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This is part of a new series in this regular feature regarding trends in the provision of information by health science libraries. By sharing expertise and drawing together relevant trends the series intends to serve as a road map for both health science librarians and health informatics professionals. This article shows how a medical and biomedical research library changed practices, and reassessed user needs for the COVID‐19 emergency. Discusses changes to online education (and collaborative working) to provide user‐friendly services, researcher support tailored to need and re‐visioning library space. J.M.  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为公益性的信息传播和服务机构,对于突发事件下的危机管理和应急服务有着不可推卸的责任和义务。文章以新冠肺炎疫情为背景,从预防与应急准备、应急处置、事后恢复与重建三个阶段对公共图书馆的应急服务现状进行调查。研究发现,不少公共图书馆积极采取行动应对疫情值得肯定,但是同时也暴露出一些问题。图书馆应该认真反思,找准差距,强化风险防范意识和安全意识,完善图书馆应急服务机制,提高应急服务能力。  相似文献   

Before planning for provision of Consumer Health Information Services, the librarian and administration must anticipate the problems encountered in sharing funds, personnel, space, and materials with an existing medical or patient education library. Establishing new space within or outside the hospital, or participating in community projects which meet consumer health information needs, are important considerations for planners. This article sets forth the place of some CHI services in the hospital setting, and how they relate to other library services. Differences between hospital library support for Patient Education and for Consumer Health Information services are discussed.  相似文献   

Library access to justice programs and services help people who need legal information and who cannot afford an attorney. Librarian mediation is a critical component in the provision of access to justice services. However, the value of library mediation, or assistance with using library resources, is often unrecognized, particularly where members of the public are trying to access electronic legal information sources, online legal forms, and other law technologies. This article will explore the role of librarians in providing access to justice services from the perspective of the work of Richard Susskind, which emphasizes technological approaches to providing legal services. While there is a place for technology in access to justice services, there is also a valuable role that librarians play in contributing to access to justice.  相似文献   

二十多年来,参考咨询与信息服务日益介入电子世界,而逐渐远离图书馆的参考咨询台和纸质馆藏.本文介绍一项基于不断变化的环境针对参考咨询与信息服务进行的研究,旨在分析两个研究问题:①从用户和馆员行为及其所利用信息源的角度来看,当前参考咨询与信息服务活动有哪些趋势?②当前参考咨询过程的基本模型是什么?作者通过焦点访谈法搜集承担参考咨询与信息服务专业课程教师的意见,并通过自由讨论的形式征集其他专业课程教师和博士研究生有关虚拟参考咨询教育的看法.研究结果表明,参考咨询模型具有明显的互动性和合作性,其中参考馆员和用户均扮演信息获取、信息接收和信息生成的角色.论文提出参考咨询过程的模型,并分析这一模型对参考咨询与信息服务活动产生的影响.图1.参考文献63.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 概述图书馆应对突发公共卫生事件的理论依据,对当前国内外不同类型图书馆开展突发公共卫生事件进行回顾和调研,以期为今后国内更多图书馆开展应急信息服务提供借鉴经验。[方法/过程] 通过网络调研、文献调研以及对比分析的方法,系统地梳理和分析美国图书馆、英国图书馆、新加坡图书馆以及国内医学专业图书馆和省级公共图书馆,针对当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情和既往突发公共卫生事件的信息服务实践,总结国内外可供借鉴的经验。[结果/结论] 大型图书馆应建立健全应急管理事件预案和处置机制、充分发挥图书馆信息集成作用以为不同层次用户及时提供信息服务、利用多媒体技术进行突发公共卫生信息报道宣传。  相似文献   

张立频 《图书情报工作》2020,64(15):221-230
[目的/意义] 应对重大突发公共卫生事件是北美图书馆应急服务的重要内容,对北美图书馆应急措施典型案例进行研究分析,可为图书馆未来应急服务机制建设提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 从不同历史时期的视角出发,遴选北美公共图书馆、高校图书馆、专业图书馆、图书馆协会应对1918年大流感、2003年SARS、2019年新冠肺炎三次流行性传染病的典型案例并进行归纳分析,评述北美图书馆应对重大突发公共卫生事件的应急服务特征。[结果/结论] 北美图书馆在历史上的重大突发公共卫生事件中提供了满足当时社会背景下需要的信息服务,承担了社区防疫的执行者、健康信息的传播者、弱势群体的保护者、科研"战疫"的坚强后盾等角色,在远程开馆、数字转型、跨界融合、全球防疫"一盘棋"等办馆理念、服务方式和应急机制上,为未来图书馆应急服务管理模式带来启示。  相似文献   

