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本文归纳了数学分析中求极限的十三种方法:1.利用极限的四则运算性质求极限;2.利用两个重要极限求极限;3.利用两个准则求极限;4.利用等价无穷小的性质求极限;5.利用函数的连续性求极限;6.利用洛必达法则求极限;7.利用定积分求和式的极限;8.利用导数的定义求极限;9.利用中值定理求极限;10.利用单侧极限求极限;11.利用级数收敛的必要条件求极限;12.利用泰勒展开式求极限;13.换元法求极限。对一些经常用的方法我们只提出,针对一些特殊的方法给出了典型的例子。  相似文献   

极限概念是微积分的核心问题,理解掌握极限概念是学好高等数学的关键。由于极限概念极为抽象,学生难以理解,所以,极限概念始终是高等数学的教学难点。本文从极限概念的本质特征入手,分析极限概念的深层内涵,提出一种分解极限概念的教学方法,降低极限概念的抽象程度,使学生更容易理解掌握极限概念。  相似文献   

极限是微积分中的一条基本线索.本文主要列举五种常用的求极限方法:1、利用单调有界原理求极限;2、利用两边夹定理求极限;3、利用两个重要极限求极限;4、利用洛必达法则求极限;5、利用定积分求极限.以此就微积分中的求极限方法进行归纳叙述。  相似文献   

极限是数学分析中的一个基本而重要的概念,极限的计算方法多种多样。介绍了利用泰勒公式求未定式的极限,利用定积分求某些和式的极限,利用递推数列求极限,利用Stoltz公式求极限,利用级数收敛的必要条件求极限,以及利用函数极限求数列极限的几种不同方法,并通过实例给出了一些计算技巧,针对不同的题型采用不同的计算方法,为极限的计算带来了方便。  相似文献   

极限理论是微积分的基础。只有深刻理解并熟练掌握极限理论才能够理解微积分的本质。至今,极限教学之难,仍然是一个大问题。考察微积分的历史,可以发现,极限之难,主要是如何描述极限。因此,在极限理论的教学中,要强调如何描述极限。此外,还归纳总结了证明极限的几种典型方法。  相似文献   

极限是微积分中的一条基本线索,本文主要列举了五种常用的求极限方法:一是利用单调有界原理求极限;二是利用两边夹定理求极限;三是利用两个重要极限求极限;四是利用洛必达法则求极限;五是利用定积分求极限。  相似文献   

极限是高等数学课程的基本知识点,求函数极限的方法灵活多变。总结了几种求函数极限的方法,并讨论了求函数极限过程中的常见错误,旨在帮助学生加深对极限理论的认识,更好地解决极限计算问题。  相似文献   

极限在高等数学中占有很重要的地位,两个重要极限又是极限中的重点和难点。本文从三个方面讨论了高等数学中两个重要极限的重要性及应用,即简化极限的计算、用两个重要极限推导出最基本的导数公式、两个重要极限在日常生活中的应用。  相似文献   

正一极限教学中需要注意的问题1一元函数极限教学中关注的问题对于刚入学的大一新生,由初等数学到高等数学的学习,第一个难点就是对于极限的理解。极限在高等数学教学中占有极其重要的地位,是以后学习微分积分的基础,所以对于极限定义的理解就极为的重要。首先,刚接触到的是数列极限,在讲解数列极限时要求首先是举例体验极限的概念,然后用通俗的语言描述一下数列极限的概念,最后再用数学的语言精确地给出数列极限的概念。这样学生对极限的理解就由直  相似文献   

极限的思想和方法是解决微积分问题的工具,极限定义教学是整个微积分教学的重点和难点,是学生学习高等数学的一道障碍,本文从极限概念发展的历史,极限定义的翻译,用极限的定义证明极限等三方面出发,厘清和阐释了极限定义的教学难点。  相似文献   

在现代英语语法中,语法学家从逻辑意义的角度将“分句”分为“限定分句”和“非限定分句”,这样“分句”的下住概念“非限定分句”的所指外延包括传统语法的“词和词组”等结构;从句法功能上讲。“短语”可由一个“词素”或几个单词构成的“词组”或“分句”来充当。因此,“短语”的所指外廷涵盖了从句法角度定义的“分句”的外延,“短语”是小于“句子”但大于或等于“分句”的语法单位,即“句子”〉“短语”≥“分句”。  相似文献   

陈毅元帅的战争诗词是20世纪生动形象的革命战争史,又是壮美深沉的民族精英心灵史:在审美上既重风骨,又富意境;在形式上古近体并重,且创作颇丰。陈毅其人品性高洁,风骨凛然,其诗亦然,是20世纪传统诗词当之无愧的大家。  相似文献   

所谓办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章拟就办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,针对办学实践中的问题,交流一点办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

