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本研究以学生遭受校园欺凌为中介,探讨校方营造学校归属感及采取严格学生管理模式的措施对数学、阅读与科学素养产生的间接影响。以多水平中介模型为检验方式,在控制了学生水平与学校水平的干扰变量条件下,得到如下结果:(1)三种核心素养与关系欺凌有显著负向关联,但是未与肢体及言语欺凌有明显关系;(2)学校水平的学校归属感较高以及采取较严格的学生到课管理模式时,学生遭受关系欺凌的情况较为和缓;(3)学校水平的学校归属感较高,学生的数学与科学素养也较高,学校越严格管控学生到课的情况,学生的三种核心素养也较高;(4)学校水平的学校归属感与严格管控学生到课的管理模式会先通过降低学生遭受关系欺凌的方式对核心素养产生积极作用,部分的多水平中介效果存在,但是该效果在不同核心素养上有所差异。研究显示,学校管理在预防学生欺凌和提升学生数学、阅读和科学核心素养方面具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

校园欺凌的发生与学生的社会情感学习能力有关。对西部五省的4744名学生进行追踪调查,发现学生的社会情感学习能力越高,校园欺凌行为越少;社会情感学习能力能够增加学生的正向学校归属感,减少负向学校归属感,进而对校园欺凌行为产生影响。因此,通过实施社会情感学习校本课程,发展学生的社会情感学习能力,创建关心的学校氛围,增强学生正向学校归属感,减少校园欺凌行为。  相似文献   

通过构建家庭环境影响小学生学习表现的基本机制并运用结构方程模型、多元线性回归分析等方法对770名参与新教育实验“家校合作共育”行动和726名未参与这一行动的小学生进行配对抽样并分析,结果发现:家庭环境通过学生学习投入、学校环境等中介变量对小学生学习表现产生显著作用,学校环境能够直接对小学生的学习投入和学习表现产生显著的正向作用,家校合作共育能够显著改善小学生学习表现。新教育实验学校学生的家庭藏书量显著高于非新教育实验学校的学生,新教育实验学校学生在阅读表现和数学表现上存在显著优势。学校参与新教育实验“家校合作共育”行动的时间越长,其学生的阅读表现和数学表现明显更好。为强化家庭环境对小学生学习表现的积极影响,在兼顾学生性别、年龄以及学校所在地区等因素的同时,可通过打造家庭书屋、创建书香校园、推进每月一事、优化家校合作等方式强化家庭环境对小学生学习表现的积极影响。  相似文献   

为了解当前中小学生校园受欺凌和求助意愿的现状及其影响因素,采用自评问卷对888名初中生和小学生开展调查。结果显示:有43.13%的学生遭受过校园欺凌,言语欺凌的发生率最高,其次是身体欺凌。学生的求助意愿水平较高,他们更愿意选择告诉家长而不是教师,且在身体和网络欺凌情景中的求助意愿要显著高于言语和关系欺凌情景中的。性别、年级、成绩排名、自尊等个体因素与家庭经济水平、亲子相处时间、人际关系、班级归属感等环境因素是中小学生校园受欺凌和求助意愿的重要影响因素。学校和家庭可以从提升学生自尊水平,培养其良好的人际关系,增加亲子相处时间,创设温暖的班级氛围等方面入手来降低中小学生受欺凌水平和提高其求助意愿。  相似文献   

校园欺凌是青春期和成年早期反社会行为、暴力犯罪的显著预测因素,学校是防治校园欺凌的关键阵地,而教师扮演着预防者与干预者的双重角色。青少年感知教师公正性能否降低欺凌行为,又是如何影响校园欺凌的?研究者尝试基于认知—情感系统理论,探究青少年感知教师公正性对校园欺凌的影响以及学校归属感、道德推脱在其中的作用,通过对1,077名中学生的调查构建了结构方程模型。研究发现,感知教师公正性越高,学生实施校园欺凌的可能性越低,感知教师公正性对校园欺凌的影响通过学校归属感(情感)与道德推脱(认知)的链式中介作用得以实现。校园欺凌实际上是一种恃强凌弱的不公正、不道德的群体过程,学校归属感使得学生愿意遵守校规班纪等指令性规范,但是当感知具有群体原型领导者特征的教师不公正时,学生会将其作为描述性规范的标准,而将不公正辩护为群体内的普遍行为,激活将责任归咎于权威或强调群体决策的道德推脱机制进而实施校园欺凌。  相似文献   

