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针对高校图书馆应对突发公共事件中存在的几个关键问题,结合自己单位的实际演练,以及兄弟图书馆应对突发公共事件的经验和教训,进行分析探讨,寻找解决问题的最佳方法,制定更好的突发公共事件应急预案。  相似文献   

文章通过分析图书馆在高校突发公共事件中的角色定位,提出突发公共事件中图书馆信息服务应遵循的原则,以及高校图书馆信息应急服务机制建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 旨在对国内图书馆面向突发公共事件应急服务与管理方面的文献进行梳理,分析该领域的研究与实践现状,为日后该领域的研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 以 CNKI 为数据来源,从数据库中选取相关文献,采用内容分析、理论与实践相结合的方法,对有关文献进行全面分析、梳理和归纳,重点分析图书馆面向汶川地震、防控非典、禽流感、甲型H1N1流感以及防控新冠肺炎疫情等突发公共事件的应急服务与管理方面的理论与具体实践。[结果/结论] 不同时期,应对不同类型突发公共事件,图书馆应急服务与管理的内容、方式方法有所不同。从早期意识到突发公共事件对图书馆的影响,到后来图书馆建立应急预案、采取应急措施、开展应急服务,图书馆界面向突发公共事件的服务与管理越来越重要、越来越规范,效果越来越明显。尽管如此,仍存在一些问题和不足,值得进一步研究和探索。  相似文献   

介绍了国家科学图书馆针对新疆7.5事件的应急服务专项计划,并就图书馆应对突发公共事件的处置原则提出了建议。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎的暴发,对高校图书馆应对突发公共事件提出了挑战.调研分析疫情发生后各高校图书馆的应对措施,有助于我们全面了解疫情来应对现状并为未来应对突发公共事件积累经验.本文采用网络调研法,对42所“双一流”大学图书馆门户网站和微信公众号在疫情期间的发文进行统计,并对发文的时间、内容、案例进行分析.调研发现,高校图书馆应对疫...  相似文献   

图书馆是保障公民基本文化权益的公共文化机构,在突发公共卫生事件中仍需开展应急管理并向社会公众提供应急服务。文章通过对日本图书馆界、美国医学图书馆、加拿大高校图书馆、澳大利亚图书情报协会、国际图书馆联合会协会和联盟应对突发公共卫生事件中的反应机制进行分析,认为我国图书馆界在应对突发公共卫生事件中,应当在政府主导下,积极推动医学图书馆、高校图书馆和图书馆学(协)会发挥自身的专业作用,构建总体性和专业性的图书馆应急管理和服务机制。  相似文献   

政府与媒体应对突发公共事件研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当突发公共事件逐步成为社会的一种常态时,政府与媒体对它的处理就显得尤为重要。本文收集了大量关于政府如何应对突发公共事件、媒体如何应付突发公共事件以及政府与媒体两者间如何应对突发公共事件的文献资料,对政府与媒体应对突发公共事件时所呈现出的关系作了梳理。  相似文献   

面向突发公共事件的科普阅读服务是指图书馆对丰富的科普资源进行选择和深度加工、组织,向大众有效传播与事件相关的科普资源并对其开展相关服务的过程.该服务具有情景性、时效性、针对性、挑战性等特点,可体现图书馆的知识价值、社会价值以及文化价值,是一项长期性、系统性的工程.以公众科学知识、安全知识、心理知识为导向的科普阅读服务既是提升公民科学素养的有效举措,也是有效消除各类突发公共事件的利器.此外,多元的科普服务主体、公众科普服务需求、多样化的科普资源、平台及产品等与突发公共事件融合构成了动态的科普服务模式.同时,提出加强馆员自身科普服务能力、深挖科普服务资源、形成科普服务联动机制等提升图书馆科普阅读服务的关键策略.  相似文献   

文章在分析我国现有图书馆读者管理制度的基础上,提出了突发公共卫生事件下医学图书馆读者管理制度建设的优化建议。应用LDA主题建模方法对所采集的全国285个图书馆的读者管理制度文本进行主题分析,梳理读者管理制度在突发公共卫生事件下的缺失,提出从读者入馆管理,馆内行为规范,图书借阅管理,电子资源使用规范,读者咨询服务管理,查收查引、文献传递和查新服务管理,读者心理健康教育七个方面进行突发公共卫生事件下读者管理制度的建设,为提升图书馆公共危机管理能力和资源服务水平提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

刘伟  井景文 《图书情报工作》2020,64(15):138-143
[目的/意义] 突发公共事件影响并改变着人们的日常生活与行为习惯。非常态化环境下,公众的阅读需求、阅读方式与习惯也相应发生变化,这对图书馆阅读推广服务提出了新的挑战与要求。[方法/过程] 根据相关理论及法理依据,探讨突发公共事件中图书馆阅读服务所承载的责任与功能,结合当前"新冠肺炎"疫情下的公众阅读需求特点与行为习惯,针对性地提出阅读服务供给策略和可行性建议。[结果/结论] 图书馆要对突发公共事件信息进行科学筛选,积极开展危机应对的定题服务,在强化线上阅读推广的同时,注重读者群体的心理调节,进一步提升价值功能与影响力。  相似文献   

Social networks such as Facebook allow libraries to be proactive in reaching their users. While some libraries have popular Facebook pages, it remains unclear what attracts users to these pages. This study evaluates relationships between libraries’ Facebook page content and popularity. An analysis of 72 academic health sciences libraries’ Facebook pages showed positive correlations between number of library fans and number of tabs, photos, events, and wall posts on Facebook. Libraries posting videos had significantly more fans than libraries without them. This study contributes to an understanding of correlations between content and popularity on Facebook, with implications for library outreach.  相似文献   

