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教育研究合作行为的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对六种重要的中外教育研究杂志中合作文章篇数以及实证文章篇数的统计分析,展现了最近五年中、外教育学者的合作研究状况,并得出如下基本结论:1.国外教育研究者比国内教育研究者更倾向于进行合作研究,其合作频率显著高于国内教育研究者的合作频率;2.从事实证研究的教育研究者合作频率比其他研究的教育研究者的合作频率更高,而且国外进行实证研究的教育研究者比国内实证研究者更倾向于进行合作研究;3.国外教育研究者更加重视实证研究,近年来国内教育研究杂志中的实证文章比例在平稳提升.  相似文献   

教师成为研究者是一个具有国际影响的运动,但是教师是否应该成为研究者以及成为什么样的研究者,学者们还没有达成共识.该文认为教师应该成为研究者,教师教学活动本身就是研究活动,教师本身就是研究者.并从教师成为研究者的内涵、必要性、可能性以及实施途径与策略等几个方面对这一观点进行了阐述.  相似文献   

刘然 《教育教学论坛》2020,(17):378-380
科技论文是科研工作者对所从事的研究进行集假设、数据和结论为一体的概括性论述,是科研工作者向外界公布自己科研成果与同行交流、展示自身科研水平的重要途径。科技论文写作的质量将直接影响到科研工作者的科研能力及科研成果的学术水平。该文就科技论文写作方面应当注意的常见问题进行了简要分析,以期对高校研究生以及刚踏上科技论文写作之路的年轻科技工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

刘将  周宁 《湖州师范学院学报》2007,29(2):112-114,132
主体间性是20世纪以来西方哲学中凸现的一个范畴.主体间性概念的提出给心理学研究带来了新的转变.心理学研究是一种交往行为,所以其中必然存在着主体间的问题.心理学的主体间性存在于交往之中,表现为主体间的双向度的关系.心理学主体间性的转向就是按照交往理性的要求寻求一种交往关系,要求在研究者与被研究者之间、研究者之间以及被研究者之间开展交往关系.  相似文献   

Previous studies on collaborative research emphasize industry-university collaboration conducted in a subset of academic disciplines associated with applied engineering. These studies focus on motivations, mechanisms, financial costs and financial benefits of collaborative research while paying little attention to the impact of collaborative research on academic productivity. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to compensate for some of these shortcomings. First, we present a survey which includes responses from academic researchers of all the scientific disciplines. Second, we take into account and compare the collaborative relationships between university researchers, between university researchers and industry, and between university researchers and other institutions, especially government agencies, local governments and organized interest groups. And third, we assess the impact of these collaborative activities on the academic productivity of the university researchers.The results of this paper show that collaboration, whether it be undertaken with universities, industries or institutions, may indeed increase researchers' productivity. We find this to be true whether or not such relationships begin early in a researcher's career. We also find this to be true whether or not the collaborators have an intellectual symmetry. The effect of collaboration on productivity varies according to both the scientists' geographical closeness to their partners and on their field of research. It was found that collaboration between researchers and industry had significantly more impact on productivity than collaborations between researchers and their peers or researchers and other institutions. Scientists in humanities were found to produce less materials in collaboration than scientists in other fields. And, scientists involved in collaboration aimed mostly at producing patented and unpatented products, scientific instruments, software and artistic production were also found to produce less.In sum, given that collaboration contributes to the increase of scientific productivity, government decision makers and university administrators ought to encourage researchers to forge collaborative relationships.  相似文献   

关于白曲的分类,普通民众与学者历来各持己见。民众根据生活经验将白曲分为在家庭内部演唱的和在家庭外部演唱的,学者则以篇幅的长短作为白曲分类的标准。其实,前者与民族志诗学所提倡“把文本置于相关文化语境中加以考察”的主张是不谋而合的,研究者应该对这种早已存在于演唱实践之中的分类法予以重视。  相似文献   

The discussion in this article focuses on how the gap between academic knowledge and regional development can be bridged, creating conditions for change processes between researchers and regional agents. Institutional entrepreneurs can create regional development organisations and research organisations, but in order to fulfil regional needs it is necessary to create processes where researchers and practitioners can connect and create a mutual change process. The analysis shows how new organisations have been used to create conditions for knowledge co-generation processes, a change in the language used and new work methods between researchers from Deusto University and Orkestra and regional actors over a period of 11 years in the Basque Country.  相似文献   


Educational researchers frequently study the impact of treatments or interventions on educational outcomes. However, when observational or quasiexperimental data are used for such investigations, selection bias can adversely impact researchers’ abilities to make causal inferences about treatment effects. One way to deal with selection bias is to use propensity score methods. The authors introduce educational researchers to the general principles underlying propensity score methods, describe 2 practical applications of these methods, and discuss their limitations.  相似文献   

美国教育评价研究的发展经历了三个阶段:20世纪初期至50年代的屏蔽价值关注“目标达成”的阶段、20世纪50年代至70年代的价值渗透关注过程的“方案评价”阶段、20世纪70年代至今的关注价值评定“综合”阶段。研究视域围绕着对教育目标的批评和实施过程的批评得到拓展,其中缠绕着各类教育参与者的价值的融合。  相似文献   