校园欺凌严重影响着学生的学习和生活,是全世界范围内存在的严峻问题。对PISA 2018数据库中79个国家和地区的学生遭受校园欺凌情况与学生学业素养进行分析,结果表明:校园欺凌与学生学业素养之间呈明显的负相关,学生经常遭受欺凌率每增加1个百分点,学生学业素养平均值下降0.505分;校园欺凌对学生阅读、数学和科学素养的影响大致相同;威胁性欺凌行为最影响学生学业素养。结合我国校园欺凌的实际情况,研究者在查阅文献的基础上提出建议以降低校园欺凌在我国发生的概率并营造良好的学校氛围,更好地促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

为了解学校氛围对西部农村留守儿童校园欺凌的影响,本研究以我国西部农村地区的3569名留守儿童为样本进行问卷调查,考察社会情感能力在学校氛围与学生校园欺凌之间的中介作用。研究结果显示:学校氛围与留守儿童的校园欺凌存在着显著的负相关关系,与留守儿童的社会情感能力存在显著的正相关关系,留守儿童的社会情感能力在学校氛围与学生校园欺凌之间发挥着部分中介作用。为此,学校管理者应从改善学校中的物理环境、学习环境、同伴关系以及外部环境四个方面着手,营造支持性的学校氛围,以此提高留守儿童的社会情感能力,降低他们遭受校园欺凌的可能性。  相似文献   

王萌  赵伟 《江苏教育》2022,(32):43-45
改善初中生校园欺凌行为是一个涉及学生、班级和学校的系统工程。通过对初中生校园欺凌行为现状进行探讨,从中发现班级氛围、学校归属感和道德判断能力是影响初中生校园欺凌行为的重要因素,通过构建影响因素模型,并从班级氛围、学校归属感、道德判断能力3个角度提出相应的心理干预策略。  相似文献   

基于PISA 2018中国四省市样本数据,对四省市中学的校风状况以及校风对学生阅读素养的影响进行研究。结果表明:在校风的3个领域,四省市学生破坏性行为指数低于OECD平均水平,但校园欺凌现象需引起重视;教与学方面,四省市教师的教学热忱较高、教师支持较强,4种教学方式在语文课堂上发生的频率显著高于OECD平均水平,但导向型教学和课堂反馈对学生阅读素养有显著负向影响;学校共同体方面,四省市学校的竞争和合作指数均高于OECD平均水平,其竞争与学生阅读素养存在倒U形关系,学校归属感显著正向影响阅读素养,但学生的学校归属感较差。建议学校关注校园欺凌现象,坚持事后治理和事前预防并重,营造良好氛围提升学生的学校归属感;进一步优化导向型教学方式,同时注重反馈的有效性,以提升学生的学校归属感,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

为探究小学生与初中生遭受校园欺凌的差异问题,本研究采用问卷调查法,以甘肃省3个地市20所学校的1864名小学生和初中生为调查对象进行调查研究。结果表明:小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著性别差异,男生遭受欺凌的比率显著高于女生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著学业差异,学业较差学生遭受欺凌的比率高于学业优秀、良好和一般的学生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著父亲职业差异,父亲职业为农民的学生遭受校园欺凌的发生率明显高于父亲职业为市民、干部、教师、医生和其他的学生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著家庭经济差异,家庭经济情况不好的学生遭受校园欺凌的平均水平显著高于家庭经济情况很好的学生;小学生与初中生在是否住校变量上存在显著差异,住校生更容易遭受欺凌行为。  相似文献   

