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一、变被动为主动主动性是现代学习方式的首要特征 ,它对应与传统学习方式的被动性。二者的主要区别在于 :前者表现为“我要学” ,后者则表现为“要我学” ;我要学是基于学生对学习的一种内在需要 ,要我学则是基于外在的诱因和强制。俗话说 ,你可以把一匹马牵到河边 ,但你没法强迫它喝水。因此要使学生自觉主动地学习 ,就必须促成学生由被动向主动转变。1 为学生营造理想的学习环境。鲁迅先生说 ,发现天才难 ,产生天才难 ,要有天才赖以成长的环境更难。因为天才只有在自由的空气中才能自由呼吸 ,戴着镣铐是无法舞蹈的。所以 ,教育的首要任…  相似文献   

具有学习天才的同时也具有某些方面的学习困难,这样的学生确实存在,但以往不被人们所认识,或是将他们看作天才儿童,或是把他们作为学习困难儿童。正确的做法是,应将学习困难的天才儿童作为新的一类特殊需要教育对象。人们不太容易理解这一看似矛盾的称谓,这是不足为奇的。一些专家至今仍坚持认为,应是各个方面都表现杰出者才能称之为天才。这样的话,一个8岁的学生尽管他能区分10 0多种昆虫,却可能被学校排斥在天才学生教育之外,因为他现在正阅读困难。许多教育工作者往往将不能达到本年级教学要求水平,作为诊断学习困难的标准。结果,一个非…  相似文献   

一、香港融合教育的政策与发展实施 (一)学生分类。香港对有特殊需要的学生分类非常清晰明确,如文化及语言差异学生、残疾学生、学习迟缓学生、天才学生、低成就学生、文化和语言多样性学生、其他处境危险的群体、遭受学校失败危险的学生等八类。对有特殊教育需要的学生分为:读写障碍、过度活跃症、专注力不集中(多动症)、弱能、肢体伤残、智障、资优、沟通障碍、自闭症、视障、听障等九大类。  相似文献   

李彬 《教育现代化》2006,(9):109-109
学业不良最初由美国特殊教育家柯克提出,与学业不良相关的概念主要有五种:即学业障碍、学习失能、学习困难、学业不良、差生。西方关于这一研究领域的最正式的术语是Learning disabilities。 在翻译成中文时,有人用“学习失能”,有人用“学习障碍”,有人用“学习困难”,有人用“学业不良”。“学业不良”已被我国学者广泛使用。“学习困难”主要是由我国学者在教育实际中,对广大差生研究过程中概括形成的具有传统意义的概念,后与西方“学习障碍”概念相充,成为目前我国学术界和教育实际中被广泛使用的概念。“差生”是我国在教育实际中被教育者广泛使用的通俗称谓。90年代后,主要因其有伤这一特殊群体的自尊心而使用逐渐减少。学业不良的相关概念虽多,但其内涵可以概括如下:①学业不良指学业成绩低下者;②造成学业不良的原因不是弱智,而是生理或身体的原发性残疾、心理、教育及环境问题;③学业不良学生存在某些特殊能力或有关学习的认知能力方面的缺陷。对学业不良心理学的研究对我们的教育教学工作有很大的启示作用。  相似文献   

学困生是指学生的智力水平正常且没有感官障碍,但其学习成绩明显低于同年级学生,不能达到预期的学习目的的学生。学困生通常有三种状况:第一是相对学业不良,以某一特定群体的平均成绩作为参照标准,明显低于平均水平的为相对学业不良;第二是绝对学业不良,以规定的  相似文献   

自本世纪六七十年代以来,随着科技竞争的日趋激烈,天才教育教学模式的研究逐渐引起了人们的注意,出现了诸如加速学习、加深学习、丰富教学内容等多种培养天才学生的教学模式,其中天才学生的自主学习者模式紧扣科技发展的脉博,对天才学生的培养有着独特的功效。天才学生的自主学习者模式最初是为了满足中学天才学生的各种认知、情感和社会需要而发展起来的,经过几年的发展、实施和评价,现在已在美国、加拿大的许多学校  相似文献   

