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战士和民兵的投掷手榴弹训练是战术训练的基本科目之一,是要求必须过硬的训练科目,战士们为了完成训练任务达到良好的成绩(即既能投较远的投程,又能准确投中目标)在训练中有时会出现急于争取在短期内达到较远投程而未能按照训练规程而循序渐进,因而发生有如预备动作不完整,用力过猛,投弹动作错误等等原因而发生投弹伤,这类伤员在部队医院或地方医院已不是少见,我们除在医院中见到投弹伤外,还在  相似文献   

投掷手榴弹技术的运动学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用运动生物力学影像测试图数分析方法研究投掷手榴弹中肱骨骨折问题。实验测试共进行3次(两次实弹投掷,一次实验室模拟测试),测试数据表明:投掷姿势不正确是造成肱骨螺旋性骨折原因之一,特别应注意投弹臂的肘部一定要在引臂时从肩后往上翻。经常纠正士兵的错误姿势能避免或减少骨折现象出现。  相似文献   

手榴弹实弹投掷训练时心理素质的强与弱是影响投弹精度和远度成绩的一个重要原因。本文就在投弹教学训练中出现的一些问题和事件来分析论证心理智能对取得投掷项目训练成绩的重要性,并在此基础上提出了具体方法和手段。  相似文献   

投弹是军事体育的重要内容,也是“国家体育锻炼标准”的必测项目之一。不论在大、中、小学的体育教材中,还是工矿,农村的群众性体育和民兵训练中,都有投掷手榴弹这个项目。投掷是一个本能的动作。我们的祖先从猿进化到人的时候,最早使用工具的动作,就是用手投掷石块或木棒来进行自卫和猎取野兽充饥。当幼儿能坐起来的时候,也就能做简单的投掷动作。这种出自本能的简单动作,任何人都会做,但不一定都掌握了正确的投掷技术。投弹作为一种体育运动项目,要投得远,投得准,要在投弹时防止机体损伤,就有必须要研究和掌握最合理的投弹技术。  相似文献   

通过统计分析第60届军事五项世界锦标赛男子团体前十名代表队的比赛成绩,了解主要对手的成绩特征及我国队员现状,为我国军事五项男子团体项目的训练及比赛提供理论依据。主要的研究方法是查阅第60届军事五项世界锦标赛比赛成绩与相关资料,并访谈我国参赛教练员与运动员。结果显示我国代表队各单项和总成绩均居前十名之列;障碍、游泳和越野均位居前三名,射击和投弹排名相对靠后,在五名之外,尤以投弹成绩较差。因此,在今后的训练比赛中要关注主要对手,加强投弹训练,各单项均衡发展,是不断取得连冠的法宝。  相似文献   

皮质醇导致运动性骨折的临床病历研究(美)安吉洛A·利克特由于骨质疏松而导致的应力骨折,在女运动员或经常参加体育活动的人当中经常发生。这里有两例年轻女子应力骨折的病历。开始时仅是下肢骨折,随后骨盆骨也出现骨折。这显然与运动有关。确定这些骨折为柯兴氏综合...  相似文献   

冬季是老年人发生骨折的高峰期。有相当多的人认为,骨折是常见病,冬季发生骨折没有什么大惊小怪的。其实,这是一种认识上的误区,对老年人来讲,冬季骨折不可忽视。  相似文献   

运动损伤中骨折的紧急处理方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨折是运动损伤中较严重的创伤,特别是青少年学生,正值身心全面发展的旺盛时期,如在运动中发生骨折,它将严重影响生活和学习,造成严重的不良后果。因此预防运动损伤,防止骨折事故的发生,在体育锻炼中尤为重要。骨的完整性受到破坏叫做骨折,骨折有开放性骨折和闭合性骨折两种,骨折时伤处有剧烈疼痛,患肢丧失正常活动功能,并成畸形,伤部周围肿胀,有压痛。骨折的初期急救处理步骤是: 1.除去压在伤者身上的物体。 2.给  相似文献   

脊柱骨折是体力劳动者和体育运动中易出现的一种重性骨折.它分为屈曲型和伸直型两大类.前者占脊柱骨折和脱位总数的90%以上,这种骨折强有力的前纵韧带往往保持完整,但发生皱缩,通过整复加大脊柱背伸,前纵韧带由皱缩变为紧张,附着于韧带的椎体前部及椎间盘有可能膨胀,恢复其压缩前的外形.  相似文献   

学校体育中的骨折原因分析张健,孙伦英运动创伤在学校体育中时常发生,但一般小伤多,严重者少,骨折更为少见。虽然骨折在运动创伤中所占比例很小,一旦发生将会影响学生的学习、生活和身心健康。因此通过研究学校体育中导致骨折的原因,掌握其致伤规律,从而采取适当的...  相似文献   