Research on the nature of and support for systemic sustainable innovation with ICT is converging with research on policy implementation and studies of school change and improvement to highlight the complex interplay of personal and contextual factors that enable and constrain innovation. In each of these fields, leadership has been found to play a crucial role in initiating and sustaining change and innovation. This leadership is not however the prerogative of any one individual but rather it is distributed over people at all levels of the system and across policies, practices and material resources. Leadership for innovation around and with ICT technologies is also distributed across time because of its substantial financial and knowledge implications. In this article, we illustrate the distributed nature of the leadership that supported teachers and schools to make use of teacher personal laptops accessed through the New Zealand government Laptops for Teachers scheme.  相似文献   

This paper traces the changing status of the school as a counter culture in the anthropological and historical literature, in particular from the moment when compulsory mass schooling assumed the function of ideological state apparatus in the post‐revolutionary 19th century West. It then focuses attention on what may be called the New School, which could be said to represent an evolved, postmodern embodiment of the social archetype of the school as interruption of the status quo. It emerged in the form of schools initially associated with Romanticism and with socialist libertarian or ‘anarchist’ impulses, and moved, if temporarily, into the educational mainstream in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the left sector of the Progressive Education movement, proliferated in the 1960s and 70s in various school reform movements, and is a constant presence today in the theory and practice of those schools that identify themselves as ‘democratic’. It is based on principles of adult–child dialogue and direct democratic practice. Examples that we have of the New School tend to be characterised by material and activity environments that value variety, emergence, choice, emotional safety, self‐initiation and self‐organisation; that are multi‐sensorial and polysymbolic; and that are organised on the principles associated with mastery learning, social learning theory and play theory—that is, moderate complexity and optimal cognitive arousal as exemplary conditions for learning.  相似文献   

我们坐在校车上,一路上学去。我们坐在校车上,一路上学去。从新期一到新期五的每一天,我们一路上探望朋友。车停下来上来一位新面孔。  相似文献   

The Knowledge-Creating School   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Moving into the knowledge society at a time when expectations of schools and teachers continue to rise creates an urgent need for better professional knowledge about the management of schools and effective teaching and learning. This demand arises in part because university-based researchers have not hitherto been very successful in either the creation or dissemination of such knowledge. It is argued that success in meeting this demand will continue to elude us as long as the conventional approaches to educational R&D persist. Patterns of knowledge creation and dissemination in high technology firms are suggestive of the conditions under which the creation of professional knowledge in education and its more rapid dissemination throughout the whole education service might flourish. The implications of this radical reconceptualization of knowledge creation and its dissemination in education are explored.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the conflicting principles revealed respectively by those who argue for the common school and by those who seek to promote a system of schools that, though maintained by the state, might reflect the different religious beliefs within the community. The philosopher, John Dewey, is appealed to in defence of the common school, though similar ideas are reflected in the developing comprehensive ideal in Britain.  相似文献   

The Play School     
译文:玩上学的游戏"再见,瑞奇。"比尔说,"我要上学去了,再见!再见!"再见,瑞奇。"琳达说,"我也要上学去了,再见!再见!"瑞奇说:"跳进来,午夜。跳到我的车上来,搭着我的车, 我们也要上学去了。"再见,莱格丝,"瑞奇说,"我们要上学去了。再见!再见!"  相似文献   

Nation', schools in Singapore are now asked to develop themselves into excellent schools. To support this change, the way that schools are being appraised has been changed since 2000. The school today is asked to do self-appraisal using the new School Excellence Model (SEM), which is adapted from a business excellence model. This article discusses the SEM, its major implications to the leadership and management of schools in Singapore and the areas still to be addressed in the implementation of the model. In particular, school leaders should focus on the substance and not the form of the SEM, be systemic in their approach to quality improvement in schools and truly lead the way by being the first believing and practicing member of this movement. Key Words: excellence, leadership, quality, school, self-appraisal  相似文献   

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