近二十年中国教育与就业关系研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近二十年来中国教育与就业关系研究取得了相当的成果,研究们对教育在解决社会就业问题、提高个人就业收入中的作用,以及大学毕业生就业困难等问题进行了不同程度的探讨。随着中国社会经济的变化和教育实践的发展,中国教育与就业关系发生了某些转变,研究们也面临着一些亟需解决的课题。  相似文献   

Relevance,Application, and the Development of an Unlikely Theory   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper advances the argument that motor learning research is not relevant to the needs and interests of motor skill teachers. The principal reason is that motor learning researchers in university departments of physical education have responded to calls for paradigmatic shifts that were intended for experimental psychologists, not necessarily for researchers from departments of physical education. As a result, motor learning researchers have concentrated their efforts on studying the mechanisms underlying motor performance rather than on devising and testing ways to improve motor performance. The body of knowledge produced by this approach has been based on experiments employing laboratory tasks and treatment conditions that lack fidelity to those appropriate or even possible in real-world teaching environments. Consequently, little knowledge has been produced that can be directly applied to the technical aspects of teaching. It also is argued that progress toward an applied thrust has been hindered because energies of the most capable researchers have been spent on attempts to develop a grand theory of motor skills, a theory that can never emerge until researchers attend to the essential preliminary task of defining motor skills.  相似文献   

就浙江省中学物理教师师资队伍及其专业素养(包括教师专业知识、专业技能与专业情意等)进行了调查,对其调查结果进行了分析。指出实然与应然之距离——特别表现在教师的反思能力与反思策略及教育智慧上的差距,进而在关于培训现状调查的基础上提出两点建议。  相似文献   

This article reports the collaborative self-study of a teacher educator and two teacher candidates, focusing on the unforeseen negativity of experiences encountered by the three researchers in both a university methods course and student teaching settings. The implication of this study helped the researchers foresee new hypothetical learning trajectories for their respective students. Throughout the study, the university teacher educator and two teacher candidates tried to maintain a collegial relationship while analyzing their teaching and learning experiences. The researchers analyzed the effectiveness of their mathematics teaching strategies over an extended period of time. The changing roles of the researchers throughout the study encouraged them to examine not only their own teaching processes but also those of the other researchers. As critical colleagues they positioned themselves in different contexts. This study generates several insights for the improvement of the researchers' future teaching practices. The results suggest that collaborative self-study by a teacher educator and teacher candidates can generate effective learning experiences for all participants.  相似文献   

教育学研究不能妄自把自己所理解的“一种”“可能”看成是“惟一可能”。因而教育学研究一定要有可能性域、可能世界的理念背景,要有自己的教育理想,并去实现更丰富的可能性域与可能世界-通过价值、真理与方法的多元共性。  相似文献   

人种志行动研究是在新媒体创制平台的研究与开发中整合了人种志和行动研究而形成的一种新方法论。人种志、交往生态和新媒体是它的三个特点。其中,交往生态是其焦点。人种志行动研究者包括外地的专家和当地的研究者,他们既是研究者,也是新媒体创制平台的开发者。人种志和新媒体行动研究为其提供了理论基础。人种志行动研究的一般程序是:规划研究→进行研究(收集和记录数据)→组织编码和分析数据→规划和行动。  相似文献   

90年代以来英国高等教育研究的动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,英国高等教育研究蓬勃发展,研究阵地迅速拓展,研究成果丰硕,出版了一批值得重视的成果;英国高等教育研究者采用多样化的研究方法、重点关注8类问题,反映了英国高等教育研究的动向,可供我国高等教育研究者参考。  相似文献   

“文本式”研究范式使理论教学论研究走入困境;“田野式”研究范式使实践教学论具有极强的生命力并不断向上追求。教学论研究者通过变革观念,明确主题,充分利用新课程改革的契机和现代信息技术,逐步从“文本式”教学论研究者转化为“田野式”教学实践研究者。  相似文献   

20世纪八九十年代,教育史研究呈现第一热潮,推出了一批重要的研究成果,这对当今的教育史研究者形成了巨大的压力。反观教育科学园地特别是课程与教学论学科的空前繁荣,与第八次课程改革紧密结合,不仅有重要的学术价值,而且还有颇高的经济效益。进入21世纪,教育史研究应该进一步解放思想,坚持实事求是的原则,遵循一切历史都是现代史的研究思路,订正教育史研究中的廖误,那么,教育史研究就会别有洞天,大有可为。  相似文献   

Seldom do researchers in science education state causal hypotheses they seek to test. Even less often are alternative hypotheses stated, much less tested. Further, science education researchers as a rule confuse hypotheses with predictions. Thus, they stand little chance of conducting research which distinguishes among alternative explanations, and consequently stand little chance of advancing knowledge beyond the Ruling Theory Stage of thinking. The present article offers five research criteria and their rationale intended to help researchers avoid these problems and help them conduct higher-quality research, which should in turn improve the quality of science teaching.  相似文献   

任伟 《河西学院学报》2013,(6):40-45,64
敦煌碑铭赞文对于研究中古时期敦煌地区的历史状况、经济文化、社会生活有重要意义.赞文中多用典故给准确解读这些文献带来了一定的难度,文章尝试结合传世文献和敦煌资料,对其中的用典进行了考释.  相似文献   

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