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境内外学生对网上学习环境的评价之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球范围内网上教学越来越成为主要的教学模式之一.然而,我国内地和境外的高等院校建构了怎样的网上学习环境呢?本研究邀请具有网上教学经验的四所内地高校和七所境外高校参加,采用问卷调查和比较研究的方法,通过学生对网上学习环境的评价,比较我国内地和境外高等院校的网上学习环境.本调查收回有效问卷2,311份,内容包括八个方面:技术支持、教学设计、内容设计、网站设计、灵活性、学生互动、教师支持,以及学习评估.研究表明,我国内地和境外高校建立的网上学习环境都注重到了以上八个层面的主题,然而,内地的高校提供更多的是技术支持,而境外高校在教学设计、课程设计、网站设计、灵活性等方面则给予了更多的重视.作者希望,本研究结果能有助于远程教育机构改进网上学习环境,增进网上教学的效果.  相似文献   

In universities, development as a teacher may be contradicted with developing as a researcher. Most previous studies have investigated pedagogical development merely as a result of pedagogical training and ignored the dual teacher-researcher identity. This study examines what kind of meaningful experiences are perceived to have triggered and influenced the process of developing as a teacher in the fields of science and technology. The data were gathered by interviewing 10 academics who had participated in a pedagogical training offered by a Finnish technical university between 1999 and 2009. Based on a narrative analysis utilizing dimensions of transformative learning, the results highlight the influence of the working environment and experiences, and imply that teacher development process in the fields of science and technology can be better understood in terms of becoming a teacher, rather than as a continual, conscious development process. The resulting teacher-researcher identity provides a basis for pedagogical development.  相似文献   

学习的选择性强弱和自由度大小的不同,是武汉大学和哈佛大学物理学专业教学方案之间的根本差异。而这种差异后面,是培养目标、教学思想、办学理念乃至文化传统的差异。增加学习的自由度,不仅是人才培养的客观要求,而且也是学术自由的题中之义。  相似文献   

可能自我是个体对未来自我的认知表征,对可能自我的理解存在过宽或过窄两种偏向。现有理论将可能自我划分为6个维度,可能自我具有正、负效价,对个体行为具有动机作用,其发挥与行为策略、社会认同及平衡可能自我有关。可能自我源自过去自我和现在自我,又借助归因参与对过去自我和现在自我的重构。可能自我与个体的自我图式、社会资本及生活于其中的社会文化密切相关。对可能自我的研究主要采用问卷法、Q分类法、访谈法及参与性生活故事法。已知可能自我对个体的学业、体态和健康具有重要作用。  相似文献   

有效利用信息技术促进远程人事人才培训发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机软硬件的发展,信息技术在现实生活中的应用日渐重要,如何利用网络平台提高公务员培训的效率和互动式教育效果,是我们致力研究和探讨的课题。文章就如何利用网络技术改变传统的培训模式,实现内容丰富、形式多样、订单式、菜单式培训,作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. And we are not quite sure what kind of statement it is to claim that the social dimensions in theories of mathematics education are becoming more prominent, compared to the psychological dimensions. In our contribution we will focus, after a brief presentation of the above claims, on this particular domain to understand the successes and failures of the development of theories of mathematics education that focus on the social and not primarily on the psychological.  相似文献   


The aim of the current study was to investigate to what extent children’s potential for learning is related to their level of cognitive flexibility. Potential for learning was measured through a dynamic testing procedure that aimed to measure how much a child can profit from a training procedure integrated into the testing process, including the amount and type of feedback the children required during this training procedure. The study followed a pre-test–training–post-test control group design. Participants were 153 6–7-year-old children. Half of this group of children were provided with a standardised graduated prompts procedure. The other half of the participants performed a non-inductive cognitive task. Children’s cognitive flexibility was measured through a card sorting test and a test of verbal fluency. Results show that cognitive flexibility was positively related to children’s performance, but only for children in the practice-only condition who received no training. These outcomes suggest that dynamic testing, and more in particular, the graduated prompting procedure, supports children’s cognitive flexibility, thereby giving children with weaker flexibility the opportunity to show more of their cognitive potential as measured through inductive reasoning.


“能力为本,通识为基,人文为魂”是安庆师范学院省级教改示范专业和教育部高校特色专业建设点———人文教育专业人才培养的基本理念。该理念以大学生的“成功”为立足点,核心在于提高大学生的综合素质,是与大学生“成长、成人、成才、成功”的“四成”教育相辅相成的理论体系。  相似文献   

舞蹈基本功训练,从某种意义上说,决定着舞蹈的艺术表现力,通过对舞蹈基本功真正含义的解释,从力量训练、柔性训练、稳定性训练和灵敏训练四个方面,说明舞蹈基本功训练与舞蹈艺术表现力及整个舞蹈艺术作品之间的关系,阐释正确、科学的基本功训练的重要性。  相似文献   