面对重大公共安全突发事件,公共图书馆该如何应对?如何建立起一个科学合理的图书馆应急服务体系和服务机制?魏大威和廖永霞介绍了国家图书馆在面对2019新冠肺炎疫情这一重大公共卫生安全突发事件过程中所采取的一系列应对举措,并提出应对重大公共卫生安全突发事件还需要图书馆不断健全应急机制、完善应对策略、强化自身能力,才能更充分地做好服务保障;柯平指出,建立图书馆应急服务机制,包括应急保障机制、联动机制和信息共享机制,并提出了关于图书馆应急服务机制的十个方面的建议;张智雄结合中国科学院武汉文献情报中心组织开展的以COVID-19科研动态监测为代表的应急情报服务工作的体会,总结了面对重大公共安全突发事件中专业图书馆应急服务组织的几点认识,强调在重大公共安全突发事件下专业化的情报组织整编有着重要的社会价值;王有强结合国际图书馆界相关实践经验,提出应该充分发挥图书馆文献信息资源优势,在重大突发公共安全事件应急管理的决策、研究、宣传等方面充分发挥文献支撑服务作用;滕五晓提出,图书馆是我国公共服务体系中的重要组成部分,需要用系统思维构建以读者为本、以能力提升为宗旨的图书馆应急服务;周璐调研报道了新冠疫情暴发后国内公共图书馆开展应急服务情况,指出公共图书馆作为市民服务的公共机构,建立起一个科学合理的应急服务体系至关重要。  相似文献   

The distinguishing characteristics of scientific and technical libraries as information transfer agencies are described. The mere acquisition of documents is not sufficient. Proper management of collections and provision of adequate library services is essential for the library to function as an effective information transfer institution. This study includes a survey of 146 scientific and technical libraries in India regarding the collection management methods followed and the types of library services organized. It also indicates the number of libraries using computers for processing of information and of those making use of online facilities.  相似文献   

Libraries play a significant role in supplying educational and cultural services. They are important public spaces that can contribute to creating social equality by providing unlimited access to information and public spaces for the community. In this research both the traditional measures (supply-to-demand ratio and straight distance) and advanced measures (population-weighted average nearest network distance and population-weighted average two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) score) are used to assess spatial inequity in the distribution of libraries throughout Hong Kong. How accessibility has been changed after the introduction of two strategies for improvement (community and mobile libraries) is also examined, as are spatial demographic and socioeconomic characteristics associated with library provision. The results indicate that there is a substantial heterogeneity of library provision in Hong Kong. Community and mobile libraries have significantly improved the library provision in several areas, although spatial inequality remains. Areas with demographic and socioeconomic groups with lower accessibility to library services were further identified. Data at multiple geographical scales were used, and consistent findings were obtained, confirming the robustness of the results.  相似文献   

The University of the South Pacific (USP) places a high priority on distance education. Here, library provision for external students is examined, in particular: library acquisitions for extension studies; the division of responsibilities among the main on-campus library and the various USP Center libraries in the islands served by the university; selection of titles and the quality of the library collections; textbooks for external students; use of services (book loans, periodical article photocopies, reference, and information services). The particular problems of the USP Library, which serves geographically scattered, developing islands, are considered, including specific library problems such as the non-use of resources by students, and staff shortages in USP Center libraries. Reference is made to coopera tive arrangements between the USP Library and other libraries in the region. Finally, problems and possibilities in the future are discussed, including funding difficulties (and dependence on foreign aid), and the implications of technological developments.  相似文献   

基于情境模型的手机图书馆个性化服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络环境下用户的个性化需求具有易变性、动态性、私密性和情境敏感性等特征,个性化服务的提供越来越需要情境模型的支持。手机图书馆是数字图书馆在移动网络环境下的扩展,是数字图书馆个性化信息服务的需求方式。为此,将情境模型运用于手机图书馆个性化服务,在无线网络和互联网中分别设置情境模型和用户模型,使手机图书馆个性化服务系统具备感知、觉察用户当前和历史情境的功能,并根据用户情境自适应地调整提供给用户的信息,向手机用户提供个性化信息检索、个性化信息推荐、个性化信息推送等服务。在情境模型应用于手机图书馆个性化服务时,需要注意解决手机用户信息安全、手机用户个性化信息获取的准确性与动态性、数字图书馆各种资源的整合、集成及知识产权、系统复杂性与手机用户易用性之间的矛盾等问题。  相似文献   