在大数据时代背景下,掌握数据意味着掌握事件发展动向。了解高校图书馆年度报告,是把握高校图书馆服务发展方向的必然要求。本文通过对国内42所“双一流”高校图书馆年度报告的调研分析,发现目前高校图书馆年度报告发布存在时间跨度大、发布渠道少、发布形式单一、发布内容不规范等问题。笔者认为可从集中发布时间、拓展发布渠道、丰富发布形式、规范发布内容等方面改进,保证高校图书馆年度报告发布质量,提高高校图书馆年度报告使用效率,以提升高校图书馆服务能力。  相似文献   

图书馆危机管理的基本概念及内容   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
刘兹恒  潘梅 《图书与情报》2007,(2):32-37,41
图书馆危机是指对图书馆系统造成严重威胁或破坏、需要图书馆人立即反应的高度震荡状态。它的特点包括隐蔽性、长期性、复合性、难恢复性。根据危机诱因、危机发生发展特点、危机发生领域、危机中主体的一致态度等标准,图书馆危机可分为不同类型。而图书馆危机管理是指对图书馆运行中出现的危机因子和危机事件从发生到消亡全程管理实践。文章比较了图书馆危机管理与相关管理(灾害管理、风险管理、突发事件管理、问题管理)的关系,提出图书馆危机管理的内容应包括五个方面:树立正确的危机观和危机管理观、图书馆危机管理的基础工作、图书馆日常危机管理、图书馆危机事件管理、图书馆危机后续管理。  相似文献   

Social networks such as Facebook allow libraries to be proactive in reaching their users. While some libraries have popular Facebook pages, it remains unclear what attracts users to these pages. This study evaluates relationships between libraries' Facebook page content and popularity. An analysis of 72 academic health sciences libraries' Facebook pages showed positive correlations between number of library fans and number of tabs, photos, events, and wall posts on Facebook. Libraries posting videos had significantly more fans than libraries without them. This study contributes to an understanding of correlations between content and popularity on Facebook, with implications for library outreach.  相似文献   


The recent, important events in the ex-Soviet Union have not only been political. The world of libraries has begun to be opened up and the changes have even reached the most famous institutions, such as, for example, the State Central Scientific Medical Library in Moscow, which is at the head of a network of scientific and research libraries, and has created the first Russian scientific database. This article was written after the congress of the IFLA (International Federation of Librarian Associations) in August 1991.  相似文献   

要快速有效地应对各种突发危机事件,必须提高图书馆预防和处置危机的能力,文章论述了图书馆预防和处置危机能力的主要内容以及必要的几个条件。  相似文献   

Academic libraries’ graphic novel and comic book collections hold a wide appeal for both scholarly study and personal reading. Programming around these materials can attract diverse audiences to promote library services and resources in a distinctive way. Wichita State University Libraries hosted their first Halloween ComicFest in 2017 and it has grown into an annual event from the success of this initial endeavor. In this article, the authors discuss the challenges of planning and hosting a comic convention in an academic library as well as the potential benefits such events hold for both libraries and their patrons.  相似文献   

面对日趋频发的社会危机和灾害,图书馆作为公共场所,也面临着许多危机和突发事件的侵袭。本文通过对图书馆危机管理的内涵阐述,提出了图书馆危机管理的应对之策,以及应付图书馆灾害的教育体系,从而使图书馆能够在危机面前采取有效措施。参考文献8。  相似文献   

This research examined the ways in which academic librarians and users interact when using social media tools such as Twitter and Weibo as well as end-users' and librarians' perceptions of the types of interaction through social media. The study conducted an analysis of 1600 microblog posts sampled from twenty university library Weibo (Chinese Twitter) sites and twenty library Twitter sites in English-speaking countries. The results were compared using Chi-Square analysis. Results indicated that at present academic librarians in English-speaking countries use post information relevant to the library (news and events) and respond to information/research inquiries. And academic librarians in China are likely to use Weibo to communicate with users and to disseminate library news. Given the lack of previous research on how social media such as micro-blogging in general facilitates communication between librarians and library users in academic libraries between in English-speaking countries and China, this study provides valuable information concerning librarians' and end-users' interactions of information/knowledge sharing activities, which will enable libraries to be better positioned to promote user engagement through SNS usage.  相似文献   

The public libraries in the Carolinas engaged with their communities using Twitter throughout the phases of Hurricane Florence in 2018. A total of 161 libraries in Carolinas were examined. The framework of crisis informatics, content analysis, and network analysis were applied to 738 Twitter posts from 17 libraries, which had Twitter presence, to understand interaction details between the libraries and communities that they serve. Findings include that the libraries shared a mixture of both disaster- and non-disaster-related information via their Twitter pages. The disaster-related tweets were mostly shared in the During (291 out of 349) and After (56 out of 349) phases. The number of general library-related tweets in the During phase dropped drastically compared to those in the Before or After phases. The libraries were also retweeting disaster-related tweets from various governmental agencies and NGOs to the community members in their social network. These findings indicate that the libraries switched their roles from a general services institution to an emergency information hub as the threat from the hurricane began affecting the communities. The knowledge gained from our study could be used to improve community resilience by further illuminating the role of public libraries as public infrastructures that host and facilitate the development of social capital during and after disaster events by becoming information and communication hubs.  相似文献   

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