Recently it has been proposed that the distinction between education and training is becoming obsolete. This paper disputes that conclusion, arguing that it is arrived at by failing to distinguish the Increasing sophistication of modern training, and the cognitive and social skills that tend to accompany this, from a broader, ‘liberal’ concept of education. This concept may find itself in an inconvenient tension with some of the requirements of the economy, the view previously stated, therefore, with its emphasis on consensus and identity of interest, is seen as being problematic in a context where the ‘goods’ of the citizen and of the worker may be radically divorced from one another. Alternative definitions of education and training are thus Identified and shown to generate correspondingly different analyses of the current situation, as well as alternative curricular proposals.  相似文献   

The author comments on the lack of evaluation of population education, and argues that such work has been stalled by confusion over what population education is and what it is supposed to do. Contradictory opinions about what is to be included in or excluded from the definition of population education, and whether it should be "value-fair" or "value-based" are cited, as well as various opinions concerning whether the impact should be measured in terms of a difference in knowledge, attitudes, or behavior, over a long or short period. The author suggests that evaluation requires a series of research choices, and proposes a framework for guiding evaluation wherein choices may be made in several dimensions to specify exactly what is being evaluated.  相似文献   


Despite being regarded as an essential element in social work education, practicums are often arranged with little consideration as to what a potential supervisor can offer a particular student. This paper reports on the developments of the Content of Supervision Scale which can be used by university fieldwork staff to measure the supervisory priorities of potential supervisors. Three distinct dimensions of supervision sessions are measured: ‘student learning,’ ‘becoming a social worker’ and ‘social work theory and practice.’ Each of these subscales have demonstrated internal consistency. By matching what supervisors can offer with students' educational needs, the potential for student learning is likely to be enhanced.  相似文献   

"乡村教师"水平是我国基础教育质量保障的核心元素,"乡村教师"培训者团队水平对我国乡村教育精准扶贫及"乡村教师"的水平保障显得尤为重要,而乡村幼儿教师又是农村教育资源短板中的短板。文章基于受训者需求及培训课程体系的设计思路提出基于需求的"ACPR四维度"乡村幼儿教师培训路径、三大培训内容能力矩阵模块、四个培训阶段的"434"幼教培训者培训模式,创造性探索实践新时期乡村幼教培训者培训实践模式和改革路径,为更好地开展基础教育阶段教师相关培训工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

1992 will witness a big market for European engineers: but what kind of engineers? From what kind of schools? With what kind of diploma? What kind of freedom will there be for working as an engineer? Some answers are given from the French point of view. So many differences exist between European countries, that a good definition of ‘engineer’ is necessary. The French Commission for the National title of engineer (CTI) is very clear about the rules for becoming an ‘engineer’, and the need to avoid confusion in the European market and help firms. Good relationships are needed between ‘les écoles d'ingenieurs’, universities and professionals, to realize homogeneous courses and training throughout Europe.  相似文献   

随着青年教师逐渐成为高校的“主流”,对于青年教师的培养日渐受到关注.对青年教师培养应从职业道德(师德)的培养、对院校组织文化的认同感和忠诚度的培养、作为独立个体全面发展的培养、作为教师的教学能力的培养、作为学者的学术能力的培养五个维度进行.审视并分析高校中常见的培养方式,高校青年教师的培养策略为:以完善改进现有方式为主,着重补齐“短板”为辅;探索高校青年教师培养的持续全面的发展;相比于理论探讨,实证研究和实践模式显得更为重要.  相似文献   

The use of circle time is becoming increasingly widespread in this country, but what exactly it involves and should achieve is subject to a wide range of interpretations. Such a situation can make the identification of what should count as good or appropriate practice very hard to undertake. This paper describes three examples of the development of circle time in other countries. These models are used as a means of critically reflecting on practice here. Some key points raised are the importance of the relationship between theory and practice and between specific processes and their outcomes. Lack of evaluative research and adequate training are also identified as significant issues.  相似文献   

高职扩招背景下,如何采用企业新型学徒制培养模式培养出企业急需的高技能人才,为各高职院校面临的重大课题。河北能源职业技术学院矿产资源专业群采用“全程学徒、工学交替、岗位成才”的培养模式对开滦集团各矿一线职工定向培养。通过校企一体确定人才培养目标,采用灵活的“二二四八”教学模式解决工学矛盾,探索建设以职业能力提升为核心的课程体系。经学院与企业共同考核评价,培养效果好。  相似文献   

提高教育质量是高校发展的核心任务,教育质量提高有赖于高校教师的专业成长,持续有效的教学反思是实现途径之一。实践中高校教师对于"为什么反思","反思什么","怎么反思"等教学反思的动力及内涵问题的认识仍徘徊不前,阻碍着教学反思活动切实有效地开展。因此,应针对如何培育高校教师教学反思长效机制进行探讨和思考,以期提高教师教学水平,达到育人目标。  相似文献   


To what extent do differences in regulatory climate among states influence the satisfaction levels of campus managers? This study first measures the financial, personnel, and academic dimensions of state regulation, and examines the extent to which university and state characteristics have an effect on the regulatory climate and administrative flexibility granted to campuses. Second, the research analyzes the dimensions of managerial satisfaction and tests the hypothesis that the state's regulatory climate exercises an influence on the satisfaction levels of managers who are in functional areas impacted by state control. An array of organizational, individual, and work climate variables is used as controls. Atmospheres of administrative teamwork and interpersonal stress appear to exert the strongest positive and negative influences on administrative satisfaction.


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