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What should be learned? How should it be organized for teaching? These seemingly simple questions are deceivingly political. Curriculum theorists are preoccupied with the politics of the first question at the expense of the realpolitik of the second. Instructional designers are preoccupied with the realpolitik of the second question at the expense of the politics of the first. I argue that conceptual distances between curriculum theory and instructional design are based on divisions of labour established during the 1960s. After decades of neglect, curriculum theorists, and specifically critical theorists, appear clueless when it comes to curriculum design and the realpolitik of their causes. When it comes to the realpolitik of practice their political causes are formless. Quite the opposite of critical theorists, instructional theorists nearly mastered the realpolitik of form but have no political causes. I argue that, to contradict the status quo of C&;I, curriculum theorists will have to dirty their hands with the realpolitik of form and instructional designers will have to clutter their heads with theory.  相似文献   

别尔嘉耶夫所谈论的“关”与自由问题息息相关。对他而言,美的问题实际是人的问题,它关涉到人与世界、人与精神的关系。关发生在精神的召唤与人对此召唤的回应之中,是人参与到上帝的创造中去。关就是在这种创造中精神对客体化世界奴役的斗争及胜利,由此人原初的自由向精神或上帝的王国抵达而成为真正的自由。在他的理论中,关由自由来解释,而关却解释着上帝的国度,它实质上表达的是别尔嘉耶夫对人的最高价值作出的判断和与其相关的使命意识。  相似文献   

阅读活动是间接交际行为,存在作者、文本、读者三极,阅读是三极的统一,即读者以文本为基础,与作者进行对话,这就是范化阅读,反之就是异化阅读。应当在阅读教学中提倡范化,正确认识异化。  相似文献   

文明是劳动的积累和积累的劳动,是人类智慧和汗水的结晶,是人们开创新的历史的既得力量。人类社会的进步取决于人类文明的历史传承与创造,社会个体的价值寓于个体自身在历史发展过程中对人类文明的传承与创造。历史的实现方式在于人们对人类文明的历史传承与创造。英雄人物在历史中的作用取决于其是否融入创造历史的群众运动中去。人类文明的传承与创造是人类历史走向进步的重要基石,也是人类历史得以延续与发展的社会基因。人类文明的历史传承与创造积淀成历史的现实与现实的历史,人类历史的演进与人类文明的传承与创造齐头并进。  相似文献   

康德责任论诠释及其当代价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康德以人是有限理性的存在和人是善良意志的存在为前提,建立了以责任和自由为核心的责任论伦理学体系。他赋予责任以三层内涵:责任是尊重规律而产生的行为必要性;责任是定言命令的内在规定性;责任是实践理性的道德自律。并将"人是目的"、"自由"及"至善"作为责任存在的价值目标,以思辨的伦理意蕴彰显了其责任论当代价值。  相似文献   

视觉是人类获取外部信息的主要媒介,视觉传达的目标不仅是完成简单的视觉信息的传递,更是要给人以情感上的感染和满足,实现视觉沟通。视觉传达设计就是要通过设计将视觉元素所包含的各种信息准确清晰地传达给受众,同时给予受众更多的审美感受。传统的观点往往将视觉传达设计等同于平面设计,但是随着社会的不断发展以及新技术的应用,视觉传达设计已经不能被局限在平面设计的范围内,同视觉媒介相关联的设计领域包括空间立体设计、动态设计都属于视觉传达设计的范畴。  相似文献   

劳动以对象意识和主体意识的诞生为前提,以内在的精神活动即思想为前提,劳动是外在化和客观化了的思想。思想本身就是劳动,是决定其他劳动的劳动,人是一种思想着的动物。哲学是思想的最高的、最彻底的和最纯粹的形态,思想规定了人的特殊存在方式,而哲学则规定了思想的存在方式。哲学活动的目标是要超越一切确定性、有限性而走向终极,追溯终极原因和认定终极意义,这决定了劳动的范围和劳动的目的。哲学还要反思自身和自我批判,其所具有的内在否定性,人因而能够突破种种限制而超越既定世界,不断创造出崭新的未来和理想天地。哲学是对世界和人生的最高"解释",这种解释塑造了改造世界的主体——人,奠定了人的内在世界,人内在的观念内涵决定了人外在地对世界的改造。文化世界是根据观念建立起来的,因观念的变化而提升和变化,哲学便是改变观念的活动,是改变个体心灵的活动,形成世界观、人生观。哲学的力量是本源性的力量,人的日常行为和日常所思由其所派生。人的力量和意志来自于内在的思想,来自于内在的哲学认识和哲学信仰。  相似文献   

