重要启示价值的观点和主张,形成了较为系统的教育目的理念.其内容主要包括对传统教育目的的批判以及对教育总体目的和教育具体目的的认识等几个方面.学习和研究教科文组织教育文献中的教育目的理念有助于我们进一步认识和理解教育目的问题.  相似文献   

从学习兴趣看赫尔巴特与杜威教育思想的相通性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从其对学生兴趣的重视、对学生主动性、经验和交际的重视来看,赫尔巴特的教育思想不但不能简单地称为教师中心论,而且更接近学生中心论.他关于教学阶段的论述不但表明了兴趣具有好坏高下之分,而且具有重大的教育教学功能.撇开先入为主的各种看法,从赫尔巴特与杜威的原著来看,二者的教育思想,共识多于分歧.  相似文献   

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