肱骨内上髁骨折的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对54 例肱骨内上髁骨折患者经手法整复位。用超肘关节弹性小夹板及丁字托板固定稳妥,有利于早期进行功能锻炼,配合中药辨证施治,进行综合治疗,加速机体内成骨活动,有利于骨折愈合和促进功能恢复,防止并发症的发生。  相似文献   

During backstroke, an optimum shoulder entry angle of 180° has been anecdotally suggested; however, this has yet to be investigated biomechanically. The aim of this study was to quantify shoulder entry angles for advanced and intermediate backstroke swimmers. Six advanced (season's best?<150?s) and six intermediate (season's best?>160?s) 200-m backstroke swimmers had markers applied to the medial humeral epicondyles and glenoid cavities. Following a familarization period, participants completed backstroke swimming trials (90?s each) in a swimming flume at 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of their season's best 200-m velocity. A camera positioned above the flume recorded frontal plane motion, which was digitized and analysed in Simi Motion Systems. The mean peak angle between the upper arm and the line of progression was established in ten strokes for each participant. The results showed backstroke shoulder entry angles for advanced swimmers (170°) were significantly closer to the suggested optimum 180° compared with those of intermediate swimmers (161°). The non-dominant arm displayed values closer to the optimum (171°), while swimming speed had no effect on backstroke shoulder entry angle. In conclusion, backstroke shoulder entry angle may help discriminate between advanced and intermediate backstroke swimmers and may be influenced by laterality dominance, being independent of swimming speed.  相似文献   

By understanding the normal humeral and scapular kinematics during the kayak stroke, inferences about the relationship of kayaking technique and shoulder injury may be established. The purpose of this study was to describe scapular and humeral kinematics and to compare dominant versus nondominant symmetry in healthy whitewater kayakers performing the forward stroke. Twenty-five competent whitewater kayakers (mean age: 34.1 +/- 9.4 years, mean height: 1.768 +/- 0.093m, mean mass: 78.2 +/- 13.0 kg) underwent humeral and scapular kinematic assessment, using an electromagnetic tracking device, while kayaking on a kayak ergometer. Paired t-tests were used to determine symmetry. Scapular and humeral kinematic means and standard deviations at six time points during the kayak stroke were described. Scapular and humeral kinematics were shown to be similar upon bilateral comparison. The greatest potential for injury during the forward stroke may be at thrust paddle shaft vertical when the humerus is maximally elevated in internal rotation and adduction as subacromial structures may be mechanically impinged. The relationship between scapulohumeral kinematics related to injury at other time points are also described.  相似文献   

By understanding the normal humeral and scapular kinematics during the kayak stroke, inferences about the relationship of kayaking technique and shoulder injury may be established. The purpose of this study was to describe scapular and humeral kinematics and to compare dominant versus non-dominant symmetry in healthy whitewater kayakers performing the forward stroke. Twenty-five competent whitewater kayakers (mean age: 34.1 ± 9.4 years, mean height: 1.768 ± 0.093 m, mean mass: 78.2 ± 13.0 kg) underwent humeral and scapular kinematic assessment, using an electromagnetic tracking device, while kayaking on a kayak ergometer. Paired t-tests were used to determine symmetry. Scapular and humeral kinematic means and standard deviations at six time points during the kayak stroke were described. Scapular and humeral kinematics were shown to be similar upon bilateral comparison. The greatest potential for injury during the forward stroke may be at thrust paddle shaft vertical when the humerus is maximally elevated in internal rotation and adduction as subacromial structures may be mechanically impinged. The relationship between scapulohumeral kinematics related to injury at other time points are also described.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative arthrokinematic evaluation of the shoulder of throwers with internal impingement. The participants were six throwing athletes with internal impingement type I. The intra-articular position of the humeral head on the glenoid in the apprehension test pose was evaluated using three-dimensional reconstructions obtained on medical images. Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, external rotation gain, and the difference in posterior shoulder tightness were assessed goniometrically. No abnormal translation behaviour of the humeral head on the glenoid could be demonstrated, with a posterior positioning of the humeral head in relation to the centre of the glenoid of ?6.6±0.9 mm and a superior positioning of +2.3±1.5 mm, despite the presence of a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit between the throwing shoulder and the contralateral shoulder of ?26.3±7.2° and a difference in posterior shoulder tightness of ?6.7±2.9 cm. In conclusion, the results do not support the biomechanically based hypotheses relating internal impingement at the end of the late preparatory phase of throwing with an increased posterior-superior or anterior-inferior glenohumeral translation. Instead, the results favour a physiological cause of symptomatic internal impingement.  相似文献   