It is known by entropy theory that image is a source correlated with a certain characteristic of probability. The entropy rate of the source and ? entropy (rate-distortion function theory) are the information content to identify the characteristics of video images, and hence are essentially related with video image compression. They are fundamental theories of great significance to image compression, though impossible to be directly turned into a compression method. Based on the entropy theory and the image compression theory, by the application of the rate-distortion feature mathematical model and Lagrange multipliers to some theoretical problems in the H.264 standard, this paper presents a new the algorithm model of coding rate-distortion. This model is introduced into complete test on the capability of the test model of JM61e (JUT Test Model). The result shows that the speed of coding increases without significant reduction of the rate-distortion performance of the coder.  相似文献   

书写形式和发音形式是英语大厦的原始基础,一切发展由此起步。词素是解决词汇问题的一把金钥匙,既有实用性,又有操作性。词汇,其实已没有抽象词汇,而只有具体单词的概念;或者更进一步,已没有单词的抽象概念,而只有动词、名词、形容词的应用概念。短语,是英语由词汇向句子过渡的必然桥梁,也向学习者敲响词汇搭配关系不可忽略的警钟。句子是各种短语的结合体,是英语学习的自然目标;更为重要的是,句子就是一部英语语法的载体,没有它,语法无从依附。如果说句子是英语学习的对象,段落和篇章则是英语应用的对象;只有通过段落、篇章的应用,学习者跻身国际社会的才干智慧才得以展现。英语学习七大步骤,步步是因,步步是果。  相似文献   

Victor Soucek 《Interchange》1995,26(3):241-255
This paper discusses the current radical changes in the Australian education policy. Central to the argument is the claim that the radical restructuring of the public sector hastened the loss of the possibility of any critical evaluation of national policy.The paper argues that this shift has been forced on the Australian state by the objective conditions expressed in a new realignment of the dominant transnational capital with the subordinate domestic capital, and in the shifts in a global capacity for consumption. The argument is underpinned by the claim that a new, post-Fordist (or flexible specialization) regime of capital accumulation is at present replacing the Fordist regime of mass production and consumption.The paper further argues that in order to achieve the system-preferred changes in the Australian education policy, the Australian government introduced radical changes in the production rules of policy formation. This involved a narrowing of policy making context and, crucially, an exclusion of voices critical of the shift towards economic reductionism.This loss of a critical sensibility constitutes the central concern of this paper. To advance the argument, in Part One, the paper discusses the relationship between the Australian state and the post-Fordist objective conditions of capital accumulation. Part Two argues that the lack of intellectual tradition in Australian public life was at least partially responsible for the easy passage given to neoclassical economics1 perspective in becoming a dominant public policy paradigm. Part Three locates the role of education within the context of the European philosophical tradition. It provides the link between critical sensibility, the project of Western civilization (which clearly extends beyond the modern vs. postmodern dichotomy), and the role of public discourse. Finally, the paper argues that education policy needs to take the issue of critical sensibility seriously. For this reason, it needs to be informed by a desire to go beyond the mere technical fit between graduates and the workplace, and allow itself to be inspired by new ideas, and new ways of seeing.Parts One and Two of this Article appeared in INTERCHANGE, Vol. 26, #2, 1995.  相似文献   

马克思对现代性问题的理解,在不同的历史时期观察的视角发生不同的转换。青年时期,马克思深受德国古典哲学的影响,是现代启蒙理性的信奉者。随着深入研究政治经济学和接触工人运动,马克思对资本主义现代性带来的普遍异化现象进行了严厉的谴责和深刻的反思。面对资本主义的残酷现实,马克思研究人类社会发展规律,重新设计通向未来理想社会的道路,形成了超越启蒙理性的社会理论。  相似文献   

The problem on the geometrc inequalities involving an n-dimensional simplex and its inscribed simplex is studied. Aninequality is established, which reveals that the difference between the squared circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex andthe squared distance between its circumcenter and barycenter times the squared circumradius of its inscribed simplex is not lessthan the 2(n-1)th power of n times its squared inradius, and is equal to when the simplex is regular and its inscribed siplex is atangent point one. Deduction from this inequality reaches a generalization of n-dimensional Euler inequality indicating that thecircumradius of the simplex is not less than the n-fold inradius. Another inequality is derived to present the relationship betweenthe circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex and the circumradius and inradius of its pedal simplex.  相似文献   


The purpose of the article is to contribute to the discussion about the relevance of existential issues in contemporary education. Analysis presented in the paper is related to the problems of self-awareness, becoming oneself and self-development. First, the author begins by depicting the meaning of human existence in the light of philosophy. The following aspects have been analyzed: being true to one’s own beliefs and values, recognizing personal truth, making existential choices and finding one’s own voice. A special attention is paid to the language as an essential, constitutive element of being. Second, the article attempts to consider some educational implications resulting from the existential approach to education. Some of the issues discussed are learning to philosophize and to discover meaning, the concept of encounter in education and the role of language in self-development. While describing them the author indicates that the ignoring of crucial existential questions in education contributes to spiritual vacuity in life of young people and reduces educational thinking merely to instrumental, pragmatic problems concerning qualification and transfer of communicative skills.  相似文献   