This article discusses personal and organizational liability for the negligent provision of information by health science librarians providing information regarding patient diagnosis and treatment. It notes claims in the library literature that liability exists for providing faulty information, but these claims do not state or explain the legal basis for such liability. It identifies three basic information retrieval and communication services provided by reference librarians and characterizes the negligent provision of information as a failure to exercise care in one or more of the three. With regard to personal liability, it identifies the relevant law, the tort of negligent misrepresentation involving risk of physical harm, and outlines the elements that a plaintiff would have to establish to sue successfully. With regard to organizational liability, it notes that a plaintiff would use one of two common law theories: either the vicarious liability doctrine of respondeat superior or the direct liability negligent hire theory of recovery.  相似文献   

With the introduction of the internal marketthe health service is changing rapidly and health libraries must change with it. Many libraries arerequested to cost their services. The demand comes from external customers and from their ownorganizations. This paper discusses the various reasons for costing services and howcosting information can influence our management decision making. The paper challengeslibrarians to move costing processes away from a mechanistic approach, towards a means ofdemonstrating the worth of a library resources unit in cost and qualitative terms. Using costinginformation for cost control purposes, comparison of cost with other providers, setting prices ordetermining future service delivery levels is discussed, as well as considering the question ofexternal provision of library services. Use of information on fixed and variable costs andassessing break-even levels of service provision is illustrated as a helpful guide to library survival.  相似文献   

通过比较6个寻亲网,得出google寻亲网重视用户的力量、资源极大整合、服务形式多样化、传递推广服务和提供相关服务等5个特性,揭示其对图书馆网络信息服务的启示,并提出图书馆要具备敏锐的观察力、建立图书馆联盟、鼓励用户参与、广泛传递服务、提供手机图书馆服务、提供相关服务等建议。  相似文献   

文章研究在Web2.0环境下的图书馆信息服务,分析图书馆传统信息服务的现状和不足,详细论述Web2.0带给图书馆信息服务业务、服务环境、用户需求、信息交流方式的变化,并提出图书馆的应对策略。图书馆只有改革信息服务内容、创新信息服务模式、培训图书馆员,为用户提供更优质的服务。  相似文献   

Public libraries have been seen to have an important role in providing digital services to potentially excluded groups in order to help meet government targets regarding the delivery of digital services. Geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to investigate library service areas, to aid initial location decisions, and to model the implications of the opening and closure of library services. Recent studies have promoted the use of GIS-based techniques to investigate spatial variations in accessibility to public and private services in relation to socio-economic characteristics of population groups. One such technique, based on floating catchment area (FCA) approaches, has been primarily used to investigate potential inequalities in health services, access to employment and leisure opportunities, as well as planning public transport. In this study, FCA techniques are used to research variations in accessibility to public library facilities using bespoke application tools developed within a commercial GIS package. Drawing on a preliminary analysis of variations in accessibility to library services in a local authority area in south Wales, UK, a case study is presented whereby GIS-based models can be used to investigate spatial variations in digital services provision. As a result, provision gaps of such services can be identified. This study's findings help guide national government delivery programs to promote digital inclusion.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过探讨突发公共卫生事件下图书馆应急服务的实践方案,为图书馆在处理应急事件时提供一个切实可行的参考方案,可提高图书馆馆员信息素养与应急处理能力,并进一步完善馆藏资源建设策略。[方法/过程] 以北京市委党校图书馆在突发公共卫生事件下资源服务实践为例,从现有图书馆应急服务的现状与不足,馆员团队远程协同合作模式,应急服务实践的策略制定、设计与实现等角度出发,全面分析突发公共卫生事件下图书馆应急服务的探索与实践过程,并提出若干问题与建议。[结果/结论] 北京市委党校图书馆从突发公共卫生事件下的用户需求出发,构建了多个基于当前地域下的多方位应急服务案例,有效地提高了图书馆面向社会提供更好服务的能力以及图书馆用户的信息素养,驱动图书馆资源建设的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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