The topspin tennis forehand drive has become a feature of modern game; yet, as compared to the serve, there has been little research analysing its kinematics. This is surprising given that there is considerably more variation in the execution of the topspin forehand. Our study is the first to examine the amplitude of upper limb joint rotations that produce topspin in the forehand drives of 14 male competitive tennis players using video-based motion analysis. Humerothoracic abduction (-)/adduction (+), extension (-) /flexion (+), and external (-)/internal (+) rotation, elbow extension (-) /flexion (+) and forearm supination (-)/pronation (+), wrist extension (-)/flexion (+) and ulnar (-)/radial (-) deviation were computed. Our findings revealed that the generation of topspin demanded more humeral extension and forearm pronation but less humeral internal rotation angular displacement during the forwardswing. The follow-through phase of the topspin shot was characterised by greater humeral internal rotation and forearm pronation, and reduced humeral horizontal adduction when compared to the flat shot. This study provides practitioners with a better understanding of the upper limb kinematics associated with the topspin tennis forehand drive production to help guide skill acquisition interventions and physical training.  相似文献   

冰球运动是一项强度大、速度快、难度高并且身体接触频繁的激烈对抗性体育运动,也是一项对肌肉力量素质和柔韧性素质要求很高的运动项目,运动损伤的发生率较高。肱骨外上髁炎在冰球运动员群体中是最常见的运动损伤之一,主要是运动员经常挥拍击球有关,如预防和治疗不正确、不及时,不仅会严重影响运动员的运动寿命,甚至影响今后的日常生活。分析和总结了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎发生的病因病理,指出了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎的常见症状、体征和诊断要点,从多方面提出和论证了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎的治疗和预防措施。  相似文献   

研究目的 :了解太极拳训练疗法与普通运动疗法对踝关节骨折后僵硬的康复治疗效果的区别 ,进一步探讨采用中药熏洗配合太极拳训练对踝关节骨折后僵硬的康复治疗作用。研究方法 :将 40例踝关节骨折性质、程度、部位、复位方法及效果等基本相同的患者随机分为三组 ,采用中药熏洗配合太极拳训练作为其功能康复手段的为A组 ,共 1 4例 :太极拳训练作为康复手段的为B组 ,共 1 3例 ;普通运动康复的为C组 ,共 1 3例。经不同方法康复治疗 3个月后 ,采用关节测角器测得伤踝康复后的活动度 (主要为背伸与跖屈的角度 ) ,通过统计学t检验进行差异显著性比较。研究结果 :A组的效果优于B组 (P <0 .0 5) ,B组的效果优于C组 (P <0 .0 5) ,A组与C组差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :为了使踝关节骨折后的活动度得到充分恢复 ,关节不至僵化 ,中药熏洗配合太极拳训练同时进行是一种更好的康复疗法  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to determine whether scapular and humeral head position can predict the development of shoulder pain in swimmers, whether those predictors were applicable to non-swimmers and the annual rate of shoulder pain in adolescent swimmers and non-swimmers. Forty-six adolescent swimmers and 43 adolescent non-swimmers were examined prospectively with a questionnaire and anthropometric measures. The questionnaire examined demographic and training variables. Anthropometric measures examined the distances between the T7 spinous process and the inferior scapula (Inferior Kibler) and T3 spinous process and the medial spine of the scapula (Superior Kibler), humeral head position in relation to the acromion using palpation, BMI and chest width. Shoulder pain was re-assessed 12 months later by questionnaire. Shoulder pain in swimmers was best predicted by a larger BMI (OR = 1.48, P = 0.049), a smaller Inferior Kibler distance in abduction (e.g. OR = 0.90, P = 0.009) and a smaller horizontal distance between the anterior humeral head and the anterior acromion (OR = 0.76, P = 0.035). These variables were not significantly predictive of shoulder pain in non-swimmers. Annual prevalence of shoulder pain was 23.9% in swimmers and 30.8% in non-swimmers (χ 2 = 0.50, P = 0.478).  相似文献   

本文旨在为摸索髌骨骨折保守治疗的康复训练提供思维方法和实践体会。郑裕蒿在髌骨骨折后,通过10周的康复训练,恢复后1个月获得全国第十届运动会武术男子散打77.5kg级别的决赛权并在随后的决赛中荣获冠军。10周康复训练中主要采用肌力练习、关节活动度练习、耐力训练、神经肌肉本体感觉训练等一系列运动疗法,阶段性进行运动功能评定,制定一系列康复训练阶段性目标及预案。结果认为,骨折的康复训练计划以医学检查(临床表现、影像学诊断)、物理及传统治疗方法为前提,依据运动专项特点,制定阶段性个体化运动处方,会有效缩短伤病恢复时间。  相似文献   

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