烦恼是法国女作家杜拉斯初期小说创作的中心主题。本文通过对此期几部具有代表性作品的分析,展示了作家对烦恼主题的集中表现。复杂的家庭关系、琐屑的日常生活、艰险的自然环境以及乏味的婚姻生活,是小说人物的烦恼之源。在烦恼的折磨中,人失去了对生活的兴趣,精神游离于置身其间的世界之外,感到孤独和寂寞。烦恼主题为这一时期的作品罩上了最初的黯淡颜色———灰色。杜拉斯在后来的作品中主题有所改变,但这一时期作品的烦恼主题可以说奠定了作家一生创作的灰色基调,同时也开启了杜拉斯创作生涯的灰色主题的序幕。  相似文献   

Gert Biesta 《Interchange》1995,26(2):161-183
Postmodernism seriously questions the possibility of the modern project of education, because postmodern relativism seems to undermine the very possibility of justification, bothin and of education. Some educators have therefore concluded that postmodernism is the proclaimed end of education; others hold a more ambivalent stance. Educators in the critical tradition have especially criticized the depoliticizing tendencies of postmodernism.In this paper it is argued that postmodernism should not be understood as radical relativism, but as the articulation of a tension between contingency and commitment. The concern for radical plurality is identified as the typically postmodern commitment. It is argued that this commitment can also be characterized as a typically pedagogical commitment. Educators, therefore, have at least one strong reason to stay within postmodernism.In order to explore in what way postmodernism might contribute to the emancipatory interests of education, an overview is given of the feminist debate on postmodernism. This shows that the emancipatory potential of postmodernism can only be put into use by political means. The question the is, what a postmodern politics might look like. An answer to this question is found in the work of Richard Rorty, albeit that the theoretical hard core of his position — the separation between the public sphere and the private sphere — is criticized for its ideological charcter and its rather unpedagogical repercussions. After a reconstruction of the private-public-dichotomy has been given, three consequences for education are spelled out, all of which center around the conclusion that postmodernism inevitably leads to a repoliticization of education.  相似文献   

艺术设计大概念的提出因其显著的“当下性”强烈地表现出现实的要求与历史的藕断丝连,它既满足了“工艺美术”的虚荣心,又给足了“现代主义设计”的面子。  相似文献   

在辅导员工作中渗透对大学生“三自”能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辅导员工作不是简单的劳动,也不是纯粹的管理,其中蕴含着多种教育因素。如何把管理过程内化为学生的自我教育过程,在管理中渗透对大学生"三自"能力的培养,是辅导员工作的内在要求。辅导员应帮助学生认识社会,培养学生的自理能力,同时增强学生的主体意识,培养学生的自学能力以及提高学生的自觉性,培养学生的自律能力。即要让学生"学会生活","学会学习","学会做人"。  相似文献   

Gert Biesta 《Interchange》2004,35(3):307-324
In this paper I explore different ways to understand the idea of community. Using the work of Alphonso Lingis, I make a distinction between the rational community and the community of those who have nothing in common. The latter community is the community in which we are all strangers for each other. I argue that the language of the latter community is the language of responsibility. It is this language that enables us to speak with our own, unique and individual voice. I argue that education and educators should be concerned with the latter form of speaking. Therefore, the community without community, which exists as the interruption of the rational community, is the most important, and ultimately the only relevant educational community.  相似文献   

模糊有效公式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对命题演算理论应用的局限性进行分析,并结合一阶谓词演算系统理论,对模糊一阶谓词演算系统理论做了初步的探讨,结合实例,给出了模糊满足的概念和相关的一些概念,说明了引入模糊一阶谓词演算系统理论的必要性,对实例的分析说明了引入模糊满足的概念和相关的一些概念的可行性.一个论断正确与否取决于所涉及的变元被怎样赋值,以及引出模糊有效公式.同时,通过例题更好地解释和说明了文章中的定义和定理,从而对模糊一阶谓词逻辑有效公式有了更好的认识.为我们建立模糊一阶谓词演算理论做了初步的准备工作.  相似文献   

20世纪西方教育思潮,对东西方国家的教育理论与实践均产生了深刻的影响,并在总体上引领着世界教育的潮流。纵观20世纪整个西方教育发展的历程,不难发现,各种教育思潮之论争,其实质乃是科学与人文、现代与后现代之争。20世纪上半叶,西方教育思潮的演进以科学与人文的论争为线索,而下半叶则以现代与后现代的论争为主要特征。  相似文献   

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