青少年学生的发展类型与识别的有关理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前有关的教育实践和研究现状需要对青少年学生的发展类型研究进行理论上的说明。从青少年学生的身心发展和学习等角度,述评教育学、心理学、教育社会学等领域中的有关理论和研究成果,包括气质类型的研究、社会化发展程度的类型研究、同一性发展程度的类型研究、“习得的技能类型”研究以及天才学生的研究等。  相似文献   

<语文课程标准>积极倡导"合作"的学习方式,21世纪的学生应当"学会合作",而语文学习对学生来说,更需要一种群体的合作精神.  相似文献   

李萌 《中学教育》2002,(6):13-15
学习不良学生是指智力在正常标准以上 ,但学业成绩显著低劣的学生。为了转变学习不良学生 ,老师们付出了大量劳动 ;不辞辛劳地辅导功课 ,不厌其烦地教授学习方法 ,苦口婆心地说明学习的重要性……结果却往往事倍功半。其中的主要原因是注重学习指导却忽视了心理辅导。心理学研究显示 ,一些心理因素 (动机、情感、意志、自我概念 )与学习不良密切相关 ,因  相似文献   

浅论学业不良学生自我概念的成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前 ,对学业不良学生的学业干预研究在教育界日趋受到重视 ,这种干预的研究主要侧重于从学生的智能结构、性格特征、记忆能力、学习方式等方面寻找对策 ,并取得不少成果 ,然而依此方式对有些学业不良学生干预时 ,往往易出现事半功倍 ,难以见效的现象。这在我们看来主要是缺乏对学业不良学生消极自我概念的研究 ,因此要有效地改变这种状况 ,除了从学业不良学生的智能结构、性格特征、记忆能力等方面寻找原因和对策外 ,还需要研究学业不良学生不良自我概念的形成原因 ,并相应地寻找对策 ,才能标本兼治 ,有效地提高学业不良学生的学业成绩。一…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between identified gifted adolescents and adolescents not identified as gifted in terms of social acceptance and self-concept (peer relations, academic, and general). In addition, we aimed to investigate the differences between two groups of students identified according to different identification criteria (i.e. intelligence test and teacher assessment), and whether the relationship between students’ giftedness and the indicators of their social adjustment was moderated by gender. A total of 404 Slovenian elementary school students (191 males; 47%, 213 females; 53%) participated in the study; among them 85 (21%) were identified as gifted. No significant differences were found between gifted and non-gifted students in positive sociometric nominations and social preference; gifted students received less negative nominations and had lower social impact, but were assessed as more socially accepted by their teachers. Gifted students reported higher academic and general but not peer relations self-concept. No differences in social acceptance and self-concept were found between the groups of gifted students identified with regard to different identification criteria. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between gender and giftedness for peer relations self-concept. The results indicate the importance of investigating individual differences among gifted students in future studies.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine which of 13 giftedness identification measures discriminated between gifted and non-gifted students, and to explore whether these measures discriminated against gifted students in groups such as the economically disadvantaged and/or ethnic minorities. The investigated variables took the form of a design where the dependent measures were the 13 identification measures and the independent variable was 3 levels or groups of second- and third-grade students. Discriminate and classification analyses were the statistical techniques used to respond to the questions of the study. Measures of scholastic aptitude, giftedness potential assessment (learning and creativity), student peer identification, and locus of control were found to be sensitive discriminators of giftedness. Giftedness potential assessment-creativity and learning, basic skills-math, and locus of control were found to discriminate least among economically disadvantaged and/or minority students. Measures of teacher judgmental, student self, and parent perceptual identification appeared to be insensitive discriminators of giftedness and seemed to be somewhat biased toward economically disadvantaged and/or minority students.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago, psychologists first described gifted students with learning disabilities (LD). In the past decade, several sets of identification criteria have been proposed for this population. Many of the suggested assessment practices are unsupported by research in psychoeducational assessment, and some have been directly contradicted by recent research. We argue that an uncritical acceptance of the concept of concomitant giftedness and LD has led to unsound identification procedures and to interventions that are not targeted properly. Specific recommendations for future research and implications for current clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study involved an adaptation and evaluation of the Munich differential diagnostic instrument for the identification of gifted and highly gifted schoolchildren (KFT). An analysis was carried out of the relationship between various forms of giftedness and actual performance. A two step procedure was applied to select gifted students using a Teachers' Checklist, the KFT and tests of creativity. About 70 gifted youngsters were selected from 600 students. The label “gifted” was used for the top 6%‐10%, “highly gifted” for the top 3%–5% and “extremely gifted” for the highest scoring members of the group. The control group (70 unselected students) was investigated with the same methods. There were clear differences between the gifted, highly gifted and extremely gifted students in every domain of giftedness. Different forms of giftedness developed in the students during the three year period.  相似文献   

