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批判性阅读是解决当下学生英语思维品质培养难以落实、阅读与思维剥离等问题的有效手段。激发阅读兴趣、理解文本大意、推断言外之意、质疑合作讨论、评价文本观点是建构批判性阅读课堂的主要步骤,而类比、疑问、慎思、群议、评价则是具体的教学行为。批判性阅读能使学生的语言学习、阅读能力提升和思维训练完美结合。  相似文献   

物理思维的批判性源自以质疑为本质特征的批判意识和精神、物理研究的质疑、物理理论完美性的探求、对“科学主义”思潮的反思是物理思维批判性的重要活动范畴.物理教学应注重培养学生的质疑意识和习惯、加强物理理论形成过程批判性的活动、在科学技术和社会关系教育中渗透批判性思维活动,以有效地培养学生批判性思维能力.  相似文献   

新课程标准十分重视批判性思维的培养,而质疑和反驳是批判性思维的重要组成。统编教材也非常重视“批判性思维”和“质疑反驳”在阅读和写作中的重要地位,在多处强化它们的实际运用。对此,教师在进行驳论文的阅读与写作教学时,应坚持读写结合,落实教材任务,拓展阅读空间,借力实践活动,提升学生的批驳能力,真正培养学生的批判性思维。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,培养学生的批判性思维能力逐渐成为高等教育机构本科教育的目标,批判性思维教学因而备受关注。尽管批判性思维已经被教授了很多年,但批判性思维是否可教仍有争议,批判性思维教学效果也受到质疑。以往学者们认为批判性思维难教主要是多数教师不具备教授的能力,实际上更重要的是缺少使用思维的“真实情境”。也就是说,教师如果希望学生掌握技能,应该帮助他们学习如何在不同情境下运用这些技能,以便对批判性思维的理论和应用有更全面的了解。这种情况在学科教学中尤为明显。白琳和巴特斯比提出的基于“探究”的批判性思维教学法能够针对不同的情境进行讨论,既包括学科情境的,也包括日常情境的。它涉及三个重要方面:关注一个问题、寻找不同论证和做出合理判断。  相似文献   

村上春树的小说《僵尸》以情爱为平台,借用“僵尸”,构建阅读期待,细腻而又真实地捕捉爱情唯美化、神圣化的另一层面,进而诱使读者一起对自身生存处境进行批判性审视和深层次质疑。本文试图通过解读文本中的“闭上眼睛“这一结局,来诠释作者对人类自身生存处境进行批判性审视和深层次质疑。  相似文献   

创新人才的培养首先是质疑精神和批判性思维能力的培养.本文以生物技术专业为例介绍了本科应用型人才创新能力培养的教学创新与改革的思考与实践,包括以学生能力成长为核心的人才规格定位与培养体系的设计、专业与行业结合的课程设置、大容量与前沿性的教学内容选择和训练批判性思维能力的教学方法等.文章同时介绍了该教学改革的初步成效与成功的保障措施.  相似文献   

理性认识中国大学教育的改革与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国,教育和医疗关系家家户户、国计民生,是社会舆论最关注的热门话题,人人都可评议一番。每年两会代表和委员对教育问题的议论更是层出不穷,其中既有学术性、建设性意见,更多是批判性、质疑性的看法。杨振宁博士和丘成桐教授就曾经从不同的范畴和角度对中国大学本科基础教育质量作出了完全不同的评价。在中国最难当的官员大概就数教育部长和卫生部长了。  相似文献   

大学英语阅读教学中如何培养学生批判意识非常重要,而批判性阅读是培养批判意识的重要途径.本文简述了批判性阅读及其蕴涵,讨论了在阅读教学中批判意识培养的策略,这些策略分为课前、课内和课后三个阶段,其重点在于分析、质疑和评价;强调指出批判意识的培养在英语阅读教学中是不可忽视的.  相似文献   

批判性阅读与过去我国语文教学中长期盛行的灌输式被动性阅读有着本质的区别。批判性阅读恢复了学生的主体地位,是对被动性阅读的颠覆,是阅读方式的革命。批判性阅读具有独立性、质疑性、分析性、建设性四个特点。培养批判性阅读能力的主要途径有:平等对话、引导质疑、自主探究与合作探究、自我调节。  相似文献   

传统的小学数学教学比较偏重单一对错的答案,较少关注学生批判性思维能力的培养。学生的学习方式以被动接受为主,对书本上的知识与教师的讲解惟命是从,质疑批判、求异创新等行为方式与态度在学生身上很少体现。因此,无法造就高素质的创造人才。《数学课程标准》非常注重对学生进行问题解决能力的培养。然而,问题的分析与解决是建立在质疑的基础之上的,而对数学学习活动的质疑,源于学生对数学学习的批判性思考。可见,在小学数学教学中引导学生质疑,是培养学生批判性思维能力的最佳切入点。根据笔者的教学实践,引导学生质疑可从如下几方面做起…  相似文献   

杨军  张弢 《教育教学论坛》2020,(17):149-150
大数据时代已经到来,随着"微课"的不断发展以及教育技术的飞速进步,学习者的学习方式正在慢慢发生改变,"微学习"正成为新型的学习方式。虽然与传统学习方式不同,但为提高学习效率,"微学习"的目标应和传统学习目标基本一致,应以知识积累和思维认知能力的共同提高为最终目标。该文将引入传统理论如布鲁姆的教育目标分类学、米特斯特拉斯和米勒的知识观以及鲍姆加特纳的思维理论等进行阐述,阐明"微学习"首先应该完成基于思维思考过程的个人知识管理和个人知识构建,达成一种思与知双位提升,最终上升至智慧的层面。  相似文献   

