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通过对网络环境下研究性学习的教学研究,以建构主义学习理论为指导,提出基于网络的英语研究性课堂教学模式,以期实现信息技术与研究性学习课程的整合,从而提高学生英语综合应用能力,培养学生的创新精神及自主学习能力.  相似文献   

教师在语文教学过程中把信息技术、信息资源、信息方法、人力资源与语文课程内容有机结合,共同完成课程教学任务,这是一种新型的教学方式。这种方式,简言之,就是在信息技术环境下让学生更有效地学习语文。它对于提高学生的语文学习质量,效果明显。一、在信息技术环境下,创设良好的阅读情境"情境创设"是建构主义学习理论所要求的学习环境必须具备的基本属性或基本要素之一。皮亚杰认为,教学就是创造环境。在网络教室里,  相似文献   

1 信息技术与程整合的基本含义 建构主义学习理论认为:知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是通过学习者在一定的情境下,借助其他的帮助,利用学习资源,通过意义建构的方式获得的,教师只是活动中的指导者与参与者。建构主义强调以学生为中心,以“情景”、“协作”、“会话”和“意义建构”为其四大要素,因此多媒体计算机和网络成为建构主义学习环境下理想的认知工具。信息技术与课程整合是指在课堂教学过程中把信息技术、信息资源、信息方法、人力资源和课程有机结合,共同完成课程教学任务的一种新型的教学模式。信息技术与现代汉语课程的整合,就是要在先进的教学思想和教育理论的指导下,把信息技术作为学生自主学习的认知工具、情感激励工具、教学环境的创设工具、课程整合的探究工具等,并将这些"工具"运用到现代汉语教学中去,使各种教学资源、教学要素、教学环节及其各成分经过重新构建、有机联系、互相融合,在整体优化的基础上产生凝聚效益,从根本上改变传统的教师教、学生学的教学方式,对发展学生的主体性、创造性和培养学生的创新精神和实践能力有着极其深远的意义。  相似文献   

网络环境下协作学习的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代信息技术向教育领域迅速扩展,使学校的课程和教学模式正面临前所未有的严峻挑战。与传统的课堂教学相比,网络教学具有丰富的信息资源、网状的信息呈现方式、时空开放性和广泛的交互性等特点,这些特点为创建建构主义的学习环境提供了理性的条件,使得计算机支持的协作学习成为网络教学的主要形式之一。协作学习是建构主义学习理论指导下的一种学习策略,基于网络环境下协作学习强调通过网络让学习者合作来共同解决问题,这种学习方式对于促进学生开展各种高级认知活动和提高学生解决与处理问题的能力具有明显的作用。本文就基于网络环境下的协作学习进行探讨。  相似文献   

建构主义强调教学需要创设理想的学习环境,促进学生的自主构建活动。本文基于建构主义学习理论,分析研究信息技术在教学中对学生学习的积极影响。  相似文献   

基于建构主义理论的信息技术课程整合在中学的教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义理论强调以学习者为中心,充分发挥学生自主性的学习,在建构主义理论指导下的信息技术课程整合教学能够创造一个其他教学媒体和教学环境无法比拟的认知学习环境。本文从转变观念、建网建库、培训师生、精心整合等四个方面分析了情境、意义建构、协作等要素在充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和创造性中的作用,从而使学生达到对当前所学知识有效地实现意义建构的目的。  相似文献   

21世纪信息技术走向全球化,这告诉我们这些正处在信息时代的教师们在教学中要注重信息技术与学科课程的整合。在信息技术与课程整合中,要注重利用信息技术来建构一种理想的学习环境,把学生学习的主动性、积极性充分调动起来。那么,我们如何在语文课程教学中发挥信息技术的这些优势,从而促进学生学习能力的提高和学习效率的提高呢?  相似文献   

本文分析传统学习方式的不足之后,在信息技术与课程整合下以建构主义理论为基础构建了学生小组协作学习方式,并对其进行详细分析。  相似文献   

数字化学习资源是信息技术与教育深度融合的落脚点之一,是信息化时代教育改革的重要方面。基于"体验英语—写作教学资源平台(Teaching Resources Program)"的数字化英语写作资源的建设与应用,文章通过定性与定量的实证研究探索了数字化学习资源对提高学生英语写作能力的影响。研究结果表明,以建构主义学习理论为指导、基于优质平台的数字化学习资源能够有效地改善课堂教学结构,促进学生真实、自主、建构性地认知,从而提高文本质量、流畅性、准确性和丰富性,并改善写作过程。多元化、开放式、微型化、数字化的学习资源,对学生英语写作能力的提高产生了积极且深远的影响。  相似文献   