After over two decades of discussions regarding the identification of giftedness among non‐traditional populations in the United States, the issues remain the same. Many students continue to be under represented in programs for the gifted because of traditional assessment instruments used to identify gifted students. Moreover, the sociocultural influences on giftedness still have not been integrated into the identifying process. This article presents the efforts of a project responding to the need for culturally relevant alternatives to present assessment practices in the identification of giftedness among the rural Mexican American population in the southwest United States.  相似文献   

As culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse students continue to be underrepresented in gifted programs, the beliefs that frame teacher perceptions of giftedness remain an important area of focus. Literature indicates that a lack of gifted-specific coursework in teacher preparation programs may sustain ill-formed preconceptions regarding giftedness, leading new teachers to rely on bias and stereotypic thinking when nominating students for gifted identification. Furthermore, deficit thinking and colorblind racial attitudes may interfere with the implementation of culture-fair identification practices and the implementation of multicultural pedagogy meant to elicit unique strengths and engage culturally diverse students. This article explores these barriers to equitable programming and concludes with broad recommendations for school psychologists in advocating for traditionally underrepresented gifted students.  相似文献   


Although outcome‐based education (OBE) is currently a popular reform movement, it is difficult to describe because of its many versions. Central to all interpretations, however, is a commitment to equity and excellence in learning for all students—particularly the traditional “have nots.” Whether OBE currently achieves these goals is not so clear, and its ramifications for gifted programs may be not only an operational definition of giftedness that expands opportunities, but also potential losses for bright students who, for whatever reasons, do not meet criteria for enrichments. These ramifications should pose concerns for gifted educators.  相似文献   

This paper explores the school psychologist's role in the academic and psychosocial development of students identified as gifted and talented via curriculum. Given the school psychologists' assessment expertize, they can inform the identification to service placement process for students, including advocacy for curricular and instructional opportunities that best meet the student's needs. We discuss modern conceptualizations of giftedness and talent development, the function of curriculum and instruction in meeting the needs of students who are gifted and the school psychologist's role in identifying which curricular adaptations are appropriate for students based on learner data. We also discuss how a school psychologist can work with educators to support the needs of twice exceptional learners and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning students and recommend professional learning opportunities for school psychologists to remain abreast of current issues in gifted education.  相似文献   

One of the principle reasons responsible for the fact that nurturing the gifted and talented in Germany has (once again) advanced to a pedagogic concern in the 1990’s lies in the dichotomy of equality and excellence. Are these two pedagogic goals actually incompatible, as often maintained in open discussions? After a long period of oscillation between these two poles, in the age of information a new emphasis has increasingly been placed on excellence. “It becomes more and more important for bright students to be using their abilities to stimulate this new era with economic and political productivity. But this will not happen if the current ‘laissez faire’ approach to gifted students continues into the next decade”(Gallagher, 2000, p. 691). Following a short definition of giftedness and related conceptions, arguments for gifted education stemming from the areas of learning psychology and instructional psychology will be discussed. The central problems concerning identification and programming will then be addressed in greater detail. Hypotheses will be developed, on the basis of the ATI model that gifted students need creative, stimulating learning environments. Various approaches will be presented here and discussed in the context of TIMSS and PISA. The second part of the article will deal with guidance and counseling issues with respect to the special needs of gifted children and adolescents and their social contact persons (peers, parents, teachers). In conclusion, German program evaluation, studies in the fields of gifted education, counseling and nurturing giftedness and talent will be presented. The outcomes of these studies and their consequences for improvements for the quality of gifted and talented education and counseling in Germany will be discussed. Excellence is one of the most important educational-psychological challenges of the new century.  相似文献   

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