The debate over the design thesis is often entangled in the dialectics of the practical and the theoretical. Whether the argument is waged and weighted in favour of a practical emphasis or a theoretical emphasis, or more insidious, a judicious balance between the two, what is inevitably assumed in the debate is the possibility of drawing and/or locating a dividing line between the practical and the theoretical. This article explores the inherent contradictions of this dichotomy, that make the traditional definition of thesis – a theorem or a hypothesis regarding the nature of the phenomenon under investigation – a problematic definition for architecture. Inasmuch as architecture is, in each iteration, a cultural construct, it is always and already the formal expression or embodiment of a theory. To avoid the tautology of positing a theorem about a theorem or a hypothesis regarding a hypothesis, the design thesis may be defined, not as a theorem or a hypothesis, but as an analytical posture assumed or a critical stance taken on the theorem that is or should be the phenomenon under investigation. In this case, the question to ask at the outset of a design thesis is not what patent ‘theory’ should the proposed building speak of, but what arcane theory does its type historically hide under the rubrics of ‘function’ or ‘practical’ requirements? It must begin, in other words, by de‐familiarising the familiar.  相似文献   

后现代主要并非指的是一种时态,而是一种思想态度和意识,以及一种崭新的思考问题的方法。师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在。根据后现代基本精神,本文力图重新审视教育过程中目前已被广泛认可的师生关系,从一种全面的、多元化、多层次的视角反思传统的师生关系,从而对师生关系问题形成新的有益的认识,即师生关系应从二元对立的主客关系转变为相互作用的共生关系,由单向的知识传授关系转变为双向的平等对话关系,从理性保障的师生关系转变为情感保障的师生关系。  相似文献   

冯契认为,一切概念都有摹写现实与规范现实的双重作用,逻辑原则也体现着后验性与先验性的统一.在逻辑理论的证成问题上,"概念的双重作用"要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一.有见于现代逻辑论证理论的普遍主义、先验主义倾向,非形式逻辑试图从后验性与先验性、普遍性与情境性的统一中去证成自身.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worthwhileness of 'being a learner'– a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential to understanding one's identity as a learner. Research suggests the human capacity to learn can be understood as a form of consciousness which is characterised by particular values, attitudes and dispositions, with a lateral and a temporal connectivity. This 'consciousness' has several dimensions which are all related to becoming a person, with a learning identity. They also enable the learner to become aware of and appropriate what is of worth and map onto the sorts of core values that learning communities espouse. Awareness of self and of one's own worth as a person is a necessary condition for 'becoming a learner' and for identifying and engaging with 'what is of worth'. Furthermore, a sense of self as a learner is formed in relationship, and understood as one learns to tell one's own story, as a participant in the conversation of the learning community. Character is the way in which we refer to that quality of personhood in which there is rooted the capacity to change and learn over time.  相似文献   

回归事实:用故事讲述新闻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻学的本质是故事,用故事讲述新闻是新闻回归事实的新取向。本文首先分析了新闻的本质是故事,然后阐释了用故事讲述新闻的意义,并从新闻采访和新闻写作两个层面论述了用故事讲述新闻的途径。应该说,用故事讲述新闻,在娱乐化的基础上提升了新闻的内涵,拓展了新闻的影响力,使新闻更具有魅力。  相似文献   

Doctoral students experience many challenges on the long journey towards completion. Common problems include: synthesising data, working at a conceptual level, clarifying the relationship of the parts of the thesis to the whole, finding a voice and completing a viva successfully. Few authors have addressed the use of visualisations to meet these challenges. This paper focuses on the use of visualisations in doctoral writing. It presents narratives about seven ways that visualisations can help students to make breakthroughs in their writing, namely, as an organiser of the relationships of the parts of the thesis to the whole, a trigger for peer discourse, a vehicle for conceptual work, a metaphor to express key concepts, a trigger for professional development, a visual aid for the viva and as a prompt for freedrawing and freewriting.  相似文献   

GDP本来是一个表征财富的普通符号,然而,一个时期以来,作为财富象征符号的GDP却成了人们竞相追逐并加以炫耀的对象,甚至成为国家的最高目标。于是,作为人们崇拜对象的GDP反过来异化为人们的主宰,步入一条反和谐的不归之路。在内建和谐社会、外促和谐世界的大背景下,在失衡之路上狂奔的GDP必须回归和谐,确立新的和谐GDP理念。和谐哲学为和谐GDP提供了理论可能性,而和谐社会建构实践的展开为和谐GDP奠定了坚实的推广基础。作为和谐GDP三个维度的和谐产出、和谐分配与和谐消费,彰显了GDP的和谐向度。和谐GDP的“三和”之维.有利于营造出和谐心态、和谐世态与和谐生态,使和谐GDP客观上成为和谐社会的理想经济形态。  相似文献   

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