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ABSTRACT— The primary goal of the emerging field of Mind, Brain, and Education is to join biology, cognitive science, development, and education in order to create a sound grounding of education in research. The growing, worldwide movement needs to avoid the myths and distortions of popular conceptions of brain and genetics and build on the best integration of research with practice, creating a strong infrastructure that joins scientists with educators to study effective learning and teaching in educational settings. Science and practice together provide many potentially powerful tools to improve education. Neuroscience and genetics make possible analysis of the "black box" of biological processes that underpin learning. Understanding the biology of abilities and disabilities helps educators and parents to facilitate individual students' learning and development. Cognitive science provides analyses of the mental models/metaphors that pervade meaning making in human cultures, creating tools for avoiding unconscious distortions and crafting effective educational tools. Developmental and learning science produce tools to analyze learning pathways, including both shared patterns and learning differences. To reach the potential of grounding education effectively in research requires improving the infrastructure by creating (a) research schools where practice and science jointly shape educational research, (b) shared databases on learning and development, and (c) a new profession of educational engineers or translators to facilitate connecting research with practice and policy.  相似文献   

基于脑的学习理论对教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据脑科学研究新成果,结合基于脑的学习观及我国教育现状,从大脑学习过程的协同性、学习要素的互动性、情境浸润性、主体性等方面,深入剖析了学习的脑认知过程。提出根据学习者自身特点,适时创设丰富多样、富有挑战性、人文化的教学环境,引导其全脑协同构建认知结构,促进脑机能发展,有效实现脑科学研究新成果与教育过程的联结。  相似文献   

This report provides an overview of neuroscience research that is applicable for science educators. It first offers a brief analysis of empirical studies in educational neuroscience literature, followed by six science concept learning constructs based on the whole brain theory: gaining an understanding of brain function; pattern recognition and consciousness; mind maps, mnemonics and other learning devices; concrete multisensory experience; higher-order creative reasoning via a multimedia-infused environment and positive emotion in educational settings. It is vital to the future of results-based education that discoveries regarding the cognitive learning process are taken into consideration when designing instruction. This research offers science educators neuroscience-backed information as a foundation to develop results-oriented curricula and teaching methods. Future research could further extend an empirically driven education system.  相似文献   

在教育神经科学领域,我们需要可靠的脑科学知识为学与教奠定坚实的基础。在教学实践中,应该尊重学生的兴趣以及他们独特的学习通路。在教育神经科学中,我们已经创建了一种通用的量表来评估孩子们的认知发展以及他们在校学习,这种评价重视对学生学习的支持与促进。在教育神经科学的研究中,重要的是,科学家与教育工作者相互合作,建立研究型学校,将心智、脑与教育领域的知识联系起来,以支持并促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

在人工智能视域下的课堂教学智慧评价中,基于中国优秀传统文化中的知行哲学和大脑认知活动的信息自由能理论构建的学习发生知行模型,描述了学习发生的条件与路径、学习风格、有效教学方法等,关涉学生学习发生这一教育核心问题。学习发生知行模型批判地吸收了ELT、4MAT等学习理论中富有启发性的观点,将知行与外在可观测的语言刺激(四何)数据关联起来,使学生内部认识活动与外在教学环境的相互作用即课堂认知活动具备了人工智能可分析的可能。它将学习发生的认知过程划分为外界信息的处理过程(不涉及大脑自由能减少)和内部世界认知模型的调整过程或思想练习(减少大脑自由能)两类,提出的人工智能课堂认知活动量化评价指标框架,尝试解决现有机器分析无法覆盖课堂思维方式、教学风格等重要维度的问题,为完整性的、本土化的、易理解的课堂教学智慧评价分析系统的设计提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

学习与教学:一种基于脑的解读   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
脑科学研究的飞速发展正不断地为学习科学的研究注入活力。基于脑的学习的产生、原则及其内涵,教学视角下的基于脑的教学策略以及实施状况,这些都是国际教育研究领域正在探讨的前沿热点问题。基于脑的学习与教学研究对于我国的教育理论与实践有着启示意义。  相似文献   