Problem‐based learning using authentic material from the web was used to teach metabolism in a biochemistry course. In place of traditional lectures, students’ analyzed health or nutrition articles from newspapers and magazines, which were debatable from a scientific point of view, following the principles of problem‐based learning. A mixed method was used to assess the students’ perception, use of sources of information and web services while performing the task, and changes in self‐directed learning. Students’ perception was particularly positive. The majority stated that the methodology helped them to apply knowledge to real life and that they learned about the topic analyzed by their group. The perception that problem‐based learning promotes the ability to solve problems, critical thinking, and collaborative work is noteworthy. Tutors considered that teams identified the problem and concluded correctly, noticing students’ enthusiasm and motivation. The methodology also promoted scientific reading. More importantly, a significant improvement in self‐directed learning of the 2014 cohort was detected. This intervention suggests that this methodology is a valuable alternative to motive and promote self‐learning; representing an opportunity to shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. The design of the activity and materials are described in detail. Also, limitations and solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments are essential for both doing science and learning science. The aim of the German youth science fair, Jugend forscht, is to encourage scientific thinking and inquiry methods such as experimentation. Based on 57 interviews with participants of the competition, this study summarises students’ conceptions and steps of learning about experimentation, taking into account age disparities. Five distinct subdomains of learning were identified in which learning processes may occur. These subdomains are procedure, purpose, material, control, and time. The three separate age groups used slightly different concepts but all the participants took the same or very similar steps of learning independent of their age. Two main reasons for conceptual developments could be detected: Firstly, the participating students had the opportunity to work using methodology similar to the commonly accepted scientific path of knowledge. Secondly, due to communication processes during the competition, a purposive reflection of their own project was promoted. With respect to different educational levels, experimentation proves to be a complex scientific framework that will be learnt step by step throughout students’ education. We therefore argue for a stronger anchoring of research experiments embedded in open or authentic inquiry to be included in science lessons at school.  相似文献   

科学写作是将学生的科学理解和科学思维过程具体化为外在表征的过程,对学生的科学学习具有重要价值。知识转换模型作为解释学生科学写作心理过程的理论框架,有效揭示了写作促进学生学习的认知过程。与知识陈述模型相比,基于知识转换模型的科学写作更有助于促进学生生成与建构新知识,凸显学生的科学思维和科学理解。基于知识转换模型的科学写作需要教师明确科学写作目的,以合作者身份参与学生写作;引导学生设定科学写作目标,形成任务的心理表征;指导学生在科学写作的体裁与功能之间建立联系,激活问题空间;为学生设计多样化的作品读者,推动知识转换的进程;重视对学生科学写作过程的评价。  相似文献   

Inquiry-based lessons have been demonstrated to improve children’s scientific thinking (i.e. reasoning abilities and domain-specific knowledge). Although empirical evidence shows that inquiry-based learning requires instruction, research comes from two approaches that have not been bridged yet: direct instruction of scientific reasoning and teacher training of verbal support. We investigated how these two types of instruction separately or combined strengthened children’s scientific thinking by comparing four conditions: baseline, direct instruction, verbal support, and a combined approach. Effectiveness of an inquiry-based lesson series on scientific reasoning abilities, vocabulary, and domain-specific knowledge (near and far transfer) were studied among 301 fourth graders. Results showed that both approaches strengthened different components of scientific reasoning abilities, and that a combination of instructions was most effective for scientific reasoning abilities, vocabulary, and domain-specific knowledge. Domain-specific knowledge acquisition was strengthened only when both instructions were provided. It can thus be concluded that each type of instruction has unique contributions to children’s science learning and that these instructions complement each other. Our study thus showed that inquiry-based lesson series when preceded by direct instruction of scientific reasoning and scaffolded with verbal support are most effective.  相似文献   

The zones framework conceived for the examination of thinking about teaching, is validated, and extended to the examination of thinking about learning. This is done by extending the framework to examine thinking about teaching and learning in a population of science graduate student teaching assistants. Semi‐structured interviews explore these students’ teaching and learning experiences, how their experiences relate to their knowledge of educational theory, and how they have formed their ideas about what constitutes good teaching. The article demonstrates that the zones framework can be extended to thinking about learning, and that it is appropriate for examining the thinking of students as well as teachers. Recommendations for further research are made, including the exploration of discipline‐specific thinking.  相似文献   

关于加强对大学生学习方法指导的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前中国大学生普遍缺乏科学学习和思维、研究方法,加强学习方法的指导,是提高学习效率,尤其是提升大学生素质的重要途径.需要从宏观和具体的层面加强对学生学习方法的指导,促使学生借鉴古今读书、研究之法,以有利于大学生的知识学习和能力培养.  相似文献   

学生的深度学习是以学生的知识理解与运用为价值取向,以培养学生的高阶思维能力和问题解决能力为目标的一种学习。但知识论证不充足、知识点状分布、绝对真理知识观等表层知识教学已偏离了学习的本质及价值,产生了知识教学阻滞深度学习的困局。教学推理是教师根据已知教学条件及个体情境认知,确定问题并生成教学策略的连续性思维活动。它克服了以往僵化的教学方式,为促进深度学习提供可能逻辑。其中,学科知识逻辑能促进学习触及知识的意义世界,学生经验逻辑能促进学习进入学生的心灵世界,实践自为逻辑能促进学习关联自我的生活世界。最后,促进深度学习的教学推理策略应着力于以"批判与交融"为取向的教学理解,形成以"联结与转化"为纽带的教学逻辑,开展以"假设与证据"为核心的课堂论证教学,创设以"推断与评估"为特质的教学情境。  相似文献   

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