网络环境下协作学习的探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
当代信息技术向教育领域迅速扩展,使学校的课程和教学模式正面临前所未有的严峻挑战。与传统的课堂教学相比,网络教学具有丰富的信息资源、网状的信息呈现方式、时空开放性和广泛的交互性等特点,这些特点为创建建构主义的学习环境提供了理性的条件.使得计算机支持的协作学习成为网络教学的主要形式之一。协作学习是建构主义学习理论指导下的一种学习策略,基于网络环境下协作学习强调通过网络让学习者合作来共同解决问题,这种学习方式对于促进学生开展各种高级认知活动和提高学生解决与处理问题的能力具有明显的作用。本文就基于网络环境下的协作学习进行探讨。  相似文献   

Oral reading fluency is an indicator of overall reading competence. Many studies have claimed that repeated reading can promote oral reading fluency. Currently, novel Web- or computer-based reading technologies offer interactive digital materials that promote English oral reading fluency using the repeated reading strategy; however, paper-based English materials in physical classrooms are still used to train students in oral reading fluency because most students are used to learning environments with paper, pen, and face-to-face interaction. With the growth of digital pen technologies, developing an interactive learning environment that combines printed textbooks and a digital pen to support English-language classroom learning has become feasible. Thus, this work presents a digital pen and paper interaction platform (DPPIP) composed of a student-learning tier, course management tier, and teacher tutoring tier, in which digital pen technologies are integrated with printed textbooks and Moodle course management system, to support the repeated reading strategy for promoting English-language oral reading fluency, learning motivation, and learning satisfaction. Meanwhile, this work also examined whether the proposed DPPIP provides different benefits in terms of the promotion of the oral reading fluency to students with field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles. Based on the non-equivalent control group design in the quasi-experimental research, this work recruited two junior high school classes from Taoyuan County, Taiwan, to participate in an instructional experiment. One class was randomly assigned to the experimental group, which used the DPPIP to perform the repeated reading strategy in order to enhance English-language oral reading fluency. By contrast, the other class was assigned to the control group, which adopted the traditional paired reading method to support the repeated reading strategy to improve English-language oral reading fluency. Analytical results show that applying the proposed DPPIP to support a regular English-language course in classrooms had significantly positive effects in promoting the English-language oral reading fluency, learning motivation, and learning satisfaction of junior high school students. Moreover, this DPPIP simultaneously helped the experimental group students with the field-independent and field-dependent cognitive styles accelerate their oral reading fluency. Importantly, the oral reading fluency of the experimental group students is positively correlated with the frequency which the digital pen was used.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between students’ perceptions of the learning environment, high school performance, approaches to learning, and learning outcomes (generic skills development and course satisfaction). A sample of 74,687 undergraduates from 39 full-time regular universities in China responded to a questionnaire comprising four self-constructed scales. The results supported the reliability and validity of the instruments. A structural equation model showed that approaches to learning mediated the relationship between perceptions of the learning environment and learning outcomes. Specifically, deep approach was found to positively predict learning outcomes. Good teaching positively predicted deep and surface approaches, as well as learning outcomes. Student-faculty and peer interactions were strong predictors of learning approaches and learning outcomes. High school performance had weak effects on learning approaches and learning outcomes. These findings highlight the need of developing new instruments for assessing Chinese undergraduate students’ learning and have implications for improving undergraduate teaching in China.  相似文献   

利用2019年"中国本科教与学调查(CCTL)"数据,对中国高校工科本科生主动学习特征及其影响因素进行了实证分析。分析结果显示,工科本科生主动参与频率显著低于总体。不同性别、不同学校类型、不同年级工科本科生主动学习水平存在显著差异,男性工科生主动学习水平显著高于女性工科生,普通高校工科生主动学习水平显著高于一流大学高校与一流学科高校,大一、大四工科生主动学习水平高于大二、大三工科生。在影响因素方面,教师主动教学与教学满意度是制约工科生主动学习水平的主要因素,教师采用讨论与实地调研等主动教学方法越多,工科生主动学习水平越高。  相似文献   

朱珂 《现代教育技术》2013,(11):90-93,74
物联网、无线网络、移动终端设备等的发展促进了泛在学习方式的普及应用,但泛在学习矛盾、不连续、随意、无节制、流程短的特点对有意义学习的发生提出了挑战。文章使用凯利方格方法与小组协作学习策略,针对学习者现场观察到的知识进行知识获取,以实时投票机制产生小组共识,对小组内学习者的知识进行整合。实验证明,在泛在学习环境下,使用这种学习模式的小组学生在知识建构能力和学习成效方面得到一定程度的提高。  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated a situated learning environment implemented in an educational technology course where pre-service teachers worked collaboratively on meaningful real-world projects, assuming the role of professional teachers. With a traditional learning environment as a critical frame of reference, we found that the students in the situated learning environment demonstrated sophisticated problem-solving skills, exhibited metacognitive awareness, produced coherent artifacts, and showed high levels of motivation. The findings implied that if we want to successfully implement situated learning, effort should be made to promote a constructive learning culture, improve individual performance, manage students’ perceptions, and foster their positive attitudes.  相似文献   