Lave and Wenger have greatly influenced existing views of learning and teaching, but relatively little has been written about the implications for the understanding of teacher behavior and teacher learning, and for the pedagogy of teacher education. Based on their work, a three-level model of learning is used to analyze the friction between teacher behavior in practice and the wish to ground teachers' practices in theory. Supported by empirical data on teacher learning and brain research, this model reconciles the situated learning perspective with traditional cognitive theory, and leads to concrete implications for the pedagogy of teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper is based on findings from a three year collaborative action research project on classroom teaching and learning. The research, which involved 33 teachers, over two thousand students from six schools, and the authors, centred on exploring how various features of the classroom context influence teaching and learning processes. We interpret project findings as indicating the importance of balance between cognition and affect for effective teaching and learning. We advance the notion of challenge as a way of conceptualising this balance. Challenge comprises a cognitive/metacognitivedemand component and an affectiveinterest component. Nine major features of a teaching/learning event were found to interact to influence these cognitive and affective components of challenge. Specializations: Collaborative research on science teaching and learning; staff development and school improvement; quality of science education. Specializations: Learning and teaching science; pre-service teacher education. Specializations: teacher development in science education; technology education. Specializations: Science and teachnology curriculum, environmental education, educational disadvantage. Specializations: learning theory, probing of understanding, conceptual change.  相似文献   

认知心理的运用与体育教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知心理学将人的大脑活动看成是信息加工过程,人们对技术动作的学习是一和信息的输入,转换,加工分析,贮存和提取运用的过程,体育教学应如何运用认知心理学理论,根据认知心理信息加工与体育技术动作形成的相互关系,促进人们认识技术动作的学习和掌握与大脑活动的相关规律,改革传统的教学观念和方法,运用符合学生心理活动规律和认知方式的教学方法,以提高体育教学质量。  相似文献   

美国艺术开启大脑项目通过整合艺术教育与学科教学提高学生学习成绩的教育策略及经验,为艺术教育对大脑开发的重要作用和价值提供了有力的说明。艺术教育不仅可以促进大脑认知系统方面的发展,而且有利于大脑的平衡发展,帮助大脑处于最佳的学习环境中。  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者对过去30年在线学习研究的研究进展。研究如何设计在线教学是将学习科学应用于教育的一个案例。在线教学设计研究有助于发展学习科学(如认知负荷理论、多媒体学习的认知理论,以及学习的元认知、动机和情感的综合),教学科学(如有研究证据的教学设计原理不断发展)和评估科学(如多侧面的迁移测试,同时辅以保持测试和自我调查报告,学习过程中的日志文件数据,以及学习认知过程中的认知神经科学测量等)。文中反复提到的观点:学习有赖于运用教学方法,而不是单凭教学媒体就能够奏效的,在线教学设计研究应该关注数字化学习环境的特性;教学实践应建立在严谨、系统的研究基础上,包括旨在确定在线教学中有效成分的增值实验;在线学习研究应确定教学技术最有效的边界条件;在线学习研究应该起到检验和发展学习理论的作用。  相似文献   

Higher education has struggled to acknowledge and translate into better teaching and learning practices that sizeable literature base suggesting a link between cognitive style, learning preferences, and performance. Research is reported in which 80 undergraduate students on a primary education degree were studied to examine the relationship between their cognitive style, their learning preferences, and perceived impact on their teaching practices. All students completed the CSA measure of cognitive style, the ASSIST, two further questionnaires exploring learning preferences and perception of good teaching during the course, and an evaluation at the end of the teaching unit. Significant differences were found between the three cognitive styles investigated: wholist, intermediate, and analytic. In terms of learning preferences, using ANOVA statistically significant differences were found between the three styles with wholists being most concerned about speed of delivery and least liking computer‐assisted learning. In addition, wholists preferred less structure than analytics in their teaching and claimed to use more images while analytics claimed to use more speech in their teaching. Intermediates demonstrated a greater preference for tangential approaches to teaching and were least happy with the nature of the teaching they had received while at university. Many of the differences reported in the literature between the different cognitive styles were not evident in this study. However, the interpersonal and intrapersonal characteristics of wholists and analytics, respectively, were evident and perceived to impact on planning and delivery in the classroom. While further school‐based research involving greater numbers is required, interest in learning styles remains especially relevant if one intends to offer a truly inclusive education for all learners.  相似文献   

论数学教育研究的规范性   总被引:6,自引:11,他引:6  
数学教育研究是由一般教育理论演绎数学教育规律和由数学教育自身特殊问题提取数学教育规律的双向建构;提出数学教育作为学科教育不但要遵循“教与学对应”原则,还应该遵循“教与数学对应”的原则,数学教育研究的文风要防止新八股,创新要注意“新”未必就好,数学教育的研究课题、研究方式应提倡百花齐放.  相似文献   

Online discussion plays a unique role in face-to-face and distance teaching and learning. Interaction and student cognitive engagement during the online discussion are critical for constructing new understanding and knowledge. This article analyzes types of interaction that occur during online discussions, examines levels of student cognitive engagement in each discussion, and explores their effects on and implications for learning and teaching in higher education. By combining methods of social network analysis with qualitative content analysis, the article explores new methodologies for analyzing participation, interaction, and learning that take place online, and suggests areas for research in learning and teaching online.  相似文献   

An important challenge in higher education today is the growing tutor–student ratio that diminishes the ‘human touch’. As learning and teaching ultimately form an interpersonal process, this will lead to student discontent and impact on their learning. Whilst there is little that teaching practitioners can do in terms of the growing student numbers they have to tutor, they may however influence student learning by enhancing their positive emotions. This study examines the importance of emotions in improving cognitive skills and how they interact with knowledge and reflection. This research contributes to theory by examining the role of emotions as a moderating factor in the learning process. Our findings reveal that emotions moderate the direct relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills, and the indirect relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills via reflection. The findings demonstrate the critical role that emotions play in student learning. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

自组织理论及其教育研究应用前景探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自组织理论包括新三论(耗散结构理论、协同学、突变论)和超循环理论、分形理论、混沌理论,是系统科学发展的第二阶段研究成果。在教育技术领域内,教学设计的产生直接得益于系统科学研究的第一阶段成果——"老三论",遂将其置于四大理论基础中的首位。近几年,后现代课程研究中已经率先引入了自组织理论分析研究教育教学理论与实践,教育技术领域引介与应用这一重要的科学研究思想方法也势在必行。当前引入与借鉴的落脚点,主要表现在自组织理论为数字化学习理论——关联主义(Connectivism),以及教学过程中的协同学习、协作学习提供核心理论支撑,并对整个教育技术的研究方法具有重要指导意义方面。如果在一个更开阔的研究视野下看待自组织理论与教育技术研究的结合,发现人脑(或认知结构)中知识的自组织演化问题也很有研究价值。  相似文献   


Medical education is a domain with fast-changing knowledge and attention to knowledge application and higher order thinking; therefore, how to implement effective teaching is a crucial issue. Based on the technology-based learning model, this study provides a multi-dimensional analysis of published papers on the flipped classroom in medical education from the SCOPUS database, including the form of the learning materials, learning system or player, learning strategies, educational technology, application domains, research issues, participants, and research methods. Based on the results, the application of flipped classrooms in medical education has grown rapidly over the past decade, with the number growing dramatically from 7 papers in 2014, to 16 papers in 2015, and 22 papers in 2016. It was found that a great number of studies adopted instructional videos uploaded on online learning systems or used existing online videos to conduct before-class teaching in the before-class stage of the flipped classroom; moreover, most studies involved no online discussion in the before-class stage. As for learning strategies in the in-class stage, the most frequently adopted strategies were issue discussion, practicing or doing exercises, and problem-based learning. This implies that most studies mainly emphasized basic knowledge understanding and skills training, while little attention was paid to developing learners’ higher order thinking skills. In addition, the majority of studies explored students’ learning interest/satisfaction, learning experience, and performance on the cognitive aspect, while little research was found to investigate their preparation degree or cognitive loading. Based on the review results, this study provides the research trends and potential research issues of flipped medical education to serve as a reference for researchers, instructors, and decision makers.  相似文献   

基于社会认知理论的外语教学理论目前是我国外语界比较热门的外语教育理论。社会认知理论为我国外语学习者的学习过程、学习动机、学习策略、社会文化环境等因素研究建立了理论基石,也为建构我国本土外语教学理论和教学实践提供了有利的理论支持。本文介绍了社会认知理论的概念,并探讨了社会认知理论对我国大学法语教学的启示——加强课堂教学改革、注重交际能力培养和提高跨文化意识。  相似文献   

认知神经科学通过将脑成像技术和认知心理学的实验范式结合起来,探索人类的行为的深层机制.大脑作为学习的主要器官,是认识神经科学的主要研究对象.认知神经科学关注学习所激活的脑区、神经回路以及激活的时程,从神经活动的层面上阐述学习的机制.大脑学习机制的阐明可以帮助教育工作者改进教学方法,为教育学奠定科学的基础.认知神经科学还...  相似文献   

作为一种全新的学习方式,体验式教学正在教育领域引起广泛的关注并付诸于实施。上海棋类运动的普及程度高且成绩斐然,但棋类教学的内容和形式却有待突破。为回归棋类教育的本真,实现棋类项目人才培养的可持续发展,有必要开展体验式棋类教学的实践,设计和开发符合青少年认知特点和规律的体验式课程。  相似文献   

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