大学生感知的课堂学习环境对其学习方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究应用对全国15所高校3013名大一学生的调查数据,探讨了大学生感知的大学数学课堂学习环境对其学习方式的影响.研究发现:(1)大学生感知的大学数学课堂学习环境就整体而言处于良好状态,但他们对其中不同维度的感知存在一定差异.(2)大学生采用的学习方式并不像传统上所假设的那样是单向度的,即要么以深层学习方式为主导,要么以表层学习方式为主导.(3)大学生感知的大学数学课堂学习环境与其采用的学习方式具有非常紧密的联系.大学课堂学习环境中"兴趣与满意度"因素是预测学生深层学习方式最重要的指标,"互助合作"因素也是比较重要的预测指标,而"难度"因素则是预测学生表层学习方式最重要的指标.鉴于此,本研究认为,大学课堂学习环境变革是转变高校教与学方式,提高高校教与学质量的一个重要突破口.  相似文献   

信息技术背景下的研究性学习资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国基础教育课程体系中一个独具特色的课程领域,研究性学习无疑已成为我国当前课程改革的一大亮点。信息技术环境是进行研究性学习的重要条件。先进的信息平台是教师开发研究性学习资源的独特工具;丰富的网上资源为研究性学习资源的开发提供了充足的素材;“信息技术与我们的生活”主题轴下生成了研究性学习资源;电子游戏活动资源的合理开发与利用是进行研究性学习的有效途径。教育工作者充分创设信息化环境,利用信息技术条件,可将信息技术与研究性学习课程整合,也可将研究性学习推向深入。  相似文献   

This study investigated perceptions of senior high school students towards the Taiwanese information technology (IT) classroom with the What Is Happening in this Class? (WIHIC) survey and explored the physical learning environment of the IT classroom using the Computerised Classroom Environment Inventory (CCEI). The participants included 2,869 students from 80 classes of senior high schools, vocational high schools and comprehensive high schools in Taiwan. This study had a mixed-method design in which both quantitative (WIHIC and CCEI scales) and qualitative (classroom observations and interview) methods were used. In order to have a cross-cultural perspective, the results of this study were also compared with the earlier findings of Zandvliet and Straker (Ergonomics 44:838?C857, 2001) and Zandvliet and Fraser (Learn Environ Res 8:1?C17, 2005), which involved Canadian and Australian students in IT settings. Further, we attempted to understand the influence of different gender compositions (all boys, all girls and mixed-gender classes) on students?? perceptions of the IT learning environment and students?? satisfaction with the IT course. Both the ??Spatial environment?? of physical environments and ??Autonomy/Independence?? of psychosocial environments were found to be indicators of students?? satisfaction with learning in IT courses, but physical variables as measured with the CCEI scales were not able to predict students?? perceptions of the psychosocial environment. Furthermore, relationships among students?? satisfaction, psychosocial environment and physical environment were quite different among students from classes with different gender compositions.  相似文献   

本采用了分层抽样方法,以5所高校的10个英语及非英语专业826名本科生为调查对象,探析建构主义“以学生为中心”的学习理论在大学英语课堂教学中的应用情况、学生对此学习理论的反映以及该理论实施对大学英语教学的作用。学生是学习的主体,大学英语课堂教学应“以学生为中心”,让学生在语言实践活动中建构知识,培养交际能力。  相似文献   

An increasing proportion of tertiary students are aged 25 and over, and many of these students choose to study at a distance in order to more easily combine their studies with their family and work commitments. Higher attrition rates and lower course completion rates for this group highlight the need for a greater understanding of their student experience. To explore whether age and mode of study impact on student engagement, satisfaction, learning and departure intention, data from the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement from 1116 first-year undergraduate students from a single New Zealand university were analysed. Results confirm the influence of student engagement on both student satisfaction and learning, in particular the importance of a supportive learning environment. The findings suggest that while older and distance students are less likely to engage in active learning strategies with their fellow students, they have a much greater capacity to integrate their learning with their work experience. The finding that these students are as satisfied as the more traditional-aged, on-campus students suggests that their experience is different, but not second-rate. Universities need to build on the strengths of these students as well as provide greater opportunities for them to form collaborative relationships with similar students. Limitations stemming from the timing of the survey and the inherent limitations of cross-sectional surveys suggest the need for more in-depth longitudinal work to understand the changing nature of engagement for these students and to explore why they engage differently with their studies.  相似文献   

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